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Fallout Wiki

Say, yourr antenna don't pick up all the channels do it? Well, I tell you what. Here's a key to that door behind me. There's all kinds of rats back there - even one big one s'posedly. You go through there and kill all the dang rats you can eat. How's that?— Slim to a low Intelligence character

Slim Picket is a professional trapper and the informal leader of the trappers of Klamath in 2241.[1]


A tall, lanky trapper, Slim Picket is a veteran wasteland hunter.[1] He knows a great deal about the critters inhabiting the wasteland and will share his knowledge for a price. He and the other trappers settled into the ruined mall on the west end of the town, picking off rats and other critters for food and trade. Normally he likes the taste of rat, spit-roasted with a bit of herbs, but they have become such a nuisance that the trappers barricaded and locked the entrance to the northern section of town.[2] However, the appearance of Keeng Ra'at in the excavated tunnels beneath the mall has caused a surge in both rat populations and their aggression. They think that something is controlling them. Slim had the trappers wall off all access points to the northern part of the mall in an effort to stem the tide.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.

Kill the rat god

Sexpert color
This character can be slept with.

Requires female character


Kill the rat god: Slim says that something in the caves is controlling the rats west of Klamath. He wants it taken out.

Other interactions[]

  • He has a key to the north part of Trapper Town. He also mentions the Highwayman in the old car lot.
  • With Outdoorsman less than 29% and a successful Speech check (55% Speech), Slim can raise the Chosen One's Outdoorsman skill by up to 20% (the value gained is INT*2; the minimum amount is 7% regardless of INT) for $100 ($50 with good town reputation).
  • With 29% in Outdoorsman or after having received training, he can tell the Chosen One more about geckos, at which point he'll mention Smiley and Ardin Buckner, unlocking an option in her dialogue to ask about the trapper (not that it's too hard to do it another way).
  • Female characters can sleep with him.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Torn old outfit Trapper Town key
Meat jerky x3


Slim Picket appears only in Fallout 2.

Behind the scenes[]

Slim Picket is a reference to actor Slim Pickens, best known for his role in the movie Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb as B-52 pilot Major T. J. "King" Kong. Kong rides a dropped H-bomb to a certain death, while waving his cowboy hat as if the bomb were a rodeo bronco. The bomb explodes, triggering the end of the world.


Although his Outdoorsman training session is supposed to cost the Chosen One 100 (or 50) dollars, due to incorrect scripting, the Chosen One will instead receive the money.[verified] In the unpatched game, money would be neither paid nor received.[verified]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Slim Picket's character description: "{100}{}{You see a very tall and lanky trapper.}"
    "{101}{}{You see Slim Picket, the head of Trapper Town.}"
  2. The Chosen One: "{186}{}{Rats? Tell me more about rats.}"
    Slim Picket: "{335}{}{Well they taste pretty good if you spit-roast 'em with just a titch of herbs. But most of the time they can be a real nuisance, and they're getting worse. We've barricaded the north side of town but they're sneaking through anyway. There's one door to the north side, right here, but I have it locked.}"