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Rivet City conversations refer to conversations between NPCs that happen in Rivet City in Fallout 3. These are affected by ongoing quests and statuses of other characters, as well as various bugs and omissions. These issues include incorrect or unimplemented conditions, speakers, target NPCs, faction checks, and more, which may prevent some of these from being spoken. Furthermore, some conversations are incomplete and are missing prompts or answers.

In the format below, the person named in the header is the conversation starter, and each conversation which they started is listed below them. Each individual conversation is denoted by a number (roughly corresponding to how they are ordered in their container quest, the HELLO tab of DialogueRivetCity, with some exceptions/additions). All notes and context for each conversation are listed below each character's list of conversations. Any conversations that are confirmed to fail to play are marked as bugged (Bugged), even if they may only be unimplemented or accidentally omitted.

Abraham Washington[]

Speaker Conversation
1 Abraham Washington Um...uh...I'd like, I mean can you get me some Iguana Bits? And a glass of water. No... yes, a glass of water.
Mister Buckingham Yes, Mister Washington.


Bugged This conversation is intended to occur in the Weatherly Hotel between 2 to 4 pm and 10 to 12 pm, when Abraham is supposed to visit there to eat. However, it will never play because the AI packages which dictate this behavior are not implemented.

Staley family services[]

These conversations are short questions-and-answers between either Angela or Gary Staley and various Rivet City residents who come to eat at Gary's Galley. They all share a common prompt from the Staleys, "May I take your order?" The responses are listed below.

Speaker Conversation
2 Bannon Brahmin steak, with scotch.
Brock Mirelurk Cakes with a beer.
Christie Young I'll have a Mirelurk cake and some water.
Cindy Cantelli Water and a Mirelurk cake, please.
C.J. Young Just some mutfruit and a Nuka-Cola please.
Ted Strayer I'm like, kinda short on caps. I'll just have a carrot, an apple, and some water.
Flak Mirelurk Cakes, and a beer.
Henry Young I'll have Iguana on a Stick. C.J. will have some Mutfruit and a Nuka-Cola.
I'll have Iguana on a Stick.
James Hargrave I want an Iguana on a Stick, but my mom won't let me have one.
Just give me some Iguana Bits.
Mei Wong Could I have some Iguana Bits and a Nuka-Cola, please?
Mister Lopez I'd like two carrots and some water.
Paulie Cantelli Water and Iguana Bits.
Seagrave Holmes Noodles and beer. A match made in heaven, eh?
Shrapnel Give me a Brahmin steak, potato, and a beer.
Tammy Hargrave Mole rat, well done, with wine. Leave the bottle. James has been bad. He gets a carrot and some water.
Mole rat, well done, with wine. Leave the bottle.


  • Henry Young's response depends on whether C.J. is nearby (first response) or not (second response).
  • James Hargrave's response depends on whether Tammy Hargrave is alive (first response) or not (second response).
  • Shrapnel will only respond if Angela Staley is the one asking him; his dialogue is missing the condition to check for Gary as a target.
  • Tammy Hargrave's response should depend on whether or not James Hargrave is alive. However, the second response will never be used because James, as a child, cannot be killed.

Angela Staley[]

Speaker Conversation
3 Angela Staley Hello, Miss Vera.
Vera Weatherly You should spend more time on the flight deck, Angela. You look so pale!
Angela Staley Diego takes me up there at night, but the sun isn't up then. Oh! I'm late Miss Vera. Goodbye!
4 Angela Staley We're running low on river water, dad.
Gary Staley Okay. I'll go lower the bucket.
5 Angela Staley Dad, can I buy that dress from Bannon? I want to wear it at my wedding. I want to look special for Diego.
Gary Staley Sorry. I just don't have enough money, Angela. I really wish I could.
6 Angela Staley Dad, do you think you'll ever meet someone? I mean like mom? You shouldn't just spend all day cooking you know.
Gary Staley Your mom was no Saint Monica. I wouldn't want someone like her. Besides, I like cooking.
7 Angela Staley Hello, Mrs. Cantelli. Do you have anything that would make a guy be like crazy in love? You know, make him really horny?
Cindy Cantelli I don't think you need a love potion, dear. Besides, none of these will do that. If they did, Paulie would...never mind.
I don't think you need a love potion, dear. Besides, none of these will do that.
8 Angela Staley I'm so excited about getting married. You got my invitation, didn't you? You've got to come.
Cindy Cantelli Yes, I got the invitation. I wouldn't miss you and Diego's wedding for anything.
9 Angela Staley Diego, do you think I'm sexy? I mean, if you weren't a priest and everything, would you be turned on by me?
Diego Well, I, uh, that is, sure. You are incredibly sexy. Not that I've noticed. I am going aIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar priest, and they don't...um, well, you know.
10 Angela Staley I know you could do a much better sermon. I could hardly stay awake.
Diego That's not very polite, Angela, but thank you anyway.
11 Angela Staley I have something special for you, but I can only give it to you in private.
Diego We're not alone, so it'll have to wait. Maybe later today.
12 Angela Staley Are you nervous about getting married?
Diego A little. Aren't you? We don't have a place to live, and your father is going to have to support us.
Angela Staley Don't worry, Diego. I'll take care of you. I even found a room below decks for us. Our love will sustain us.
13 Angela Staley Hello, Mr. Holmes. Do you have anything new today?
Seagrave Holmes Not today, Angela. Maybe next week.
14 Angela Staley Hello, Mr. Shrapnel. My dad wants some more 10mm rounds. Do you have any?
Shrapnel Hells bells, girl. I ain't no mister. Just call me Shrapnel. Yeah, I got some 10mm rounds. I'll bring them over to him later.
15 Angela Staley The prayer was touching, Father.
Father Clifford Thank you, Angela.
16 Angela Staley Hello, Mr. Bannon. Can I look at that blue dress again? The one with the really deep cleavage?
Bannon Of course. Just don't touch it. I don't want any grease stains from that kitchen on it.


# Notes, conditions, context
3 Conditioned to only play when Vera Weatherly is wandering the Rivet City market, which occurs from 12-2 p.m. on weekdays. Listening to the full conversation will add the note Angela and Diego and make it possible to ask Angela about her romance.
4 Conditioned to only play while Gary's Galley in the Rivet City market is open, which is from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. on all days.
5 May only occur if A Nice Day for a Right Wedding is completed in any way other than convincing Diego to cut things off with Angela. It will only play before Diego and Angela's wedding, and hearing the conversation will make it possible to ask about the wedding in dialogue.
6 Conditioned to only play if Diego is not convinced to marry Angela Staley, both before starting A Nice Day for a Right Wedding, and if it is completed by convincing Diego to stay away from Angela.
7 Conditioned to occur only before starting A Nice Day for a Right Wedding. Hearing the first statement will add the note Angela and Diego to the inventory and make it possible to ask about Angela's relationship with Diego in dialogue. Cindy Cantelli's responses depend on whether or not Paulie Cantelli is alive; the first plays if he is, and the second plays if he is not.
8 May only occur if A Nice Day for a Right Wedding is completed in any way other than convincing Diego to cut things off with Angela. It will only play before Diego and Angela's wedding, and hearing the conversation will make it possible to ask about the wedding in dialogue.
9 Conditioned to occur only if A Nice Day for a Right Wedding has not been started. Hearing it will add the note Angela and Diego to the inventory and make it possible to ask about their relationship, starting that quest.
10 Conditioned to occur only on Sunday between 10 and 11 a.m in Saint Monica's Church, after Father Clifford has finished his sermon.
11 Conditioned to occur only if Angela has been given ant queen pheromones during A Nice Day for a Right Wedding. It will only play on the day she is given the pheromones.
12 May only occur if A Nice Day for a Right Wedding is completed in any way other than convincing Diego to cut things off with Angela. It will only play before Diego and Angela's wedding, and hearing the conversation will make it possible to ask about the wedding in dialogue.
15 Conditioned to occur only on Sundays in Saint Monica's Church, in the hour after services have finished (from 10 to 11 a.m.).
16 Conditioned to occur only when Bannon's merchant services are available, between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m. daily.


