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Dialogue for T-Ray, manager of the Chop Shop in New Reno.


{100}{}{You see a good-looking black man...er, no, wait. You see T-Ray.}

# 0. LOOK
{150}{}{You see a heavily muscled black man with thick glasses, a light beard, and an attitude.}
{151}{}{You see T-Ray. He looks pretty good in them jeans.}
{152}{}{You see T-Ray. He occasionally flexes and feels his biceps, whispering "damn" to himself.}
{153}{}{You can barely make out T-Ray past all that attitude.}

{200}{}{Hey, it wasn't my fault that condom we were using had a hole in it.}
{201}{}{Whoa! I wasn't bragging to everyone about you and me doing it. Really! Musta been somebody else.}
{202}{}{DAMN, woman. After I hit those skins, you go off and save the world. That's T-Ray's power for you.}

{210}{}{I been telling everyone that you and me is TIGHT. That when I give the word, it's like it was you givin' the orders.}
{211}{}{You're lucky I was around to save your ass, or the Enclave woulda had you for BREAKFAST.}
{212}{}{Yo, hero. You be sure to tell everyone that T-Ray's your man, aiight?}

{220}{}{Whoa, we're in the presence of royalty. Big hero, comin' through.}
{221}{}{You know, you coulda stopped by before you went off and did that shit, then I coulda helped you whack the President.}
{222}{}{I woulda gone to the Enclave, too, 'cept I was talkin' on the phone too much.}

{230}{}{How many horsepower does that thing you have on get?}
{231}{}{How do you go to the bathroom with that thing on?}
{232}{}{Any chance you let me have that armor for a little bit? I ain't gonna strip it, I just wanna borrow it.}

{250}{}{If it ain't the man, here to oppress me again.}
{251}{}{Yeah, Impala's a good car, but it ain't no Omni.}
{252}{}{Whenever I make love to you, it's hot lava…}
{253}{}{Damn, this car needs a brass rope around the license plate.}
{254}{}{Engine's still good.}
{255}{}{Interior smells like someone took a shit in there.}
{256}{}{Interior smells like gecko assholes.}
{257}{}{What the hell does a car need to RUN for?}
{258}{}{Car ain't gotta run to get you where you need to go, nawimean?}
{259}{}{My car ain't fast, but my lovin' is.}
{260}{}{I can't believe my brick is as LARGE as it is.}
{261}{}{I'm hung like a 2-headed brahmin.}
{262}{}{The Highwayman's got a full analog system, 800 + Horsepower, 0 to 60 in less than a second.}
{263}{}{Fast? The Highwayman goes from 0 to 60 in less than a second.}
{264}{}{The Highwayman's got the power: 800+, in fact.}
{265}{}{The Highwayman's got a full analog system and no computers. None of the fancy stuff.}
{266}{}{The Highwayman's a sweet car; Chryslus sure knew how to build 'em.}
{267}{}{I give piece a chance.}
{268}{}{I'll give your piece a chance.}

# 6. INTRO (WTG)
{275}{}{Who're you? What're you doing here?}
{276}{}{Damn. Look what just walked in…looks like them upper body workouts is finally paying off. What can I do for you, sweet thing?}
{277}{}{You again? What do you want NOW?}
{278}{}{Damn, woman…you again? What do you want NOW? I don't want to hear no shit about how I got you pregnant…}
{280}{}{ go where }
{281}{}{ go}
{282}{}{Wander off}
{283}{}{Where did you get that Highwayman? I like the look of it.}
{284}{}{That car you have in the garage belongs to me.}
{285}{}{You the one who stole my car, asshole?}
{286}{}{I'm Bishop's lieutenant, }
{5286}{}{. I'm here for the car.}
{287}{}{I'm one of Bishop's lieutenants. I'm here for his car.}
{288}{}{I have come to collect Mr. Bishop's free batteries.}
{289}{}{Can you upgrade the Highwayman?}
{290}{}{Can I buy some batteries from you?}
{291}{}{Nothing. I'm going now.}

