Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


  • The citizens in the Tap House of Vault City will sometimes say "I am feeling double-plus good today. You?" This is a reference to the language Newspeak, of which, citizens of the fictitious superpower Oceania are increasingly forced to speak by the ruling totalitarian party in the book 1984 by George Orwell.[1]
  • Slaves at the Stables also repeat the line "Double plus good."[2]

2001: A Space Odyssey[]

3:10 to Yuma[]

Ben Wade is the name of the outlaw in the 1957 film 3:10 to Yuma.

A Boy and His Dog[]

In the film A Boy and His Dog, Vic refers to his telepathic dog (Blood) as "Dogmeat" on a single occasion. However, the whole post-apocalyptic theme of a boy and his dog is iconic in the "Post End of Days" game storyline.


New Reno prostitutes will mention Australian hard rock band AC/DC when revealing that they are up for another bunch of letters, "B n' D" (bondage and dominance/discipline).[5]


Occasionally, Wooz will blurt out the line "Ever seen a grown man NAKED?!"[6] This is a reference to a similar line in the 1980 film Airplane! in which pilot Clarence Oveur asks a 10 year old Joey Hammen "You ever seen a grown man naked?"

Apple Inc.[]

  • The Pear operating system is a cultural reference to Apple DOS, due to the fruit-based name and operating system use.
  • Apricot brand computers may be a cultural reference to Apple Inc. as both are named using a fruit. It may also be a cultural reference to Apricot Computers, a similarly named real company from the United Kingdom, which also produced personal computers in the 1980s.

Armageddon 2419 A.D.[]

Chuck Stodgers is a reference to the Armageddon 2419 A.D. protagonist, Buck Rogers.[7][8][9]

Army of Darkness[]

Random enemies will sometimes say: "You want a piece of me? YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME?!" It is one of Lt. Casey's taunts in the game. The phrase also comes from the movie Army of Darkness where the lead character, "Ash" says that (among other things) to various miscreants and ghouls.[citation needed]


Arroyo is the name of the town in Tennessee William's post-apocalyptic one-act play The Chalky White Substance.

As Good as It Gets[]

In Vault City, when the player character talks to Thomas Moore, the zealous anti-slavery advocate, they can end the conversation by saying "Go sell crazy somewhere else - we're all stocked up here." This is a reference to Jack Nicholson's character Melvin Udall in As Good as It Gets.[10]

Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery[]

The man in the bathroom in Vault City will occasionally say "Who does Number Two work for?!?!", mirroring a scene from Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery.[11]

Babylon 5[]

A low intelligence player character can refer to Marjorie Reed as Delenn, a reference to Babylon 5.[12]

Back to the Future[]

If the player character becomes a Slaver, sometimes, the victims will yell "Run for it, Marty!" This is a reference to the 1985 film Back to the Future.[13][14]

Big Trouble in Little China[]

  • Sometimes, while attacking, Sulik refers to his seven demon bag.[15] This is a reference to Egg Shen's bag of magic.
  • In San Francisco, the two martial arts masters who are vying for the soul of the town are named the Dragon, and Lo Pan. These two characters could be a reference to Wang Chi because of his restaurant's name being Dragon of the Black Pool, and Lo Pan being the villain of the movie.


One of the gravestones on the east side of the Den has the name of one of the co-founders of Bioware, Ray Muzyka, written on it.

The Blues Brothers[]

After recruiting Myron in New Reno, there is a dialogue option which says "It's 106 miles to Arroyo, we've got a full fusion cell, half a pack of RadAway, it's midnight, and I'm wearing a 50-year-old Vault 13 jumpsuit. Let's hit it."[16] This is a parody of Dan Aykroyd's and John Belushi's famous scene from The Blues Brothers movie:

-It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.
-Hit it.
— Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi

Boogie Nights[]

When choosing a porn name for the Corsican Brothers, one of the accepted names preset names is "Dirk Diggler," which the brothers remark that it is "a name so bright and so sharp, that it'll just EXPLODE because it's just so powerful."[17] This is a reference to the movie Boogie Nights whose main character, Eddie Adams, chooses the same screen name.

Cat in the Hat[]

When requesting parts from the Gecko storage, one option to Jeremy is a "moss-covered, three-handled gredunza." This is the plot device for the July 4, 1971 Cat in the Hat TV special.[18]



The image and title of the Lifegiver perk is a Vault Boy presented in a manner consistent with representations of Jesus Christ.

Chryslus Motors[]


The junkies of New Reno occasionally say "drink - beers - smoking - weed" and "snootchie boochies," phrases exclaimed by Jason Mewes' character Jay in the film Clerks.[19]

Come On Eileen by Dexy's Midnight Runners[]

In Broken Hills' residential area, the human woman in the hotel will sometimes say "Come on .. Aileen."[citation needed]


When fighting boxers in the Jungle Gym, they will taunt the Chosen One with lines from Commando. For example, "I eat green berets for breakfast."[20]

The Corsican Brothers[]

The Corsican Brothers are a reference to the novella of the same name by French writer Alexandre Dumas.

Damnation Alley[]

One of Cassidy's quotes is, "I hear they got twisters miles wide in the Midwest. It's a big ol' radioactive dustbowl now."[21] Roger Zelazny's "Damnation Alley" takes place in the (now usual) post-apocalyptic USA. Extreme weather, "twisters miles wide" etc., occur in the Midwest, earning it the name "Damnation Alley." The original short story was published in 1967, expanded into a novel in 1969, followed by a movie in 1977.

Dan Quayle[]

  • Daniel Bird is a direct parody of Dan Quayle, a former U.S. Vice President who served during the term of President George H.W. Bush (1989–93). Nearly all of Bird's dialogue comes from absurd but real Quayle quotes, or slight variations thereof (such as substituting words like "Enclave" into the quotes).
  • President Richardson's comment that Bird's spelling has improved in the time since the experiment that left him otherwise mentally impaired is another reference to Quayle, who famously misspelled "potato" as "potatoe" while in attendance at an elementary school spelling bee in 1992. Also, one can connect his name, as Daniel can be shortened to Dan, and Quayle is a type of bird.
  • Bird also mentions NASA in-game, referencing a real-life Quayle quote, stating that "space is still a high priority" for NASA.[22] Other parts of the series suggest that in the fictional Fallout world, NASA does not exist, with its equivalent being the United States Space Administration.

The Day The Earth Stood Still[]

Debbie Does Dallas[]

An individual at the Sierra Army Depot ordered a holotape titled Debbie Does the Army[25], which references the real-world adult film Debbie Does Dallas.

Deep Throat[]

An individual at the Sierra Army Depot ordered a holotape titled Deep Throat volume 1059[26], which references the real-world adult film Deep Throat.


If the Chosen One has a low Intelligence and is trying to gain an audience with Louis Salvatore, one line they can tell his guard, Mason, is "Oog make Mission Statement."[27] The line is an exact quote from the October 13, 1994 comic where Dogbert was lecturing about technological "haves" and "have-nots," to which the have-nots would still call the shots.[28]

Dirty Harry[]

The description for the .44 magnum revolver is an exact quote of a line spoken by Clint Eastwood in the film Dirty Harry (1971): "Being that this is the most powerful handgun in the world, and can blow your head clean-off, you've got to ask yourself one question. Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya punk?"[29] In the film, the .44 magnum is "Dirty" Harry Callahan's weapon of choice.

The Dog in the Manger[]

President Tandi refers to the squatters around Vault 15 as "nothing but dogs in the manger."[30] This is a metaphor derived from the Greek fable The Dog in the Manger. The saying is used to speak of those who spitefully prevent others from having something that they themselves have no use for.

Dr. Strangelove[]

Slim Picket is a reference to the actor Slim Pickens, best known for his role in the movie Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb as B-52 pilot Major T. J. "King" Kong. Kong rides a dropped H-bomb to certain death, while waving his cowboy hat as if the bomb were a rodeo bronco. The bomb explodes, triggering the end of the world.


  • Mentats are used to raise Perception and Intelligence; in Frank Herbert's Dune, Mentats were considered living computers that used Spice to enhance perceptive consciousness.
  • Primitives taunt the player character by saying, "Fear is the mind-killer" when an attack misses the target.[31] The phrase derives from the Bene Gesserit litany against fear.

Dungeons & Dragons[]

Myron mentions that Dungeons & Dragons, one of the most popular tabletop roleplaying games, taught him a few things about courage.[32]

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial[]

The film E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial is referenced in Gecko by its glowing one inhabitants, who extend a glowing finger out at the Chosen One while droning "Phone home."[33]


Fallout developers[]

Ever wondered why there is at least one Feargus or similarly named character in each of Fallout 2, Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II, Planescape: Torment and Icewind Dale? It might have something to do with Black Isle director Feargus MacRae Urquhart; there are close to a dozen names in these games derived from his (including Cassidy's original name, which shows up if you sell him to Metzger). Names of other developers abound, but none of them sticks out as much. "Smitty" is another ubiquitous cognomen - there are four of those in the two Fallout games, and there might well have been a fifth...The Nearly Ultimate Fallout 2 Guide by Per Jorner
  • Many tombstones, like in Golgotha, mention names of people in the Fallout 2 team.
  • The graffiti of New Reno has the names of developers such as T. Ray.
  • T-Ray is also the head mechanic in the Chop Shop, see below.
  • Bishop's men and Reno townsfolk remark that, quote "New Reno was designed by Chris Avellone and scripted by Tom French. Rumor has it they will marry soon."[46][47] Ramirez, of the Mordinos, will act similarly and add on that Avellone and French are "a coupla sick fellas."[48] The Wright teenagers mention New Reno's design as well, while adding on that "Tom plays in a band, and Chris plays with himself."[49]
  • Fluffers and New Reno prostitutes also mention that they were scripted by Tom French and remark that he has "soft, gentle hands."[50][51]
  • After the Enclave has been destroyed, when junkies are wasted and stoned, they will remark how they were designed by Chris Avellone and scripted by Thomas French, so they are technically not responsible for their Jet addiction.[52]
  • Miss Kitty mentions that just talking is called the "Kesting special," referring to Nick Kesting. This joke is about how broke he is and that talking is all he could afford.[53]
  • Reno townsfolk and New Reno prostitutes remark that they miss Tim Cain, who used to bake wonderful bread and then spank them like small children. They also mention that Feargus Urquhart "got a frowny-look on his face when he saw how many float text messages I have."[54]
  • New Reno prostitutes mention that Chris Avellone and Tom French designed New Reno and they are both sex gods, and that Tim Cain is one of their regular customers.[51]
  • New Reno prostitutes will remark how many strippers were at Feargus Urquhart's bachelor party.[55]
  • The addicts of the Den will question where Sasha is. This is in reference to Vince Denardo. Although he is one of Interplay's old producers, he did not work on Fallout or Fallout 2. It was a small tradition to have his dog, Sasha, somewhere in an Interplay game, in some shape or form. Sasha is normally placed in the special thanks section or some other place in most of the older manuals.[56]

La Femme Nikita[]

If the Chosen One is both female and a Made Man, Reno townsfolk will comment that they are "La Femme Nikita, then some." This is an allusion of the secret governmental assassin Nikita of La Femme Nikita.[57]

Final Fantasy VII[]

In combat, John Cassidy will say, "Wish I had a limit break..."[58] In the Final Fantasy series, the term coined in Final Fantasy VII, a limit break is a special ability that exceeds (or "breaks") the maximum limit of stats, like damage, mana and hit points.

The Flintstones[]

The prostitutes of New Reno may make a reference to The Flintstones in float dialogue; "I had to dress up like WILMA last night, fer Chrissakes."[59]

Flowers for Algernon[]

Algernon's focused brilliance and his name are cultural references to Flowers for Algeron, a sci-fi short story that focuses on a laboratory mouse whose intelligence has been increased through surgery.


When junkies are high, among their generic float dialogue is them singing "I…just want to fly. Put your arms around me, baby, put your arms around me, baby." This is a reference to the Sugar Ray song Fly.[60] This is part of the play on words theme of Jet addiction, with the drug being Jet, a Jet addict known as a pilot, and the act of getting or being high on Jet are Fly, Flying, Jetted, and Jetting.

Forbidden Planet/Lost in Space[]

  • New Reno townsfolk and casino patrons sometimes mention Robbie the Robot and joke "Danger, Will Robinson!", when the Chosen One wears power armor, which references the science fiction television program Forbidden Planet.[61][62]
  • The crashed vertibird robot that guards the vertibird and wreckage also says "Danger Bill Williamson, Danger!" in addition to "Does not compute! Does not compute!"[63]

Fourth Wall[]

Fallout 2 has several instances of characters breaking the fourth wall, that is acknowledging that they are characters in a video game.

