Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Winblows 57 was a computer operating system used by the Golden Globes studio's QEWB drive computer, created in 2057.


It received negative critical reception for its excessive space requirements, for which it consumed 70-75% of a 300GB memory cube's storage.[1] The operating system was created by the Pre-War company in 2057.


Winblows 57 is mentioned only in Fallout 2.

Behind the scenes[]

The name "Winblows 57" is an obvious reference to Microsoft Windows.


  1. The Chosen One: "{655}{}{How do you "film?" I mean, c'mon…you'd need cameras, film, projectors…where would you get all that stuff?}"
    Corsican Brothers: "{670}{}{We lucked out…we don't NEED any of that stoneage crap. We stumbled across a WORKING porno…er, holo…graphic projector. No bulky equipment, no fuss…and no unsightly mess.}"
    The Chosen One: "{671}{}{Reeeeally…what specs does the projector have?}"
    Corsican Brothers: "{680}{}{Well…we ain't hit capacity on the QEWB drive yet - near as I can tell, it's about a 300 GB high density memory cube. Even though the Winblows 57 O.S. eats up 70-75% of that, we could film for a hundred years on that cube.}"