Speaker Conversation
17 Armitage Try not to drink too much tonight, sir. It affects your judgment.
Dr. Zimmer Yes, of course. I'll watch my alcohol intake.
18 Armitage This area looks safe, Mister Zimmer.
Dr. Zimmer Good. Stay alert. He could be anywhere.
Relax. I'm sure there is no danger here.
19 Armitage I'll have some water.
Belle Bonny I don't serve that swill here. Beer, whiskey, even some wine, but no goddamn water.
20 Armitage Brock.
Brock Armitage.
21 Armitage Sister.
Sister Armitage.
22 Armitage You’ve had too much to drink, Trinnie.
Trinnie You're wrong. I haven't had enough to drink. In fact, I think I'll order another one right now.
23 Armitage Miss Vera, could I trouble you for some vegetables? Whatever you have is fine.
Vera Weatherly I'll see what I can find, Mister Armitage.
24 Armitage Mister Buckingham, I'd like some vegetables. Whatever you have available.
Mister Buckingham Yes, sir.


# Notes, conditions, context
17 Scripted to occur only when Dr. Zimmer is drinking in The Muddy Rudder on Mondays, Wednesdays, and/or Fridays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. This has a 15% chance of occurring on each applicable day.
18 Armitage has a 50% chance of starting this conversation at any point and with unlimited repetitions. Zimmer's replies depend on the state of the quest The Replicated Man; he will give the first response listed below as long as the quest has not been finished (even if it is not displayed in the Pip-Boy), and the second response if the quest was completed.
20 Conditioned to be spoken only on a random percentage of times that a HELLO event between Armitage and Brock actually occurs; this means that sometimes, when all the criteria are otherwise met, they will simply stare at each other for a moment.
21 Conditioned to be spoken only on a random percentage of times that a HELLO event between Armitage and Brock actually occurs; this means that sometimes, when all the criteria are otherwise met, they will simply stare at each other for a moment.
22 Conditioned to be spoken only on a random percentage of times that a HELLO event between Armitage and Brock actually occurs; this means that sometimes, when all the criteria are otherwise met, they will simply stare at each other for a moment.
23 Conditioned to occur when Armitage is ordering food in the Weatherly Hotel (between 9-11 a.m. and between 6-8 p.m.).
24 Conditioned to occur when Armitage is ordering food in the Weatherly Hotel (between 9-11 a.m. and between 6-8 p.m.).


Speaker Conversation
25 Bannon I'll have two Mirelurk Cakes, carrots and wine, if you have it, beer if you don't.
Angela or Gary Staley I think we're out of wine, but I'll check.
26 Bannon Angela, why do you insist on wearing such rags? I could sell you a most beautiful dress. Diego, would be positively starstruck.
Angela, why do you insist on wearing such rags? I could sell you a most beautiful dress.
Angela Staley Really? That would be wonderful. I don't have enough caps right now, but I've been saving them up.
27 Bannon You come in here a lot, but you never buy anything.
Brock Your stuff is too expensive. I'm saving up for something special though.
28 Bannon Must you always sit next to me in church?
Cindy Cantelli I like sitting next you. I...nevermind.
29 Bannon Before you start in on me, Vera, there's not much new here.
Vera Weatherly I guess I'll just be window shopping then.


# Notes, conditions, context
25 Will occur whenever Bannon orders food from Gary's Galley, namely between the hours of 7-9 a.m. and 9-11 p.m..
26 Bannon's prompt depends on whether Diego is alive (first prompt) or dead (second prompt).
27 Bugged Will never play in-game because it incorrectly checks for Vera Weatherly's AI package behavior rather than Brock's.
28 May occur only when Bannon is attending service in Saint Monica's Church from 7 to 9 a.m. on Sundays.
29 May occur only when Vera Weatherly is wandering around the Rivet City market from 12 to 2 p.m. on weekdays.

Belle Bonny[]

Speaker Conversation
30 Belle Bonny When that little shit gets here, watch him. If he starts anything, kick his ass.
Brock He won't know what hit him.
31 Belle Bonny You've had too much, Trinnie. Go sleep it off in the back.
Trinnie I'll say when I've had enough. You aren't my mother, Belle, so fuck off.
32 Belle Bonny Every week you come down here preaching this crap. Why don't you just stay in your god damned church?
Father Clifford Your sins call me down here. Your souls need to be cleansed of the Devil's brew you serve.
Belle Bonny That's a load of crap. Preach to them if you have to, but don't get in the way of their drinking.
33 Belle Bonny What'll you have? And don't say water.
Armitage Just some water.
Belle Bonny You're a Mirelurk humping, Wasteland reject, Armitage. You're getting a beer, and you're paying for it. And I expect a tip.


# Notes, conditions, context
31 Conditioned to be spoken only on a random percentage of times that a HELLO event between Belle Bonny and Trinnie actually occurs; this means that sometimes, when all the criteria are otherwise met, they will simply stare at each other for a moment.
32 Father Clifford will only be in The Muddy Rudder on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 7-10 p.m.
33 Scripted to occur only when Dr. Zimmer is drinking in The Muddy Rudder on Mondays, Wednesdays, and/or Fridays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. This has a 15% chance of occurring on each applicable day.

Belle Bonny's services[]

These conversations are short questions-and-answers between Belle Bonny and any Rivet City NPCs drinking in The Muddy Rudder (apart from Armitage, who is given a special greeting). They all share a common prompt from Belle Bonny, "What'll you have?" The responses are listed below.

Speaker Conversation
34 Flak Get me a beer.
Shrapnel Whiskey, straight.
Sister Beer. And don't let it get empty.
Tammy Hargrave Whiskey and water. Go light on the water.
Dr. Zimmer A glass of wine, if you please.


Speaker Conversation
35 Brock Armitage.
Armitage Brock.
36 Brock You've got some nice stuff in here, Bannon. Too bad it's so expensive.
Bannon Too bad for you, you mean. It's good business for me.
37 Brock You need to raise your prices, Belle. You're practically giving this stuff away.
Belle Bonny Don't tell me how to run my business, Brock. These prices have worked for 30 years, and theyIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar be fine for 30 more.
38 Brock Belle told me to throw you out of here if you stir up too much trouble, Father.
Father Clifford I am a man of peace, Brock. I am only here to preach the word of the Lord.
39 Brock Flak, I'm running low on ammo. What do you have in stock?
Flak I got a little of everything. Go ahead and pick out what you want.
40 Brock Let's not have a repeat of the other day, Flak.
Flak Don't worry. I'll keep it under control tonight.
41 Brock Size doesn't scare me, Sister. Don't start anything that I'll have to finish.
Sister I'm here to drink, not to fight.
42 Brock Hey, Shrapnel. How's the gun business?
Shrapnel It's doing well enough for me to come down here and buy drinks.
43 Brock Tammy, why don't you take the night off and spend it with James? If there's a repeat of the other night, Belle is going to kick you out.
Tammy Hargrave James? Who knows where that little shit has run off to. Mind your own business, Brock. I'm going to get a drink.
44 Brock Tammy, why don't you go home? If there's a repeat of the other night, Belle is going to kick you out.
Tammy Hargrave N/A
45 Brock Don't you think you've had enough, Trinnie?
Trinnie Not yet. I'm still able to remember. Leave me alone, Brock. You aren't my father. Thank God, too.


