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Dialogue for pimps in New Reno.


# quick look
{100}{}{You see a pimp.}
# examine
{150}{}{You see a well-dressed man. His clothes catch the light and reflect it, nearly blinding you.}
{151}{}{You see a man with clothes so loud that they should have a volume knob.}
{152}{}{You see a pimp. He's styling.}
{153}{}{You see a pimp. He nods at you.}
{154}{}{You see a pimp. He looks fly enough to be pimp of the year.}
{155}{}{You see a pimp. His clothes are so loud they need a volume knob.}
{200}{}{Man, I heard you destroyed the Enclave. Maybe NOW you want to get laid?}
{201}{}{Man destroys the Enclave, thinks he owns the world... sheee-it.}
{202}{}{Yo, man! Only thing better than blowing an oil rig is having somebody blowing your rig, know what I'm saying?}
{220}{}{I heard you destroyed the Enclave, woman. Maybe NOW you come work for me?}
{221}{}{Woman destroys the Enclave, thinks she owns the world... sheee-it.}
{222}{}{A sexy Enclave-busting woman like yourself could earn a LOTTA chips in this town...}
{230}{}{Woman better have my money...}
{231}{}{These tourists ain't nearly as horn-ay as I'd like.}
{232}{}{Bitch better not be holding out on me...}
{233}{}{Go on, then. Walk on by.}
{234}{}{You looking for some action?}
{235}{}{How come you don't snag one of my ladies for yo movies, brother?}
{236}{}{You want a real partner, try one of my women for yo films.}
{237}{}{You need some fluffers? I got 'em.}
{238}{}{These ain't slaves, these are professionals, hear what I'm saying?}
{239}{}{When you gonna set ME up in the biz, mistah movie staaar?}
{240}{}{Give me some time on camera, I'll show you star.}
{241}{}{I can do WHAT you do, do WHO you do, and do her BETTER than you do.}
{242}{}{You should let me teach you some pointers, brother.}
{243}{}{I got this one woman you should try out for yo films; she has this real soft juicy-fruit butt.}
{244}{}{Let me set you up, man. I was pimp of the year two years running.}
{245}{}{Don't understand how YOU got to be a star...}
{260}{}{Woman better have my money...}
{261}{}{These tourists ain't nearly as horn-ay as I'd like.}
{262}{}{Bitch better not be holding out on me...}
{263}{}{Go on, then. Walk on by.}
{264}{}{Check out that soft juicy-fruit butt.}
{265}{}{Baby, come let me squeeze that soft juicy-fruit butt o' yours.}
{267}{}{::Mouths the word 'damn.'::}
{268}{}{You dancing at the casinos anytime soon, sweetness?}
{269}{}{You want a real partner, you should try me, honey.}
{270}{}{When you gonna set ME up in the biz, miss movie staaar?}
{271}{}{Let me do you on camera, I'll show you star.}
{272}{}{I can do you better than you ever been done.}
{273}{}{You should let me teach you some tricks, woman.}
{274}{}{Damn, body like that ought to be ill-legal.}
{275}{}{Woman, it's a wonder the street don't melt beneath them legs o' yours.}
{276}{}{Come work for me, woman. I was pimp of the year two years running.}
{277}{}{Baby, let me squeeze that soft juicy-fruit butt o' yours.}
{290}{}{Woman better have my money...}
{291}{}{These tourists ain't nearly as horn-ay as I'd like.}
{292}{}{Bitch better not be holding out on me...}
{293}{}{You looking for some action?}
{294}{}{You lookin' for some action? I give you a freebie, brother.}
{295}{}{Let me extend a courtesy to you, friend. I give you one of my women for a whole night.}
{296}{}{Talk to me, friend. I got a woman for you.}
{297}{}{Yo family needs a man like me to keep the womenz in line...}
{298}{}{You styling, man, you styling.}
{299}{}{Nice threads, boy-eee.}
{300}{}{Say the word, an' I'll be watching yo back, brother.}
