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Fallout Wiki

This is wreckage from a verti-bird. Looks like it crashed here months ago.

The crashed vertibird robot is a hostile Mister Handy unit from an Enclave Vertibird that crashed near the town of Klamath.


The robot sustained a great deal of damage in the crash. Its surface is covered with dents, scratches, mud, and broken wires.[1] The robot's electronic brain is damaged and all of the lines it speaks come from various science fiction movies (e.g. "I'm sorry Dave." or "Gort! Klaatu Barada Nikto!").

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

38 Paradigm of Humanity
This character has no special interactions.


For reasons unknown, the Mister Handy unit can occasionally be found non-responsive to the presence of the Chosen One, making it possible to carry out repairs. Afterwards, it will refrain from both attacking and referencing science fiction.


The crashed vertibird robot appears only in Fallout 2.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Many of the robot's lines are references to classical science fiction movies:
    • "Gort! Klaatu Barada Nikto!" is a reference to the 1953 film The Day the Earth Stood Still.
    • "Number 5 is alive!" references Short Circuit.
    • "I'm sorry Dave.", "I can't let you do that Dave." - phrases by HAL 9000, a computer from the 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey.
      • He also says "Daisy, Daisy give me your answer do", a reference to the song performed by a computer in the first public demonstration of speech synthases. And another HAL's quote who sings the song during his shutdown. Author Arthur C. Clarke had attended the demonstration and included the song in his original novel as a reference.
    • "I'm fully proficient.", "But I'm a translator." - possible rephrased lines by C-3PO from Star Wars, the original trilogy: "I am fluent in over six million forms of communication" and "I'm not much more than an interpreter" (when asked if he's been in battles).
    • "Vee-jer, Veee-jer." - Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979). The word is how aliens called an Earth spacecraft Voyager they found because the "oya" part was covered with dirt.
    • "Does not compute! Does not compute!" - a catchphrase originally from the sitcom My Living Doll (1964), popularized by Lost in Space (1965).
    • "Danger Bill Williamson, Danger!" references the Robot's phrase: "Danger, Will Robinson!" - from Lost In Space.
  • "None shall pass." - Black Knight's phrase from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
  • "Nanoo-nanoo." - Mork's homeworld greeting from Mork & Mindy


  1. KCROB.MSG, line 101