# Notes, conditions, context
35 Conditioned to be spoken only on a certain percentage of times that a HELLO event between Brock and Armitage actually occurs; this means that sometimes, when all the criteria are otherwise met, they will simply stare at each other for a moment.
36 Brock and Bannon are only able to interact on Tuesdays between 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., when Brock is browsing Potomac Attire.
37 Conditioned to be spoken only on a certain percentage of times that a HELLO event between Brock and Belle Bonny actually occurs; this means that sometimes, when all the criteria are otherwise met, they will simply stare at each other for a moment.
38 Brock and Father Clifford are only able to interact when the latter is in The Muddy Rudder, between 7-10 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
39 This conversation may only occur when Brock is visiting Flak 'N Shrapnel's (between 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Thursdays).
44 Bugged This conversation is an alternate for the preceding conversation with Tammy, to be used if James Hargrave is dead. However, because children cannot be killed through any normal means in Fallout 3, it will never be played. In fact, Tammy does not even have a response for the alternate prompt.

Christie Young[]

Speaker Conversation
46 Christie Young Don't forget to pick up your room, C.J.
C.J. Young Okay, Mom.
47 Christie Young Finish your food, C.J. There are starving people in the Wasteland you know.
C.J. Young Aw, Mom, do I have to?
48 Christie Young Stop fidgeting, C.J.
C.J. Young Sorry, Mom.
49 Christie Young Congratulations! I'm so happy for Angela and Diego. Have they set a date yet?
Gary Staley Thank you. No, they don't have a date for the wedding yet, but it will be soon.
50 Christie Young Are the Mirelurk Cakes fresh?
Gary Staley I made them just yesterday.
51 Christie Young Henry, I'm not sure I like C.J. playing with that Hargrave boy. His mother is just dreadful, even if she is on the upper deck.
Henry Young Don't make a fuss over it. TheirIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar just kids. Besides, maybe C.J. will rub off on James and not the other way around.
52 Christie Young God has truly blessed our family, Henry.
Henry Young Amen. We have each other, and we have C.J.
53 Christie Young How was work today, Henry? Is Doctor Li almost finished?
Henry Young The transformer is still touch and go. Doctor Li hopes her most recent tests will In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammarbe good.
54 Christie Young Wonderful sermon, Father. It really made me think.
Father Clifford I pray that the whole congregation feels the same way, Christie.
55 Christie Young Someday you'll be the one preaching the sermons, Diego.
Diego I hope I will live up to his example. See you next week Mrs. Young.


# Notes, conditions, context
46 May only occur when Christie and C.J. are sandboxing in their room (for example, at nighttime before going to bed).
47 May only occur when Christie and C.J. are eating at Gary's Galley (7-9 a.m. and 5-7 p.m. daily).
48 May only occur when the Young family is sitting in the pews at Saint Monica's Church (7-10 a.m. on Sundays).
49 May only occur when Christie and C.J. are eating at Gary's Galley (7-9 a.m. and 5-7 p.m. daily), and only if Diego and Angela have been convinced to marry, but before the wedding has happened. Hearing the conversation will make it possible to ask about the couple's wedding.
50 May only occur when Christie and C.J. are eating at Gary's Galley (7-9 a.m. and 5-7 p.m. daily).
51 May only occur when Christie and Henry are sandboxing in their room (for example, at nighttime before going to bed).
52 May only occur when the Young family is sitting in the pews at Saint Monica's Church (7-10 a.m. on Sundays).
53 May only occur when Christie and Henry are eating at Gary's Galley (7-9 a.m. and 5-7 p.m. daily).
54 May only occur when Christie is sandboxing in Saint Monica's Church after Sunday service (10-11 a.m.).
55 May only occur when Christie is sandboxing in Saint Monica's Church after Sunday service (10-11 a.m.).

Cindy Cantelli[]

Speaker Conversation
56 Cindy Cantelli Hey, Vera. Still dodging old Seagrave? He's got eyes for you.
Vera Weatherly I know, I know. He's nice enough, but just not my type. Take care, and don't spread too much gossip.
57 Cindy Cantelli Shrapnel, I thought you shot your own food?
Shrapnel You need a new joke, Cindy. I've only heard that one about a million times.
58 Cindy Cantelli Hi, Flak. I hear the Iguana on a Stick is good today.
Flak Really? I heard it was tough and too salty. I think I'll have Mirelurk Cakes instead.
59 Cindy Cantelli Your little girl is getting married! How exciting! You must be so proud.
Gary Staley I am. Diego is a good boy. They will make a happy couple.
60 Cindy Cantelli Gary, could I have some ant meat and a Nuka-Cola?
Gary Staley With pleasure Mrs. Cantelli.
61 Cindy Cantelli N/A
Garza Just fine. Lots of people are asking me about it.
62 Cindy Cantelli Come to spend some of your hard earned caps, Henry? I'm afraid I'm all out of moral superiority.
Henry Young Take your sarcasm somewhere else, Cindy. It's not my fault you married an addict and I have a family.
Have you no sense of decency? I just want something to dull the memory. I can't believe she's dead.
63 Cindy Cantelli Christie. I noticed you never clean up the hangar deck. Just the upper deck. What, we aren't good enough for you?
Christie Young If you people would take better care of your own spaces, it wouldn't be a problem.
64 Cindy Cantelli Hello, C.J.
C.J. Young Hello, Mrs. Cantelli."'
65 Cindy Cantelli Go home, or get high, or whatever it is you do when I'm not around.
Paulie Cantelli Don't worry about me. Uh, huh. I can take care of myself.
66 Cindy Cantelli I heard you're getting married! Are you excited? Is Diego nervous?
Angela Staley Of course I'm excited. Diego is a wreck though. My dad might have to help him up the aisle instead of me.
67 Cindy Cantelli Angela, what brings you into A Quick Fix?
Angela Staley I'm just looking. I'm sure you don't have anything that would make me 18 any sooner.
68 Cindy Cantelli Father Clifford is making more sense than usual.
Bannon Shhh. I'm trying to listen.
69 Cindy Cantelli Hi, Bannon! Mind if I sit with you?
Bannon I guess so. No law against it. Or at least none that I've signed.
70 Cindy Cantelli See anything you like, Mei?
Mei Wong Do you have anything to calm my nerves? Paulie keeps trying to get me to try Psycho, but that stuff rots your brain.
Cindy Cantelli I've got nothing like that here. Why don't you go have a drink in the Muddy Rudder? That should do it.