{301}{}{I got your back, brother.}
{302}{}{You the man, the MAIN man, know what I'm saying now?}
{303}{}{Let me set you up, man. I was pimp of the year two years running.}
{304}{}{Gangster Man coming through...}
{305}{}{Big man coming through...}
{320}{}{Woman better have my money...}
{321}{}{These tourists ain't nearly as horn-ay as I'd like.}
{322}{}{Bitch better not be holding out on me...}
{323}{}{Who is this beeeewt-ifull woman I sees?}
{324}{}{Damn, I love a woman who knows her crime.}
{325}{}{You styling, sister, you styling.}
{326}{}{Nice threads, woman.}
{327}{}{You dressing all lethal and shit, I like it.}
{328}{}{Say the word, an' I'll be watching yo back, sister.}
{329}{}{I got your back, sister.}
{330}{}{Love that raven black hair and gangsta attitude on you, woman.}
{350}{}{Woman better have my money...}
{351}{}{These tourists ain't nearly as horn-ay as I'd like.}
{352}{}{Bitch better not be holding out on me...}
{353}{}{You looking for some action, champ?}
{354}{}{You need for some action, champ? I give you a freebie.}
{355}{}{Let me extend a courtesy to you, champ. I give you one of my women for a whole night.}
{356}{}{Talk to me, champ. I got the woman for you.}
{357}{}{This ain't no Robbin' Givens I givin'... you get a good woman, know what I'm sayin?}
{358}{}{You styling, champ, you styling.}
{359}{}{Don't you let me down in the ring, you hear?}
{360}{}{I got 100 chips riding on you, champ. Don't be disappointing me now.}
{361}{}{You need a boxing partner for tonight, champ? I get you a sweeeet one.}
{362}{}{Say the word, an' I'll be watching yo back, champ.}
{363}{}{I got your back, champ.}
{364}{}{Let me set you up, champ. I was pimp of the year two years running.}
{365}{}{Champ coming through...}
{366}{}{Big man coming through...}
{380}{}{Woman better have my money...}
{381}{}{These tourists ain't nearly as horn-ay as I'd like.}
{382}{}{Bitch better not be holding out on me...}
{383}{}{Who is this beeeewt-ifull woman I sees?}
{384}{}{Damn, I love a woman who knows how to beat a man up.}
{385}{}{You styling, sister, you styling.}
{386}{}{Nice threads, woman.}
{387}{}{You dressing all lethal and shit, I like it.}
{388}{}{Say the word, an' I'll be watching yo back, sister.}
{389}{}{I got your back, sister.}
{390}{}{You the woman, the queen, the champ of ALL, know what I'm saying now?}
{391}{}{Don't you let me down in the ring, you hear?}
{392}{}{I got 100 chips riding on you, sister. Don't be disappointing me now.}
{393}{}{I do so love your raven black hair...and your wicked left hook.}
{410}{}{Woman better have my money...}
{411}{}{These tourists ain't nearly as horn-ay as I'd like.}
{412}{}{Bitch better not be holding out on me...}
{413}{}{You all looking for some action?}
{414}{}{You two look like you need to get wet.}
{415}{}{Yo, Myron! Whazzup?}
{416}{}{Yo, Myron! Need any company for tonight? I got this new woman for you…}
{417}{}{You fellas looking to get... wet?}
{418}{}{You can't find sweeter tail ANYWHERE else.}
{419}{}{I'm so bright, I make Reno look dim.}
{420}{}{You look like you gots a FIRE down below.}
{421}{}{Talk to me, my friends. I got women you can wear for the WHOLE night.}
{422}{}{You got the chips, you can have a taste of heaven.}
{423}{}{Myron, I don't want to catch you doing no teabag on my women again.}
{424}{}{Myron, I don't want to catch you doing no donkey punches on my women again.}
{425}{}{Myron, I don't want to catch you doing no purple mushrooms on my women again.}
{426}{}{Myron, I don't want to catch you doing no flying camels on my women again.}
{427}{}{Myron, I don't want to catch you doing no Cleveland Steamers on my women again.}
