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Legal tender for the world of the wastes.

Money, NCR dollars,[Non-game 1] or $1 NCR, is a miscellaneous item in Fallout 2.


Main article: NCR dollar

The standard denomination of the NCR dollar, minted in the mid-23rd century as gold coins. Frequently referred to as just coins,[1][2] bucks,[3] or, in New Reno, chips.[4] They were the standard unit of currency in New California, from the heartland of the NCR to the fringes as far as Klamath, Modoc, and Vault City, accepted by virtually all merchants. They were kept in bags not unlike bottle caps.[5]


Used by the New California Republic, Vault City and New Reno. Bottle caps have been replaced by these coins.



See also[]


  1. Sulik: "{779}{slk48a}{Slavers got our sis. Thought Vic be having information. Couldn't peep him, got p.o.'d, drank like a fish. Spirits of Anger and Chaos pop out and now we have to pay some coin to make it right.}"
  2. Biff: "{103}{}{Balthas will pay a pretty coin for this hide.}"
  3. Eg. Doofus: "{103}{}{That's fine transport, man, truly fine! Oh man, I am the one for you - watch your car, keep it safe from the bedbugs. Five bucks, no problem. Five bucks and Doofus is on the job! Never sleep - 24 hour, always there, man.}"
    Doc Andrew: "{119}{}{All right...from the looks of it, it's gonna cost }
    {120}{}{ bucks. You got the cash, then you're good to go.}"
    Note: Term used multiple times in the dialogue file.
    Valerie: "{176}{}{Uh... thanks. I mean, they're not great, but they'll do. Where did you... oh, never mind. It's not important. Here's a few bucks for your trouble.}"
    Skeev: "{160}{}{For two hundred bucks, I can make you a full-fledged Citizen. You'll have free passage through the gate, no hassles. I can print out the papers, register your serial number, and have you on your way in five minutes.}"
    Note: Term used multiple times in the dialogue file.
    Joey: "{172}{}{Huh? Oh yeah. Yeah. T-That's for damn sure. You're gonna have to fork over some bucks for sure. You ain't gettin' this for free! $50 or beat it!}"
    Note: Term used multiple times in the dialogue file.
    Petey: "{202}{}{Hey, can you help me with a few bucks?}
    {203}{}{Do you think you can help me out with a coupla dollars?}
    {204}{}{Do you think you could lend me a few bucks?}"
    Chosen One: "{737}{}{How about fifty bucks?}
    Renesco: {745}{}{Inflation due to managerial irritation with hagglers. 200 or nothing.}"
    Used multiple times in other files.
  4. Eg. Miss Kitty: "{335}{}{Well…rumor has it there was once an employee of a famous computer company who enjoyed talking with others. (Shrugs.) }
    {336}{}{By coincidence, he also only made }
    {1336}{}{ chips a week.}
    {337}{}{By coincidence, he also made no money at all, so talking was all he could afford.}"
    Porn actress: "{437}{}{Sorry, no, I couldn't be a lesbian for less than 200 chips. For you, 300.}
    {438}{}{I'm dancing at the casinos on Thursday. Catch my act and bring some chips.}"
    Big Jesus Mordino: "{345}{}{(Mordino studies your companions. His gaze stops on Miria, and he licks his lips.) Your puta looks fresh... I will give you 250 chips for her.}
    {346}{}{(Mordino studies your companions. His gaze stops on Davin.) Though he looks weak, I will take that boy there. 200 chips for him.}
    {347}{}{(Mordino studies your companions. His gaze stops on Sulik... and he wrinkles his nose.) The tribal... he stinks, but he looks strong. I will take him for 100 chips.}
    {348}{}{(Mordino studies your companions. His gaze stops on Vic.) I will take the old man... he looks like he has a few years of work left in him. I will take him for 100 chips.}
    {349}{}{(Mordino studies your companions. His gaze stops on Cassidy.) I will take the old man... he looks like he has a few years of work left in him. I will take him for 100 chips.}
    {350}{}{(Mordino's gaze immediately stops on the Robobrain.) That machine there. I will give you 500 chips for him.}
    {351}{}{(Mordino's gaze immediately stops on the cyberdog.) I will buy that... machine dog from you. I will give you 500 chips for him.}"
    Other examples include John Bishop, Louis Salvatore, Corsican Brothers, drug dealers, and many other New Reno characters
  5. SCRIPTS.LST (Fallout 2): "{310}{}{Coin Bag} # miCoinBg.int  ; Modoc Coin bags at the bottom of the well"


  1. Chris Avellone on Twitter:
    "@JagarTharn http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/NCR_dollars They are NCR dollars in Fallout 2."