# Notes, conditions, context
56 May only occur when Vera is wandering around the Rivet City market from 12 to 2 p.m. on weekdays.
57 May only occur when Shrapnel is eating at Gary's Galley (11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 9 to 11 p.m. every day, plus 7 to 9 a.m. on Sundays).
58 May only occur when Flak is eating at Gary's Galley (7 to 9 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. every day, plus 9 to 11 p.m. on Saturdays).
59 May only occur when Cindy is eating at Gary's Galley (7 to 9 a.m. and 9 to 11 p.m. daily), and only if Diego and Angela have been convinced to marry, but before the wedding has happened. Hearing the conversation will make it possible to ask about the couple's wedding.
60 May only occur when Cindy is eating at Gary's Galley (7 to 9 a.m. and 9 to 11 p.m. daily).
61 Cindy has no special prompt for this conversation. She will most likely use a random generic prompt, such as "Hey."
62 May only occur when Henry is eating at Gary's Galley (7 to 9 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. every day). Henry's response depends on whether or not Christie is dead; if she is, the second response is used rather than the first. (It should also be used if C.J. is dead, but this cannot happen because children cannot normally be killed in Fallout 3).
65 May only occur if Cindy and Paulie are not currently in their room.
66 May only occur if A Nice Day for a Right Wedding is completed in any way other than convincing Diego to cut things off with Angela. It will only play before Diego and Angela's wedding, and hearing the conversation will make it possible to ask about the wedding in dialogue.
67 May only occur when Vera is wandering around the Rivet City market from 6 to 8 p.m. on weekdays.
68 May only occur while Cindy and Bannon are both in Saint Monica's Church (7 to 9 a.m. on Sundays).
69 May only occur while Cindy and Bannon are eating at Gary's Galley (7 to 9 a.m. and 9 to 11 p.m. every day).
70 May only occur when Mei is browsing A Quick Fix (8 to 10 a.m. on weekdays).

C.J. Young[]

Speaker Conversation
71 C.J. Young Hey, Dad, can you tell me a story? Tell me one about when people could drink the river.
Henry Young I'll make that your bedtime story. Now run along, sweetie.
72 C.J. Young Dad, can I be excused to go play with James?
Henry Young Not yet, sweetheart. Finish youIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar meal first.
73 C.J. Young Dad, I'm bored.
Henry Young Church will be over soon. Just try and sit still.
74 C.J. Young Mom, can I have a snack?
Christie Young Not now, dear. You'll spoil your meal.
75 C.J. Young Mom, why don't we like the people that live on the hangar deck?
Christie Young Shhh! It's not polite to ask that here. Now eat your food. Daddy paid good money for it.
Shhh! It's not polite to ask that here. Now eat your food. I paid good money for it.
76 C.J. Young Mom, is James' mom going to go to hell?
Christie Young Shhh! Don't say things like that in church. Now be quiet and listen to Father Clifford.
77 C.J. Young What do you want to do, James?
James Hargrave I don't know, what do you want to do?
C.J. Young I don't know, what do you want to do?
James Hargrave Stop that! You're so stupid. My Mom says you're ugly and a bitch too.
C.J. Young Why are you so mean sometimes? I'm always nice to you.
78 C.J. Young Excuse me.
79 C.J. Young Mr. Staley, could I have a Nuka-Cola please?
Gary Staley Sure. Since your parents aren't around to tell you no, you get to make your own choices.
So long as it's okay with your parents, C.J.


# Notes, conditions, context
71 May only occur when the Young family is sandboxing in their room (for example, at nighttime before going to bed).
72 May only occur when the Young family is eating at Gary's Galley (7 to 9 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. daily).
73 May only occur when the Young family is sitting in the pews at Saint Monica's Church (7 to 10 a.m. on Sundays).
74 May only occur when the Young family is sandboxing in their room (for example, at nighttime before going to bed).
75 May only occur when the Young family is eating at Gary's Galley (7 to 9 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. daily). Hearing this conversation will make it possible to ask about the tensions between Hangar Deck and Upper Deck residents in dialogue. Furthermore, Christie's response depends on whether or not Henry is alive (first response) or dead (second response).
76 May only occur when the Young family is sitting in the pews at Saint Monica's Church (7 to 10 a.m. on Sundays).
77 May only occur when C.J. is playing with James (11 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day).
78 C.J. would only say this as a floating greeting line to Mister Buckingham or Private Jones. However, there is no voice file associated with the line.
79 May only occur when the Young family (or, if Henry and Christie are dead, C.J. alone) is eating at Gary's Galley (7 to 9 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. daily). Gary's first response plays if C.J.'s parents are dead, and the second response plays if they are both alive.

Commander Lana Danvers[]

Speaker Conversation
80 Commander Danvers Chief Harkness, we should go over those reports.
Harkness First thing tomorrow, Commander Danvers.
81 Commander Danvers Report, officer.
Rivet City security All quiet, Commander.
82 Commander Danvers Hello, Seagrave. You shouldn't waste your time with Vera. You can do better than her.
Seagrave Holmes A man can hope, Danvers. Besides, I don't have a problem with the Upper Deck like you do.
83 Commander Danvers Hello, Diego. I'd be careful with that jailbait if I were you.
Diego My relationship with Angela is strictly platonic, Commander. Saint Monica's blessing to you.
84 Commander Danvers Hello, Garza. Everything okay down in Doctor Li's lab?
Garza The doctor is fine. If it weren't for her work, Rivet City would be no better than Megaton, Danvers.
Commander Danvers I suppose that's true. Doesn't mean I have to like it though.
85 Commander Danvers You better be minding yourself, Sister. One more screw up and I'm tossing your ass overboard.
Sister I won't be causing any more trouble, Commander...Bitch.
86 Commander Danvers Hello, Father Clifford.
Father Clifford Haven't seen you in church, Danvers. How about this week?
Commander Danvers This week doesn't look good either, Father.
87 Commander Danvers Hello, Flak. I've got a couple of pistols that need repair. I'll bring them by tomorrow.
Flak Bring them by anytime.
88 Commander Danvers Guns and liquor don't mix, Shrapnel. Leave the ordnance at home when you're in the Muddy Rudder.
Shrapnel I learned my lesson, Danvers. Just keep those damn Raiders away from me.
89 Commander Danvers Hello Miss Weatherly. Still letting that bucket of bolts do all your work for you?
Vera Weatherly Don't be jealous of my wealth. Be jealous of my looks instead.
Commander Danvers Bitch.


# Notes, conditions, context
81 Commander Danvers may only say this on 66% of times that she actually enters a HELLO event with a Rivet City security member. Furthermore, she will not say it if the respondent is eating or sleeping (or heading to those tasks).
82 May only occur if Vera Weatherly is still alive. Hearing this conversation will make it possible to ask about the tensions between the Hangar Deck and Upper Deck residents in dialogue.
83 May only occur if Angela Staley is still alive. Hearing this conversation will add the note Angela and Diego to the Pip-Boy and make it possible to ask about Angela and Diego's relationship in dialogue.

Commander Danvers has an additional line to Private Jones which is shared with Harkness and generic Rivet City security; see here.