  • In the Den, if the player character takes too long in delivering Smitty's meal to him, he will go and get his own meal. After this, within a conversation with him, the player character can break the fourth wall and ask for experience points anyway, and he will oblige.[64]
  • In New Reno, after the completion of the game, Bishop's men and Wright teenagers reference the yet-to-be-released Fallout 3, hoping that they get to be a major character in the game.[46][65]
  • Once the Enclave is destroyed, Mordino's men reference their audition to be one of the major NPCs, but that they only got a bit part and hope to not be typecast.[66]
  • When having a conversation about the Chosen One's sexual relations with Leslie Anne Bishop's daughter Angela, the Chosen One mentions that equipping the condom is not as obvious as one would think and it is a bit of "designer humor."[67]
  • When conversing with the Corsican Brothers after the completion of the game, the Chosen One can remark in regards to Pullout: Post-Nuclear Boogalo, itself is a reference to Fallout, that they would or would not do the movie while mentioning the game itself.[37]
  • When listening to the Shark Club comedian's horrible act, he will mention optional traits, Jinxed, and Critical Failures.[68]
  • After completing the game, the player character can converse with Father Tully, who will give them the Fallout 2 Hintbook, after which, he will comment on how most players "today" do not finish games.[69]
  • After defeating the Enclave, New Reno prostitutes, fluffers, and Wright teenagers mention that the player should replay the game as a different kind of character.[70][50][71]
  • When observing the Wright children's character model, it states that the female model's hair is conveniently chopped short as to reuse the male character model.[72] When Marcus is introduced to the children, they will make fun of his fidget animation.[73] Once the quest Stop the Enclave is completed, the Wright children will ask the Chosen One "Are you gonna delete us from yer hard drive now that you finished the game?"[74] While playing after the completion of the game, the Wright children will comment that "I miss Dogmeat from Fallout 1.", "Think there's gonna be a Fallout 3? I wanna be the hero of that one!", and that "Fallout 2 was brought to you by the letter Z."[75]
  • New Reno prostitutes also realize that they are just NPCs, but they are offended by the portrayal of women in New Reno and that they seem to be designed by some immature sex-starved geek who lives in his parent's basement.[76]
  • After the completion of Stop the Enclave while being a female Porn Star, New Reno prostitutes will comment that "The way [the Chosen One] acts, you'd think [the Chosen One] was a hero model instead of a porn star."[77]
  • Jagged Jimmy J remarks that he likes the player character and does not want them to be up the "barter screen" with "its fuses and wires and all."[78]
  • The junkies break the fourth wall multiple ways; when wasted and high, they will comment how even though Fallout 2 is not a 3D game, it should support their new 3DFX card.[79] At the time, this would have specifically been a Voodoo2. When wasted and stoned after the destruction of the Enclave, they will comment on how they are just NPCs, their potential deletion from the hard drive, if they will exist after said deletion and how the player should restart the game with a drug-biased character, recommending the Chem Reliant trait.[80] When wearing power armor, they will remark that the player is in the wrong game and recommends a battle mech PC game.[81]
  • When about to have sex with Leslie Anne Bishop, if the player character refuses to have sex with her without giving an excuse and she calls the guards, one of the lines they can end dialogue is by saying "Fuck, I hate this game."[82] This also appears within the conversation about using a condom when having sexual relations with her daughter, Angela Bishop.
  • When wearing power armor while talking to the Wright teenagers, they will remark that "You look like you belong in a battle mech computer game. This is Fallout 2. Maybe you opened the wrong folder on your hard drive?"[83]
  • Stuart Little will remark that he does not take offense to be called short and that everyone in the game seems to have the habit of making an instantaneous judgment on other NPCs based solely on their physical appearance.[84]
  • After hacking a terminal, Myron will boast that he has used the Science skill successfully.[85]
  • When first meeting Miss Kitty at the Cat's Paw, there is dialogue to discuss Cat's Paw magazines. The player character can remark how irritating it was not knowing what the magazines were, and that examining it over and over only revealed the same message, and they would still get the same message even though it has been identified.[86]
  • When talking to any of the Reno townsfolk while wearing a suit of power armor, they will imply that the player character was on their way to a "battle-mech PC game and got lost."[87] After the completion of Stop the Enclave, they will also dismissively comment that they are the Avatar too.[88]
  • If the Chosen One is of significantly low Intelligence and is drunk, on the third conversation with slot machines, the Chosen One will utter that they finished the game and now they are just wandering around, worried that it is all over. They will also comment that Fallout 2 does not support their 3DFX card while complaining that they spent so much money on it, as well as the fact that they spent their points wrong and now they have a shitty character.[89]
  • The Wrights and junkies may also question themselves after beating the game, if they will live on, even if a player deletes/uninstalls Fallout 2 from their computer.[74][90]
  • In Vault City, Joanne Lynette says "Do you like my little dreadlocks? I think Scott Rodenhizer has a strange sense of humor.", "I don't know what you intend to gain by clicking on me, but I won't tolerate it much longer.", and "Perhaps you find clicking on me... amusing. Perhaps you will find the Corrections Center just as humorous."[91]
  • When talking to Phyllis in the Vault City clinic, when asking to donate sperm, one can say to Phyllis, after donating, "Oh well, I thought there weren't any children because this might be the European version of Fallout 2. Goodbye."[92]
  • In Vault City, at the end of the quest Drink your weight in Alcohol-Z, gaining one of the raised or lowered hit point perks, the Chosen One tells the Parlor Room bartender that they need to "pop out of dialogue for a second and check my max hit points."[93][94]
  • When in NCR, if the Chosen One talks to the Enlightened One and says they are one of the enlightened when she asks what level they are, the Chosen One can respond by saying "Last time I checked my character page, I was level [#], but if I keep fighting random encounters, I'm sure I'll get to level 99 in no time." Saying this will reward an extra 100 XP.[citation needed]
  • There are unused comments in Lynette's dialogue file, where she again mentions Scott Rodenhizer but also mentions T-Ray, who she thinks has too high thoughts of himself.[95][96]
  • Lynette has an unused comment saying "Explain to me again why Fallout 2 doesn't have any black hero models?", a reference on that by default the only player characters are white (Caucasian). This is continued in the Cafe of Broken Dreams by a black hero model.[97]
  • Another unused comment is where Lynette would say "Oh, boy! Sleep! That's where I'm a Viking!"[98]

From Dusk till Dawn[]

Sheb outside of the Cat's Paw in New Reno constantly shouts advertisements about the "booty"[99] sold within the establishment in a manner identical to a similar character played by Cheech Marin in From Dusk till Dawn.

Full Metal Jacket[]

  • If the Chosen One has no reputation, is a Slaver, or has Sulik as a companion, New Reno prostitutes will occasionally comment "Me so horny."[100] This is an allusion to the hooker scene in Full Metal Jacket.
  • In Gecko's nuclear power plant, a ghoul may randomly say "A day without leakage is like a day without sunshine," which is another reference to Full Metal Jacket, in which the main protagonist Pvt. Joker says, "A day without blood is like a day without sunshine" (he in turn is quoting John Wayne).[101]
  • In New Reno, if Myron is currently a companion, a pimp can sometimes say "Can she suck a garden hose through a golf ball? Hell, yes." This is a reference to the famous first scene with drill instructor.[102]

Funny Farm[]

In the town of Modoc, when the player character goes to Rose's Bed and Breakfast, one can enter the brahmin fry eating contest. Right as the Chosen One breaks the record, they learn that the brahmin fries are actually brahmin testicles. In the movie Funny Farm, Chevy Chase enters a Lamb Fry Eating Contest and his reaction (when he learns that they are sheep testicles) to it is identical to the player character's in-game.

G.I. Jane[]

New Reno prostitutes solicit and call female characters "G.I. Jane," the codename of the combat medic of the G.I. Joe Team from the G.I. Joe franchise.[103]

The Godfather[]

In Broken Hills, the player character can find an intelligent scorpion wearing spectacles. If these spectacles are taken and given to Renesco in New Reno, then he will, begrudgingly, thank the Chosen One and offer a reward. One of the dialogue options is to reply "Someday - and that day may never come - I'll call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day accept these glasses as a gift on my daughter's wedding day."[104] This is a reference to the 1972 gangster movie The Godfather.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly[]

  • In the Mercenary raiders' cave, there are three sets of dog tags that match the three main characters from the Western film, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Angel Eyes, Tuco and Blondie.[105]
  • Acting on Louis Salvatore's orders to get money from Pretty Boy Lloyd, if the player (unwisely) agrees to follow Lloyd's directions to the location of the loot in Golgotha, Lloyd directs the player to find a grave marked "Arch Stanton." There is no such grave. The exact name, its presence on a supposed grave marker, and the difficulty/impossibility of finding it are all references to the site of the reputed buried treasure in The Good, The Bad & The Ugly. Doing this quest correctly can lead to the dialogue option: "There are two kinds of people in the world Lloyd. Those with guns and those that dig." This is also from the film.[106]


Flick in the Den says the following line: "What you talkin' about? You think I'm a fucking stupid pirla? Some dumb filio di puttana? You think I'm some kinda clown? Am I here to amuse you, is that it?"[107] This is a direct reference to the scene where Joe Pesci is talking to Ray Liotta in the gangster movie Goodfellas by Martin Scorsese.

The Goonies[]

When the Chosen One goes down into the well in the center of town in Modoc, there will be several bags of coins lying around. If one is picked up, then the player character will say a line almost identical to the line spoken by "Mouth" (played by Corey Feldman) in The Goonies when he and his friends find themselves at the bottom of a wishing well.[108]

The Graduate[]

Depending on the Chosen One's attributes, Leslie Anne Bishop may make sexual advances toward the player character.[109] The encounter and parts of the dialogue are a reference to a similar situation in The Graduate where Mrs. Robinson attempts to seduce Ben for the first time.


The mechanics in the Chop Shop of New Reno remark "Go, greased lightning, go." and "Grease is the word that I heard…dum dum dum dum…", these are lyrics from the songs Greased Lightnin and Grease, from the musical Grease.[110]

Great Balls of Fire[]

After the Chosen One becomes a Porn Star in New Reno, many of the residents will comment about the pornographic movies that the Chosen One was in. Great Balls for Hire! is a spoof on the story of Great Balls of Fire.[41]

Good Will Hunting[]

After the Chosen One becomes a Porn Star in New Reno, many of the residents will comment about the pornographic movies that the Chosen One was in. Good Will Humping is a spoof on the story of Good Will Hunting.[41]


  • Miss Kitty is a reference to the character of the same name in the television Western drama Gunsmoke, a western radio series that ran from 1952 to 1961 (portrayed by Georgia Ellis), as well as a western television series that ran from 1955 to 1975 (portrayed by Amanda Blake).
  • A line of dialogue the Chosen One and Miss Kitty also mimics is Chester's catchphrase "Ah, shucks."[111]

Head Like A Hole[]

Male punks of the Tanker vagrants will say, "In fact, I'd rather die than give you control." The mild delivery of this line is a contrast to the way it is sung in Head Like A Hole.[112]

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy[]

The dead carcass of a sperm whale and a broken houseplant are obvious references to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, a comedic science fiction novel where a ship's improbability drive turns two nuclear missiles into a sperm whale and a bowl of petunias – one chapter details the thoughts of the two entities, as they plummet towards their death.

The Incredible Hulk[]

From Marvel Comics's The Incredible Hulk.

  • The image for the perk Mutate! is an allusion to Bruce Banner and his alter-ego the Hulk.
  • The image for the perk Bonus HtH Damage is an allusion to the Hulk's anger and strength.

The Isley Brothers[]

When talking to the spirits with Sulik in a non-descript location, Sulik will occasionally say a little bit softer now, a little bit louder now, and Shout.[113] This comes directly from the The Isley Brothers song "Shout".

John Henry "Doc" Holliday,[]

The names of the three mid-game doctors (Doc Holliday, Dr Henry, and Painless Doc Johnson) are references to John Henry "Doc" Holliday, a gunfighter, gambler, and dentist of the Wild West.

In Living Color[]

In Shady Sands, Doofus wrote a song. Before singing the song, the line he says ("Wrote a song about it wana here it here it goes")[114] is a reference to a sketch from In Living Color. Involving Calhoun Tubbs who says the same phrase before playing the blues.

Interstate '76[]

Skeeter, the mechanic ghoul in Gecko, is a reference to the mechanic Skeeter in the video game Interstate '76.

Jerry Maguire[]

One of the dialogue options when talking to the Great Ananias, the showman in the Den, is "Show Me The Mummy!",[115] a homage to the line, "Show me the money!" from the movie Jerry Maguire, starring Tom Cruise.

John Wayne[]

The sheriff in Redding, Earl Marion, is a triple reference to John Wayne who was born Marion Robert Morrison and nicknamed "The Duke." Both earl and duke are titles of nobility, duke surpassing earl. John Wayne is famous for playing sheriffs in various western movies.[citation needed]

Kevin and Bean[]

In the Vault City toilets, an occupant mentions Kevin and Bean bathroom interviews, a humorous segment on a popular radio show hosted by Kevin and Bean in which unsuspecting men relieving themselves are subjected to an impromptu and uncomfortable interview between bathroom stalls.[116]



Laddie is a cultural reference to the television show Lassie, and the trope it created, Timmy in a Well. Jonny is described as a typical all-American kid with blonde hair and blue eyes, and fell down the town well while playing cowboys and Indians.

Lewinsky scandal[]

The secretary in the president's reception chambers indicates she and Dick Richardson are having an inappropriate workplace relationship. This is an allusion to the Lewinsky scandal, poking fun at Monica Lewinsky, a government employee who worked for former United States President Bill Clinton. The ball gag in her inventory furthers the joke.

Little Shop of Horrors[]

In Broken Hills, there's a talking spore plant named Seymour. This is an allusion to the talking plant in Little Shop of Horrors called Audrey II. However, Seymour is the hapless main character that feeds Audrey II.

Logan's Run[]

The ankh necklace and the goal of the Renewal Cult is a cultural reference to Logan's Run.[118]

Looney Tunes[]

  • Shadow-Who-Walks and the addicts of the Den quote Elmer Fudd's famous catchphrase, "Be vewy vewy quiet. I'm hunting for wabbits."[119][120]
  • In one of her floats, Dorothy asks the Chosen One if they happen to have an illudium Q-38 space modulator; this references the cartoon series Marvin the Martian, where the titular character often attempts to destroy Earth using an "illudium Q-36 explosive space modulator."[121]

Love in an Elevator[]

New Reno prostitutes will greet the player and say "Oh, hello, Mr. Tyler. Going…down?" This references the music video for Aerosmith's 1989 song Love in an Elevator.[122]


The LoveLine phone sex brand is a cultural reference to Loveline, the syndicated radio call-in program, offering medical and relationship advice to listeners.


Mercenaries in random encounters will sometimes say during combat "I'm MAD AS HELL! And I'm not going to take it anymore!", which is a direct quote of the movie Network.

