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This is a transcript for dialogue with Myron.

{100}{}{You see Myron! Myron, baby, Myron!}

# 0. LOOK [FEMALE, CHR > 5] (WTG)
{150}{}{You see a pasty-faced teenager leering at you. His hair is greasy, and he smells faintly of formaldehyde.}
{151}{}{You see Myron. He's scoping you out from the corner of his eye.}

{200}{}{You see a pasty-faced teenager. His hair is greasy, and he smells faintly of formaldehyde.}
{201}{}{You see Myron. He's looking around like a ferret.}
{202}{}{You see Myron. He sniffs occasionally, as if he has a cold.}
{203}{}{You see Myron. He looks bored.}
{204}{}{You see Myron. As you watch, he gives a wide yawn, then rubs his eyes.}

{210}{}{Get off your asses and get in here, guys! We got an intruder!}

{215}{}{What the hell do you want?}
{216}{}{If you're here for Jet, don't waste my time, just get out.}
{217}{}{Thought I smelled something…}

{225}{}{Hell-oooo, beautiful.}
{226}{}{Come over here and talk to me a minute. I don't bite.}
{227}{}{Don't tease. Come on over.}
{228}{}{I think loooove just walked in.}
{229}{}{Come here often?}
{230}{}{Mmmm-mmmm. Those legs go all the way up?}

{235}{}{What is that smell? Smells like a tribal.}
{236}{}{Nice bone on your friend, there. Tres chic.}
{237}{}{That tribal your slave?}
{238}{}{Your tribal friend over-compensating for something?}
{239}{}{How the hell did that thing get in here?}
{240}{}{Great. Now they're letting mutants in here.}
{241}{}{Is that really a vise on yer mutant's shoulder?}
{242}{}{That mutant your slave?}
{243}{}{Does yer ugly mutant friend get mad easy?}
{244}{}{What is that smell? Smells like a mutant.}

{255}{}{What stinks? Smells like something died.}
{256}{}{Great. Now they're letting ghouls in here.}
{257}{}{You need to air out that ghoul of yours. He smells pretty ripe.}
{258}{}{That ghoul radioactive?}
{259}{}{Rub a skunk on your ghoul so it smells better, OK?}

{265}{}{Are we going to do something sometime soon?}
{266}{}{Let's get more women in this chicken-shit outfit.}
{267}{}{Could we go somewhere where there's more women?}
{268}{}{You should be glad I'm with you to point out all your stupid mistakes.}

# 8. I'M HURT (WTG)
{375}{}{Hey, I'm dying over here! Give me a stimpack already!}
{376}{}{Is this my blood?}
{378}{}{Owwwww. Fuck! Owwwww, that hurts!}
{379}{}{Ow! That smarts!}
{380}{}{Owwwwwwww Owwwww Ow. Ow. Ow?}
{381}{}{Owwww. Wish SOMEONE would patch these wounds.}

{390}{}{Give me a goddamn stimpack before I pass out!}
{391}{}{Give me a damn stimpack! I'm going into shock!}
{392}{}{Somebody give me some first aid, fast! I'm dying here!}

{400}{}{Whoa…I'm feeling a little weak…}
{401}{}{Let's see…I'm nauseous…palpitations…fever. Most likely poison.}
{403}{}{Could someone please suck this poison out?}

{410}{}{Is that me glowing? Give me some RadX next time we dick around in radiation zones, okay?}
{411}{}{I need some Rad-away before the radiation eats my Gnads-away.}
{412}{}{Why don't we just drink the radioactive goo next time? At least we'll die faster!}
{413}{}{I could power New Reno with all the radiation in my body.}
{414}{}{I'm glowing brighter than New Reno at midnight. Anybody got some Rad-away?}
{415}{}{Great. A little radiation, and I'm a human flashlight.}
{416}{}{Somebody let me hold the Rad-Away. I won't use all of it. I promise.}

{425}{}{Why don't we go back to the first level of the dungeon where all the kobolds are?}
{426}{}{Good thing playing D&D all those years taught me a few things about courage.}
{427}{}{Pass the Buffout. I think I'm going to need it soon.}
{428}{}{Great place. Great place to visit. How about we keep our stay short?}
{429}{}{Oh, this is MUCH better than being in some cozy whorehouse.}
{430}{}{Let's get in, get out, all right?}
{431}{}{How about we visit this place later?}
{432}{}{Why the hell are we here?}
{433}{}{This place ain't doing much for my morale.}
{434}{}{I say we send ol' Bonenose to check out the area. Alone.}
{435}{}{Why don't we send ol' Bone-nose out to scout the area?}

{445}{}{Why don't we send ol' Marcus out to scout the area?}
{446}{}{I say we send Marcus out to check out this area. Alone.}
{447}{}{Pass the Buffout. I think I'm going to need it soon.}
{448}{}{Why don't we go back to the first level of the dungeon where all the kobolds are?}
{449}{}{Good thing playing D&D all those years taught me a few things about courage.}
{450}{}{Great place. Great place to visit. How about we keep our stay short?}
{451}{}{Oh, this is MUCH better than being in some cozy whorehouse.}
{452}{}{Let's get in, get out, all right?}
{453}{}{How about we visit this place later?}
{454}{}{Why the hell are we here?}
{455}{}{This place ain't doing much for my morale.}
{456}{}{Let's send ol' Lenny to check out this area. Alone.}
{457}{}{Why don't we send ol' Lenny out to scout the area?}

{465}{}{Hey, thanks. I could use a little pick me up.}
{466}{}{Nothing like a strict drug regimen to keep my mind limber.}
{467}{}{This doesn't mean we're married, does it?}
{468}{}{Got any weed?}
{469}{}{Let me hold the stimpacks, okay?}
{471}{}{Ooooooohhh. Aaaaaaaah. Mmmmmm.}
{472}{}{I love it when you do that.}
{473}{}{Drugs make me feel all pixellated.}

{485}{}{Hey, don't use that shit on me! Save it for addicts!}
{486}{}{Look, I don't want to fly, and you don't either. Bury that shit somewhere.}
{487}{}{Why don't you give that shit to ol' Bone-nose?}

{495}{}{Why don't you give that shit to ol' Marcus?}
{496}{}{Hey, don't use that shit on me! Save it for addicts!}
{497}{}{Man, I don't want to fly and you don't either. Bury that shit somewhere.}
{498}{}{Why don't you give that shit to ol' Lenny?}

{505}{}{All right, all right. I'm on it.}
{506}{}{Stand back, idiot. I'll figure it out.}
{507}{}{This looks simple. Stand back, all right?}
{508}{}{No problem.}
{509}{}{Time for the ol' 'magic fingers' routine…}