Ted Strayer[]

Speaker Conversation
90 Ted Strayer Hey, Security guy. This place is awesome. Don't mind me. I'm just admiring the scenery.
Rivet City security I'm on patrol, punk. Try and stay out of my way.
91 Ted Strayer So what's your story? Me, I'm just experiencing my freedom. You know, wandering the Wasteland, doing whatever I please.
Mei Wong My story is my business. I just want to be left alone.
92 Ted Strayer Dude, what's the word? You tripping or something? You seem really bummed out.
Mister Lopez Life is hell. My life is hell. I just wish I had the courage to do something about it. Why don't you just leave me alone.
93 Ted Strayer Dude, I believe in better life through chems, but you're taking it way too far. You gotta cut back some.
Paulie Cantelli Whoa. No such thing as too much. In fact, I'm going to do some more.
94 Ted Strayer Hey, squirt.
James Hargrave I'm not a squirt! My name is James, and you're an asshole. My mom said you're good for nothing, and she oughta know.
95 Ted Strayer Chief Harkness! Dude, what's up?
Harkness Ted, you're wasting your life. You need to find a purpose, or at least find a job. By the way, Christie Young could use some help.
Ted, you're wasting your life. You need to find a purpose, or at least find a job.
96 Ted Strayer Hey, missy.
C.J. Young Sorry. I'm not supposed to talk to strangers.
97 Ted Strayer Brock! The bouncer man! Dude, I would love your job. Free booze, drunk women, and you get to crack some skulls too.
Brock Yeah, my life is real glamorous. You just keep believing that, kid.


# Notes, conditions, context
91 May only occur when Mei is sandboxing in the common room (such as at 9 to 10 p.m. every day).
92 May only occur when Mister Lopez is sandboxing in the common room (between 4 to 7 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays).
95 Harkness' response depends on whether or not Christie Young is alive (first response) or dead (second response).
97 Ted Strayer will only have the chance to interact with Brock when he drinks in the Muddy Rudder from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sundays.


Speaker Conversation
98 Diego Chief Harkness. It's always comforting to see you on your rounds.
Harkness Thank you, Diego. Speaking of rounds, I need to get back to them.
99 Diego Have you decided on the message for your next sermon?
Father Clifford I'm thinking of preaching about one of the seven deadly sins. I haven't decided which one though.
100 Diego Father, doesn't it bother you to preach to an empty church everyday but Sunday?[Note 1]
Father Clifford God and Saint Monica hear my sermons. That's good enough for me.
101 Diego N/A
Garza I'm not a very religious man, Diego. Sorry.
102 Diego I'm sure God hears your prayers, Mister Lopez.
Mister Lopez Thank you, Diego. You'll make a fine priest some day.
103 Diego Doctor Preston, may I visit with your patients? I promise to be brief and quiet.
Doctor Preston I suppose. Don't go filling their heads with any of that faith healing crap though.
104 Diego Angela, people are starting to talk. I can't be seen with you like this any more. From now on only visit me in the church.
Angela Staley You bastard! And to think I loved you! I hate you.
105 Diego Angela, I'm not sure you should spend so much time around me. I am to be married to God soon.
Angela Staley Wouldn't you rather be with a real girl? Maybe you should try it before you decide.
Diego Lord give me strength.
106 Diego What looks good on the menu today, Mister Buckingham?
Mister Buckingham I am not programmed for visual evaluation. However, Miss Vera tells me that the Iguana is only a day old.
Diego Then I'll try the iguana.


# Notes, conditions, context
99 May only occur when Father Clifford is sandboxing in Saint Monica's Church (between 6 to 8 a.m. every day, and 9 to 10 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays).
100 May only occur when Father Clifford is sandboxing in Saint Monica's Church (between 6 to 8 a.m. every day, and 9 to 10 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays), also provided that A Nice Day for a Right Wedding has not been completed with Diego out of the church.
101 Bugged Diego's prompt for this conversation is missing. As such, it cannot occur.
102 May only occur when Diego is sandboxing in Saint Monica's Church while Mister Lopez is also there. This is most likely to occur between 7 to 8 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
103 May only occur when Diego is visiting the Rivet City clinic (between 2 to 4 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, provided that A Nice Day for a Right Wedding has not been completed with Diego out of the church.).
104 This will only play once; it will occur if Diego is persuaded to cut off his relationship with Angela during A Nice Day for a Right Wedding.
105 May only occur before completing A Nice Day for a Right Wedding. Hearing this conversation will add the note Angela and Diego to the Pip-Boy and make it possible to ask about the two's relationship in dialogue.
106 Bugged Intended to only occur when Diego is eating in the Weatherly Hotel. It cannot play because Diego's prompt leads to the wrong response.

There is an additional line from Mister Lopez which would have been the second line in a three-line conversation between him and Diego. However, neither of Diego's lines in that conversation exist. Mister Lopez's unused line is "Um...don't do that. That would not be a good idea. Maybe you should talk to Father Clifford."

Doctor Madison Li[]

Speaker Conversation
107 Doctor Li Don't go too far away. I'm going to need you to move some equipment shortly.
Garza Yes, Doctor Li.
108 Doctor Li Henry, do you have those readings ready for me yet?[Note 2]
Henry Young Yes, Doctor Li. I've recalibrated with them.
109 Doctor Li Let me guess. I'm perfectly healthy. I keep telling you I'm fine.
Doctor Preston And it's my job to make sure you stay that way, so just let me do my job.
110 Doctor Li Anna, don't just stand there, bring me that equipment.
Anna Holt But I did, Doctor Li. I put it right where you told me to.
Doctor Li Oh. So you did.
111 Doctor Li Janice, have you overbalanced the chemical mix?
Janice Kaplinski They should be just fine. Try it again.


# Notes, conditions, context
109 May only occur when Doctor Preston visits Doctor Li (on Thursdays between 8 to 10 p.m.).


This is the conversation between Doctor Li and James in the Rivet City science lab at the start of The Waters of Life. It is contained in the MQ05Conversations quest.

Speaker Conversation
Dad I told you it would work, Madison, and now I can prove it.
Doctor Li James! You're back!
Dad And with good news. I was right about Braun and the G.E.C.K. If we can find one, we can adapt it to work with the purifiers.
Doctor Li I'd like to believe you, James. Really I would. This is all just so... So sudden.
Dad Madison, I'm telling you this is real. I talked to Braun himself. He confirmed it. Don't you see? This is what we've been waiting for!
Doctor Li I... I don't know, James. So many years have passed. Is it really still worth trying?
Dad How could it not be worth improving the lives of everyone in the Wasteland? What could be a more worthy endeavor?
Doctor Li You haven't lost any of your passion, have you James.
Dad It's as important to me as ever, Madison. I know it's important to you too. Let's finish this together.

Doctor Preston[]

Speaker Conversation
112 Doctor Preston Father Clifford, I'll let you pray with my patients, but only for a short time. They need their rest.
Father Clifford They need their eternal souls saved too, Doctor Preston. Have no fear, I won't occupy them for long.
113 Doctor Preston Diego, I assume you are here to visit my patients.
Diego Yes, Doctor Preston. Father Clifford and I will minister to the needs of their souls. We let you minister to the needs of their bodies.
Yes, Doctor Preston. I will minister to the needs of their souls. You can minister to the needs of their bodies.
114 Doctor Preston Li, you shouldn't see this weekly checkup as a bad thing. All of Rivet City needs you to be as healthy as possible.
Doctor Li So you say. All I see is wasted time away from my work. That's what Rivet City really needs from me.
115 Doctor Preston Mister Buckingham, could I get a bite to eat?
Mister Buckingham Certainly, Sir.