Mad Max[]

Magic: The Gathering[]

In Gecko, the bartender Wooz will try to get the Chosen One interested in the card game called "Tragic the Garnering." Tragic the Garnering is an obvious parody of Magic: The Gathering.[125] Even the names of cards are similar - "Vox Muby" is an equivalent of "Mox Ruby," "Black Dahlia" of "Black Lotus" and "Earths" are the equivalent of "Lands."[126]


In Sierra Army Depot VI, the Munitions Access Terminal states that Klinger from the 8063rd is in need of a mechanical part. This references the M*A*S*H franchise, specifically the episode Out of Gas, in which Corporal Maxwell Q. Klinger trades wine for parts.[127]

Masters of the Universe[]

Addicts in places such as the Den say, "I have the power!" This is a cultural reference to the Masters of the Universe media franchise where it is the catchphrase of the protagonist, He-Man.[128]

Mickey Mouse[]

The float dialogue of both the Cat's Paw prostitutes and New Reno prostitutes shows that they are refusing to wear Mikey Mouse ears.[129]

Microsoft Windows[]

Mike Tyson[]

In the basement of Shark Club in New Reno, there is a boxer, Mike "The Masticator", who says that he likes ears. Additionally, the characters Mike "The Masticator" and Evan Holyfeld who the player character fights in the New Reno boxing matches are references to Mike Tyson and the boxer whose ear he bit off, Evander Holyfield. There are also other parameters for other NPCs to remark on Mike:

  • If the Chosen One is a Prizefighter, porn actresses and New Reno prostitutes will remark, "Watch out for the Masticator. He's a real jerk. He tried to bite my ear off once."[130][131]
  • If the Chosen One is a Prizefighter or a Made Man, the Wright teenagers will sometimes remark, "Watch out for the Masticator, all right? He's a mean one. Sooner bite your ear off than look at you."[132]

Monty Python[]

Monty Python and the Holy Grail
  • The special encounter Bridge Keeper, is an allusion to the Bridge Keeper scene in the Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Wherein the Bridgekeeper will ask three questions, answering any of the questions wrong results in immediate death. However, the third question is a trick question and if answered correctly, it will lead to the immediate death of the Bridge Keeper. In the movie, everyone who answers incorrectly is magically thrown into the gorge, while the game initiates the Bloody Mess death script.
  • The special encounter the Holy Hand Grenade, is an allusion to the scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail where King Arthur's knights use the Holy Hand Grenade (of Antioch) to destroy the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog. In the special encounter, however, the knights are in search for the grenade.
    • In a deleted special encounter, which exists intact in the pre-patch files, although it is not accessible in a regular game, had these same King Arthur's knights fighting a Vorpal Rat with a Holy Hand Grenade.[133]
  • In Klamath Canyon, the crashed vertibird robot that guards the Vertibird and wreckage says, among other references, "None shall pass." a nod to the Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.[134]
  • Mom says she has rat pie, rat loaf, and spaghetti with rat sauce, to which the Chosen One can ask, "Can I have something without so much rat in it?" This is a reference to Monty Python's Dead Bishop skit, in which Michael Palin's character asks for 'a slice of strawberry tart without so much rat in it.'[135]
  • When visiting Redding after becoming a Ranger in NCR Town - the sheriff Earl Marion will know you are a ranger,- because....."It´s tattooed on the back of your neck." Which is a reference to the Dead Bishop skit.

Mork & Mindy[]

In Klamath Canyon, the Crashed vertibird robot that guards the Vertibird and wreckage says, "Nanoo-nanoo," a traditional greeting on the planet of Ork, Mork's home planet, in the television sitcom Mork & Mindy.[136]

Mr. Roboto[]

Casino patrons and Reno townsfolk may express concern that "Mr. Roboto" (Skynet) scanned them, referencing the 1982 Styx song of the same name.[137][138]

Mr. T[]

See also: Rocky

Stuart Little asks the Chosen One if they "pity the foo," the catchphrase of Laurence Tureaud, better known as Mr. T.[139]

Muhammad Ali[]

When the Chosen One is a Prizefighter, both Lil' Jesus Mordino and Ramirez will say "Fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Thaz you, right there;" this plays off of Muhammad Ali's saying, "float like a butterfly and sting like a bee" from The two fights between Muhammad Ali and Sonny Liston for boxing's World Heavyweight Championship.[140][141]

My Living Doll[]

In Klamath Canyon, the Crashed vertibird robot that guards the Vertibird and wreckage says, among other references, "Does not compute! Does not compute!" The origin of which is from My Living Doll.[63]


Wooz's remark that "Well, Tragic the Garnering isn’t just a game -- it’s an obsession. Not a cologne, either." is an allusion to the Calvin Klein brand of cologne: 'Obsession'.[125]

Of Mice and Men[]

Low Intelligence player character's dialogue lines in New Reno with Angela and Leslie Anne Bishop, as well as Miss Kitty,[142] reference Lennie Small and his obsession with rabbits from Of Mice and Men.

Old Spice[]

An intelligent mole rat named Brain may ask the Chosen One if they like their new aftershave "Old Mice," a reference to Old Spice.[143]

On the Waterfront[]

When the Chosen One knocks out boxers while boxing at the Jungle Gym, they will utter the phrase "Coulda been a contender!"[144] This is a reference to Marlon Brando's character, Terry Malloy, in On the Waterfront. The specific line is "You don't understand. I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am, let's face it. It was you, Charley." It is in regard to Terry Malloy being forced to take a dive in a fight he could have easily won, due to the mob union-boss of the waterfront, Johnny Friendly (Lee J. Cobb) instructing him to.

One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer[]

Elmo references the song One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer when complaining on how he got into jail.[145]

Peter, Paul and Mary[]

Eldridge exclaims "Holeeee Peter Paul n' Mary!" when seeing power armor, referencing the folk singers of the same name.[146]

The Pink Panther[]

In the Den, Tyler runs a gang and asks who sent you if you approach him. The Chosen One may reply with, "The pink panther."[147]

Pinky and the Brain[]

In Gecko's access tunnels, there is a large intelligent mole rat called "Brain." Whom has a lust to take over the world, and his simpleminded ghoul protector Zomak is a reference to Pinky and the Brain.


After the Chosen One becomes a Porn Star in New Reno, many of the residents will comment about the pornographic movies that the Chosen One was in. Pokeahotass is a spoof on the story of Pocahontas.[41]


Cassidy occasionally makes reference to the fact that "My father named me after a character in some pre-war comic book..."etc., as well as asking if you think Texas survived the war. The comic book Preacher, by Garth Ennis, is set largely in or around Texas, and has a main character who is a vampire(!) named Proinsas Cassidy, who for obvious reasons, tends to use only his last name.[148][149]

The Princess Bride[]

Trapper Town is the home of way too many rats, and a man who will tell you of rodents of unusual size, a reference to the beasties from the swamp in The Princess Bride, combined with a timely warning about pig rats and mole rats below the town.[150]


In the Jungle Gym in New Reno, when Stuart Little asks the Chosen One what he wants his Prizefighter name to be, two of the choices are Glass Joe, Bald Bull. These are in reference to the Punch-Out!! series.[151]

The Rats[]

Kill the rat god quest in the Trapper Town and the rat caves below refers to The Rats novel by James Herbert.

Red Dawn[]

John Cassidy will sometimes say, "Wonder if Texas survived the war..."[149] which is a line from the Red Dawn film.

Red Dwarf[]

When talking to Dr. Andrew about receiving the Dermal Impact Assault Enhancement, he will explain the decrease in Charisma by saying, "All the curves you got are gonna become right angles, near as I can tell." In response, the Chosen One can reply that they have always wanted to look like Kryten, the angular android from the British sci-fi sitcom, Red Dwarf.[152]

Robin Givens[]

  • Mike The Masticator mentions how he hates Robin Givens, whom was Mike Tyson's wife for a year and accused him of spousal abuse.[153] Also, if a female Chosen One is not a Prizefighter, the Masticator will ask if you are Robin.[154]
  • Rabid boxing fans mention that the Chosen One is tougher than Robbin Givens if they are a Prizefighter, alluding to Given's accusations against Tyson of spousal abuse.[155]
  • Pimps mention Robin Givens, a real world actress, in one of their Prizefighter floats.[156]

Rocket Man (I Think It's Going to Be a Long, Long Time)[]

  • When the Chosen One asks Renesco what he sells at Renesco's Pharmacy, the last line of the conversation is; "Rocketman, huh? Know the line in that Elton John song, "Rocketman, burning off the mmmncfnfm there at home?' What's he really saying there?" This is a reference to Elton Johns' song Rocket Man (I Think It's Going to Be a Long, Long Time).[157]
  • When junkies are high, among their generic float dialogue is them singing "Rocketman, burning off the mmmmumble there alone…", "And I think it's gonna be a long, long time…"[158]


See also: Mr. T
  • When fighting boxers in the Jungle Gym, they will make multiple references to Rocky, by quoting Mickey Goldmill, Ivan Drago, Clubber Lang, Rocky Balboa and referencing Adrian Pennino. When they taunt the Chosen One, they will say "Adrian! Adrian!", "I must break you.", "You're fighting like a bum!", "You got no guts!", "You're a bum! A bum!", "Gonna beat you like a dog..."[159] When they are in the corner, they will say "Ain't gonna be no rematch!", "Hit like a butterfly...", "Keep your hands up...", "Stay sharp!", "Fight past that shit!", "Get critical!", "Cut me, Mick.", "Remember, stick the jab!", "I see three of 'em!"[160] And when they either knock out the Chosen One or get knocked out in return, they will say, "And stay down!", "You got knocked da fuck out!", "Who's your Daddy?", "If he dies, he dies.", "Coulda been a contender!", "How could such a... geggghhh...", "*Huuuuurrrrllllll*", "Ooo, care bears...", "I think I'll just lay here for a little while.", "No pain, no pain, no pain..."[160]
  • Before boxers head to the ring, Stuart Little mentions the song Eye of the Tiger which is the theme song of Rocky III.[161]
  • Several name choices for the Prizefighter title are references to Rocky.[151]

Ron Jeremy[]

When choosing a Porn Star stage name for the Corsican Brothers, Ron Jeremy is an option that causes the brothers to remark that that name carries bad connotations and nobody wants to see a porno starring someone with a name like that.[162]

Sanford and Son[]

Lumpy in Broken Hills will say "I'm comin' to meet you Elizabeth!" when idle (and under the Highwayman), as he is in considerable pain.[163] This is a phrase based on Sanford and Son in the episodes when Fred Sanford fakes a heart attack to manipulate his son, lamenting, "You hear that, Elizabeth? I'm comin' to join ya, honey!"


  • The addicts of the Den comment; "Say hello to my little friend."[164] This is the famous quote from the movie Scarface.
  • When the Chosen One becomes a Made Man with any of the New Reno crime families, "Scarface" is among the titles that can be chosen.[151]


One of Robodog's float text is "Rooby-Doo!" This is a reference to the cartoon Scooby-Doo.[165]

Schoolhouse Rock![]

Reno townsfolk will occasionally repeat the phrase "Conjunction, Junction." This is an allusion to the episode Conjunction Junction of Schoolhouse Rock![166]

Sesame Street[]

Once the Chosen One completes the game, Reno townsfolk will announce that "This game was brought to you by the letter Z." Not only does this break the fourth wall, but it also references Sesame Street messages of a scene being sponsored by a letter of the alphabet.[167] Similarly, the Wright children will announce "Fallout 2 was brought to you by the letter Z."[168]

Sharpe series (Books and television) Written by Bernard Cornwell[]

In Redding, during the Sheriff's missions, the Chosen One will come across Obidiah Hakeswill who has 'cut up' a local whore. He says he did it because she insulted his mother. In the Sharpe series, Sergeant Obadiah Hakeswill is Sharpe's nemesis for a large part of the series. A rapist and murderer who obsesses over his love for his mother, to the point of talking to himself. He also quotes Hakeswill's often repeated line, "You can't kill me." [169][170][171]


The Corsican Brothers mention that "Shaft…he's one bad mutha --." Reno townsfolk, New Reno prostitutes, and Wright teenagers similarly remark "That mutant one big mutha."[172][173] These are allusions to the 1971 film Shaft.

Street Fighter[]

When fighting boxers in the Jungle Gym, they will make comments while punching. These comments include "Haadookin" and "SUPER... NUCLEAR... TORNADO... FIST..."[174] These are references to Ryu's attacks from Street Fighter.

Robert W. Service[]

The two head miners in Redding, Dangerous Dan McGrew and Marge LeBarge, are referring to Robert Service poems: The Shooting of Dan McGrew and The Cremation of Sam McGee (who died near Lake Lebarge). Furthermore, the Malamute Saloon is where most of the Ballad of Dan McGrew takes place. This saloon also features a lady known as Lou.

Short Circuit[]

In Klamath Canyon, the Crashed vertibird robot that guards the Vertibird wreckage says, among other references, "Number five is alive!" This is a reference to the 1986 science fiction film Short Circuit.[175] That was robot Number 5's favorite words.

The Silence Of the Lambs[]

  • Within Sierra Army Depot VI, the player can find the experiment log holodisk of one Dr. H. Lector, who sent some liver, from Private Callow, and fava beans to "the boys in bio storage" who played a joke on him by altering the settings of the Vault-Tec automated organ extractor.[176]
  • Dr. Wong Yi Tze makes the "with some fava beans and a light Chianti" reference when explaining what he plans to do with Chip's recently removed spleen.[177] Until he finds out that it is human in origin.

The Simpsons[]

One of the old ghouls at Broken Hills will occasionally say "It's cold and there are wolves after me."[178] This is a quote from Abe "Grampa" Simpson, from the Simpsons episode Cape Feare.