{517}{}{Fuckin' Ay!}
{518}{}{Myron does it again. Crowd goes wild!}
{519}{}{Hey, I found something.}
{520}{}{All done. Fineto.}
{521}{}{Easier than riding a bicycle. Or your mother! Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha!}
{522}{}{Yes. Myron is -- the Science God.}
{523}{}{Beep. Myron has used the SCIENCE skill successfully.}

{532}{}{No luck.}
{533}{}{Crap! I tried everything…}
{534}{}{I can't do anything with this.}
{535}{}{I didn't find out anything. This time.}
{536}{}{Maybe with some mentats I could pull this off…mmmm. Mentats.}
{537}{}{My skill ain't high enough. Spend some skill points on me, then I'll try again. Ha-Ha.}
{538}{}{I didn't learn anything.}
{539}{}{I can't make a successful Science Roll under these conditions.}
{540}{}{Beep. Myron has used the SCIENCE skill unsuccessfully.}

{550}{}{All right, all right! Stop pushing!}
{551}{}{You better stop pushing me, or I'll...well, just stop pushing me.}
{552}{}{Well, excuuuuuuse me.}
{553}{}{All right. But next time, YOU get out of MY way.}
{554}{}{I was here first. But have it your way.}

{560}{}{Don't need to tell me twice.}
{561}{}{I could use some womanly healing, know what I mean?}
{562}{}{Ahhhhhhh. Good thing stimpacks aren't too addictive.}
{563}{}{Oooooh, yeah. Good thing stimpacks aren't too addictive.}

{570}{}{Don't inject me with that shit. I'm fine, okay?}
{571}{}{Stop mothering me. I'm all right.}
{572}{}{Hey, don't sweat it. I'm fine. But let me hold the stimpacks anyway.}

{580}{}{Hey, let me join you again! C'mon!}
{581}{}{I'm sorry I was being such a jerk. Give me another chance.}
{582}{}{I'm getting sick of waiting around for you.}
{583}{}{I'm so bored. C'mon, let me hang out with you.}
{584}{}{I wish I'd brought a book.}
{585}{}{I'm NOT going to wait for you much longer.}

{590}{}{So...is Miria really your wife?}
{591}{}{Miria's kinda cute. Can I...well, you know…how about it?}
{592}{}{Your wife suuuure is a looker.}
{593}{}{So...you and Miria. Are you two serious, or...?}
{594}{}{So...you and Miria. Are you both free to see other people, or....?}
{595}{}{You wanna swap wives? You can have mine as soon as I get one.}

{600}{}{Ready to go?}

{605}{}{Why the hell are we HERE?}
{606}{}{Everybody in this town needs an enema.}
{607}{}{Being in Vault City makes me…disgruntled.}
{608}{}{What is it about Vault City that makes me want to crap?}
{609}{}{When are we going back to Reno?}


{615}{myn102b}{So you finally came around, huh? I knew you would. You need me.}
{616}{myn102a}{So you finally came around, huh, beautiful? I knew you would. All right, I'll join up with you again.}
{617}{myn103a}{Yeah, what? Can'tcha see I'm thinking here?}
{618}{myn103b}{So you finally wise up, beautiful? Finally realize that I'm the only one for you?}

{619}{}{You don't look too good, Myron. Heal yourself.}
{620}{}{Wait here until I, uh, come back.}
{621}{}{Put that weapon away before you hurt yourself.}
{622}{}{Keep close to me.}
{623}{}{Put a little distance between us, Myron.}
{624}{}{Spread out a bit, Myron. It's best for both of us.}
{625}{}{I had some questions…}
{626}{}{Not now, Myron. I had some questions…}
{627}{}{All right, then. Hurry up and let's go.}
{628}{}{No, you keep waiting here. I'll be back. I promise.}
{629}{}{I'll let you get back to doing nothing then.}
{630}{}{Myron, your hand is the only "one" for you.}

# 105. Gologatha

{640}{myn105_b}{It's around on Golgotha somewhere...I'll let you know when I see it.}

{641}{}{All right, Myron.}

# 106. I HAD SOME QUESTIONS . . . (101, 108, 109, 112-131, 133-137, 143, 145-149, 151-154, 1001, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006)

{645}{myn106}{Yeah. What's on your mind?}

{646}{}{Tell me about Jet.}
{647}{}{Can you make any drugs?}
{648}{}{You don't look in top shape, Myron. Try and patch yourself up.}
{650}{}{Where was that Mordino stash you were talking about?}

# 107. TELL ME ABOUT JET (106, 244)

{655}{myn107a}{Ah, my finest little addiction. What about it?}
{656}{myn107b}{We've been over this. I'm not here to be your memory.}
{657}{myn107c}{We've been over this. Look, I'll be your love slave, beautiful, but I ain't gonna be your memory.}

{658}{}{How did you create it?}
{659}{}{Is there any cure for it?}
{660}{}{Can you make me some Jet?}
{661}{}{You'll be a corpse if you don't answer my questions. How did you create Jet?}
{662}{}{Cut the shit, Myron. Is there any cure for Jet?}
{664}{}{I'd sooner lance a boil with my tongue than let you be my sex slave, Myron.}
{665}{}{Myron, 'love slave' is the last thing that crosses my mind when I think of you.}
{666}{}{I was thinking of using you more as a practice dummy than a love slave, actually.}
{667}{}{I'd sooner kiss Sulik than let you be my love slave. Uh…no offense, Sulik.}
{668}{}{I'd sooner kiss Marcus than let you be my love slave. Uh…no offense, Marcus.}
{669}{}{Nevermind, Myron.}

# 108. HOW DID YOU DEVELOP IT? (107, 129, 137, 236)

{680}{myn108}{Uh, in my lab. Next question?}

{681}{}{HOW did you develop it, smart guy?}
{682}{}{Forget this. Different topic…}
{683}{}{I can see where this is going. Nevermind, Myron.}


{690}{myn109}{Ah, Christ. Well...when I came across the Mordino family way back when, they were farming peyote cacti and trying to sell it to tourists as the 'Reno experience.' Total bullshit.}

{691}{}{Go on.}
{692}{}{Forget this. I had some other questions…}
{693}{}{Forget I mentioned it.}


{700}{myn110}{I mean, peyote? C'mon. It isn't even half the strength of, say, old school LSD.}

{701}{}{Uh, about the Jet --?}


{710}{myn112}{Plus, a peyote trip is too long. The profit's in fast turn around and high addiction. Like, uh, barbitutates before the Big One, y'know?}

{711}{}{I hope this is leading somewhere.}
{712}{}{If you say so.}
{713}{}{Barbiturates…like old school cocaine, crank, all that?}
{714}{}{You mean barbiturates…like old school cocaine, crank, all that?}
{716}{}{Nevermind, Myron. I don't have time for your long-winded bullshit.}