# Notes, conditions, context
112 Bugged Intended to only occur when Father Clifford (and Diego, if applicable) visits the Rivet City clinic (between 2 to 4 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays). However, Father Clifford's response checks for an incorrect prompt source and so does not play.
113 Bugged Intended to only occur when Diego visits the Rivet City clinic (between 2 to 4 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays), which he will do as long as he is an acolyte of the church. Diego's first response would play if Father Clifford is alive and the second response would play if the father is dead. However, Diego's responses incorrectly use Father Clifford as the target, so he will not speak them with Doctor Preston.
114 May only occur when Doctor Preston visits Doctor Li (on Thursdays between 8 to 10 p.m.).
115 May only occur when Doctor Preston visits the Weatherly Hotel to eat (between 6 to 8 a.m. and 4 to 6 p.m. every day).

Father Clifford[]

Speaker Conversation
116 Father Clifford Diego, you have been fornicating with that strumpet, Angela Staley. Don't try to deny it. I have a witness.
Diego No, it's not true! Yes, she has been tempting me, trying to seduce me, but I've resisted.
Father Clifford Just leave. I cannot bear to look at you. You are hereby excommunicated from the church. May your soul wither in purgatory.
117 Father Clifford Make sure the chapel is prepared for Sunday services.
Diego Yes, Father Clifford. I've already cleaned the sanctuary. I'll put out fresh candles too.
118 Father Clifford Don't forget to prepare the sacrament.
Diego It's ready for you, Father.
119 Father Clifford Saint Monica bless you, Vera. You have truly found peace through the Lord.
Vera Weatherly Thank you, Father. I've been trying to get Seagrave to come to church too, but he's stubborn.
Thank you, Father. I always feel the presence of the Lord when I pray here.
120 Father Clifford Saint Monica bless you, Christie. How is your family?
Christie Young They are well, Father. C.J. is growing up so fast. I am so proud of her.
As well as can be expected, Father. I'm still recovering from CJ's death.
121 Father Clifford Saint Monica bless you, C.J. Have you spoken to James about coming to church? I'd really like to see him here.
C.J. Young Thank you, Father. I tried, but his mother said no. Sorry.
122 Father Clifford Saint Monica bless you, Henry. The work you are doing with Doctor Li is blessed by God as well.
Henry Young Thank you, Father. I pray every night for her success.
123 Father Clifford I'm so glad you and Diego decided to get married. So many couples decide to live in sin these days.
Angela Staley Diego insisted. He may not be a priest any more, but he still has his faith.
124 Father Clifford Saint Monica bless you, Angela. I hope your father is well. You really should try to get him to come with you to church.
Angela Staley Thank you, Father. I'll ask him again, but he doesn't want to close the restaurant on Sunday mornings.
125 Father Clifford Saint Monica bless you, Mei. Remember, youIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar faith will be your armor.
Mei Wong Thank you, Father. Attending church always makes me feel stronger.
126 Father Clifford Your patients appreciate my visits, even if you don't, Doctor Preston. The Holy Spirit can be a balm to the soul.
Doctor Preston I suppose it can't hurt. Just try not to disturb anyone that's sleeping.
127 Father Clifford Diego, we must pray with any of Doctor Preston's patients. Help them to heal through Saint Monica.
Diego Yes, Father Clifford.
128 Father Clifford Suicide is a sin, Mister Lopez. Why kill yourself when there is so much to live for?
Mister Lopez My family is dead and the world is a nuclear Wasteland. What exactly is it that I have to live for, Father Clifford?
Father Clifford There is always the opportunity to help others. God still has a purpose for you in this life.
129 Father Clifford Have faith in Saint Monica, Mei. She will protect you from those that seek to hurt you.
Mei Wong I am trying Father. I just don't see how Saint Monica can stop a bullet or break a set of manacles. But, I will try.
130 Father Clifford My son, you are drifting through life. God can provide you a purpose, just as He did for Saint Monica.
Ted Strayer No offense Father, but Saint Monica has never done anything for me. I've always had to take care of myself.
131 Father Clifford Forsake the evils of alcohol, Flak. They tempt you with oblivion when you should be glorifying God.
Flak It's a mighty sweet temptation, Father. Now leave me the fuck alone.
132 Father Clifford I'll just have some fruit today, Buckingham.
Mister Buckingham Very good, sir.
133 Father Clifford Put down that drink and raise your voice to the Lord!
Sister Step away from my beer, Father, or I'll be raising my fist.
134 Father Clifford Trinnie, can't you see what whiskey has done to your life? You've sold your body to men and your soul to the Devil.
Trinnie I prefer beer to whiskey, Father. And unless you want to buy me the next round, get lost.
135 Father Clifford Belle, you are an unwitting servant of the devil. You serve his demon brew down here.
Belle Bonny You're full of crap, Father. If you keep bothering my customers, I'm going to throw you out. Again.
136 Father Clifford Deep down you are a good man, Brock. Come away from this den of iniquity. Come into the light of the Lord!
Brock Actually, Father, I'm a real asshole. Now get out of my face before I toss you in with the Mirelurks.


# Notes, conditions, context
116 This will only play once; it will only occur if, during A Nice Day for a Right Wedding, Father Clifford is successfully lied to that Diego has abandoned his vow of chastity for Angela, leading Father Clifford to confront Diego.
117 May only occur if both Father Clifford and Diego are wandering around Saint Monica's Church (generally in the morning before sermons, or at night before going to bed).
118 May only occur if both Father Clifford and Diego are wandering around Saint Monica's Church (generally in the morning before sermons, or at night before going to bed).
119 May only occur when Father Clifford and Vera are wandering around Saint Monica's Church in the hour after Sunday services (between 10 to 11 a.m.). Vera will use the first response if Seagrave Holmes is alive and the second response if he is dead.
120 May only occur when Father Clifford and Christie are wandering around Saint Monica's Church in the hour after Sunday services (between 10 to 11 a.m.), and only if both C.J. and Henry Young are alive. Christie's second response would play if C.J. is dead, but this will not happen since children are ordinarily unkillable in-game.
121 May only occur when Father Clifford and C.J. are wandering around Saint Monica's Church in the hour after Sunday services (between 10 to 11 a.m.). It is conditioned to not play if James is dead, but this will not happen since children are ordinarily unkillable in-game.
122 May only occur when Father Clifford and Henry are wandering around Saint Monica's Church in the hour after Sunday services (between 10 to 11 a.m.).
123 May only occur if A Nice Day for a Right Wedding is completed in any way other than convincing Diego to cut things off with Angela. It will only play before Diego and Angela's wedding, and hearing the conversation will make it possible to ask about the wedding in dialogue.
124 May only occur when Father Clifford and Angela are wandering around Saint Monica's Church in the hour after Sunday services (between 10 to 11 a.m.), and only if Gary Staley is alive.
125 May only occur when Father Clifford and Mei are wandering around Saint Monica's Church in the hour after Sunday services (between 10 to 11 a.m.).
126 May only occur when Father Clifford (and Diego, if applicable) are visiting the Rivet City clinic (between 2 to 4 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays). This will only occur if Diego is still an acolyte of the church.
127 May only occur when Father Clifford (and Diego, if applicable) are visiting the Rivet City clinic (between 2 to 4 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays). This will only occur if Diego is still an acolyte of the church, and it will also not play if Doctor Preston is dead.
131 Bugged May only occur when both Father Clifford and Flak are in the Muddy Rudder (between 7 to 10 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays; if Shrapnel is dead, then they will only overlap between 9 to 10 p.m. instead). However, Flak's response incorrectly targets himself instead of the father, so it will not play.
132 May only occur when Father Clifford is eating at the Weatherly Hotel (between 6 to 8 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. every day).
133 Bugged Intended to only occur when both Father Clifford and Sister are in the Muddy Rudder. However, their schedules do not overlap; Sister only visits the bar on days when Father Clifford does not.
134 May only occur when Father Clifford is in the Muddy Rudder (between 7 to 10 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays).
135 May only occur when Father Clifford is in the Muddy Rudder (between 7 to 10 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays).
136 May only occur when Father Clifford is in the Muddy Rudder (between 7 to 10 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays).