South Park[]

Spice Girls[]

New Reno prostitutes reference the British girl group Spice Girls when they solicit their services, saying that they are either Filthy, Homely, Slutty, Old, or Dirty Spice.[180]

Star Trek[]

Star Trek: The Original Series[]

Star Trek: The Motion Picture[]

  • The leader of the Slags is named "Vegeir." In the Motion Picture, there is an alien intelligence that found an earth space explorer "Voyager" that they referred to as V'Ger (pronounced vegeir) because the letters 'oya' on it were covered over with dirt.
  • In Klamath Canyon, the crashed vertibird robot that guards the Vertibird and wreckage says, among other references, "Vee-jer, Veee-jer."[181]

Star Trek: The Next Generation[]

  • Captain Pickard is a reference to Jean-Luc Picard, captain of the USS Enterprise in Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  • When the Chosen One drops into the Ghost Farm caverns, Protectors are ordered to bring all surfacers to their leader, Vegeir. An option to respond to them is to tell them to got to hell, at which point they respond by elaborating that if the Chosen One resists, they will be harmed. In response, the Chosen One can reply "No, I know resistance is futile. I'll go with you."[182] This is an allusion to the Borg and their famous phrase "resistance is futile."

Star Wars[]

World Map
  • On the world map, in the box where the Highwayman will appear, in the top right corner of it says TK-421, a reference to the stormtrooper of the very same name. It also says AA-23, which is the name of the detention block where Leia was held on the Deathstar.

Stranger in a Strange Land[]

In regards to Josh Laurence's sense of humor in his unique profession, mortician/bartender of the Last Gasp Saloon and Funeral Parlor, the Chosen One can tell him that he finds him creepy. In response Josh Laurence, offended, makes a comment about tribals eating their dead, to which the Chosen One can remark "How else could we grok their essence?" This prompts Josh Laurence to comment that he confused the "Martian" as a tribal. This is an allusion to Grok in the 1961 science-fiction novel, Stranger in a Strange Land.[194]

Grok is a word coined by Robert A. Heinlein for his 1961 science-fiction novel, Stranger in a Strange Land meaning; "Grok means to understand so thoroughly that the observer becomes a part of the observed—to merge, blend, intermarry, lose identity in group experience. It means almost everything that we mean by religion, philosophy, and science—and it means as little to us (because of our Earthling assumptions) as color means to a blind man."[195]

Taxi Driver[]

When the Chosen One has either no reputation, or the Prizefighter, Made Man, and/or Slaver reputations, or if the companions Skynet, Marcus, and Sulik are active, junkies will repeat Robert De Niro's famous line "You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me?!" from Taxi Driver.[196]


They Live[]

  • In the 1988 sci-fi film They Live, the protagonist (John Nada) utters the phrase "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass, and I am all out of bubblegum." When opening dialogue with the Sheriff of Redding, Earl Marion, the Chosen One might choose the opening line "I'm here in town to kick ass and chew bubblegum - and I'm all out of gum."[198] Buster's guards utter a similar line: "I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum. Good thing for you I have one stick left."[199]

This may actually be a reference to Duke Nukem, but the line originated in this movie.

  • In the Hubologists' headquarters in San Francisco, the guards there will say "Obey," "Sleep," and "Consume." when spoken to.[200] In They Live, after the protagonist (John Nada) acquires the special sunglasses, he is able to see the subliminal messages the aliens have placed in mankind's everyday urban surroundings in order to brainwash them. The commands "Obey," "Sleep," and "Consume" are among the many messages people without the glasses cannot see.

The Time Machine[]

When getting Micky's help to retrieve the treasure from the town well. However, once it is retrieved, Micky will be stuck in it forever, with humorous floats persisting throughout the game. One of them says "Oh my god! Morlocks!"[201] which is an allusion to the Morlocks of The Time Machine by H.G. Wells.

Tired of Waiting for You[]

In Broken Hills, the old ghouls in the old ghouls' home sings the first two verses of the song: Tired of Waiting for You by The Kinks.[202]


Many of the characters in Fallout 2, particularly around Redding, share names with brands of tobacco pipes: Ben Wade, Ascorti, Savinelli, Stanwell, Caminetto, and Ferndown, for instance. Rattray is a popular brand of pipe tobacco, as is the Frog Morton line of tobaccos made by McClelland.[citation needed]

Tomb Raider[]

Making fun of Stuart Little's character model prompts him to call female players "Laura Kroft wannabe."[203] This is an allusion to the Tomb Raider series.

Top Gun[]

A pornographic movie named Top Bun is mentioned by Vikki Goldman. This porno is a spoof on the film Top Gun, of whom the lead actor is Tom Cruise, who in turn is spoofed by Juan Cruz. Both share a dialogue file.[204]

Toy Story[]

In Gecko, Percy Crump wants the Chosen One to find his friend Woody in the Den. Upon arriving in the Den, the Chosen One can discover that Woody has dozed off and has been put on display as "A Jan-u-wine Egyptian Mummy" as part of The Great Ananias' attraction. Once paid for viewing, the Great Ananias will open the chipped paper-mache sarcophagus with Woody sleeping inside. Upon recognizing that it is the missing ghoul Woody, the Chosen One will yell at him[205] to run in a similar fashion to that scene from the movie Toy Story (1995) in which Woody pretends to be Buzz by holding his dismembered arm out Sid's window and waving it at the other toys. Upon inspecting the sarcophagus: "Hey, wait a minute. That's not a Mummy. That's a ghoul. WOODY! Hey WOODY! Is that you? Holy shit! That *is* Woody! Run Woody, run for it! Well, uh, gimp for it then! Go Woody go!" The exact lines are not remembered, but in Toy Story it goes something like this: "Hey, wait a minute, that's not Buzz! That's WOODY! HEY WOODY! IS THAT YOU?"


When wearing power armor around the casino patrons of New Reno, they will jokingly ask if it turns into a jet and flies around. This is a reference to Starscream of Transformers.[206]


Occasionally, Robodog will play the Underdog's line from the theme song "<whirrr> Not bird, nor plane, nor even frog, just lil' old me - Robodog!" This is a direct reference to the cartoon Underdog.[207]

United States Armed Forces[]

Enclave soldiers may sometime hum "Jody's home now, smokin' grass, Jody's pumpin' your wife's," which is a reference to Jody, a recurring character in American military cadences.

In random encounters, the Chosen One can encounter Press Gang mercenaries. They repeat allusions to the United States Armed Forces:

United States Marine Corps

An alteration of the motto of the United States Marine Corps; "The few, the proud, the Marines." ("The few, the proud, the mercenaries.")[208]

United States Army

A direct quote of the slogan of the United States Army at the time of the games' make. "Be All (That) You Can Be."[209]

United States Navy

As an insult they direct the Chosen One to "Go join the Navy."[210]

Join, or Die

They reference Join, or Die, the well known political cartoon of Benjamin Franklin.[211]

Military ranks

They reference the military ranks of the services, their recruits,[212] and being a 4F[213] which is a military classification under the United States' Selective Service System for candidates found to be unfit for military service after formal examination by the Entrance Processing Command.[214]

Unwashed Villagers[]

There is a reference to The Unwashed Village community that is more than likely the oldest Fallout community in existence. The Unwashed Villagers present in a special encounter are some of the oldest and most respected members of the Unwashed Village (though the situation has changed over time). The spammer they are fighting is the Grim Reaper or Grim, a legendary spammer who plagued the Interplay forum for a long time as the nemesis of the UV. Several members have unique entries in Fallout 2, including Buffy (Rebecca Dyer, who runs the bar in the first town), Thrakazog (in an entry in a Hubologist holodisk), and the Enlightened One (in NCR).

The Unwashed Village community is still in existence at Unwashed.eu combining both members old and new, they are still devoted to the Fallout community and the part they played in Fallout history.

Wall Street[]

In Gecko, there is a ghoul outside the old incomplete reactor up north named Gordon, he is an allusion to Gordon Gekko, the main character of the 1987 film Wall Street. Gordon also says a speech similar to the one from the film:[215]

The new law of evolution in corporate America seems to be survival of the unfittest. Well, in my book, you either do it right or you get eliminated. In the last seven deals that I've been involved with, there were 2.5 million stockholders who have made a pre-tax profit of 12 billion dollars. [applause] Thank you. I am not a destroyer of companies. I am a liberator of them! The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms: greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge, has marked the upward surge of mankind. And greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA. Thank you very much.Gordon Gekko, Wall Street


The medical terminal on the first floor inside Vault 8 will randomly say "Strange game. The only winning move is not to play."[4] This line was originally said by the NORAD supercomputer artificial intelligence WOPR (War Operation Plan Response) in the movie WarGames, having learned the concept of Mutual Assured Destruction.

We Don't Need Another Hero (Thunderdome)[]

Once the player character completes the main quest Stop the Enclave, several characters sing We Don't Need Another Hero (Thunderdome) by Tina Turner, which played over the end titles of the film Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome. The characters that sing this include junkies and Wright teenagers, who sing "We don't need another hero, we don't need to know the way home..."[216][217] On Second Street of New Reno, huddled around a trashcan fire next to the Jungle Gym, is a three-member band Frenchy, Paine, and Sims whom also sing this song.[218]

Where the Wild Things Are[]

New Reno prostitutes will solicit by asking if their clientele "wanna go to Where the Wild Things Are?", referencing the children's book Where the Wild Things Are.[219]

Who's your daddy?[]

When boxers knock out the Chosen One while boxing at the Jungle Gym, they will use the phrase "Who's your daddy?"[220] This is in reference to the slang expression that, takes the form of a rhetorical question, used as a boastful claim of dominance over the intended listener.

The Wizard of Oz[]

The Wizard of Oz is mentioned throughout Fallout 2; these references include:

  • In Shady Sands, the Chosen One will come across a woman and her robobrain standing outside of the power plant. The woman's name is Dorothy, and her trusty robot who follows her everywhere is Toto, (whom barks like a dog).
  • In the special encounter Tin Man, the player character encounters someone standing, rigid and unmoving, in power armor, saying repeatedly, "Oil can." When the player uses a nearby oil can on the figure's armor, the Tin Woodsman walks away, after gifting the Chosen One 150 Microfusion cells.
  • If the player character is wearing power armor, the New Reno prostitutes may make this comment; "Look, Tin Man, if you want me to dress up as Dorothy or Toto, that's extra."[221]
  • Casino patron in New Reno sometimes ask, "Lose your heart, tin man?", an allusion to the Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz.[222]
  • After defeating the Enclave, Eldridge will sing, "Ding-dong, the Enclave's dead, the Enclave's dead," an altered form of the song the munchkins sing after the Wicked Witch of the West is killed by a Dorothy's falling house: "Ding-dong, the Witch is dead, the Witch is dead!"[223]
  • There is a subtle reference to the fium in the Den. If the Chosen One asks Vic's guard who his boss is, he will respond by questioning why you would walk into a place you know nothing about. At which point, the Chosen One can respond that they thought that they were in Kansas.[224]

The X-Files[]

Choosing to mock Stuart Little's appearance by asking if he worked at a circus prompts an argument from him. This entire argument (and the Chosen One's final line) draws extreme resemblances from the The X-Files season 2 episode: Humbug when Mulder angers a man of short stature by asking if he works as part of the circus (which he and Scully are investigating a murder at). The short man proceeds to stereotype him as someone who works for the FBI from his tie and suit and the short man remarks how a person of his stature got a degree in 'hotel management.' Mulder also responds in exactly the same way by saying that he is actually an FBI agent.[225]

Xena: Warrior Princess[]

  • If the Chosen One is a female Prizefighter, the Corsican Brothers will compare her to Xena, referencing the eponymous heroine of the television show Xena: Warrior Princess and tell them to "battle on."[226] If the Chosen One is a male Prizefighter, the Corsican Brothers will compare them to Hercules.[227]
  • When asking Miss Kitty, the madame of the Cat's Paw, for special dramatic request the Chosen One, if male, will ask to be "'Herk,' a nubile young slave stolen from his village by a band of lusty female slavers."[228] and if female, "'Zena,' a nubile young slave stolen from her village by a band of slavers."[229]


Both of the cut content Casino pit bosses will have remarked on Marcus being an active companion, saying that they do not care he is one of the "Ex-Men" and that mutant has to stay outside. This is a cultural reference the comic book franchise centered around superhero mutants known as the X-Men.[230]