# 7. ME GO WHERE ME GO (6, 17)
{300}{}{Man, this AIN'T no bathroom, and you shore as hell ain't going in here. Now git.}
{301}{}{Girl, this AIN'T no bathroom, and you shore as hell ain't going in here. Now git.}
{302}{}{You wanna GO? Here? Well… (Looks you up and down) …a man's gotta do who a man's gotta do. Let's get down to bitness.}
{306}{}{Get down to business.}
{307}{}{Uh, no thanks. I've changed my mind. Good-bye.}

# 8. UH-HUH (7)
{320}{}{Aiight then…}

# 9. NUH-UH (7, 17, 31, 35)
{330}{}{Aw, so you just PLAYING with T-Ray? All right, then. Get, woman…I got better bitches to do with my time.}
{331}{}{Time keepz on ticking, ticking, ticking…inta the fuuuuture}
{333}{}{If suppose if you can catch dogs, you're welcome to do whatever you want with them. Good-bye.}
{334}{}{The fact you have sex with dogs does not surprise me. Good-bye.}

{340}{}{The Highwayman outside? Damn RIGHT you like the look of her. That's one sweet machine, a recent ac-quisition…we're just about to spruce her up, make some adjustments, then sell her off to ol' man Bishop.}
{341}{}{"Adjustments?" What kind of adjustments?}
{342}{}{Sell her to BISHOP? Look, idiot...Bishop's dea...er, I mean, I can meet Bishop's offer.}
{343}{}{Sell her to Bishop? Hell, I can meet Bishop's offer and then raise it some.}
{344}{}{What a coincidence. I'm Bishop's lieutenant, }
{346}{}{Actually, you won't be selling that car to anyone. The car's mine.}
{347}{}{Sounds like a good deal. Catch you later.}

{360}{}{Jazz up the engine, clean out the interior, put a brass rope around the license plate - and kick some of that shit outta the trunk, make some room. When we're done, it'll be worth some serious chips to Mr. Bishop.}
{361}{}{Sell her to Bishop? I can meet Bishop's offer and then raise it some.}
{362}{}{What a coincidence. I'm one of Bishop's lieutenants: }
{365}{}{Sounds good. Catch you later then.}

# 12. I CAN MEET BISHOP'S OFFER (10, 11, 13)
{375}{}{You're gonna match BISHOP'S offer? That's a lot of scrilla, man. A LOT of chips. Plus, he's one of the top men in Reno, y'know? I get him this machine, there's…FRINGE benefits.}
{376}{}{You're gonna match BISHOP'S offer? That's a lot of scrilla, woman. A LOT of chips. Plus, he's one of the top men in Reno, y'know? I get him this machine, there's…FRINGE benefits.}
{377}{}{I'm listening…}
{378}{}{1000 chips change your mind?}
{379}{}{750 chips change your mind?}
{380}{}{500 chips change your mind?}
{381}{}{Actually, I don't have enough chips to make you an offer right now…}
{382}{}{How about a night with me, T-Ray? You ain't never going to have anything better.}
{383}{}{My offer's this: I'll leave you in one piece if you give me MY car back right now.}
{384}{}{Nevermind...I have to be going.}

# 13. THAT'S NOT ENOUGH (12)
{395}{}{Man, that amount couldn't even afford to change my clothes, much less change my mind. }
{396}{}{Woman, that amount couldn't even afford to change my clothes, much less change my mind. }
{397}{}{You must think cars are cheap.}
{398}{}{Let's re-negotiate then.}
{399}{}{Look, I can't make you an offer right now, but once I get the chips together…}
{401}{}{No, but your life is. I'll leave you in one piece if you give me back MY car right now.}
{402}{}{I don't have time for this right now. Good-bye.}

{420}{}{Naw, I already got one dog I give a bone to, and I ain't looking to start a kennel. From the looks of you, you ain't got nothing that would be worth my time.}
{421}{}{Your loss. Let me see your stock then.}
{422}{}{Know what? I'm SICK of listening to you and your bullshit. I'm going to carve you into so many pieces you could start your own butcher shop.}
{423}{}{All right then. I'm leaving.}

{436}{}{Screw negotiating, then. Give me MY car back, right now. Or else.}
{437}{}{Forget this. I'm going to carve you into so many pieces you could start your own butcher shop.}