This is the officiation script spoken by Father Clifford for Angela and Diego's wedding in A Nice Day for a Right Wedding. It is also part of the DialogueRivetCity quest, contained in the RCPriest, RCVows, and RCILoveYou conversation topics.

Speaker Conversation
Father Clifford "We are gathered here today to witness the union of Diego and Angela in holy matrimony. They have asked that their marriage be blessed by God and by Saint Monica. They have also asked that it be witnessed by their friends and family. Diego, will you take Angela for your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward... for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do you part?"
Diego "I do."
Father Clifford "Angela, will you take Diego, for your lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do you part?"
Angela Staley "I do."
Father Clifford "I now pronounce you man and wife. What God has joined, let no man tear asunder."
Angela Staley "I love you Diego."
Diego "I love you too, Angela."


Speaker Conversation
137 Flak How's our ammo inventory? It was getting low yesterday.
Shrapnel It's fine. You worry too much.
138 Flak Hey, Brock. Looking for more 10mm ammo?
Brock Not today. I've got enough for a while.
139 Flak Business or pleasure, Vera?
Vera Weatherly I just stopped by to say hello. And to see if you have anything new for sale.
140 Flak Hello Vera. I think I heard a Mirelurk off the starboard side. Think I'll get in some target practice.
Vera Weatherly You go do what you have to. I don't want to watch that.
141 Flak The deck is quiet tonight.
Harkness Good thing too. I don't feel like busting heads tonight.
142 Flak Gary, two Mirelurk Cakes. And make it quick.
Gary Staley Coming up, Flak.


# Notes, conditions, context
137 May only play while Flak is offering his merchant services (between 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily).
138 May only play when Brock is shopping at Flak 'N Shrapnel's (between 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. every Thursday).
139 May only play when Vera Weatherly is wandering the Rivet City market (between 12 to 2 p.m. on weekdays).
140 May only play when Flak is wandering the Rivet City flight deck (between 7 to 9 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday).
141 May only play when Flak is wandering the Rivet City flight deck (between 7 to 9 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday).
142 May only play when Flak is eating at Gary's Galley (between 7 to 9 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. every day, plus 9 to 11 p.m. on Saturdays).

Gary Staley[]

Speaker Conversation
143 Gary Staley You've grown up so fast, Angela. I remember when you first learned to walk, and now you're getting married!
Angela Staley Oh, Dad! Stop that or you'll have me crying. You can visit Diego and me any time. And I'll still be working with you.
144 Gary Staley I heard that you've been hanging around that Diego boy. Be careful, Angela. You know boys only want one thing, even priests.
Angela Staley He's not like that, dad. Diego's a gentleman...unfortunately.
145 Gary Staley Make sure to clean all the empty tables.
Angela Staley Okay. Don't forget to check the oven. Nobody will eat a burnt iguana.
146 Gary Staley Taking a break, Vera?
Vera Weatherly Mister Buckingham can handle the Weatherly for a couple of hours.


# Notes, conditions, context
143 May only occur if A Nice Day for a Right Wedding is completed in any way other than convincing Diego to cut things off with Angela. It will only play before Diego and Angela's wedding, and hearing the conversation will make it possible to ask about the wedding in dialogue.
144 May only occur before A Nice Day for a Right Wedding is started. Hearing this conversation will add the note Angela and Diego to the Pip-Boy and make it possible to ask about their relationship in dialogue.
145 Bugged Intended to play when both Angela and Gary are offering their services at Gary's Galley. However, it is set to check for one of Gary's AI packages on Angela, which will always fail. Furthermore, Angela's response line checks for the wrong prompt source, which will also fail.
146 May only play when Vera Weatherly is wandering the Rivet City market (between 12 to 2 p.m. on weekdays).


Speaker Conversation
147 Garza Are the Mirelurk Cakes fresh?
Gary or Angela Staley N/A
148 Garza I moved the new plant beds under the sun lamps.
Janice Kaplinski Thank you, Garza.
149 Garza Doctor Li, the new shipment has been stowed away.
Doctor Li Make sure it's locked this time. We don't want them stolen again.
150 Garza I have some spare time. Do you need anything?
Henry Young Not right now. Check back with me later.
151 Garza Hello Diego. Has Father Clifford decided to ordain you as a full priest yet?
Diego No, not yet. I'm still studying the life of Saint Monica. Hopefully someday soon.
152 Garza Commander Danvers. Doctor Li has asked that the latest shipment be locked up this time.
Commander Danvers I'll send someone down to change the locks.


# Notes, conditions, context
147 Bugged Would only occur when Garza is eating (between 7 to 9 a.m. and p.m. daily). However, Garza only eats in his room in the Rivet City science lab and will not visit Gary's Galley. Furthermore, neither Staley has any response assigned for Garza's prompt.
148 May only occur when Garza is working in the Rivet City science lab (between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily).
149 May only occur when Garza is working in the Rivet City science lab (between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily).
150 May only occur when Garza is working in the Rivet City science lab (between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily).
151 May only occur while Father Clifford is alive.

Garza additionally has an orphaned response line: "No. I don't do chems. I'm this way from hard work and sweat, two things I'm sure you don't know. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to eat. Alone." It is conditioned with Henry Young as the target, but the context of the line seems to suggest that the intended target would be either Ted Strayer or Paulie Cantelli. It is impossible to tell who the intended target would be because no one has any prompt related to it.