# 113a.

{725}{myn113a}{Right. Can I finish? }

{5725}{}{Fine, fine. What was the problem with making barbiturates?}

# 113b. CONTINUE 1 . . . (112)

{726}{myn113b}{Problem is, in the new climate, we can't grow most of the veggies needed for the best drugs.}

{727}{}{You just like hearing yourself talk, right?}
{728}{}{I'm with you.}
{729}{}{You mean 'veggies' as in coca plants, opium poppies, that sort of thing.}

# 114A.

{740}{myn114a}{Couldn't grow coca plants, opium poppies -- and man did we try -- so we figured our best bet was shrooms. }
{741}{myn114b}{Right, sherlock. And we tried -- so we figured our best bet was shrooms. }


# 114B. CONTINUE 2 . . . (113)

{742}{myn114c}{You can grow 'em if you use plenty o' brahmin shit as fertilizer.}

{743}{}{Speaking of plenty of shit...Go on.}

# 115. CONTINUE 3 . . . (114)
{755}{myn115}{Plus, hallucinogens have low overhead, so I start experimenting with derivatives of lysergic acid diethylamide and psilocybin. Still…}


# 116. CONTINUE 4 . . . (115)

{765}{myn116}{Still, I really wanted to whip up a hard-hitter that didn't rely on veggie extracts. Man, was I an idiot, 'cause the answer turned out to BE the extracts, or, more precisely, what they were growing IN.}

{766}{}{You don't really care what I say, do you? You just love telling your story.}
{767}{}{How do you mean?}

# 117. CONTINUE 5. . . (116)

{775}{myn117}{See, old Jesus Mordino wanted something that the Redding miners would get addicted to fast AND make them work harder. So, I said, 'no prob,' right?}

{776}{}{What was that about Redding?}
{777}{}{What was that about Redding, again?}
{778}{}{Right. Go on.}
{779}{}{Yeah, no prob.}

# 118. CONTINUE 6 . . . (117, 120)

{790}{myn118}{Well, wasn't too hard to come up with a good upper. A sample of that pre-war protein extract, corrupt it and bam -- decent amphetamine.}

{791}{}{Explain to me about Redding, again?}
{792}{}{Uh, "protein extract?"}


{800}{myn119}{Redding? Town full o' gold diggers. Mordino wants to control it all. So he comes to me in his wheezing voice and says, 'Myron, Myron, make me something that'll give me Redding.'}

{801}{}{And you say…}


{810}{myn120}{And I say, 'okay, what timeframe we looking at?' He goes - of course - 'yesterday.' Crime lords. Want everything done fast and sloppy. Least they don't have a marketing department.}

{811}{}{I see. Go back to talking about Jet production.}

# 121. PROTEIN 1? (118)

{820}{myn121}{Before the Big One some meat companies were experimenting with a cheap protein extract for growing food, but they had to ditch it. One little skin bacteria contaminates it, and it's all screwed.}

{821}{}{Screwed? How?}

# 122. PROTEIN 2? (121)
{830}{myn122}{The contaminated version acted like an amphetamine when ingested. Little side effect. Don't ask. It's, uh, technical.}

{831}{}{So…did you somehow get a hold of this protein extract?}

# 123. PROTEIN 3? (122)

{840}{myn123}{I didn't have to. When they first screwed up, they contaminated tons of that shit. And rather than ditch it, they fed it to their brahmin herds to try and recoup their losses.}

{841}{}{Uh, okay...}
{842}{}{This better be going somewhere, Myron.}
{843}{}{So you used brahmin shit as fertilizer for the shrooms, except the pre-war protein contamination gives whatever shrooms grown in brahmin shit…certain extra ingredients?}

# 124A. PROTEIN? (123)



# 124B. PROTEIN? (123)

{851}{myn124b}{See, we start experimenting with the brahmin shit as fertilizer for the shrooms, except get this; then, we noticed the slaves working fertilizer vats were getting high from the fumes…}

{853}{}{So the fumes were enough to produce the effect?}

# 125A. PROTEIN? (124)


{5861}{}{I thought so.}

# 125B. PROTEIN? (124)

{861}{myn125b}{By putting tons of brahmin shit in the vats, we found out that the fumes give more than enough of a kick. Eureka. Literally. 'Course, we had to test to get the mix right…}

{862}{}{Uh, how much testing?}
{863}{}{How much testing exactly?}
{865}{}{Nevermind, Myron.}
{866}{}{This sounds like a load of crap…literally. It doesn't sound like you know anything about drug manufacture. "Brahmin Shit Fumes?" Please. I've heard enough.}

# 126. TESTING? (125)

{870}{myn126}{Hmmm...about a hundred slaves? Mostly heart attacks, cerebral hemorrhages, psychotic episodes...that sort of thing.}

{871}{}{Are you insane? You killed a hundred human beings just for drug testing?!}
{872}{}{Figures…Jet can be pretty powerful stuff. Least nobody important died. Still, hard to believe you killed that many, though…}
{873}{}{I see. Look, I had some other questions...}


{880}{myn127}{Well, not on purpose. I mean, slaves are expensive. Still, we made the money back in the first few months, so the Mordino Family wasn't too pissed at me.}

{881}{}{I think you and I are going to get along, Myron. Ends justify the means. Say, I had some other questions…}
{882}{}{Myron, you are lower than a snake's shadow. Killing humans for drug testing…that's the coldest thing I've ever heard.}
{883}{}{Myron, you killed over a hundred humans beings for the sake of drug testing? Did you get your conscience lobotomized when you were a kid?}
{884}{}{Tell me about it. Slave prices keep going up. If humans only bred faster. Anyway, I had some other questions…}
{885}{}{I…see. Look, I had some other questions…}
{886}{}{I think I've heard enough.}
{887}{}{Oh, well, THAT makes it all right, then. I've heard enough. I'm out of here.}

# 128. OBJECTION . . . (127)

{890}{myn128}{You getting bent at me over a bunch of slaves? Hey, we had to make sure Jet wouldn't kill our customers.}

{891}{}{You have a point, Myron. I had some other questions…}
{893}{}{Oh, well, THAT makes it all right, then. Congratulations, Myron. You have hit the lowest common denominator possible for a human being. I'm out of here.}
{894}{}{Sounds sensible. Maybe we'll talk later.}

# 129. IS THERE A CURE? (107, 137, 236)

{900}{myn129a}{How quaint. A cure. Sure. You go cold turkey. Course, I made sure that was a reeeal difficult option with Jet.}
{901}{myn129b}{Beautiful, look. This is drug addiction, not an STD. Only cure is to go cold turkey, heh heh, and that's a reeeal difficult option with Jet.}