  1. Vault City citizen: "{139}{}{I'm feeling double-plus good. You?}"
  2. New Reno slave: "{252}{}{Double plus good}"
  3. Crashed vertibird robot: "{10125}{}{I'm sorry Dave.}"
    "{10126}{}{./~ Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do ./~}"
    "{10135}{}{I can't let you do that Dave.}"
    "{10145}{}{I'm sorry Dave.}"
    "{10146}{}{./~ Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do ./~}"
    "{10155}{}{I can't let you do that Dave.}"
    (COMBATAI.MSG (Fallout 2))
  4. 4.0 4.1 Vault City medical terminal: "{209}{}{I'm sorry, Dave. I can't do that.}"
    "{210}{}{Danger! Will Robinson!}"
    "{214}{}{Strange game. The only winning move is not to play.}"
  5. New Reno prostitute: "{343}{}{AC-DC, B n' D, whatever.}"
  6. Wooz: "{714}{}{Ever seen a grown man NAKED?!}"
  7. Chuck Stodgers: "{115}{}{You've uncovered yet another obscure pop culture reference.}"
  8. The Chosen One: "{105}{}{Who are you?}"
    Chuck Stodgers: "{109}{}{I'm Chuck Stodgers, the greatest aeroplane pilot in the world! Unfortunately... I crashed. I staggered into this cave to get away from the explosion, and the fumes overwhelmed me.}"
    The Chosen One: "{110}{}{That sounds suspiciously like the premise of a pulp cartoon series.}"
    Chuck Stodgers: "{113}{}{Yes, it does, doesn't it? I have to go see what's happened in the world. Good luck, friend!}"
    The Chosen One: "{114}{}{You too, Mr. Stodgers!}"
  9. Chuck Stodgers: "{103}{}{::he rubs sleep from his eyes:: Wha'... huh? Where am I? How long have I been asleep?}"
    The Chosen One: "{106}{}{I have no idea how long you've been asleep, but you're in Broken Hills, near the New California Republic.}"
    Chuck Stodgers: "{111}{}{New WHAT? CALIFORNIA? THE WORLD HAS CHANGED THAT MUCH? AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! ::he flees in panic::}"
  10. Thomas Moore: "{103}{}{Hello and welcome, traveler! Have you heard the word today?}"
    The Chosen One: "{108}{}{Why, no... I haven't.}"
    Thomas Moore: "{111}{}{The word, my friend... the word is SELFISHNESS. Mix in a slew of arrogance, and what do you have? Vault City... in all its self-righteous, slave-trading glory.}"
    The Chosen One: "{115}{}{Go sell crazy somewhere else, pal... we're all stocked up here.}"
  11. Vault City citizen: "{118}{}{Who does Number Two work for?!?!}"
  12. Marjorie Reed: "{250}{}{(The bald woman doesn't even look up from her clipboard.) Yes?}"
    The Chosen One: "{254}{}{Delenn?}"
    Marjorie Reed: "{265}{}{(The woman looks up and glares at you.) Are you one of the control subjects? As if matters anyway...Guards! Detain this slave!}"
    The Chosen One: "{266}{}{Where slave? Me no see one}"
    (NcResear.msg) Note: The Chosen One must be of significantly low intelligence for this dialogue option.
  13. Slave (Den slave run): "{354}{}{Run for it, Marty!}"
    (DcRunSlv.msg) Note: This file is for the fleeing generic people of the slave run.
  14. Slave (Den slave run): "{324}{}{Run for it, Marty!}"
    (DcSlvRun.msg)Note: This file is for the generic people of the slave runs.
  15. Sulik: "{40131}{}{We be havin' de seven-demon bags!}"
    (COMBATAI.MSG (Fallout 2))
  16. The Chosen One: "{1579}{}{It's 106 miles to Arroyo, we got a full fusion cell, half a pack of Radaway, it's midnight, and I'm wearing a 50-year old Vault 13 jumpsuit. Let's hit it.}"
  17. Corsican Brothers: "{555}{}{Now, THAT'S a name so bright and so sharp, that it'll just EXPLODE because it's just so powerful! Good choice, pal, good choice. Now, let's FILM! Lights! Camera! Action!}"
  18. The Chosen One: "{113}{}{I need something from storage.}"
    Jeremy: "{120}{}{Well, if you want something from storage you need a Request Authorization Form. Do you have a Request Authorization Form?}"
    The Chosen One: "{121}{}{Yes, I do. Here it is.}"
    Jeremy: "{130}{}{Well, this looks like it, all right. What do you need?}"
    The Chosen One: "{133}{}{I need a moss-covered, three-handled gredunza.}"
    Jeremy: "{190}{}{You need a what? Well, there’s a waiting list for those. Need anything else?}"
  19. Junkie: "{247}{}{Drinking - beers - smoking - weed}"
    "{248}{}{Snootchie Boochies}"
  20. Boxer: "{344}{}{I eat green berets for breakfast.}"
  21. John Cassidy: "{363}{}{I hear they got twisters miles wide in the Midwest. It's a big ol' radioactive dustbowl now.}"
  22. Daniel Bird: "{171}{}{For NASA, space is still a high priority.}"
  23. Crashed vertibird robot: "{10128}{}{Gort! Klaatu Berada Nictu!}"
    "{10148}{}{Gort! Klaatu Berada Nictu!}"
    (COMBATAI.MSG (Fallout 2))
  24. Porn actress: "{297}{}{What film are YOU trying out for? The Day the Earth Stood Still? Get out of here!}"
  25. Wsterm2b.msg: "{136}{}{Read Order Confirmation}"
    "{142}{}{This is to confirm your video order for Debbie Does the Army and Deep Throat volume 1059. Your order should arrive by mail in 2-4 weeks. Thank you for your order.}"
  26. Wsterm2b.msg: "{136}{}{Read Order Confirmation}"
    "{142}{}{This is to confirm your video order for Debbie Does the Army and Deep Throat volume 1059. Your order should arrive by mail in 2-4 weeks. Thank you for your order.}"
  27. NcMason.msg#oog
  28. Dilbert official website
  29. Fallout 2 item description: "{31300}{}{.44 Magnum Revolver}"
    "{31301}{}{Being that this is the most powerful handgun in the world, and can blow your head clean-off, you've got to ask yourself one question. Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya punk?. Min ST: 5.}"
    (PRO ITEM.MSG (Fallout 2))
  30. Tandi: "{169}{tand9}{A couple of years ago some squatters moved in and built a shantytown on the surface. They call it 'The Squat.' They're nothing but dogs in the manger. They can't get into the vault but they keep us out.}"
  31. Primitive: "{2665}{}{ Fear is the mind-killer }"
    (COMBATAI.MSG (Fallout 2))
  32. Myron: "{426}{}{Good thing playing D&D all those years taught me a few things about courage, in one of his combat barks.}"
  33. Glowing one citizen: "{125}{}{(holds his glowing finger out to you) Phone home.}"
  34. Martin: "{108}{}{::Bum-ba-bum-ba::}"
    "{109}{}{2 Seconds}"
    "{111}{}{2 Seconds}"
    "{112}{}{"Yoooou'll think of meee...when you are alllll alone..."}"
    "{113}{}{2 Seconds}"
    "{114}{}{"Maaaay-beeee...the one whooo...is waaaaah-ting for yooou..."}"
    "{115}{}{2 Seconds}"
    "{116}{}{"...will prove un-truuuuuue..."}"
    "{117}{}{2 Seconds}"
    "{118}{}{"...then what will yooou dooooo?"}"
    "{119}{}{2 Seconds}"
    "{120}{}{::Pantomimes clapping, roaring of crowd::}"
    "{121}{}{2 Seconds}"
    "{122}{}{Th-th-thank you, th-th-thank you...yuh-yuh-you're a wonderful audience.}"
    "{123}{}{2 Seconds}"
    "{124}{}{An enh-encore? Ouh-okay!}"
  35. Enclave patrolman: "{204}{}{Now I suppose you're going to tell me you're just out looking for a water chip. Do I look dumb? Get him!}"
  36. Frenchy, Paine, and Sims: "{900}{}{Give me}"
    "{901}{}{A kiss to build a dream on}"
    "{902}{}{And my imagination}"
    "{903}{}{Will thrive upon that kiss}"
    "{906}{}{I ask no more than this:}"
    "{910}{}{A kiss before you leave me}"
    "{912}{}{Will feed my hungry heart}"
    "{913}{}{Leave me one thing before we part…}"
    "{915}{}{When I'm alone}"
    "{916}{}{With my fancies}"
    "{917}{}{I'lllll be with yoooou}"
    "{918}{}{Weaving ro-mances}"
    "{919}{}{Making believe they're true}"
    "{920}{}{Oh, give me your lips for just a moment}"
    "{921}{}{And my imagination will make that moment live…}"
    "{923}{}{Give me what you alone can give}"
    "{925}{}{::Mouth Trumpet::}"
    "{930}{}{I'll… be with yoooou}"
    "{935}{}{lips for just a moment}"
    "{937}{}{Will make that moment live}"
  37. 37.0 37.1 Corsican Brothers: "{895}{}{… I heard about your X-ploits…how you blew the rig of every member in the Enclave. That took a stomach of iron.}"
    The Chosen One: "{899}{}{Uh, I didn't blow every member of the Enclave. You see, what happened was --}"
    Corsican Brothers: "{910}{}{Don't be modest. I know it must have sucked. Most people wouldn't have had the stomach for it. But you swallowed your pride and did who had to be done. THAT'S star power.}"
    The Chosen One: "{914}{}{Uh, look, I DIDN'T blow every member of the Enclave, see --}"
    Corsican Brothers: "{920}{}{Know what I'm thinking, }"
    "{5920}{}{? I'm thinking about a feature film based on your X-ploits. We'd call it 'Pullout: Post-Nuclear Boogalo.' Are we together on this? Eh?}"
    Corsican Brothers: "{921}{}{Yer a hero, }"
    "{5921}{}{. A genuine hero. I'm not gonna forget all the shit you had to swallow for us. And once all the box office receipts come in, the whole world will know, too.}"
    The Chosen One: "{926}{}{Sure, what the hell. I solved this game. Let's do it.}"
    The Chosen One: "{928}{}{Let me go save the game first, then I might come back and do it.}"
  38. New Reno prostitute: "{1002}{}{Look, for the last time, I don't want to dress up as the "Vault Dweller."}"
  39. Cat's Paw girl: "{3210}{}{Yes, you ARE the Vault Dweller. Yes, YOU found the water chip and beat the MASTER. You are a HERO.}"
  40. Cat's Paw girl: "{3211}{}{You're so rugged, you're like hardened power armor.}"
  41. 41.0 41.1 41.2 41.3 New Reno prostitute: "{203}{}{I loved you in Great Balls for Hire.}"
    "{204}{}{I loved you in Good Will Humping.}"
    "{205}{}{I loved you in Vault Sexteen.}"
    "{206}{}{You were great in Pokeahotass.}"
  42. Wright child: "{270}{}{I miss Dogmeat from Fallout 1.}"
  43. The Chosen One: "{123}{}{I'll take that as a yes.}"
    Lumpy: "124}{}{You're goddamn right, yes! I can barely move! Now mind you, I ain't whining. I've had worse scrapes. Why this ain't nothing compared to that mix-up years ago with the Cola truck down south a ways. Ya' shoulda seen it, kid! Caps everywhere!}"
  44. Ed: "{103}{}{Swear I heard one of them brahmin speak. "Moo, I say," or somesuch.}"
    (Ed's dialogue)
  45. Fallout Bible 5 Questions: "8. Hi, In the last "Fallout Bible" update there was a question about Richard Grey and why he was exiled from Vault City. I remember that there was another person exiled from the VC - Leonard Boyarski. He also was exiled for a murder but I'm curious how did he die? I've found his grave on the Golgotha and it's quite surprising. ps. If there are any mistakes, sorry for my English. :-)
    "Boyarsky was an in-joke to Leonard Boyarsky who originally worked on F1 and parts of F2 (one of the five billion developer references in Fallout 1 and 2). I think the name was originally Jason Anderson in the text, but I don't remember. Boyarsky was exiled for murder and unauthorized research (the research allegations revolved around some tampering with the pregnancy cycles in the Auto-Doc that apparently put all of Vault 8 in danger, but the details were deleted from the Vault 8 computer). His crime occurred many years after Grey's alleged crime, but Boyarsky only got as far as Reno with a traveling caravan before he was robbed and killed by Reno toughs who saw him as an easy mark (which pretty much is true for everyone traveling from Vault City). His reasons for traveling south were unknown, but it is rumored his original destination was east of Reno - even though explorers report there is nothing out there except desert and deathclaws."
    "This next one is from John Olivas:"
  46. 46.0 46.1 Bishop's men: "{333}{}{You might want to replay the game as a different character.}"
    "{335}{}{Just wandering around after you're done, picking up some EXPs, huh? Well, please don't kill ME, 'kay?}"
    "{336}{}{New Reno was designed by Chris Avellone and scripted by Tom French. Rumor has it they will marry soon.}"
    "{337}{}{I hope I get to be a major character in Fallout 3, like Tandi or Ian. Being a thug sucks.}"
    "{338}{}{Yeah, I scored with Tandi once. When she was young, I mean.}"
    "{339}{}{That Lynette chick is in bad need of some lovin', y'know?}"
  47. Reno townsfolk: "{501}{}{New Reno was designed by Chris Avellone and Tom French. Rumor is that they will marry soon.}"
  48. Ramirez: "{356}{}{New Reno was designed by Chris Avellone and scripted by Tom French. They're a coupla sick fellas.}"
  49. Wright teenager: "{213}{}{New Reno was designed by Chris Avellone and scripted by Tom French. Tom plays in a band. Chris plays with himself.}"
  50. 50.0 50.1 Fluffer: "{364}{}{You should replay the game as a different kind of character.}"
    "{361}{}{Tom French scripted me. He has soft, gentle hands.}"
  51. 51.0 51.1 New Reno prostitute: "{829}{}{We miss Tim Cain. He used to cook wonderful bread. Then he would spank us like small children.}"
    "{819}{}{Tom French scripted me. He has soft, gentle hands.}"
    "{826}{}{Tim Cain? Yes, he's one of my regulars.}"
  52. Junkie: "{278}{}{Chris Avellone designed me, Tom French scripted me, so technically, I'm not responsible for my Jet addiction.}"
    "{302}{}{Chris Avellone designed me, Tom French scripted me, so technically, I'm not responsible for my Jet addiction.}"
  53. Chosen One: "{279}{}{Is it okay if I just, you know, talk with them?}"
    Miss Kitty: "{320}{}{Why, of course you can. We call it the "Kesting special." }"