{445}{}{(His eyes slide up and down your body.) I don't know if you're worth all THAT, woman. This is a HIGHWAYMAN we're talking about…}
{446}{}{Oh, I'm worth all that. And more.}

{455}{}{Curse me for a fool…it's a done deal, then. I get some playtime, then you can drive that Highwayman outta here.}
{456}{}{Let's get to it, then.}
{457}{}{Screw negotiating. Give me MY car back, right now. Or else.}
{458}{}{I've changed my mind. I think I'm just going to kill you instead.}
{459}{}{Forget it. I'm leaving.}

# 18. END OF DEAL (12, 13)
{470}{}{Look, why are you wasting my time? If you ain't got the chips, then you ain't got no business here. I got better things to do than be talking to your cheap ass.}
{471}{}{Only thing that's cheap in here is your life. I'll leave you in one piece if you give me back MY car right now.}
{472}{}{You know, that was your last chance. Now I'm just going to KILL you.}

# 19. IT'S MY CAR (6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18)
{485}{}{YOUR car? }
{486}{}{Man, you don't even know what the hell you're talking about. }
{487}{}{Woman, you don't even know what the hell you're talking about. }
{488}{}{That Highwayman was scrap, left lying around, and guess what? Now it's ours. 'Course, you got an ISSUE with that, we could settle it here and now…}
{489}{}{Yeah, I got an issue with it. Let's go, chop shop boy...}
{490}{}{What are you doing with the car?}
{491}{}{No, that's cool. You can have the damn Highwayman. Piece of shit anyway. Uses too much 'tricity, smells like gecko inside, trunk's too small…be perfect for you, though. See ya.}
{492}{}{No, I haven't got an issue with it...yet. See you.}

# 20. SMELLS LIKE SHIT ANYWAY . . . (19)
{500}{}{Whoa, hold on there! *Piece of shit? Smells like Gecko?* }
{501}{}{Man, what kinda Jet you been taking? }
{502}{}{Woman, what kinda Jet you been taking? }
{503}{}{This is a HIGHWAYMAN. Not only does it run, but after I fix it up, it's gonna purr like a woman beneath me.}
{504}{}{I'm sick of listening to you. Eat lead, chop shop boy...}
{505}{}{What are you fixing on the car?}
{506}{}{Whatever. I'm outta here.}

{520}{}{Yeah, that's what I THOUGHT. You better run along now 'fore Momma gets worried about you.}
{521}{}{No, actually, it's YOUR Mom that gets worried without me around to please her.}
{522}{}{Let it go and leave quietly.}

{530}{}{All right, then. It's a done deal. (Scans the money quickly, pockets it.) The Highwayman's all yours. It ain't got no battery juice, of course, and it ain't got none of the special amen-ities I was gonna add…}
{531}{}{What amenities are you talking about?}
{532}{}{I am sick of this bullshit run-around. Eat lead, chop shop boy...}
{533}{}{Oh, but you've given me so MUCH already. I'm outta here.}

{540}{}{(T-Ray wipes the sweat off his body.) Goddamn, woman. All right then, the Highwayman's all yours. It ain't got none of the special amen-ities I was gonna add…}
{541}{}{*Huff-huff* What amenities are you…*huff-huff*…talking about?}
{542}{}{I am sick of this…*huff-*huff*…bullshit run-around. Eat…*wheeze*…lead, chop shop boy...}
{543}{}{I…*huff-huff*…got my car back, and I…*huff-huff*…don't want you touching it anymore. I'm…outta here.}

# 24. WHAT FIX-UPS? (6, 19, 22, 33, 54)
{550}{}{Sure can. I can jazz up the battery charger, spruce up the engine, clean out the interior a little, give it a shine, put a brass rope around the license plate - and kick some of that shit outta the trunk, make some more room. 500 chips.}
{551}{}{You know, jazz up the battery charger, spruce up the engine, clean out the interior a little, give it a shine, put a brass rope around the license plate - and kick some of that shit outta the trunk, make some more room. Any of that interest you? Only 500 chips.}
{552}{}{Sure. Here's 500 chips.}
{553}{}{How about 300 chips?}
{554}{}{I ain't got that much on me right now. How about I bring it back when I have the cash?}
{555}{}{How about some more sweet love?}
{556}{}{How about my body? That interest you?}
{558}{}{I'm SICK of this bullshit run-around. Eat lead, chop shop boy...}
{559}{}{I don't want you touching my car anymore. I'm outta here.}