{902}{}{How did you create Jet?}
{903}{}{Myron, you're a pretty smart fella. Consider it a challenge. What would it take to make a cure for Jet?}

# 130. YOU'RE PRETTY SMART . . . (129)

{910}{myn130}{Ah for fuck's sake, it can't be done, all right? It's a goddamn drug, not a bacterial infection.}

{911}{}{It's basically a highly addictive meta-amphetamine, right? Couldn't you use a nervous system suppressant to break the addiction?}
{913}{}{Nevermind, Myron. Forget I asked.}


{920}{myn131}{Nice try, no dice. Jet ain't blocked that easy. Once it's in your system, it ain't coming out.}

{921}{}{What about using some kind of endorphin blocker? That would repress the chemical and psychological addition, wouldn't it?}
{924}{}{Nevermind then.}


{930}{myn132}{Kee-rist. That has got to be the dumbest...hmmmm...}



{940}{myn133}{Well...maybe it would work, but I'm pretty sure Jet would just chew right through that shit. Now wh-wh-why the hell are we even talking about this?! Wh-where would you get your hands on endorphine blockers anyway?}

{941}{}{You tell me, Myron. You're a bright guy.}

# 134. YOU TELL ME . . . (133)

{950}{myn134}{Maybe Vault City. They have a pretty good medical warehouse. A lot of old pre-holocaust bases also used to stock them to prevent combat drug addiction.}

{951}{}{Why don't we try Vault City?}
{952}{}{Pre-holocaust bases? Where?}
{954}{}{All right. Maybe I can find some somewhere.}

# 135. VAULT CITY? (134, 136)

{960}{myn135}{Ha! You'd have better luck convincing a radscorpion to part with its tail than get Vault City to give up anything.}

{961}{}{What about those pre-holocaust bases? Where are those?}
{962}{}{Yeah, maybe. Look, I had some other questions...}
{963}{}{No harm in trying.}

# 136. PRE-HOLOCAUST BASES? (134, 135)

{970}{myn136}{Do I look like a cartographer? You want to scour the desert for them, you go right ahead.}

{971}{}{What about Vault City?}
{973}{}{Thanks for nothing, Myron.}
{974}{}{I just might do that.}

# 137. PUT-DOWN (107)

{980}{myn137}{Oooh...with a wit like that, you're sure to wise up and go for me, beautiful. You'll see.}

{981}{}{Whatever. How did you create Jet?}
{983}{}{Yeah, we'll see. Can you make me some Jet?}
{985}{}{Forget I asked anything, Myron.}

# 139. BUZZ-OFF, MYRON (1002)

{990}{myn139}{Wha-a-a-are you fucking serious? Whoa, whoa, hey, hey...you keep me around, I'll do you a favor. Huh? Wh-Whadda ya say?}

{991}{}{Like what kind of favor?}
{992}{}{Forget favors. Now buzz off, you annoying pest.}
{993}{}{Forget favors. Now wait here, you annoying pest.}
{994}{}{Forget I said anything. You can stay.}

# 140. YOU CAN STAY (139, 1002)

{1005}{myn140}{Hoh! Oh, so-o-o what was that, like tribal humor? Yea, hardy-har-har. Pretty fucking funny.}

{1006}{}{Yeah, we tribals are famous for it. Let's get going.}

# 141. OKAY, I'LL WAIT/I'LL LEAVE (139)

{1010}{myn141}{Okay! Okay! I'll wait here. Phew! You could show me a little more respect, you know. I am MYRON.}

# 142. WHAT KIND OF FAVOR . . . (139)

{1020}{myn142a}{I've heard of a secret building with lots of strange vegetation around it. If I'm with you, I can point it out on a map.}
{1021}{myn142b}{Could be I know one of Mordino's little stashes in Golgotha outside of Reno. Lotsa chips. Lotsa drugs. Just gotta keep me around.}
{1022}{myn142c}{I'll...I'll carry more of your stuff! No hassles when you ask me to make drugs! Just keep me around, okay?}

{1023}{}{Okay. You can stay.}
{1026}{}{Forget it, Myron. Wait here until I get back.}

# 143. I NEED SOME DRUGS (106, 145-149, 151-154)

{1035}{myn143a}{"Can I make drugs?" I'm Myron. Whaddya need?}
{1036}{myn143b}{Hey, can't get enough, huh? Whaddya need?}

{1037}{}{An antidote for radscorpion venom.}
{1038}{}{Some jet.}
{1039}{}{Some stimpacks.}
{1040}{}{Can you make super stimpacks?}
{1041}{}{Nothing. I had some other questions…}


{1050}{myn145a}{Uhm, I'm gonna need some radscorpion venom sacs first. Ironic, in'it?}
{1051}{myn145b}{Oh, well, I'd looove to, beautiful, but I need radscorpion tails. Oh, well.}

{1052}{}{Can you make any other drugs?}
{1053}{}{Forget it then. I had some questions…}


{1060}{myn146a}{Hmmm, Shouldn't be too hard. How many bottles of antidote you want?}
{1061}{myn146b}{Ah, for cryin' out loud. Ever think it might be easier to just stay away from the friggin' scorpions in the first place, genius? How many you want this time?!}
{1062}{myn146c}{Anything for you, beautiful. He-ha! How many you want?}

{1063}{}{Just one.}
{1065}{}{Three's a charm.}
{1066}{}{Make antidote out of all the tails that we have. They aren't good for much else.}
{1067}{}{Forget it. Can you make any other drugs?}
{1068}{}{None; I've changed my mind. I had some questions…}


{1081}{myn147a}{Done. Here you go.}
{1082}{myn147b}{There. That's it. No more of that shit, all right? Next time, go find some backwater medicine man to do it.}
{1083}{myn147c}{Done. Here you go, beautiful.}

{1085}{}{Thanks. Look, I had some questions…}
{1086}{}{Thanks, Myron. You're a real sport.}

# 148. MAKE JET (107, 129, 137, 143, 145)

{1095}{myn148}{Sorry, ain't got the "raw materials" I need...don't really wanna get 'em, either.}

{1097}{}{Forget it then. I had some other questions…}
{1098}{}{All right. Thanks a bunch, Myron.}

# 149. MAKE STIM-PACKS (143)

{1105}{myn149a}{Piece of cake. How many packs you want?}
{1106}{myn149b}{Hey, genius. Ever cross your mind that it might be easier just to stay outta trouble, huh? OK, how many?}
{1107}{myn149c}{Just tell me how much and where you want it, beautiful.}

{1111}{}{Make as many stimpacks as you can from what we're carrying.}
{1113}{}{Can you make super stimpacks?}
{1114}{}{Forget it. I had some questions...}