    The Chosen One: "{323}{}{Why do you call it that?}"
    Miss Kitty: "{335}{}{Well…rumor has it there was once an employee of a famous computer company who enjoyed talking with others. (Shrugs.) }"
    "{337}{}{By coincidence, he also made no money at all, so talking was all he could afford.}"
  54. Reno townsfolk: "{499}{}{We miss Tim Cain. He used to cook wonderful bread. Then he would spank us like small children.}"
    "{502}{}{Feargus got that frowny-look on his face when he saw how many float text messages I have.}"
  55. New Reno prostitute: "{498}{}{I can't believe how many strippers were at Feargus' bachelor party.}"
  56. Den addict: "{363}{}{Sasha? Where are you Sasha?}"
  57. Reno townsfolk: "{310}{}{La Femme Nikita, then some.}"
  58. John Cassidy: "{40940}{}{Wish I had a limit break...}"
    (COMBATAI.MSG (Fallout 2))
  59. New Reno prostitute: "{429}{}{I had to dress up like WILMA last night, fer Chrissakes.}"
  60. Junkie: "{240}{}{[Sings.] I…just want to fly. Put your arms around me, baby, put your arms around me, baby.}"
  61. Reno townsfolk: "{510}{}{You looking for your brother Robby? You know, the Robot? Aw, nevermind.}"
  62. Casino patron: {332}{}{You looking for your brother Robby? You know, the Robot? Aw, nevermind.]]}"
    "{337}{}{'Danger, Will Robinson! Danger, Will Robinson!' Heh-heh. Uh…just a joke.}"
  63. 63.0 63.1 Crashed vertibird robot: "{10124}{}{Does not compute! Does not compute!}"
    "{10144}{}{Does not compute! Does not compute!}"
    "{10127}{}{Danger Bill Williamson, Danger!}"
    "{10147}{}{Danger Bill Williamson, Danger!}"
    (COMBATAI.MSG (Fallout 2))
  64. Smitty: "{240}{}{Hello there, young feller. What can old Smitty do ya for?}"
    The Chosen One: "{247}{}{I brought your meal from Mom's.}"
    Smitty: "{322}{}{Well, uhhh... Thanks, but I already headed over to Mom's and got some eats myself, so I won't be needin' that anymore.}"
    The Chosen One: "{323}{}{Oops, I'm not the usual delivery person. He called in sick today. Can I get some experience points anyway?}"
  65. Wright teenagers: "{214}{}{I hope I get to be a major character in Fallout 3, like Tandi or Ian. Bein' a thug sucks.}"
  66. Mordino's man: "{355}{}{I auditioned for the part of one of the major NPCs, but I only got this bit NPC part. I hope I don't get typecast.}"
  67. Leslie Anne Bishop: "{537}{}{Condom?}"
    The Chosen One: "{538}{}{Yeah, it got used from my inventory. I didn't know what had happened to it at first, but I figured it out.}"
    Leslie Ann Bishop: "{540}{}{Yes, a *condom.* (Glares at you.) Great. Just great. (Shrugs.) Oh, well. Maybe I'll have a grandson. Oh, well. Stop talking and come here.}"
    The Chosen One: "{541}{}{Yeah, it's not as obvious as you'd think. Designer humor, I bet. (Shrugs.) Oh, well. Stop talking and come here.}"
  68. Shark Club comedian: "{5000}{}{Optional traits?}"
    "{5002}{}{You know, like jinks. Anybody seen these lately?}"
    "{5003}{}{Anybody seen your pencil dick lately?}"
    "{5004}{}{Uhhh... Do you think that there is anyone who says, "Hey, I think I want more critical failures?"}"
    "{5005}{}{Who... are these people?}"
    "{5006}{}{Hey, I've heard that one somewhere before.}"
  69. Tully: "{227}{}{You th'one hoo beat th' Enclave like a god…er, dog? Yer a heroo.}"
    The Chosen One: "{230}{}{I tangled with the Enclave, yes. They started it -- I finished it. But don't get me wrong, Father. I'm just a man, trying to make his way in this unforgiving world...I'm no hero.}"
    Tully: "{235}{}{Yer a HERO. I got sumfin' fer you. I dinna know what it wazzat first, but I figger you might be needin' it.}"
    The Chosen One: "{238}{}{Sure. I'll take whatever you're giving, Father. Uh, well, within the realms of decency.}"
    Tully: "{240}{}{(Tully goes over to one of the pews, rips off a board from the seat, and pulls out a grimy soft-cover book.) Here ya go. Itzza lil' dirty, but… (Hands it to you.)}"
    The Chosen One: "{242}{}{Thanks, Father. I think.}"
    Tully: "{245}{}{Yer a heroo. Yoo deserve it. Not many gamerz today FINISH gamez, but yoo went th' diztance. I'm proud of yoo. Alluh NEW RENO iz prouda you.}"
    The Chosen One: "{247}{}{Thanks, Father. You take care of yourself, you hear?}"
  70. New Reno prostitute: "{822}{}{You should replay the game as a different kind of character.}"
  71. Wright teenager: "{211}{}{You gonna replay the game as a different character? I recommend an Outdoorsman type.}"
  72. Wright child: "{158}{}{Her black hair is cropped short so that she can conveniently use the male child character model.}"
  73. Wright child: "{525}{}{Is that a REAL mutant?}"
    The Chosen One: "{529}{}{Why, yes it is. His name is Marcus. Don't worry, he doesn't bite.}"
    Wright child: "{685}{}{Hello, Mar-cus mutant. Yer awful big. Hee-hee... and yer fidget animation is funny.}"
  74. 74.0 74.1 Wright child: "{1320}{}{? Are you gonna delete us from yer hard drive now that you finished the game?}"
  75. Wright child: "{270}{}{I miss Dogmeat from Fallout 1.}"
    "{271}{}{Think there's gonna be a Fallout 3? I wanna be the hero of that one!}"
    "{272}{}{Fallout 2 was brought to you by the letter Z.}"
  76. New Reno prostitute: "{830}{}{I realize I'm just an NPC, but I'm deeply offended by the way women are portrayed in New Reno.}"
    "{831}{}{Women in this town seem like they were designed by some immature sex-starved geek who lives in his parent's basement.}"
  77. New Reno prostitute: "{217}{}{The way she acts, you'd think she was a hero model instead of a porn star.}"
  78. Jagged Jimmy J: "{475}{}{Hell, my pilot friend, I like you, so don't you be pulling up that barter screen with its fuses and wires and all.}"
  79. Junkie: "{233}{}{I know Fallout 2 isn't a 3D game, but it still should support my brand new 3DFX card.}"
    "{257}{}{I know Fallout 2 isn't a 3D game, but it still should support my brand new 3DFX card.}"
  80. Junkie: "{277}{}{I know you saved the world, but it's us minor NPCs that have to deal with the consequences.}"
    "{279}{}{Yeah, yeah, it's great you solved the game. Of course, that means you'll be deleting all of us from your hard drive soon. Thanks a lot.}"
    "{297}{}{I know you saved the world, but it's us minor NPCs that have to deal with the consequences.}"
    "{298}{}{You should play the game again as a drug-based character. Really! Take the Chem Reliant Trait! I LOVE that one.}"
    "{304}{}{Once you delete this game from your hard drive, will we exist?}"
  81. Junkie: "{460}{}{Man, are YOU in the wrong game. Try one of the battle mech PC games.}"
  83. Wright teenager: "{325}{}{You look like you belong in a battle mech computer game. This is Fallout 2. Maybe you opened the wrong folder on your hard drive?}"
  84. Stuart Little: "{560}{}{Why should I take offense? Just because it seems to be the habit of everyone in this game to make instantaneous judgments of other NPCs based solely on their physical appearance?}"
  85. Myron: "{523}{}{Beep. Myron has used the SCIENCE skill successfully.}"
  86. The Chosen One: "{229}{}{You know, I've been finding magazines named "Cat's Paw" throughout the desert, and I have no idea what they are. I have one right here.}"
    Miss Kitty: "{440}{}{(Looks surprised.) Let me see. (Glances at magazine.) Well, well…you know, I had heard a rumor that - in the pre-war years -- the Cat's Paw was a publishing house…for pornographic materials.}"
    The Chosen One: "{442}{}{This place was a publishing house?}"
    Miss Kitty: "{450}{}{Yes…the rooms here were used for film shoots with models from across the world. (Seems entranced by the magazine.) Quite a little piece of history you have there.}"
    The Chosen One: "{452}{}{I'm just glad to know what the damn thing is. It's irritating to keep examining it and getting that same message over and over. I'll probably STILL get it even though it's identified now.}"
  87. Reno townsfolk: "{523}{}{You look like you were on your way to one of those battle-mech PC games and got lost.}"
  88. Reno townsfolk: "{500}{}{Yeah, yeah, I'm the Avatar, too.}"
  89. NcSlots.msg: "{336}{}{*Course we can, sugah, course we can.* (The slot machine looks sympathetic.) *What's troubling you, handsome?*}"
    "{337}{}{Me miss MOM and miss ARROYO and I…canna find the GECK and…*sniff*}"
    "{338}{}{Me miss MOM and Arroyo wuz ATTACKED and I…dunna where they are…and…*sniff*}"
    "{339}{}{Me need to fix big ship…and I dunna know HOW…and muh-muh-my Mom's GONE and…*sniff*}"
    "{340}{}{I finsshed the game…anna now I'm jusht wandrin' round and…ah'm worried itz all OVER and…*sniff*}"
    "{341}{}{It's jusht that Fhallowt tooo doesnt s'port my 3D Fxxxx card an I spend so much *monee* onnit and *sniff*}"
    "{342}{}{I tried ta get a good charactrr but I think I spent the pointz all *wrong*…n' now I ave a shitteee charactrr…n'…*sniff*}"
    "{343}{}{ah'm havinn a conversashun with a slot macheen, ah'm pretty bad off}"
    "{344}{}{::Take a deep breath, walk away.::}"
  90. Junkie: "{304}{}{Once you delete this game from your hard drive, will we exist?}"
  91. Joanne Lynette: "{108}{}{I don't know what you intend to gain by clicking on me, but I won't tolerate it much longer.}"
    "{109}{}{Perhaps you find clicking on me... amusing. Perhaps you will find the Corrections Center just as humorous.}"
    "{117}{}{Do you like my little dreadlocks? I think Scott Rodenhizer has a strange sense of humor.}"
  92. The Chosen One: "{210}{}{Speaking of old, I noticed there aren't any children in the city.}"
    Phyllis: "{216}{}{Well... yes. Actually, there aren't. Yet. I don't know if anyone told you yet, Vault City is a planned community. We're not due for another pregnancy cycle until a few years from now.}"
    The Chosen One: "{290}{}{Oh well, I thought there weren't any children because this might be the European version of Fallout 2. Goodbye.}"
  93. Bartender: "{166}{}{Are you okay, sir? Drinking all that "alcohol-Z" looks like it has had some sort of effect on you. Are you sure you want more?}"
    The Chosen One: "{169}{}{I don't feel so good...I'm just going to pop out of dialogue for a second and check my max hit points.}"
  94. Bartender: "{167}{}{Are you okay, sir? Drinking all that "alcohol-Z" looks like it has had some sort of effect on you. Are you sure you want more?}"
    The Chosen One: "{170}{}{No, no, I feel great! I'm just going to pop out of dialogue for a second and check my max hit points.}"
  95. Joanne Lynette: "{814}{}{I love Scott Rodenhiser.}"
  96. Joanne Lynette: "{816}{}{T-Ray thinks a little toooo highly of himself.}"
  97. Joanne Lynette: "{833}{}{Explain to me again why Fallout 2 doesn't have any black hero models?}"
  98. Joanne Lynette: "{836}{}{Oh, boy! Sleep! That's where I'm a Viking!}"
  99. NcSheb.msg
  100. New Reno prostitute: "{415}{}{Me so horny.}"
    "{605}{}{Me so horny.}"
    "{768}{}{Me so horny.}"
    "{998}{}{Me so horny.}"
    "{1172}{}{Me so horny.}"
    "{1345}{}{Me so horny.}"
  101. Ghoul Gecko citizen: "{145}{}{A day without leakage is like a day without sunshine.}"
  102. Pimp: "{431}{}{Can she suck a garden hose through a golf ball? Hell, yes.}"
  103. New Reno prostitute: "{649}{}{Got a gun you need to unload, G.I. Jane?}"
  104. The Chosen One: "{243}{}{Hey, I have a pair of glasses, if you want them.}"
    Renesco: "{640}{}{(Renesco snatches the glasses from you and puts them on. His eyes widen.) Sweet Reno! THAT'S what this damn shop looks like. (Frowns.) What a mess…and what is that on the shelves? Looks like brahmin shit.}"
    The Chosen One: "{641}{}{You're welcome…}"
    Renesco: "{650}{}{Hmpphh! I…hmmm…uh…where did you get these?}"
    The Chosen One: "{651}{}{Well, there was this tiny radscorpion, see, and there was this scientist that was training him, and...you know what? Even I don't believe it. Just keep them, all right?}"
    Renesco: "{670}{}{Well, I…hmnnn…I'm…eh, grateful. I thought I was going to have to suffer with those broken frames for the rest of my life. If I can do something for you, you let me know…and, uh, I'll THINK about it.}"
    The Chosen One: "{673}{}{Someday - and that day may never come - I'll call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day accept these glasses as a gift on my daughter's wedding day. }"
  105. Angel-Eyes' dog tags, Tuco's dog tags and Blondie's dog tags
  106. NcLloyd.msg
  107. The Chosen One: "{222}{}{What's with the wacky accent, Flick?}"
    Flick: "{340}{}{What you talkin' about? You think I'm a fucking stupid pirla? Some dumb filio di puttana? You think I'm some kinda clown? Am I here to amuse you, is that it?}"
  108. The Chosen One: "{610}{}{This is MY dream, MY wish, and I'm taking it back. I'm taking them all back.}"
  109. Leslie Anne Bishop: "{230}{}{(She follows your eyes down to her breasts. She flushes angrily, opens her mouth... then pauses.) You're not terribly bright… (Studies your frame.) However, you are quite… strong. Come with me a moment.}
    {231}{}{(She follows your eyes down to her breasts. She flushes angrily, opens her mouth... then pauses.) You're not terribly bright… (Studies your face.) However, you do have a certain…charm. Come with me a moment.}"

