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Fallout Wiki

Dialogue for New Reno slaves.


{100}{}{You see a sickly slave.}
{101}{}{You see a drugged slave.}
{102}{}{You see a slave.}

{150}{}{You see a broken looking man. His eyes dart around the area, as if following some invisible insect.}
{151}{}{You see a sickly slave. He looks terribly frightened, and his eyes seem unable to focus on you.}
{152}{}{You see a sickly slave. His clothes are in tatters, and his skin hangs loosely on his flesh.}
{153}{}{You see a sickly slave. He is coughing violently, and his tattered shirt has blood stains on the front of it.}
{154}{}{You see a sickly slave. The smell of dried urine and feces emanates from him.}
{155}{}{You see a sickly slave. His teeth have fallen out, and his eyes are bloodshot.}
{156}{}{You see a sickly slave. Some sort of rash covers his face and neck, and he scratches occasionally.}
{160}{}{You see a broken looking woman. She is staring at the ground intently, as if afraid to look up.}
{161}{}{You see a sickly slave. She looks terribly frightened, and her eyes seem unable to focus on you.}
{162}{}{You see a sickly slave. She doesn't seem to notice the bloodflies that land on her face and arms.}
{163}{}{You see a sickly slave. Her clothes are in tatters, and her skin hangs loosely on her flesh.}
{164}{}{You see a sickly slave. She is wheezing with every breath, and streams of mucus run from her nose.}
{165}{}{You see a sickly slave. The smell of dried urine and feces emanates from her.}
{166}{}{You see a sickly slave. She is scratching at some sort of rash that covers her face and neck.}
{167}{}{You see a sickly slave. She looks like she is trying to cry, but no tears will come.}
{170}{}{You see a sluggish looking man. He is staring straight ahead with a vacant expression.}
{171}{}{You see a drugged slave. His eyes dart around the area, never focusing on any one thing.}
{172}{}{You see a drugged slave. As you watch, he bites his forearm and peels back some skin with his teeth, slowly chewing it.}
{173}{}{You see a drugged slave. He has a faint smile on his face, but his eyes are glazed and vacant.}
{174}{}{You see a drugged slave. He is gazing vacantly out into space, drool coming from his lips.}
{175}{}{You see a drugged slave. As he sees you, he winces and gives a painful smile, as if you are too bright to look at.}
{180}{}{You see a shivering woman. She is staring at the ground, as if afraid it will go away if she stops looking at it.}
{181}{}{You see a drugged slave. She is giggling to herself, and there are traces of blood on the corners of her mouth.}
{182}{}{You see a drugged slave. There are track marks on her arm intermixed with bruises and lash marks.}
{183}{}{You see a drugged slave. She blinks rapidly, as if her eyes are dry.}
{184}{}{You see a drugged slave. She is scratching the back her hands, so much so that the skin is tearing off.}
{185}{}{You see a drugged slave. Vomit stains cover the front of her shirt, and she smells faintly of turpentine.}
{190}{}{You see a thin man. Lash marks cover his body, and he stares meekly at the ground, as if waiting for orders.}
{191}{}{You see a beaten slave.}
{192}{}{You see a thin slave. Lash marks cover his body, and he stares meekly at the ground, as if waiting for orders.}
{195}{}{You see a shivering woman. Her body is covered with lash marks, and her clothes are in tatters.}
{196}{}{You see a female slave.}
{197}{}{You see a female slave. She is shivering slightly, and her body is covered with lash marks.}

{203}{}{::Scratches self.::}
{204}{}{::Brushes away flies::}
{213}{}{Hee heeeee hee…hee…}

{220}{}{::Looks blankly at you::}
{221}{}{::Cries silently::}
{222}{}{::Stares at you blankly::}
{223}{}{::Blinks at you stupidly::}
{224}{}{::Gives a wheezing cough::}
{225}{}{::Mumbles something that you can't make out.::}
{227}{}{::Wipes nose::}
{240}{}{::Rubs eyes::}
{241}{}{::Snorts like a pig::}
{242}{}{::Scratches head, then rubs eyes::}
{243}{}{Hee heeeee hee…hee…}
{244}{}{Hootchie Kootchie Boochie}
{247}{}{My eyes are big black flies}
{248}{}{Boooogety boooo}
{249}{}{Hwoo Hwooo}
{251}{}{Me bad me good me bad me good}
{252}{}{Double plus good}
{260}{}{Yes, I am already owned. My master has the papers.}
{261}{}{Please leave me be. I am already owned by someone else.}
{262}{}{I beg you: have you seen two children, dark-hair…? They were taken by other slavers two years ago and sold North.}
{263}{}{Please…I am not allowed to speak to anyone.}
{264}{}{Please…let me be. My master will be back soon.}
{265}{}{If my master catches me talking to a slaver, I will be beaten.}
{266}{}{I already have a master. She will not be happy if you continue to talk to me.}
{267}{}{I cannot speak to you. I have duties.}
{268}{}{If I am caught speaking to a slaver, they will start testing the drugs on me.}
{269}{}{Please go away, slaver. I don't want any trouble.}
{270}{}{Escape? I…have never tried to escape from here. I would not dare disobey my master.}
{280}{}{If they catch me talking to you, they will start testing drugs on me.}
{281}{}{I used to work with this other slave, but he died of an overdose a few days ago.}
{282}{}{They test new drugs on us. Some are poisonous.}
{283}{}{My master is...good to me.}
{284}{}{My master said not to speak to others.}
{285}{}{Please…I am not allowed to speak to you.}
{286}{}{Please let me be. My master will be back soon.}
{287}{}{If my master catches me talking to you, he will beat me.}
{288}{}{My master is good. He does not beat me often.}
{289}{}{I do not miss my family. My master is kind.}
{290}{}{I was taken from a tribal village north of here. Life is much…better here.}
{291}{}{I was first captured in the Den.}
{292}{}{I cannot speak to you. I have work to do.}
{293}{}{I must finish my duties before my master returns.}
{294}{}{Speaking is against the rules.}
{295}{}{Please go away. I beg you. You're only going to get me in trouble.}
{296}{}{Escape? There is nowhere to escape TO. The Wastes are filled with horrible monsters that will eat runaways alive.}
{297}{}{Slaves who become sick are usually killed.}
{298}{}{I was one of the slaves who made it to New Reno. Two others got sick during the trip, so the slavers shot them.}
{299}{}{Yes? How can I help you?}
{300}{}{I hear rumors of an underground railroad, but I don't know anyone who escaped.}
{301}{}{Julia escaped, but they caught her in Golgotha the next day. They tied her to a wheel and let her starve to death.}
{302}{}{Runaway slaves are caught and left to die in Golgotha.}
{303}{}{No, I don't know where my family is now. I still think about them sometimes, but not so often anymore.}
{304}{}{New Reno is…well, it is not as bad as the Den. In some ways.}
{305}{}{::Turns away, frightened.::}
{306}{}{::Ignores you, frightened.::}
{307}{}{Once you learn your new master's needs, the beatings become less…frequent.}
{308}{}{I was captured by slavers long ago. I barely remember it.}
{309}{}{I used to have two children, but they were shipped northwards. I hope they ended up somewhere better than here.}
{310}{}{I'm sorry, but I don't have time to talk.}
{311}{}{My master recently has become upset with me. He says he will sell me to the stables if I anger him again.}
{312}{}{Runaway slaves die on Golgotha or are shipped to the Stables for testing.}