# 151. CAN'T MAKE STIM-PACKS (143)

{1125}{myn151}{Sorry, we just ain't got what I need to whip up a stim. Let's see: You'll need some xander root…some rockflower...and an empty hypo.}

{1126}{}{Can you make some other drugs?}
{1127}{}{If you can make stimpacks, couldn't you make some super stimpacks?}
{1128}{}{All right then. I had some questions...}

# 152. CAN'T MAKE SUPER STIM-PACKS (143, 151)

{1135}{myn152}{Of course I could…'cept we ain't got what I need. Some of that mutated fruit for the citric acid…a splash a' Nuka Cola...and a normal stim pack.}

# 153. MAKE SUPER STIM-PACKS (143, 151)

{1145}{myn153a}{Repeat after me: Myron's a genius. How many packs you want?}
{1146}{myn153b}{How about. Stay. Out. Of. Trouble? Nevermind, obviously too tough a concept. How many this time?}
{1147}{myn153c}{Myron's your man, beautiful. How many?}

{1149}{}{Give me two.}
{1151}{}{Make as many stimpacks as you can from what we're carrying.}

# 201. INTRO (WTG)

{1170}{myn201a}{Who're you an' how the hell did you get in here? Wh-where are those jackass guards?}
{1171}{myn201b}{Why, helll-ooooo there, beautiful. What can Myron do to, ah-uh, for you?}

{1172}{}{Gud. Nuh-uh.}
{1173}{}{Hell-oooooo Moron. Me }
{1174}{}{Gud. Ded.}
{1175}{}{Weak people watching door stop breathing when I hurt them}
{1177}{}{Your guards are too busy being dead to be watching the door.}
{1178}{}{I used this badge. Marjorie sent me.}
{1179}{}{Who are you?}
{1180}{}{You Myron?}
{1181}{}{Easy there, tiger. Keep those hormones in check. Who are you?}
{1182}{}{Easy there, tiger. Keep those hormones in check. You Myron?}
{1183}{}{Sorry. I seem to have entered the wrong room.}

# 202. BADGE (201)

{1195}{myn202}{So. Who are you? Spill it, or I'll have the guards BEAT it out of you.}

{1196}{}{Your guards are too dead to do much of anything. Got any other questions, you little shit?}
{1197}{}{Who are you?}
{1198}{}{You Myron?}
{1199}{}{I think I'll just go take a walk out of here. Nice meeting you.}


{1205}{myn203}{Great. One of the mental midgets from upstairs. Look, I ain't got much here, but you can, tuh-tuh-take whatever you want.}

{1206}{}{WAN YOU DED}
{1207}{}{Wan Ull. Now.}
{1208}{}{Hoo yoo? Yoo FREN of }

# 204. GIVE ME EVERTHING (203, 210, 212, 214)

{1215}{myn204}{Sure! You bet! Uh, here you go. Here's all of it. Now uh, you go back to your stall now, okay?}

{1216}{}{Nuh-uh. Kill.}
{1217}{}{Hoo yoo? Yoo FRIEND of }
{6218}{}{ go}

# 205. HOO YOO? YOU FRIEND OF [x]? (203, 204)

{1225}{myn205}{Abso-fucking-lutely! Heh, you bet! You and I are gonna be the best of friends, okay?}

{1226}{}{Lie? }
{6226}{}{ KILL}
{1227}{}{Fren give ull }

# 207. HELL-OOOOO MORON, ME [x] (201)

{1235}{myn207}{Of course you are. Have a seat on the bed. Can I get you a drink, maybe a little...Jet?}

{1236}{}{Sit. Drenk.}
{1237}{}{Yoo fren?}


{1245}{myn208}{Excellent...here you go. A little drink - help you re-lax, y'know what I mean?}

{1247}{}{Yoo }
{6247}{}{'s fren?}

# 209. [x] HAVE TO GO NOW . . . (207, 208)

{1255}{myn209}{Uh, hey, hey, hey! Wait a minute! Stay - have a drink first! We can talk, be friends. You DO want us to be friends, right?}

{6256}{}{ drenk}
{6257}{}{ fren?}

# 210. YOU BE [x]'S FRIEND (207, 208, 209)

{1265}{myn210}{I'm suuure we'll be friends.}

{1266}{}{Wan fren.}
{1267}{}{Fren. Giv ull. No owww.}

# 211. TAKE DRINK (208, 209)

{1275}{myn211}{Now, you just relax, sweetmeat…}

{1276}{}{Okeezzzzzzz Zznnzznn Zzznnnzzzz}

# 212. TAKE DRINK (CON RESISTANT) (208, 209)

{1285}{myn212}{Hmmmm. You must have the constitution of a Brahmin. Get outta here, beautiful.}

{6287}{}{ go.}

# 213. ME SEE NO ASS JACKALS (201)

{1295}{myn213}{Guards ain't worth the chips you pay for 'em...well, my retarded friend, we've been introduced, so why don't you GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE NOW!}

{1296}{}{OW EARS. KILL.}
{1297}{}{Nuh fren?}
{6298}{}{ go, }

# 214. YOU FRIEND? (210, 212, 213)

{1305}{myn214a}{Yeah, you bet, pal. }
{1306}{myn214b}{Yeah, you bet, honey. }
{1307}{myn214c}{You and me - friends for ever n' ever. Or the next injection. NOW GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE!}

{1308}{}{NUH FREN. KILL.}
{1309}{}{Fren giv ull. No oww.}


{1325}{myn215a}{God-DAMN it! I told Jesus those two morons couldn't guard a stone! So uh, you iced them, huh? Gonna kill me, too?}
{1326}{myn215b}{Whoa. Hot and deadly! So you iced them, huh? You gonna kill me, too?}

{1327}{}{I'm thinking about it. You got something to convince me otherwise…kid?}
{1328}{}{Not unless you do something stupid. Who are you?}
{1329}{}{Not unless you do something stupid. You Myron?}
{1330}{}{Yeah, why not? I ain't killed anyone since I started this conversation. }
{1331}{}{Not now. Maybe later. }

# 216. I'M THINKING ABOUT IT . . . (215)

{1345}{myn216a}{Sure, pal. }
{1346}{myn216b}{Sure, lady. }
{1347}{myn216c}{You bet, beautiful. }
{1348}{myn216d}{I-I can give you drugs. You lookin' to fly?}

{1349}{}{Actually, I want everything you have. Hand it over, and I'll let you live.}
{1350}{}{Sure. Give me all the drugs you got.}
{1351}{}{I don't want anything right now. Maybe later.}


{1365}{myn217}{All right, all right. Here you go. Now will you leave me alone?}

{1366}{}{No. Who are you?}
{1367}{}{No. You Myron?}
{1368}{}{Sure. For now…I may be back, though.}

