Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Comic Book Reference[]


Fallout 2 karma pictures

Spawn from Todd McFarlane of Image Comics[]

Obviously this is Spawn's attire, notice the chains, spiked wrist/knee bands, and most noted cape. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spawn_(comics)


Batman from DC Comics[]

I don't think I need to explain this one


Captain America from Marvel Comics[]

I don't think I need to explain this one either, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captain_America


new star wars links[]

This is really simple and I can't believe it hasn't been posted yet.

In your world map view, look at the bottom right of the screen. (Where you see the Globe Logo)

Look at the top of the logo you will see: L5-AA23 and TK-421.

L5-AA23 is where Leia was being held on the Deathstar (Level 5, detention block AA23.)

TK-421 was Lukes call sign while he was in the Stormtrooper uniform.

also, i belive it fallout 2, but it mightbe 1.

at one point your tallking to a encavle soilder(hes wearing power armor i think) over one of the video comunication things, and at some point you can say "We're fine. We're all fine here. How are you?" or sumtin like that. almost exactally what han did on the death star. except he shot it about 2 seconds later, but same words.

Just General Final Fantasy[]

I was wondering if the name of the Final Fantasy 7 referance should be changed. Sure it introduced the name limit break feature, but it was also featured in Final Fantasy 8 with the same name, but was actually introduced in Final Fantasy 6 being called Deperation Attack. I am not suggesting that it should be changed, I am just wondering.Jakeinator 03:45, July 20, 2010 (UTC)

Full Metal Jacket[]

Under the "Full Metal Jacket" section:

Inside a Gecko NPP a ghoul randomly says "A day without leakage is like a day without sunshine" which is a reference to the movie "Full Metal Jacket" in which the main protagonist pvt. Joker says "A day without blood is like a day without sunshine" (he in turn is quoting John Wayne).

Why would one assume the game is quoting Joker? If Joker is quoting John Wayne, then this should be attributed to John Wayne. Joker just happened to quote him as well… Unless the description is inaccurate. Sevrandy (talk) 05:27, December 5, 2013 (UTC)

Many many merge questions[]

Hello, I recently merged the page and here are some questions that I have to ask.

  1. Shouldn't the Vault City citizen in the bathroom have his own page? It's a unique character correct?
  2. Shouldn't "Chop Shop" be lowercase?
  3. Shouldn't the "Wright's child" page be split between the "Wright children" = NcWriChi.msg and the "Wright teenagers" = NcWriTee.msg?
  4. There is a world object in FO1/2 that is a "slot machine". Shouldn't "Slot machine" be an overview for the slot machines in FO1/2, FNV, and FO4VW?
  5. Should "Great Balls for Hire" be a redirect to the motion pictures page with a likable taking it there or have it as its own page and include a behind the scenes section for its obvious cultural reference?
  6. Again shouldn't "Mariposa Military Base" be split with itself in FO2 as "Military base ruins"? Are they not different enough for it to be a separate page?
  7. Shoudn't the page "Renewal" be "Renewal cult"?
  8. Should Vault Tec's "automated organ extractor" have its own page or at least be a redirect to Vault-Tec's products or something?
  9. Shouldn't "Cheezy Poofs" be capitalized?
  10. Shouldn't "Federation Crash Site" be de-capitalized?
  11. Shouldn't "Ghost Farm" also be de-capitalized?
  12. Should "Slavers Guild" keep its apostrophe? It is not on the sign.
  13. Shouldn't the "Last Gasp Saloon and Funeral Parlor" have its own page? It is certainty unique enough.
  14. Should "Old ghoul" have their own page? they have their own dialogue file. Also should their location have its own page?
  15. Why shouldn't "Find Woody the ghoul for Percy. Try the Den" not have a period at the end again? If I remember correctly all the quests do have them in the game.
  16. Shouldn't "Press Gang" have its own page? They are a named band of mercenaries.
  17. All these characters capitalization are considered correct here but Amish Commando, Why?! (Iguana Eater, Night Owl, Shadow Dancer, Amish Commando, Alexand the Killer Bee, Hatchetman, BlueCross)
  18. The "Tin Man" random encounter needs to be moved to "Tin Woodsman" the guide specifically name it as such.
  19. The Press Gang mercenary might need a page as I believe it's a missing character... I don't know where to find it.
  20. Shouldn't "Cat's Paw prostitute" be moved to "Cat's Paw girl" they are named that in the dialgoue file
  21. Shouldn't "Enclave patrolmen" be singular not plural?
  22. The Glowing One citizens of Gecko should have their own page as they are a generic character not a generic creature,
  23. The FO2 special encounter "Bridge Keeper" is referenced in the guide as "The Bridge". Should it be moved?

--Ant2242 (talk) 12:57, December 1, 2019 (UTC)

1. I think so.
2. Yes.
3. Yes.
4. That's a pretty good idea.
5. I'm not sure, depends on how we do movies here. Check with others.
6. These should be broken up like Shady Sands, I think: Overview pages and game locations.
7. Cosmetic change. Either works.
8. I think so, yes.
9. Needs to be examined on the icon, but it MIGHT be a brand name.
10. Yes.
11. Yes.
12. Check text files. Slavers guild fits?
13. Depends on how we structure the locations.
14. I think so.
15. Consistency and style at Fandom > our ad hoc decisions.
16. Lowercase press gang. Maybe - do we really have a lot of information about it?
17. Amish Commando is a nickname, so I feel it should be capitalized.
18. Yes.
19. Yes.
20. Yes.
21. Yes.
22. Yes.
23. Actually, depends on how the game itself names them. Game always trumps the guide. Personal_Sig_Image.gif Tagaziel (call!) 14:07, December 4, 2019 (UTC)