{428}{}{Yo, Myron! You need a friend for tonight, Myron? I get you a sweeeet one.}
{429}{}{These ain't slaves, these are professionals, hear what I'm saying?}
{430}{}{Myron! Boy, you still owe me for last week!}
{431}{}{Can she suck a garden hose through a golf ball? Hell, yes.}
{432}{}{I got women that make you a real man, only cost a few chips.}
{433}{}{I got the mother lode in my stable.}
{434}{}{What you doin' outta the stables, Myron? Lookin' for some talent?}
{435}{}{Ol' man Mordino let you out finally, Myron?}
{440}{}{Woman better have my money...}
{441}{}{These tourists ain't nearly as horn-ay as I'd like.}
{442}{}{Bitch better not be holding out on me...}
{443}{}{Caught Myron doin' donkey punches on my woman again.}
{444}{}{I better not catch Myron doing the Cleveland Steamer on my woman again.}
{445}{}{You need a friend for tonight, brother? I get you a sweeeet one.}
{446}{}{These ain't slaves, these are professionals, hear what I'm saying?}
{447}{}{I'm so bright, I make Reno look dim.}
{448}{}{You can't find sweeter tail ANYWHERE else.}
{449}{}{You got the chips, you can have a taste of heaven.}
{450}{}{You better not pimp that bitch of yours around here.}
{451}{}{I see any chips changing hands over that bitch of yours, me and you are gonna have words.}
{452}{}{That bitch of yours better cool her heels while she's in this town.}
{453}{}{Ditch that bitch o' yours, friend. I got a woman you can wear for the WHOLE night.}
{454}{}{I got women that make you a real man, only cost a few chips.}
{455}{}{I got the mother lode in my stable.}
{456}{}{If I see you selling yo skanky woman, I'll give you a red Reno smile across your throat.}
{457}{}{She's yo "wife," huh? Well, "hubbie," she better watch her ass in THIS town.}
{458}{}{This is my corner. Don't pimp your bitch here.}
{459}{}{I better not see you selling that ho on my street.}
{470}{}{Woman better have my money...}
{471}{}{These tourists ain't nearly as horn-ay as I'd like.}
{472}{}{Bitch better not be holding out on me...}
{473}{}{Yo slaver! You looking to get... wet?}
{474}{}{Slaver, if you can find cheaper tail anywhere, I'll match it.}
{475}{}{I'm so bright, I make Reno look dim.}
{476}{}{Slaver, you look like a man with a FIRE down below.}
{477}{}{Talk to me, slaver. I got a woman you can wear for the WHOLE night.}
{478}{}{You got the chips, you can have a taste of heaven.}
{479}{}{You need a friend for tonight, slaver? I get you a sweeeet one.}
{480}{}{These are better than slaves. These are professionals, hear what I'm saying?}
{481}{}{You got any stock, slaver? I need some new blood.}
{482}{}{Can she suck a garden hose through a golf ball? Hell, yes.}
{483}{}{I got women that make you a real man, only cost a few chips.}
{484}{}{I got the mother lode in my stable.}
{485}{}{Slaver, if any o' my women go missing, I'll expect you to be paying up, understand?}
{486}{}{Let me set you up, slaver. I was pimp of the year two years running.}
{487}{}{I got this one woman you should look at, slaver; she has this real soft juicy-fruit butt.}
{488}{}{I ain't looking to buy any slaves, but I might be looking to sell some a lil' later.}
{489}{}{Don't you be doing no teabag on my woman now, slaver.}
{490}{}{I better not catch you doing no donkey punches on my women, slaver.}
{491}{}{That punk-ass bitch Myron gave half my women purple mushrooms.}
{492}{}{I'm gonna beat Myron like a bitch if I catch him doing a Cleveland Steamer on my women again.}
{493}{}{Slaver, if any o' my women go missing, I'll expect you to be paying up, understand?}
{494}{}{If you can find cheaper tail anywhere, slaver, I'll match it.}