# 25. END OF ADDITIONS DEAL (24, 26, 30)
{575}{}{Done. (Takes money) Give me some time, and it'll be out in fronta town for you. Don't worry...no one'll stake a claim on it while you're away. An' look: you ever need batteries, come talk to me, and I'll hook you up.}
{576}{}{Can I see what you have in stock now?}
{577}{}{All right, then, thanks. Catch you later, T-Ray.}

# 26. NO 300 (24)
{590}{}{(Shakes his head.) Naw, that ain't gonna cut it. 500 or nothing.}

# 27. CAN I COME BACK (24, 26, 30)
{615}{}{Course you can. I'll leave your car out in fronta town for you. But don't worry...no one'll stake a claim on it while you're gone. An' look: you ever need any batteries for it, come talk to me, and I'll hook you up.}
{616}{}{Actually, I need some batteries right now.}
{617}{}{I could use some batteries, but you know what? I don't feel like paying with chips…would you be interested in something…ELSE?}
{619}{}{All right, then. Catch you later.}

{630}{}{(Shrugs) Sorry, we ain't got no batteries now…come back in a week or two, maybe some will have turned up. 'Course…we could just conduct bitness ANYWAY…}
{631}{}{All right.}
{632}{}{Sorry, only when it IS business. Later, T-Ray.}

{640}{}{Damn, bitch! I just gave you sweet love five minutes ago! You trying to KILL me?}
{641}{}{Now, hold on…}
{642}{}{C'mon, I need a charge, and only YOUR sweet love is going to do it.}
{643}{}{Nevermind then. Be that way.}

# 30. REJECTION, SUPER CAR (24, 26)
{650}{}{Naw, I already got one dog I give a bone to, and I ain't looking to start a kennel. From the looks of you, you ain't got nothing that would be worth my time. 500 chips is what sprucing up the Highwayman's gonna cost.}
{651}{}{All right then. Here's 500 chips.}
{653}{}{Know what? I'm SICK of listening to your bullshit. I'm going to put you down.}

{660}{}{(Stops you before you turn away.) Now hold on a minute, woman. I didn't say I didn't HAVE no sweet love for you. Let's get down to bitness.}
{661}{}{(Looks you up and down.) A man's gotta do who a man's gotta do. Let's get down to bitness.}
{662}{}{Get down to "bitness."}
{663}{}{No, I've changed my mind. Bye.}

{670}{}{Hey! The big hero comes 'round to T-Ray's neck o' the woods! Welcome, welcome… }
{671}{}{Hey, sweet-thing. You come back to relax with the Ray after you done kicking the world's ass? }
{672}{}{Say… I got something you might be interested in for yo car…IF you still have it.}
{673}{}{Wut izzit}
{675}{}{What have you got for the car?}

{690}{}{Damn, woman! I just gave you sweet love five minutes ago! You trying to KILL me?}
{691}{}{You wanna go AGAIN? Damn, woman! Don't your legs EVER close?}
{693}{}{C'mon, I need a-fixin', and only YOUR sweet love is going to do it.}


# 37. I'M ONE OF BISHOP'S MEN - DON'T BELIEVE (6, 10, 11)
{710}{}{(Studies you, frowns) Yeah, sure you are. I know ALLA Bishop's lieutenants, and you ain't one of them. (Nods at the door.) Get outta here before I lose my temper.}
{711}{}{I AM one of Bishop's lieutenants. Now are we gonna deal, or what?}
{712}{}{I'm leaving, I'm leaving...}

{720}{}{(Sneers) Yeah, we're gonna deal all right. Better hope you ain't got no family who's gonna miss you…}
{721}{}{You better hope that you got a family that'll be able to find all your pieces.}