# 218. WHO ARE YOU? (SMART) (201, 202, 215)

{1375}{myn218a}{M-maybe. W-who the hell are you?}
{1376}{myn218b}{Say, you one of Mordino's new whores or just a big fan of Myron? Ooh, you got a name to go with those legs, beautiful?}
{1377}{myn218c}{Who the hell are you?}
{1378}{myn218d}{I'm someone who's been looking for someone like you, beautiful. And you are...?}

{6379}{}{I'm }
{1380}{}{I'm just a traveler passing through.}
{1381}{}{I'm someone who's in the wrong room. Later.}


{1395}{myn219a}{That so? Why are you here? Huh? Thought you could hit Myron up for some free drugs?}
{1396}{myn219b}{Whatever, beautiful. Want some drugs to break the ice, or should we just get down to some mattress dancing?}

{1397}{}{I would, but I don't have ten seconds to spare right now. What drugs are you talking about?}
{1398}{}{Drugs? Like what?}
{1399}{}{I'm definitely in the wrong room. Pardon me.}

# 220. DRUGS? LIKE WHAT? (219)

{1405}{myn220a}{Hey stupid! Jet, mother fucker, Jet! Yer talkin' to its maker. Its creator. Its...God.}
{1406}{myn220b}{Are you stupid? Jet, bitch, Jet! Yer talkin' to its maker. Its creator. Its...God.}
{1407}{myn220c}{You ever heard of Jet, beautiful? Well, yer talkin' to its maker. Its creator. Its...God.}

{1408}{}{Bullshit. You didn't make Jet.}
{1409}{}{You made Jet?}
{1410}{}{You made Jet? No way! That stuff is making a KILLING on the streets!}
{1411}{}{Big deal. I'm out of here.}
{1412}{}{Your mother must be proud. Later, kid.}
{1413}{}{Really? Interesting. I have to go now.}


{1425}{myn221a}{I did so make Jet! What, you think this lab is for show?}
{1426}{myn221b}{Sorry to prove you wrong, beautiful, but look around. This lab ain't just for show.}

{1427}{}{All right. MAYBE you did make Jet.}
{1428}{}{Why did you make Jet?}
{1430}{}{Your mother must be proud. I'm out of here.}

# 222. ALL RIGHT. MAYBE YOU DID MAKE JET. (220, 221)

{1445}{myn222}{Damn right I did! I make the shit everybody wants and can't get enough of.}

# 223. WHY DID YOU MAKE JET? (221, 222)

{1455}{myn223}{"Why?" 'Cause I could. Family Mordino needed a product, Myron makes a product, Mordino makes Myron happy...at least as happy as they're able. Nice lil' circle o' love, huh?}

{1456}{}{How did you make Jet?}
{1457}{}{'As happy as they're able?' Are you happy here?}
{1458}{}{How about I suggest a new circle to you? Mordino doesn't know talent when they see it - I do.}
{1459}{}{Yeah, great. I have to be going now.}

# 224. HOW DID YOU MAKE JET? (223)

{1465}{myn224a}{Ha, you wouldn't understand. It's WAY above you.}
{1466}{myn224b}{Don't you worry your pretty little head about it, beautiful. I can give you something else for your head to work on.}

{1467}{}{You happy here?}
{1468}{}{Yeah, I guess an idiot like me couldn't be expected to understand the process of manufacturing a hallucinogenic-amphetamine hybrid like Jet, huh?}
{1469}{}{Yeah, I guess a bimbo like me couldn't be expected to understand the process of manufacturing a hallucinogenic-amphetamine hybrid like Jet, huh?}
{1472}{}{I think you'd be surprised about how much I know about your amateurish hallucinogenic-amphetamine hybrid. I'm not convinced a child like you didn't just STUMBLE across it, Myron.}
{1473}{}{Well, thanks for making the effort, Myron. I have to be going now.}

# 225. YOU HAPPY HERE? (223, 224, 246)

{1485}{myn225}{Pretty much. They give me whores, cash, drugs. My own lab. The creative freedom I need to make magic, but, well...no, naw, it's a good gig.}

{1486}{}{Well what? Are they treating you right?}
{1487}{}{Good to hear it, Myron. I have to be going now.}

# 226. WELL WHAT? (225)

{1495}{myn226}{Well, see, the Mordinos don't show Myron the R-E-S-P-E-C-T, right? I tell 'em what they should be doing, they say 'shut up, Myron' or 'go back to the lab, Myron.' Bastards.}

{1496}{}{Maybe I could help you. You want to ditch this town? Travel with me, and then the Mordinos will wake up to how valuable you are and quick.}
{1497}{}{You're too valuable to be here, Myron. You should leave.}
{1498}{}{Too bad, Myron. I have to be going now.}

# 227. WELL WHAT 2 (226)

{1505}{myn227}{They've forgotten I'M the reason they control Reno AND the reason why Redding'll be sucking at their tit in a few months. Most Mordinos got more hair on their butt than brain cells, y'know what I'm saying?}

{1506}{}{Uh, I said, maybe I could help you...}
{1507}{}{You're definitely too valuable to be here, Myron...you should leave, like I was saying.}
{1509}{}{I'm beginning to see why they don't listen to you.}
{1510}{}{You bet, Myron. I have to be going now.}

# 228. WELL WHAT 3 (227)

{1515}{myn228}{And another thing: The Mordinos can't get it through their skulls that I ain't interested in purifying Jet. It does what it's supposed to do. I want to make NEW drugs, not re-tool old ones, y'know?}

{1516}{}{I can help you. Why don't you ditch this town, travel with me, and then the Mordinos will wake up to how valuable you are.}
{1517}{}{You're absolutely right. You're too valuable to be here, Myron! You should leave!}
{1518}{}{What was that stuff you were saying about Redding?}

# 229. MAYBE I CAN HELP YOU . . . (228, 231)

{1525}{myn229a}{Hmm....their boy wonder leaving town. Ha. That'd wake 'em up. Yeah. }

{6525}{}{Sure would. I'd make them see what they'd really lost.}

# 229B. MAYBE I CAN HELP YOU . . . (228, 231)

{1526}{myn229e}{I like that.}
{1527}{myn229d}{I like the way you think, beautiful.}
{1528}{myn229c}{So where we headed?}
{1529}{myn229b}{So where we headed, beautiful?}

{1530}{}{Just follow me.}
{1531}{}{Then come with me.}
{1532}{}{Hold on a minute. I haven't said yes yet. What can you do, Myron? I can't just have anyone traveling with me. I got standards.}
{1533}{}{First off, what are you good at, Myron?}
{1534}{}{Nowhere yet. Say, I had some more questions…}
{1535}{}{Nowhere yet, Myron. I'll be back for you, though.}