{495}{}{Don't you be doing no teabag on my woman now, slaver.}
{496}{}{I might have some stock to sell you later if my woman mouths off to me again.}
{497}{}{Slavers always a welcome sight in this town.}
{500}{}{Woman better have my money...}
{501}{}{These tourists ain't nearly as horn-ay as I'd like.}
{502}{}{Bitch better not be holding out on me...}
{503}{}{I'm so bright, I make Reno look dim.}
{504}{}{You need a friend for tonight, slaver? I get you a sweeeet young thing, male or female, whatever you want.}
{505}{}{I got this one woman you should look at, slaver; she has this real soft juicy-fruit butt.}
{506}{}{Slaver, you look like a woman who needs to take a walk on the wild side.}
{507}{}{You need a friend for tonight, slaver? I get you a sweeeet one, male or female, whatever you want.}
{508}{}{Slaver, if any o' my women go missing, I'll expect you to be paying up, understand?}
{509}{}{I might have some stock to sell you later if my woman mouths off to me again.}
{510}{}{I ain't looking to buy any slaves, but I might be looking to sell some a lil' later.}
{511}{}{I got this one woman you should look at, slaver; she has this real soft juicy-fruit butt.}
{512}{}{Slavers always a welcome sight in this town.}
# 13. (MALE, NO REP)
{520}{}{Woman better have my money...}
{521}{}{These tourists ain't nearly as horn-ay as I'd like.}
{522}{}{Bitch better not be holding out on me...}
{523}{}{You looking for some action?}
{524}{}{You looking to get... wet?}
{525}{}{You can't find sweeter tail ANYWHERE else.}
{526}{}{I'm so bright, I make Reno look dim.}
{527}{}{You look like a man with a FIRE down below.}
{528}{}{Talk to me, friend. I got a woman you can wear for the WHOLE night.}
{529}{}{You got the chips, you can have a taste of heaven.}
{530}{}{You need a friend for tonight, brother? I get you a sweeeet one.}
{531}{}{These ain't slaves, these are professionals, hear what I'm saying?}
{532}{}{The finest ladies in all o' New Reno. Yours for the asking...if you got the chips.}
{533}{}{Can she suck a garden hose through a golf ball? Hell, yes.}
{534}{}{I got women that make you a real man, only cost a few chips.}
{535}{}{I got the mother lode in my stable.}
{536}{}{Let me set you up, man. I was pimp of the year two years running.}
{537}{}{I got this one woman you try out; she has this real soft juicy-fruit butt.}
{538}{}{Don't you be doing no teabag on my woman now.}
{539}{}{I better not catch you doing no donkey punches on my women.}
{540}{}{You better not be giving my women no purple mushrooms, hear?}
{541}{}{I catch you doing a Cleveland Steamer on ANY of my women, and I will KILL you.}
{542}{}{You looking for some action?}
{543}{}{I got the finest whores in all o' New Reno. Just try 'em and see.}
# 14. (FEMALE, NO REP)
{550}{}{Woman better have my money...}
{551}{}{These tourists ain't nearly as horn-ay as I'd like.}
{552}{}{Bitch better not be holding out on me...}
{553}{}{::Scoping you out::}
{554}{}{Yo, sweetness, come talk to me for a moment.}
{555}{}{Come here, I got a pro-position for you.}
{556}{}{Check out that soft juicy-fruit butt.}
{557}{}{Baby, come let me squeeze that soft juicy-fruit butt o' yours.}
{558}{}{Hey, beautiful. You interested in doing some work?}
{559}{}{I got some work for you; benefit is, you get to lie down on the job.}
{560}{}{You need a place to stay, sugar and spice?}
{561}{}{Come back to my crib, best place to stay in all of Reno.}
{562}{}{You got a place to stay? I can get you one.}
{563}{}{::Scopes you out::}
{564}{}{Baby, let me squeeze that soft juicy-fruit butt o' yours.}
{565}{}{You lookin' to earn some easy scratch, woman?}