# 39. I'M ONE OF BISHOP'S MEN - BELIEVE (6, 10, 11)
{730}{}{(Studies you.) You're one of Bishop's lew-tenants?! Naw…if you were, you'd be a little taller, a little more… (looks skeptical) …bad-ass.}
{731}{}{(Studies you.) You're }
{5731}{}{?! I heard }
{6731}{}{ was a little taller, a little more… (looks skeptical) …bad-ass.}
{732}{}{I'm legit. You challengin' me?}
{733}{}{I'm }
{5733}{}{. You challengin' me?}
{734}{}{Don't believe everything you hear. Let's talk about Mr. Bishop's car.}
{735}{}{Forget this conversation. I'm outta here.}

# 40. I'M ONE OF BISHOP'S MEN (39)
{745}{}{(Raises his hands in mock surrender) Naw, naw, I was just playin' witcha.}
{746}{}{Let's talk about Mr. Bishop's car.}
{747}{}{Next time you better watch yourself. I'm outta here.}

# 41. I'M ONE OF BISHOP'S MEN (39, 40)
{755}{}{Aiight, aiight…here's the deal: we can do all the upgrades, spruce her up, and get it to Mr. Bishop pronto. Price… (Shrugs, smiles) …question is: how CAN you put a price on a Highwayman like this?}
{756}{}{Go on.}
{757}{}{I don't have TIME for your bullshit. What's the bottom-line?}
{758}{}{You're right. You can't. I will be taking the car with me, and Mr. Bishop will let you continue your operation here.}
{759}{}{I don't have time for this. I'm outta here.}

# 42. GO ON. (41)
{770}{}{As I see it, this Highwayman…most likely the last of its kind in working order…is worth at LEAST 3000 chips…but y'know what? (Winks) I'm willing to part with this fine machine for 2700 chips considerin' the condition. A-course, we'd need ta talk about FRINGE benefits: club privileges, free admission to the ho-house…}
{771}{}{2700? Done. Here you are.}
{772}{}{Mr. Bishop is prepared to offer you 1500 chips.}
{773}{}{2700? No, no…Mr. Bishop will take it for 900 chips.}
{774}{}{I have a counter-offer. I will take the car for no charge, and Mr. Bishop will permit you to continue your operation here.}
{775}{}{I'll tell Mr. Bishop and return with his reply.}

# 43. OKAY, 2700 chipS. (42)
{780}{}{(T-Ray blinks, then smiles slow and wide as you pass off the chips.) Now, I like a deal that's concluded fast and simple; pleasure doing bitness with you, pleasure doing bitness… now about those fringe benefits…?}
{781}{}{You will have to discuss those with Mr. Bishop. Mr. Bishop has one last request: free batteries from your shop. I will be the courier for these pick-ups.}
{782}{}{The other benefits you will have to discuss with Mr. Bishop himself. Be sure to go to talk to him armed and shouting loudly about what he owes you. He respects men like that.}
{783}{}{You will have to talk to Mr. Bishop about your fringe benefits. Goodbye.}

# 44. 1500 chipS (42)
{790}{}{Man, that amount couldn't even afford to change my clothes! }
{791}{}{Woman, that amount couldn't even afford to change my clothes! }
{792}{}{What, does Bishop think cars are CHEAP?!}
{793}{}{Perhaps you feel you are being treated…unfairly?}
{794}{}{Mr. Bishop has made a GENEROUS offer of 1500 chips. You won't like the next offer.}
{795}{}{Then perhaps an offer of 900 chips will be more to your liking. Mr. Bishop will be pleased your work comes so cheaply.}
{797}{}{Since his generous offer has been refused, I'm instructed to take the car for no charge.}
{798}{}{I tire of this conversation. I will return later.}

# 45. 900 chipS (42, 44)
{810}{}{Nine hun…man, are you joking?! }
{811}{}{Nine hun…woman, are you joking?! }
{812}{}{Cut the bull-shit! This is a HIGHWAYMAN. They don't make them ANYWHERE anymore, see? There's OTHER families that'll be willin' to pay for it if that cheap bastard Bishop won't…}
{816}{}{So you are dealing with other families? Mr. Bishop will be interested to hear that.}
{817}{}{I'm sorry? What did you just call Mr. Bishop?}
{818}{}{I tire of this. We'll talk again later.}