# 230. JUST FOLLOW ME. (FULL UP) (229, 247)

{1545}{myn230a}{Naw, you look full up. Whydoncha ditch the tribal. Looks like he takes being a bone-head too seriously.}
{1546}{myn230b}{Naw, you look full up. And Myron doesn't hang with mutant trash. Ah-heh, no offense, big guy.}
{1547}{myn230c}{Uh, naw, you look full up. And uh, Myron doesn't hang with ghouls. Never know when they're gunna drop a body part on your shoe.}
{1548}{myn230d}{Naw, I don't want to hang out with another family. The Mordinos were enough. Lose some baggage, and then come talk to me.}
{1549}{myn230e}{Yeah, right. Flies wouldn't follow you if you were covered in shit. Huh, forget it.}

{1550}{}{All right then. Well, I have some other questions…}
{1551}{}{Pretty enlightened attitude. I'll think about it, Myron.}
{1552}{}{No, he's worth at least two of you. Later, kid.}
{1553}{}{Kid, your ego just wrote a check your body can't cash. Get ready to die.}
{1554}{}{They would, too! You'll see.}
{1555}{}{Your loss, Myron. Later.}


{1565}{myn231}{Yeah? I'm listening...}

{1566}{}{Maybe we can help each other. I could use a man with your skills. Why don't you ditch this town, travel with me for a while, and then the Mordinos will wake up to how valuable you are.}
{1567}{}{Oh, forget what I said. Say, I had some other questions...}
{1568}{}{Forget it. It wouldn't work anyway.}

# 232. JUST FOLLOW ME. (FREE SLOT) (229, 231, 247)

{1575}{myn232a}{All right. }
{1576}{myn232b}{All right, beautiful. }
{1577}{myn232c}{Why the hell not? Let's blow this popsicle stand.}

{1578}{}{We're outta here.}
{1579}{}{It's 106 miles to Arroyo, we got a full fusion cell, half a pack of Radaway, it's midnight, and I'm wearing a 50-year old Vault 13 jumpsuit. Let's hit it.}

# 233. WHAT CAN YOU DO? (229, 247)

{1585}{myn233}{Ah! What, you need Myron's resume? I'm the science guy. Know all, see all. Not to mention I can make whatever drugs you need. With the right raw materials.}

{1586}{}{All right then, you've passed the interview. The part about the drugs helped. Follow me.}
{1587}{}{I'll think about it. I have a few more questions for you...}
{1588}{}{Well, I'll think about it...it's just that, well, no offense, but science guys have a notorious reputation for being near worthless in combat.}
{1589}{}{I'll need to think about it. I'll be back.}

# 234. WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT REDDING 1. . . ? (227, 228)
{1595}{myn119}{Redding? Town full o' gold diggers. Mordino wants to control it all. So he comes to me in his wheezing voice and says, 'Myron, Myron, make me something that'll give me Redding.'}
{1596}{}{And you say...}
{1597}{}{Hmmm. I had some other questions...}

# 235. WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT REDDING 2. . . ? (234)
{1605}{myn120}{And I say, 'okay, what timeframe we looking at?' He goes - of course - 'yesterday.' Crime lords. Want everything done fast and sloppy. At least they don't have a marketing department.}

# 236. I GUESS AN IDIOT . . . (224)

{1615}{myn236a}{Yeah. Why? You gonna try and prove me wrong, pal? }
{1616}{myn236b}{Yeah. Why? You gonna try and prove me wrong, lady? }
{1617}{myn236c}{Yeah? But hey, don't get all defensive on me, beautiful. You weren't built for brains, y'know? }

{5616}{}{Sure am. Try me.}
{5617}{}{I think I could show you a thing or two.}

# 236B. I GUESS AN IDIOT . . . (224)

{1618}{myn236d}{I've forgotten more about pharmaceutical research than you'll ever know.}

{1619}{}{Is there any cure for Jet?}
{1620}{}{Fine. Then how did you make Jet?}
{1621}{}{First off, answer me this: how did you make a hybrid hallucinogen-amphetamine? Jet seems to have some…unique properties.}
{1623}{}{Forget it. I had some other questions…}
{1624}{}{Forget this. I'm outta here.}
{1625}{}{Kiss my ass, you arrogant shit. I'm outta here.}

# 237. I GUESS AN IDIOT . . . (224)

{1635}{myn237}{Amateurish? Ama-amateurish?! Jet's pure genius, and don't you forget it! And I didn't stumble across it, I MADE it.}

{1636}{}{I don't believe you. Show me the process.}
{1637}{}{Whatever, kid. I'm out of here.}


{1645}{myn238}{Two words: brahmin shit.}

{1646}{}{That what you use to grow the hallucinogen in?}
{1647}{}{You use brahmin shit as fertilizer to grow the Jet crop, right? What about it?}
{1648}{}{Don't want to tell me? Fine. Then I have some other questions…}
{1649}{}{All right then. I can see where this is going. Nevermind.}


{1655}{myn239a}{Very good. And that's all yer ever gonna learn, pal. You wanna know, you figure it out.}
{1656}{myn239b}{Very good. And that's all yer ever gonna learn, lady. You wanna know, you figure it out.}
{1657}{myn239c}{Very good, beautiful. But that's all yer ever gonna learn, so don't trouble your pretty little head about it. Enough talk: why don't you and me, uh, hehh...}

{1658}{}{So the brahmin shit has some chemical properties that stimulate the human nervous system?}
{1659}{}{I just might. I had some other questions…}
{1660}{}{-- talk some more? Excellent! I had some questions…}
{1661}{}{Fine. I have to be going.}
{1662}{}{Uh, why don't you and me talk later? Good idea. See you.}


{1675}{myn240}{You sure do ask a lot of goddamn questions. The answer is yeah, maybe...say, wh-where did you learn all this stuff anyway? You from Vault City or something?}

{1676}{}{To answer your question, yeah...MAYBE. Where did YOU learn all this stuff?}
{1677}{}{Not exactly. I just pick this stuff up. It's pretty easy, really.}
{1678}{}{No. Look, I had some other questions…}
{1679}{}{Vault City. Where's that?}
{1680}{}{I'll let you wonder. You already told me everything I need to know.}


{1685}{myn241a}{Yeah, keep mouthing off, smartass. I could oxidize circles around you. I'm a natural. Self-taught. None of that bullshit Vault City 'purer-than-thou' 'tude, see?}
{1686}{myn241b}{Heh, huh, ha! You're a sharp one, beautiful...raven hair, teeth, claws…mmm-mmm. So you learn your shit at Vault City or what?

