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Fallout Wiki

Dialogue for Petey, a drug addict in the Den West Side.


# #
# Message File: dcPetey.msg #
# #
# Note: Characters within curly braces (like line 100) #
# will be read in as a message string. Caution #
# should be used when making comments. All comments #
# should be prepended with a pound symbol for #
# visual ease. This does not comment out the line #
# though. #
# #
# Purpose: This message file contains the dialog for a #
# new character from which is used by the #
# design tool. It will be updated using the #
# the tool. This is just a tool file, and not #
# meant to be used in the game. #
# #
# Log: Please note any changes that have been made to this #
# file and comment which lines have changed. #
# #
# Created: January 12, 1998 #
# #
# Updated: #
# The following lines are for describing the item when #
# glanced and examined. #
{100}{}{You see a drug addict.}
{101}{}{You see Petey.}
{150}{}{This here is a poor drug addict.}
{151}{}{Petey here looks like he could use some help.}
{155}{}{[cough, cough] Any spare change for Petey?}
{156}{}{Sure, here ya go.}
{157}{}{No, get away from me.}
{159}{}{You're worse off than me. [cough] Thanks anyway.}
{160}{}{Sorry; bye.}
{161}{}{Duh, you are welcome, uh-huh, yeah.}
{162}{}{Maybe next time. Thank you anyway. [cough]}
{164}{}{Thank you so much. [cough] So, so, so very much.}
{165}{}{You're welcome.}
{166}{}{Yeah, yeah.}
{167}{}{Sir, [cough] can you help a poor man down on his luck?}
{168}{}{Here’s $5.}
{169}{}{Not today.}
{170}{}{Get a job.}
{171}{}{Kind lady, please help [cough] a poor, starving man who is [cough] too sick to work.}
{172}{}{You poor thing, here’s $5.}
{173}{}{I make a point of not giving money to panhandlers.}
{200}{}{Hey, man; give me some money?}
{201}{}{Spare some change, kind sir?}
{202}{}{Hey, can you help me with a few bucks?}
{203}{}{Do you think you can help me out with a coupla dollars?}
{204}{}{Do you think you could lend me a few bucks?}
{205}{}{Spare some change, kind lady?}
{206}{}{Hey, lady; spare some money?}
{220}{}{Please help me, sir.}
{221}{}{Ahhh, it hurts.}
{222}{}{I need help. It hurts bad.}
{223}{}{Lady, can you get me some help?}
{225}{}{I greatly appreciate that.}
{226}{}{Hey, what do you think you're doing?}
{230}{}{Feels so good.}
#dealer dead messages
#tubby dead
{300}{}{Ahhh, someone fucking killed Tubby?}
{301}{}{What the fuck happened to Tubby?}
{302}{}{Oh shit, Tubby's...}
{304}{}{Didn't like that asshole anyway.}
#flick dead
{305}{}{Flick's dead? Crap.}
{306}{}{What happened to Flick?}
#dealer far, ask for assistance
#ask tubby
{310}{}{Hey Tubby, I, Uhhh, need some help here.}
{311}{}{HEY TUBBY!}
#ask any
#ask flick
{314}{}{Hey Flick, I, Uhhh, need some help here.}
{315}{}{HEY FLICK!}
#ask dealer for drug messages
#from tubby
{320}{}{Hey Tubby, can you hook me up? I've got cash.}
{321}{}{Ummm, Tubby, I've got some money.}
#from any
{323}{}{I need a fix man.}
#from flick
{324}{}{Hey, Flick; can you hook me up? I've got cash.}
{325}{}{Ummm, Flick, I've got some money.}
#thank dealer for drugs messages
#thank tubby
{330}{}{Uhhh... Thanks again, Tubby.}
{331}{}{You're a pal, Tubby.}
#thank generic
{332}{}{I promise. I'm gonna kick tomorrow.}
{333}{}{You're a pal.}
#thank flick
{334}{}{Uhhh... Thanks again, Flick.}
{335}{}{You're a pal, Flick.}