  110. Chop Shop mechanic: "{304}{}{Go, greased lightning, go.}"
    "{305}{}{Grease is the word that I heard…dum dum dum dum…}"
  111. The Chosen One: "{523}{}{Shucks, Miss Kitty. It taint nothing nobody else wouldnta done in mah place."
  112. Punk: "{107}{}{In fact, I'd rather die than give you control.}"
  113. Sulik: {861}{slk64b}{A little bit softer now.}
    {865}{slk64f}{A little bit louder now.}

    (Sulik's dialogue)
  114. Doofus: "{180}{}{Wrote a song about it wana here it here it goes}"
  115. The Great Ananias: "{127}{}{Today, in the room within, I have, for your eyes exclusively...A Jan-u-wine Egyptian Mummy!}"
    The Chosen One: "{128}{}{A mummy?}"
    The Great Ananias: "{136}{}{For a person of your obvious class I would be happy to show this unique, and historic, specimen to you for a mere $25.}"
    The Chosen One: "{137}{}{OK, I'll cough up the dough. Now...Show Me The Mummy!}"
  116. Vault City citizen: "{117}{}{Is this one of those Kevin and Bean bathroom interviews?}"
  117. The Chosen One: "{333}{}{Drymeat? That sounds interesting. Tell me more about that.}"
    Chuck/Buck Dunton: "{350}{}{Well, our drymeat is an incredible blend of eleven herbs and spices. Let me tell you, it’s finger-lickin’ good. Animals love it, too. They’ll chase you from all over to get some. Must be that rotting smell.}"
  118. Fallout Bible 5:
    "59c. The other question was about renewing. I had always killed the rat God before I got to necropolis. Now I know (as of about 3 days ago actually) that renewing was the term the ghouls used for becoming truly human again. (I had just asked what it was before and what the heck the ghouls meant.) Any further info on renewing would be much apreciated. (though I don't expect you to explain how to actually do it or anything it remained pretty vauge in fallout2 and I just couldn't find a way to get it to happen. Everytime I tried to optimise the plant Vault city would wipe out the ghouls. Was it actually doable or just a clever ruse from the brain to take over the world? (he never did in my games and i didn't have to do anything to stop him, like in the cartoon his plans fall apart on their own I suppose) Thanks for your time once again.
    It was not possible for the ghouls to "renew" in Fallout 2 - it was part of the Brain's plans to get them human again (under his control). It is possible to save Gecko and VC - one of the walkthroughs on the Fallout fan sites should have info on it.
    And here's what the Brain specifically has to say about Renewal:
    The Brain: Well as part of my plan to rule the world I intend to reward my Ghoul followers by finding a way to restore their humanity.
    Chosen One: How are you going to do that?
    The Brain: When I unite Gecko and Vault City under my rulership I will dedicate Vault City's medical labs to finding a way to reverse the effects of radiation that turned the people into Ghouls. They will be renewed, reborn, as humans once again.
    The Brain: In order to take over the world I have to make sure that there's something worth taking over. I need to build a strong powerbase using Gecko and Vault City.
    Chosen One: A rat plotting to take over the world?
    The Brain: Well, despite your feelings about a rodent ruling the world; the actions I propose would benefit thousands of Vault City and Gecko's citizens. You may not care for me or my motives but the results are still well worth working towards.
    Also, according to designer Matt Norton, "renew" was also a reference to the movie (and book) 'Logan's Run.'"
  119. Shadow-Who-Walks: "{300}{}{Shhh... I'm huntin' wabbits.}"
  120. Den addict: "{205}{}{Be vewy, vewy quiet. I'm hunting wabbits.}"
  121. Dorothy: "{138}{}{You don't have an illudium Q-38 space modulator, do you? Didn't think so.}"
    (Scdoroth.msg)[verification needed]
  122. New Reno prostitute: "{915}{}{Oh, hello, Mr.Tyler. Going…down?}"
    "{1089}{}{Oh, hello, Mr. Tyler. Going…down?}"
    "{1262}{}{Oh, hello, Mr. Tyler. Going…down?}"
  123. Stuart Little: "{600}{}{I've taken in your ridiculously overly-muscled physique, your gritty Mad Maxx wanna-be demeanor, your unimaginative character point allocation and concluded you are a mini-maxing munchkin.}"
  124. We Don't Need Another Hero (Thunderdome)
  125. 125.0 125.1 The Chosen One: "{212}{}{Tell me more about this Tragic the Garnering.}"
    Wooz: "{340}{}{Well, Tragic the Garnering isn’t just a game -- it’s an obsession. Not a cologne, either. Some think that the way it changes a person’s life is tragic, but they just don’t understand.}"
    The Chosen One: "{341}{}{Uh huh.}"
    Wooz: "{360}{}{No, really. It’s wonderful. You should play. Just once. The first box of cards is free. A little something from me to you.}"
    The Chosen One: "{361}{}{Thanks. Hey, these look great. (you tear the wrapping off) Mmm, I just love that smell.}"
    The Chosen One: "{381}{}{Sure, but you’re going to have to show me how.}"
    Wooz: "{390}{}{Well, it’s simple, really. Even someone dumb can understand it. First, you build a play deck out of the cards that you have, and then you…}"
    The Chosen One: "{391}{}{Uh, huh. You say you deal to the third player unless it’s Thursday? OK, I think I’ve got it now. Let’s play.}"
    Wooz: "{400}{}{You won? Fuck you! I need a ruling on that. You just got lucky, this time. This deck of mine just didn’t work. I’ve got to build a better one.}"
    The Chosen One: "{401}{}{Thanks for the cards, Wooz. And I thought you knew how to play this game? I guess you’re dumb.}"
  126. The Chosen One: "{143}{}{I want to trade.}"
    Wooz: "{150}{}{Trade? I’m always ready to trade Tragic cards. I’ve got a couple of old Vox Mubies, a Black Dahlia, and some Rare Earths.}"
    Wooz: "{151}{}{I suppose you just want to trade stuff, huh?}"
  127. Munitions Access Terminal: "{139}{}{Read Trade}"
    "{150}{}{This is Klinger from the 8063rd. We're in desperate need of part number 102-53B. I've got a case of Chateau Lafayette 2155 if you could expedite the order. Get back to me ASAP.}"
  128. Den addict: "{352}{}{I have the power!}"
  129. Cat's Paw girl: "{3214}{}{No, I'm NOT going to wear the Mikey Mouse ears.}"
  130. Porn actress: "{354}{}{Watch out for the Masticator. He's a real jerk. He tried to bite my ear off once.}"
    "{354}{}{Watch out for the Masticator. He's a real jerk. He tried to bite my ear off once.}"
  131. New Reno prostitute: "{277}{}{Hey…watch out for the Masticator. He's a real jerk. He tried to bite my ear off once.}"
  132. Wright teenager: "{356}{}{Watch out for the Masticator, all right? He's a mean one. Sooner bite your ear off than look at you.}"
  133. The Nearly Ultimate Fallout Guide by Per Jorner: Addenda
  134. Crashed vertibird robot: "{10136}{}{None shall pass.}"
    "{10156}{}{None shall pass.}"
    (COMBATAI.MSG (Fallout 2))
  135. Mom: "{250}{}{No, not really. I'm sorry. We just have rat-pie, rat-loaf, and spaghetti.}{251}{}{What'll it be this time around?}"
    The Chosen One: "{252}{}{Uh, could I get something without so much rat in it?}"
  136. Crashed vertibird robot: "{10134}{}{Nanoo-nanoo.}"
    (COMBATAI.MSG (Fallout 2))
  137. Casino patron: "{213}{}{I think that Mr. Roboto dude was scanning me.}"
  138. Reno townsfolk: "{222}{}{I think that Mr. Roboto dude was scanning me.}"
  139. Stuart Little: "{490}{}{Awright… (Stuart looks you over.) Yer gonna need a name, y'know, a handle. Something that sounds tough. Mean. Like }"
    "{1490}{}{ the Hurricane, }"
    "{2490}{}{ the Brawler, y'know.}"
    The Chosen One: "{440}{}{Clubber Lang}"
    Stuart Little: "{503}{}{(The midget smirks.) "Pity the fo," huh? Well, okay…but let's hope YOUR career goes somewhere. Shall we head to the ring?}"
    (NCSTULIT.MSG, Newr1.msg)
  140. Lil' Jesus Mordino: "{343}{}{Fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Thaz you, right there, }"
  141. Ramirez: "{259}{}{Fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Thaz you, right there, }"
  142. Miss Kitty: "{220}{}{ What's your pleasure today, sir?}"
    The Chosen One: "{225}{}{George sayz we gonna haf a few achers of owr own an' I shud keep away from yuu or he won't lemme play wit the rabbitz so me go now}"
    (Miss Kitty's dialogue)
  143. Brain: "It’s just my aftershave. Old Mice —- do you like it?"
    (Brain's dialogue)
  144. Boxer: "{330}{}{Coulda been a contender!}"
  145. Elmo: "{113}{}{Geez...one bourbon, one scotch, and one beer, and suddenly I'm in jail.}"
  146. Eldridge: "{210}{}{Holeeee Peter Paul n' Mary. Power armor!}"
  147. Tyler: "{350}{}{Yeah, I bet you are. Who sent you?}"
    The Chosen One: "{353}{}{The pink panther.}"
  148. John Cassidy: "{356}{}{Dad named me after some comic book character from before the war. Said he was a mean sonuvabitch, too.}"
  149. 149.0 149.1 John Cassidy: "{364}{}{Wonder if Texas survived the war...}"
  150. The Chosen One: "{194}{}{Anything unusual going on here in Klamath?}"
    Sajag: "{290}{}{Well, let’s see. All sorts of things going on in town lately. (counts on his fingers) There’s brahmin-mutilating bugmen, rodents of unusual size, a walking spirit, and a missing hunter. Klamath’s become a real hot spot lately.}"
    The Chosen One: "{292}{}{Tell me about the RUS's, please.}"
    Sajag: "{360}{}{Some say that there’s a gigantic rat, the size of a Corvega, that rules over all the rats over in Trapper Town (west of downtown). They say that it lives in an old mine underneath Trapper Town and that all the other rats bring it any shiny objects that they find. (licks his lips) Mmm, Shiny baubles.}"
  151. 151.0 151.1 151.2 Newr1.msg
  152. Andrew: "{256}{}{All the curves you got are gonna become right angles, near as I can tell.}"
    The Chosen One: "{348}{}{Cool! I've always wanted to look like Kryten! Here's the cash and the combat armor.}"
  153. Masticator: "{174}{}{Me hate Robbin' Givens}"
  154. Masticator: "{206}{}{Robin? That you?}"
  155. Rabid boxing fans: "{267}{}{You're tougher than Robbin' Givens!}"
    "{365}{}{You're tougher than Robbin' Givens!}"
    "{399}{}{You're tougher than Robbin' Givens!}"
  156. Pimp: "{357}{}{This ain't no Robbin' Givens I givin'…you get a good woman, know what I'm sayin?}"
  157. The Chosen One: "{292}{}{What do you sell here?}"
    Renesco: "{305}{}{I sell recreational drugs mostly. That's why they gave me that idiotic appellation, 'the Rocketman.' Hmmmph. I also sell some caravan supplies. You NEED anything or can I get back to something important?}"
    The Chosen One: "{306}{}{Rocketman, huh? Know the line in that Elton John song, "Rocketman, burning off the mmmncfnfm there at home?' What's he really saying there?}"
  158. Junkie: "{223}{}{And I think it's gonna be a long, long time…}"
    "{241}{}{[Sings.] Rocketman, burning off the mmmmumble there alone…}"
  159. Boxer: "{350}{}{Adrian! Adrian!}"
    "{351}{}{You're going down!}"
    "{352}{}{Make you a bitch...}"
    "{353}{}{I must break you.}"
    "{354}{}{You're fighting like a bum!}"
    "{355}{}{You got no guts!}"
    "{356}{}{You're a bum! A bum!}"
    "{357}{}{Gonna beat you like a dog...}"
  160. 160.0 160.1 NcBoxer.msg
  161. Stuart Little: "{490}{}{Awright… (Stuart looks you over.) Yer gonna need a name, y'know, a handle. Something that sounds tough. Mean. Like }"
    "{1490}{}{ the Hurricane, }"
    "{2490}{}{ the Brawler, y'know.}"
    The Chosen One: "{448}{}{Balboa}"
    Stuart Little: "{504}{}{(The midget smirks.) Eye of the Tiger, huh? "Aaaydrian," "Aaaaydrian…" Heh-heh. I like it…lot of weight associated with it. Shall we head to the ring?}"
    (NCSTULIT.MSG, Newr1.msg)
  162. Corsican Brothers: "{516}{}{(He yanks out a piece of paper from his jacket, and directs you to scrawl your signature on it.) Done! Let's film! First, you'll need a stage name, something that screams STAR. Any ideas?}"
    The Chosen One: "....."
    Corsican Brothers: "{545}{}{Eh…not THAT name, 'kay? Bad ass-ociations. I mean, nobody wants to see anybody named that in any decent porno. Choose another name, eh?}"
    (NcCorBro.msg, Newr1.msg)
    [verification needed]
  163. Lumpy: "{107}{}{I'm comin' to meet you Elizabeth!}"
  164. Den addict: "{217}{}{Say hello to my little friend.}"
  165. Robodog: "{116}{}{Rooby-Doo!}"
  166. Reno townsfolk: "{332}{}{Conjunction, Junction.}"
    "{400}{}{Conjunction, Junction.}"
    "{461}{}{Conjunction, Junction.}"
    "{619}{}{Conjunction, Junction.}"
    "{670}{}{Conjunction, Junction.}"
    "{716}{}{Conjunction, Junction.}"
  167. Reno townsfolk: "{498}{}{This game was brought to you by the letter Z.}"
  168. Wright child: "{175}{}{Fallout 2 was brought to you by the letter Z.}"
  169. Wikipedia - Sharpe Series characters.
  170. Obidiah Hakeswill: "{130}{}{I cut the bitch. She made a mistake, she did.}"
    The Chosen One: "{131}{}{A mistake?}"
    Obidiah Hakeswill: "{141}{}{She made fun o' me Mum. Nobody makes fun o' Hakeswill's Mum. She's the only good thing in this whole rotting world.}"
  171. Obidiah Hakeswill: "{114}{}{You can't kill me. It's been tried before.}"
  172. Corsican Brothers: "{371}{}{Shaft…he's one bad mutha --}"
  173. New Reno prostitute: "{468}{}{That mutant is one big mutha.}"