{1687}{}{I didn't learn at Vault City. I just pick this stuff up. It's pretty easy, really.}
{1689}{}{I had some other questions…}

# 244. QUESTION NODE (108-110, 112-131, 133-137, 143, 145-149, 151-154, 229-231, 233-243, 245-247)

{1695}{myn244}{What didja wanna know?}

{1696}{}{Tell me about this place.}
{1697}{}{Tell me about the Mordino Family.}
{1699}{}{I'm going to go now.}


{1705}{myn245a}{The Stables? We test new kinds o' Jet here. What about it?}
{1706}{myn245b}{The Stables? Uh, we test new kinds o' Jet here. What about it, beautiful?}


{1715}{myn246}{They're my patrons. They're all right...I guess.}

{1716}{}{Well what? Aren't they treating you all right?}


{1725}{myn247}{You again. So…ready to go?}

{1726}{}{Sure, Myron. Let's get out of here.}
{1727}{}{Hold on a minute. I haven't said yes yet. What can you do, Myron? I can't just have anyone traveling with me. I got standards.}
{1728}{}{First off, what skills do you have Myron?}
{1729}{}{No, not exactly. I had some questions...}
{1730}{}{Not at the moment. Why don't you just cool your heels for a while?}

# 248. GOT A JUMPSUIT . . . (232)
{1735}{}{You're kind of weird...I like that.}
{1736}{}{You're kind of weird...I like that.}

# 1001. HEALING (101, 1001, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006)

{1745}{myrn104a}{Stop mothering me.}
{1746}{myn104b}{Owww! Hurts! It hur - oh, it. No. No, I'm pretty much okay. Stings a little.}
{1747}{myn104c}{I'm dying over here! Gi-give me a stimpack. Or two. Or three.}
{1748}{myn104d}{Is...that...you? Can't...see...losing...consciousness. *Cough* *Cough* Help...me...}

{1749}{}{Hmmmm. Heal yourself again.}
{1753}{}{Give me a little distance, Myron.}
{1756}{}{Nevermind then. Let's go.}
{1757}{}{Suck it up, Myron. We got a lot of ground to cover.}

# 1002. WAIT FOR ME HERE. (101, 1001, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006)

{1765}{myn138}{Eh, excuse me. Wait for you here? Are you kidding? Tell me you're kidding.}

{1766}{}{Stay. Here. Until. I. Come. Back. Understand?}
{1767}{}{I'll be back. Don't sweat it.}

# 1003. PUT WEAPON AWAY (101, 1001, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006)

{1775}{myn1003a}{Aw, c'mon...fine, whatever. Still want to try out that new burst-fire technique I've been working on, though.}
{1776}{myn1003b}{Uh, this weapon? Oh...sorry about that, beautiful. It just seems to...pop out all the time, you know?}

{1781}{}{Maybe you better back off a little, Myron.}
{1784}{}{Not while you're hanging with me, you won't. Now let's go.}
{1785}{}{I heard it goes off prematurely, too. Now let's go.}

# 1004. STAY CLOSE (101, 1001, 1003, 1005, 1006)

{1795}{myn1004a}{Eh...all right. You ain't hitting on me, are you?}
{1796}{myn1004b}{Whatever you say, gorgeous. Rrrrooow.}

{1802}{}{Actually, give me a lot of distance, Myron. It's best for both of us.}
{1804}{}{When I hit you, you'll know. Now let's go.}
{1805}{}{Calm down, Myron. Let's go.}

# 1005. STAY MEDIUM (101, 1001, 1003, 1004, 1006)

{1815}{myn1005a}{Well...all right. But I hear it's the guys in the middle who always get it first.}
{1816}{myn1005b}{All right, I'll just watch your ass...er...uh, back carefully.}

{1820}{}{Actually, forget that: Stay close to me instead.}
{1822}{}{Spread out even more, Myron. It's best for both of us.}
{1824}{}{I'm counting on it. Now let's go.}
{1825}{}{Greeeeat. Let's go.}

# 1006. STAY LONG (101, 1001, 1003, 1004, 1005)

{1835}{myn1006a}{All right, I'll keep an eye on things back here. Gives me a good position to practice my burst-fire technique.}
{1836}{myn1006b}{Wha -- do I have B.O. or something?! Sheesh.}

{1841}{}{Come a little closer, Myron.}
{1844}{}{Whatever. Now let's go.}
{1845}{}{If it was just your body odor, I could stand it. Let's go.}

# 1100. REJOIN (101, 1001)
{1860}{myn232a}{All right.}
{1863}{}{Kid, your ego just wrote a check your body can't cash. Get ready to die.}
{1866}{}{Let's go.}

# dude floats
{1870}{}{Mee feel oogy now.}

# misc messages
{1875}{}{You have convinced Myron there might be a cure.}
{1880}{}{That's the grave where Big Jesus' stashed those extra chips.}
{1885}{}{You have convinced Myron to leave the Stables.}

{1957}{}{All right, all right! Stop pushing!}
{1958}{}{Hey, give me a break. I didn't program my A.I.}
{1959}{}{Well, excuuuuuuse me.}
{1960}{}{All right. But next time, YOU get out of MY way.}
{1961}{}{I was here first. But have it YOUR way.}

{2091}{}{You got some chips to share? I need to save some women from their virginity.}

# 242. I PICK IT UP PRETTY EASY (240, 241, 243)

{2675}{myn242a}{Easy, huh? I'm the best. Twice as good as any of those Vault City pecker checkers.}
{2676}{myn242b}{Oh yeah, you're right about that. Easier to learn than that stuff those Vault City pecker checkers would lead you to believe.}

{2678}{}{Let it go, Mr. Insecurity. I had some other questions...}
{2679}{}{What a wonderful command of the language you have. I'll see you later, Myron.}

# 243. VAULT CITY (240, 241, 242)

{2685}{myn243}{A city to the northeast. Buncha "genetically pure" humans. They got their noses so high in the air they'll drown when it rains.}

{2686}{}{Well, I didn't learn at Vault City. I just pick this stuff up. It's pretty easy, really.}
{2687}{}{Interesting. I had some other questions...}
{2688}{}{What a wonderful command of the language you have. I'll see you later, Myron.}


{2004}{myn324}{What the hell are you talking about?}
{2001}{myn321}{This sucks.}
{2033}{myn353}{Beats me.}
{2023}{myn343}{I'd sooner lick Marcus's balls.}
{2024}{myn344}{I'd sooner lick Lenny's wrinkled balls.}
{2025}{myn345}{I'd sooner let that cyber-dog bite off my testicles.}

{3000}{}{Myron, I think we need to discuss...distance.}
{3001}{}{Let's talk about your gear for a second.}
{3002}{}{Forget I brought it up. Keep the same distance.}
{3003}{}{I need you to take off that armor you're wearing.}
{3004}{}{What weapons are you skilled with Myron? Any?}
{3005}{}{Nevermind, there's something else I needed from you.}