# 46. I'M TAKING THE CAR (41, 42, 44, 45)
{830}{}{(T-Ray freezes. For a second, you think he's going to attack you, but then he relaxes.) Man, this is a raw deal. }
{831}{}{(T-Ray freezes. For a second, you think he's going to attack you, but then he relaxes.) Woman, this is a raw deal. }
{832}{}{What have I ever done to Bishop to deserve this? Huh?}
{834}{}{I'd take it up with Mr. Bishop. Oh…Mr. Bishop has one last request: he would like free batteries from your shop. I will be the courier for these pick-ups.}
{835}{}{I'm sure it was something. He doesn't like you much. Pleasure doing business with you.}

{845}{}{Naw, naw, nothin' like that…! Me and Mr. Bishop, we see eye to eye on this, no problems. He's treated me right, and you tell him that, aiight? But…uh…what 'bout those fringe benefits I mentioned…?}
{846}{}{You will have to discuss those with Mr. Bishop. Mr. Bishop has one last request: he would like free batteries from your shop. I will be the courier for these pick-ups.}
{847}{}{The other benefits you will have to discuss with Mr. Bishop. Be sure to go to talk to him armed and shouting loudly about what he owes you. He respects men like that.}

# 48. FREE BATTERIES . . . (43, 46, 47)
{855}{}{(T-Ray's smile fades.) Aiight…sure, sure…not a problem.}
{856}{}{Excellent. Give me all the batteries you have in stock right now.}

# 49. LEAVE . . . NO FREE BATTERIES (43, 46, 47)
{865}{}{I will, I will…hey, you tell your boss he can buy batteries from me, too. I keep finding new ones every day round here.}
{866}{}{Really? Let me see what you have in stock.}

# 50. BISHOP BATTERIES, NONE (6, 33, 48, 54)
{875}{}{We ain't got any batteries right now; most of the cars we've stripped ain't turned up shit. Give us a week or two, aiight?}
{876}{}{All right. I'll let it slide. This time. See ya.}

# 51. BISHOP BATTERIES, YES (6, 33, 51, 54)
{885}{}{(T-Ray's shoulders slump a little.) Aiight, aiight. Here you go. It's all I got.}
{886}{}{All right. I'll be back in two weeks for the next batch. Have them ready for Mr. Bishop.}

# 52. BUY BATTERIES, NONE (6, 33, 54)
{896}{}{Okay. I'll try back later.}

# 53. BISHOP BATTERIES, YES (6, 33, 54)
{905}{}{Sure, we got some.}
{906}{}{Could I check out your stock?}
{907}{}{Well, I'd really like one, but I don't want to pay for it. Is there something…ELSE I could do to pay for it?}
{909}{}{Just checking. Be seeing you.}

# 54. RAM-PLATES (33)
{915}{}{Grav-plates! These beauties'll let you FLY cross the wasteland, and they have a recycling power chip, so they barely suck up any juice. How do you like that? You want 'em?}
{916}{}{Me like me take}
{918}{}{Sounds good. I'll take it.}
{919}{}{Not right now. I have come to collect Mr. Bishop's free batteries.}
{920}{}{Not right now. Can you upgrade the Highwayman without adding the grav plates?}
{921}{}{Not right now. Can I buy some batteries from you instead?}
{922}{}{No, not at the moment. Maybe later. See ya.}

# 55. RAM-PLATES (54)
{930}{}{(T-Ray spends an hour or two in the shop. When he emerges, the grav-plates have been installed.)}
{931}{}{Thanks, T-Ray. Appreciate it. I'll go try them out.}

# 56. FLOAT (HERO)
{940}{}{Help yourself, hero.}
{941}{}{What's mine is yours. Tell everybody I said that, too.}
{942}{}{Damn. You save the world, and you STILL got to go through everybody's shit.}

{950}{}{Get away from my shit.}
{951}{}{Next time you touch my shit, you're going to get yo ass beat.}

{1000}{}{You got the car back without using violence.}
{1001}{}{You successfully tricked T-Ray.}
{1002}{}{You have received a free supply of car batteries.}


{2000}{}{You got a battery for the Highwayman.}
{2010}{}{You got the upgrade for the Highwayman.}