    Reno townsfolk: "{378}{}{That mutant is one big mutha.}"
    Wright teenager: "{298}{}{That mutant is one big mutha.}"
    (NcProsti.msg, NcPerson.msg, NcWriTee.msg)
  174. Boxer: "{345}{}{Haadookin.}"
    "{347}{}{SUPER... NUCLEAR... TORNADO... FIST...}"
  175. Crashed vertibird robot: "{10120}{}{Number five is alive!}"
    "{10140}{}{Number five is alive!}"
    (COMBATAI.MSG (Fallout 2))
  176. Sierra Depot experiment log
  177. The Chosen One: "{106}{}{I hear you have someone else's spleen.}"
    Wong Yi Tze: "{140}{}{Ahh, yes! Indeed. I will prepare it with fava beans and a nice chianti.}"
    The Chosen One: "{143}{}{You do know that you're supposed to serve liver with that wine instead of spleen, right?}"
    Wong Yi Tze: "{155}{}{Ha ha! Yes, I too saw that old movie. Wait... what are you saying? Are you saying that...?}"
    The Chosen One: "{156}{}{Yes, it's a human spleen.}"
  178. Old ghoul: "{134}{}{It's cold and there are wolves after me.}"
  179. T-Ray: "{640}{}{Damn, bitch! I just gave you sweet love five minutes ago! You trying to KILL me?}"
  180. New Reno prostitute: "{1299}{}{I'm Filthy Spice.}"
    "{1300}{}{I'm Homely Spice.}"
    "{1301}{}{I'm Slutty Spice.}"
    "{1302}{}{I'm Old Spice.}"
    "{1304}{}{I'm Dirty Spice.}"
  181. Crashed vertibird robot: "{10121}{}{Vee-jer, Veee-jer.}"
    "{10141}{}{Vee-jer, Veee-jer.}"
    (COMBATAI.MSG (Fallout 2))
  182. Protector: "{220}{}{We have been instructed to take all surfacers to Vegeir. You will not be harmed. Please come with us.}"
    The Chosen One: "{221}{}{Go to hell, I'm not going anywhere with you.}"
    Protector: "{224}{}{Let me elaborate on my previous statement. You will not be harmed UNLESS you resist. Are you resisting?}"
    The Chosen One: "{226}{}{No, I know resistance is futile. I'll go with you.}"
  183. The Chosen One: "{294}{}{A den? What kind of den?}"
    Whiskey Bob: "{360}{}{Not ‘A den,’ - ‘The Den.’ You’ll not find a greater hive of scum and villainy. Now where did I hear that? In any case, it’s a rough sort of place a few days travel south of Klamath. Anything can be had there for a price...even slaves. But you have to be very careful there -— lots of short tempers attached to dangerous weapons. I don’t think they have much to do with us, though; we’re too poor here.}"
    The Chosen One: "{361}{}{I think I’d be safe enough there; I know how to handle myself. Let me ask you about something else, though.}"
  184. Porn actress: "{295}{}{Aren't you a little short for a storm trooper?}"
  185. Junkie: "{458}{}{Well, if it ain't Mr. Darttth Vadrrr}"
  186. Reno townsfolk: "{496}{}{I felt a great disturbance…as if a hundred evil bastards on an oil derrick suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. Strange.}"
  187. Casino bouncers: "{285}{}{No droids.}"
    "{286}{}{We don't serve droids.}"
    "{287}{}{No droids. They wait outside.}"
  188. Cut content Casino pit boss: "# 18. ROBOBRAIN (WTG)"
    "{295}{}{No droids.}"
    "{296}{}{We don't serve droids.}"
    "{297}{}{No droids. They wait outside.}"
    (NcPitBos.msg) Cut content
    Cut content Casino pit boss: "# 18. ROBOBRAIN (WTG)"
    "{360}{}{No droids.}"
    "{000}{}{We don't serve droids.}"
    "{000}{}{No droids. They wait outside.}"
    (NCPITBOX.MSG) Cut content
  189. The Chosen One: "{793}{}{Perhaps you feel you are being treated…unfairly?}"
  190. The Chosen One: "{248}{}{Where do you get your slaves?}"
    Aidan: "{330}{}{I ain't talkin' about that. Metzger'll string me up. Plus, we wouldn't want any outside competition.}"
    The Chosen One: "{332}{}{Tell me before I blow a hole through your head.}"
    Aidan: "{342}{}{Now, young jet eye, you will die.}"
  191. The Chosen One: "{160}{}{Your powers are weak, old man. You are no match for me.}"
  192. Enclave communications officer: "{108}{powr2}{Who the hell is this?}"
    The Chosen One: "{109}{}{Uh, we’re all fine here. How are you?}"
  193. Enclave soldier: "{115}{}{These are not the droids we are looking for.}"
  194. The Chosen One: "{110}{}{What is this place, exactly?}"
    Josh Laurence: "{121}{}{This is the Last Gasp Saloon and Funeral Parlor. A full service establishment. Bottle to Grave is our motto.}"
    The Chosen One: "{122}{}{That seems like a bizarre combination, Josh.}"
    Josh Laurence: "{139}{}{That it is. But I couldn't make ends meet just burying people - you might say business was dead. Oh, it was a grave matter. So I undertook the job of fixing up my place to sell drinks, too.}"
    The Chosen One: "{140}{}{Uh-huh. I'm almost afraid to ask you anything else now. But I guess I will anyway.}"
    Josh Laurence: "{141}{}{Uh, doesn't it throw people off their feed to see all the stiffs in here?}"
    The Chosen One: "{143}{}{Well, it would, if they was all real. But they ain't. Not all of 'em, anyway. 'Sides, the miners kinda like it. Makes 'em feel lucky to be alive.}"
    The Chosen One: "{144}{}{I think it's creepy. You're a very disturbed individual.}"
    Josh Laurence: "{147}{}{You call *me* creepy? Why, I hear that tribals eat their damn dead.}"
    The Chosen One: "{148}{}{How else could we grok their essence?}"
    Josh Laurence: "{181}{}{God-damn Martians. And I mistook you for a damn tribal. Well, don't I feel stupid. Well, cannibals is cannibals in my book.}"
  195. Wikipedia:Gork
  196. Junkie: "{484}{}{You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me?!}"
    "{510}{}{You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me?!}"
    "{546}{}{You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me?!}"
    "{575}{}{You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me?!}"
  197. Fallout Bible 6: "4. What happened to..."
    "a. Skynet"
    "Skynet's fate is undocumented. If I was to speculate, he left the player and began to travel west into the wasteland, looking for terminals and data to acquire more knowledge, collect more data, and perhaps "settle down" in a mainframe. The frame he was in, and the brain he had could only store so much information, and AIs need more data storage space to grow in order to evolve. It is possible he made his way to the Glow, but it's not known for sure. Any fan writers out there, feel free to round out what happened to him - considering his combat messages alone, the world's in for some shakin'."
    "In the official universe, Skynet is not his real name. Like some other aspects in the Sierra Army Depot (i.e., the news reports), it needs to be revised into the timeline. Sue me."
  198. The Chosen One: "{111}{}{I'm here in town to kick ass and chew bubblegum - and I'm all out of gum.}"
  199. Buster's guard: "{105}{}{I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum. Good thing for you I have one stick left.}"
  200. Hubologist guard: "{131}{}{Obey.}"
  201. Micky: "{161}{}{Oh my god! Morlocks!}"
  202. Old ghoul: "{102}{}{I'm so tired.}"
    "{103}{}{So tired, tired of waiting, tired of waiting for yo-oo-ou.}"
  203. Stuart Little: "{601}{}{I've taken in your over-pixellated breasts, your ridiculous sashay when you walk, your unimaginative character point allocation and concluded you are a mini-maxing Laura Kroft wannabe…a "munchkin."}"
  204. Juan Cruz and Vikki Goldman: "{103}{}{Him: Hi! I'm Juan Cruz! Her: And I'm Vikki Goldman! Both: We're celebrities! And we endorse Hubology! Both: Please note that any similarities between us and people or institutions, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.}"
    The Chosen One: "{105}{}{Celebrities? What makes you celebrities?}"
    "{121}{}{Her: Why, we were in the movie business in New Reno. We made hundreds of films, many of them classics, like "Top Bun," "Frisky Bizness," and "Days of Rubber". That's what makes us celebrities.}"
  205. DcAnan.msg
  206. Casino patrons: "{347}{}{Can your armor transform into a jet and fly around? Just curious.}"
  207. Robodog: "{115}{}{<whirrr> Not bird, nor plane, nor even frog, just lil' old me - Robodog!<click>}"
  208. Press Gang mercenary: "{103}{}{The few, the proud, the mercenaries.}"
  209. Press Gang mercenary: "{102}{}{Be all you can be.}"
  210. Press Gang mercenary: "{107}{}{Go join the Navy.}"
  211. Press Gang mercenary: "{101}{}{Join or die!}"
  212. Press Gang mercenary: "{100}{}{Ah! Another recruit.}"
  213. Press Gang mercenary: "{105}{}{4F.}"
  214. Wikipedia:4F
  215. The Chosen One: "{136}{}{Hmm, sounds like greed to me.}"
    Gordon: "{140}{}{I am greedy. But most people misunderstand greed. Greed is a powerful driving force. Throughout history, mankind’s greatest achievements were driven by men that wanted to better their positions. Driven by greed. Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.}"
    The Chosen One: "{141}{}{I’ll take your word for that, Gordon. But what does greed have to do with Gecko?}"
    Gordon: "{150}{}{So far, not much. But in greed lies Gecko’s salvation. I have important information about the survival of Gecko, but I can’t get anyone to listen to me.}"
  216. Junkie: "{301}{}{[Sings.] "We don't need another hero, we don't need to know the way home…"}"
  217. Wright teenager: "{203}{}{(Sings.) "We don't need another hero, we don't need to know the way home…"}"
  218. Frenchy, Paine, and Sims: "{1200}{}{! Th' big hero! How can we help you? Maybe sing you something special, eh?}"
    "{800}{}{We don't need another hero...}"
    "{801}{}{We don't needta know the way home...}"
    "{802}{}{All we need is whaz beyond...}"
  219. New Reno prostitute: "{922}{}{Wanna go to Where the Wild Things Are?}"
  220. Boxer: "{322}{}{Who's your Daddy?}"
  221. New Reno prostitute: "{836}{}{Look, Tin Man, if you want me to dress up as Dorothy or Toto, that's extra.}"
  222. Casino patron: "{341}{}{Lose your heart, tin man?}"
  223. Eldridge: "{202}{}{::Ding-dong, the Enclave's dead, the Enclave's dead... ::}"
  224. The Chosen One: "{287}{}{Who's your boss?}"
    Vic's guard: "{310}{}{Huh? You just in the habit of walking around into places you don't know? This is the Slaver's Guild.}"
    The Chosen One: "{312}{}{Oh, that's where I am? I though I was in Kansas.}"
    Vic's guard: "{320}{}{Where? No, never heard of it. This is the Den. Not sure about that place, but I don't get out much. Sorry.}"
  225. The Chosen One: "You ever worked in a circus, Stuart?"
    Stuart Little: "And what makes you think I've ever spectated a circus, much less been enslaved by one?"
    The Chosen One: "Uh…well, I know that many of the citizens of New Reno act like they came out of a circus, and I thought…"
    Stuart Little: "YOU thought because I'm a person of short stature, the only career I could procure would be confined to the so-called 'big top.'"
    The Chosen One: "Uh…well, now…"
    Stuart Little: "You took one QUICK look at me and thought you could deduce my entire life. It would never have occurred to you that a person of my height could have obtained a career in *Boxing Management.*"
    The Chosen One: "I'm sorry, I meant no offense."
    Stuart Little: "Why should I take offense? Just because it seems to be the habit of everyone in this game to make instantaneous judgments of other NPCs based solely on their physical appearance?"
    The Chosen One: "Well, I don't know about an INSTANTANEOUS judgment…"
    Stuart Little: "Why, I've done the same thing to you, for example."
    The Chosen One: "Oh?"
    Stuart Little: "I've taken in your over-pixellated breasts, your ridiculous sashay when you walk, your unimaginative character point allocation and concluded you are a mini-maxing Laura Kroft wannabe…a "munchkin.""
    The Chosen One: "I…"
    Stuart Little: "You are nothing more than a typical 'RPG female hero model,' if you will, one of MANY such models that seems to fill this world in droves."
    The Chosen One: "Well..."
    Stuart Little: "(Looks at you pityingly.) But do you see the TRAGEDY here? I have mistakenly reduced you to a stereotype, a caricature, a generic Fallout model, instead of regarding you as a specific, unique character."
    The Chosen One: "Uh, but Stuart, I AM a typical hero model. In fact, I am the player character of this game."
    (Stuart Little's dialogue)
  226. Corsican Brothers: "{258}{}{Battle on, Xena.}"
  227. Corsican Brothers: "{250}{}{Hey there, you sexual Hercules!}"
  228. The Chosen One: "{280}{}{I have a special…dramatic…request.}"
    Miss Kitty: "{375}{}{Chances are that we can accommodate you. Your request would be…?}"
    The Chosen One: "{378}{}{I'd like to play the role of 'Herk,' a nubile young slave stolen from his village by a band of lusty female slavers. Here's the catch…he can only communicate using his BODY.}"
  229. The Chosen One: "{280}{}{I have a special…dramatic…request.}"
    Miss Kitty: "{375}{}{Chances are that we can accommodate you. Your request would be…?}"
    The Chosen One: "{379}{}{I'd like to play the role of 'Zena,' a nubile young slave stolen from her village by a band of slavers. Here's the catch…she can only communicate using her BODY.}"
  230. Casino pit boss: "{000}{}{[Nods at Marcus.] I don't care if your friend one of the Ex-Men, mutants wait outside.}"
    Casino pit boss: "{286}{}{I don't care if your friend one of the Ex-Men, mutants wait outside.}"
    (NcPitBos.msg, NCPITBOX.MSG)