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Looks like it could be an expensive hobby if you got hooked— In-game message

Tragic the Garnering™ is a collectible card game. The cards are quest items in Fallout 2. Tragic players have not been looked kindly upon, either in pre-War or post-War society.


A pre-War collectible card game existing as early as 2023,[1] knowledge of how to play has seemingly only survived in New California through Wooz. The game can be played by two or three players (unless it's Thursday), each using a deck of special cards called "Tragic cards" of the "Tragic the Garnering" set and may have any number of cards of any type of the many in the "Tragic the Garnering" set. In the game, the players are engaged in a battle and each start with twenty "life points." If the players life points reach zero or below, the player loses. Players lose life when they are dealt "damage" by being attacked with summoned creatures, spells, or other cards that cause them to lose life directly as stated on said cards. Also, a player can lose the game if he/she is out of cards to play. A few of the cards include ones such as a Black Dahlia (one of the most valuable cards and has the ability to be sacrificed for three mana [the magic fuel used to cast spells] of any one color), Vox Muby (an 'artifacts' card that costs nothing to play and adds red mana to the owner's mana pool), and Earths (more mana providing cards).

Gameplay mechanics[]

The Chosen One can play Tragic the Garnering against Wooz. Winning or losing is based upon a gambling skill roll.[2]


Game quotes[]

This isn't just a game, it's a way of life - and it sure can be addicting.Fallout 2 Official Strategies & Secrets and in-game description
Tragic the Garnering™ is the most addictive thing since Jet.— Wooz
Well, Tragic the Garnering™ isn't just a game -- it's an obsession. Not a cologne, either. Some think that the way it changes a person’s life is tragic, but they just don’t understand.— Wooz
So you deal to the third player unless it's Thursday? Ok, I think I got it now.— The Chosen One
Looks like it could be an expensive hobby if you got hooked— In-game message


Tragic the Garnering™ appears only in Fallout 2 and is mentioned in Fallout: New Vegas.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

  • Tragic the Garnering™ is a parody of Magic: The Gathering. The names of cards are similar as well: Vox Muby is a parody of Mox Ruby and Black Dahlia/Black Orchid of Black Lotus, and "Earths" are the equivalent of Lands.
    • In August 2023, a real Fallout crossover set for Magic: The Gathering was announced, set for release in March 2024.
    • The year the set was announced (2023) aligns with the earliest mention of Tragic in Fallout lore, as the terminal entry in Fallout: New Vegas that mentions Tragic is said to have been written in 2023.
  • Wooz's remark that it's "not a cologne" is a reference to Obsession, the Calvin Klein brand of cologne.
  • The Chosen One's comment may be a reference to Fizzbin, a fictional card game invented by Captain Kirk in the Star Trek episode "A Piece of the Action", which also supposedly contains exceptions to the rules based on dates and times.


See also[]