Speaker Conversation
153 Harkness Anything to report?
Rivet City security Nothing, sir.
154 Harkness Armitage.
Armitage Harkness.
155 Harkness Any problems in the Muddy Rudder that I should know about?
Brock Nope. Leastwise none that you need to worry about.
156 Harkness C.J., don't do everything James tells you. He's a bad example.
C.J. Young James isn't so bad, Chief. He's my friend. I'll make sure he's good.
157 Harkness Commander Danvers, anything to report?
Commander Danvers Everything is quiet, sir.
158 Harkness Ted, if you're still looking for work, Christie Young can always use help cleaning the Hangar Decks.
Ted Strayer Dude, that would be such a drag. Last resort, man. Last resort.
159 Harkness Hey, Flak. How's business?
Flak Can't complain. I've got some new stuff in. You should come by and take a look.
160 Harkness James, you stay out of trouble.
James Hargrave Fu...I mean, yes sir, Chief Harkness.
161 Harkness Hello, Mei. I'm still keeping an eye on him. You're safe.
Mei Wong Thank you, Chief. I'm terrified that he will recognize me. I hope he leaves soon.
162 Harkness Hello, Mei. You seem much more relaxed now that he's gone.
Mei Wong Yes, I am Chief. Now I can sleep at night without wondering if he'll take me while I'm sleeping.
163 Harkness Paulie, you need to lay off the chems.
Paulie Cantelli I know, I know. Tonight's my last night. Honest.
164 Harkness Seagrave, got anything new in that flea market of yours?
Seagrave Holmes Ha, ha! Nothing you'd be interested in. Only good stuff.
165 Harkness Tammy, take it easy on the booze. You've got a son to raise.
Tammy Hargrave To hell with that brat. And to hell with you, Harkness. I'll drink as much as I want.
166 Harkness Trinnie, don't make a fool of yourself tonight like you did last week.
Trinnie Sure thing, Chief. Next time I'll take him into the back to fuck him instead. Sheesh!
167 Harkness Vera, you look lovely as always.
Vera Weatherly Thank you, Chief Harkness.
168 Harkness Mister Zimmer. Have you found what you're looking for?
Dr. Zimmer Not yet, Chief Harkness.


# Notes, conditions, context
153 May only occur with Rivet City security members who are not eating or sleeping. Will also only occur on 66% of occasions where Harkness greets a security member.
154 May only occur on a certain percentage of the times that Harkness greets Armitage.
158 Bugged May occur as long as Christie Young is alive. Ted Strayer's responses are mixed up; his response to this conversation incorrectly targets Paulie Cantelli instead, while his response to a prompt by Paulie (see here) will play in response to Harkness' conversation.
161 May occur as long as Sister is alive.
162 May only occur if Sister is dead.

Harkness has an additional line to Private Jones which is shared with Commander Danvers and generic Rivet City security; see here.

Henry Young[]

Speaker Conversation
169 Henry Young Shall we go for a walk on the flight deck tonight, dear?
Christie Young You go if you want. There's too many of the wrong sort up there at this time of night.
170 Henry Young How's your food, dear?
Christie Young Better than last time. I hate the taste of Mirelurk.
171 Henry Young Attendance is good today.
Christie Young Father Clifford looks pleased.
172 Henry Young A thoughtful message, Father.
Father Clifford Thank you, Henry. And God bless you.
173 Henry Young He was on fire today, Diego. I could barely keep my eyes open.
Diego He was? I mean, I know. He tries very hard Mister Young. See you next week.
174 Henry Young C.J, have you done your chores?
C.J. Young Not yet, Dad. In a minute.
175 Henry Young I fixed the transformer, again. You should have power for a while.
Doctor Li It's about time. Sorry, Henry. I know you're doing the best you can, but these delays are frustrating.[Note 3]
176 Henry Young Garza, you stacked those crates on the cables again. They need to be moved or you'll short out the system.
Garza Sorry Henry. I'll remove them before the end of the day.
177 Henry Young Janice, are those sunlamps I fixed the other day holding up?
Janice Kaplinski They're fine. However, I have two others that are making odd noises. Please check them out soon.


# Notes, conditions, context
169 May only occur when Henry and Christie Young are both wandering around their room (generally in the hour before bed at night and after getting up in the morning).
170 May only occur when the Young family is eating at Gary's Galley (betwen 7 to 9 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. daily).
171 May only occur when the Young family is sitting in the pews at Saint Monica's Church for Sunday service (between 7 to 10 a.m.).
May only occur when Henry is wandering around Saint Monica's Church in the hour after Sunday service (10 to 11 a.m.).
174 May only occur when C.J. is wandering around the Young family's room.
May only occur when Henry is working in the Rivet City science lab (between 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. all days except Sundays).

James Hargrave[]

Speaker Conversation
178 James Hargrave Mom, can I go to C.J.'s?
Tammy Hargrave No. I don't want you hanging around that little bitch. She and her parents think they are so much better than me.
James Hargrave She's not a bitch, you are! I hate you! You're ruining my life.
179 James Hargrave Hey C.J., let's play killer. You pretend to be my Mom, and I'll pretend to be a serial killer.
C.J. Young That doesn't sound like any fun. Let's just play hide and seek.
180 James Hargrave Mom, do I have to eat this?
Tammy Hargrave Shut your trap. You'll eat what I give you and be grateful for it, or I'll give you something to be really sorry for.
181 James Hargrave You're nothin' but a talking refrigerator.
182 James Hargrave Outta my way, tin can.


# Notes, conditions, context
178 Bugged May only occur when James is wandering around the Hargraves' room. Tammy's response incorrectly checks for Vera Weatherly as the target. Thus, it will not play.
179 May only occur when C.J. is accompanying James (between 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily).
180 May only occur when James and Tammy are eating at Gary's Galley (between 9 to 11 a.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. daily).
181 Floating line directed towards Mister Buckingham.
182 Floating line directed towards Private Jones.

Janice Kaplinski[]

Speaker Conversation
183 Janice Kaplinski Doctor Li, the new solutions will be ready in a few hours.
Doctor Li Perfect. I'll be ready for them.
184 Janice Kaplinski The waste water in the hydroponic gardens isn't draining properly. Could you look at it?
Henry Young I'll check it out before the end of the day.
185 Janice Kaplinski Garza, when you get a chance, remove the empty water tanks in the gardens and put in the fresh ones.
Garza Certainly, Janice.
186 Janice Kaplinski The work that Doctor Li is doing is just amazing. I might even be able to produce broccoli in the hydroponic gardens next year.
Doctor Preston That's wonderful. I've read about broccoli in the old books, but I've never seen any.
187 Janice Kaplinski I'd like a potato and some carrots. Oh, and put some of this herb in hot water. If I'm lucky, it will make tea.
Mister Buckingham Yes, ma'am.


# Notes, conditions, context
187 May only occur when Janice is eating at the Weatherly Hotel (between 7 to 9 a.m. daily, plus 4 to 6 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and 7 to 9 p.m. on all other days).

Mei Wong[]

Speaker Conversation
188 Mei Wong Ted, could you please not put your stuff on my bed or all over the floor?
Ted Strayer Sure thing, Mei. I'll clean it up later. Right now I've got this song stuck in my head.
189 Mei Wong Mister Lopez, would you like to talk? They say talking helps with problems.
Mister Lopez Thank you, but no. I talk to Father Clifford, but it doesn't seem to help me.
190 Mei Wong A lovely sermon, Father.
Father Clifford Nice of you to say so, Mei.
191 Mei Wong Diego, try and get Father Clifford to put some energy in his sermons. Some of us were trying not to fall asleep.
Diego I'll try, but he's pretty set in his ways. See you next week, Mei.


# Notes, conditions, context
188 Bugged Ted's response incorrectly targets Harkness instead of Mei, so it will never play.
190 May only occur when Mei is wandering around Saint Monica's Church in the hour after Sunday service (10 to 11 a.m.).
191 May only occur when Mei is wandering around Saint Monica's Church in the hour after Sunday service (10 to 11 a.m.), and also only if Father Clifford is alive.

Mister Buckingham[]

Speaker Conversation
192 Mister Buckingham Miss Mei, may I get you some water?
Mei Wong That would be nice, Mister Buckingham.
193 Mister Buckingham Doctor Preston, the usual?
Doctor Preston Am I that predictable? I guess so. Yes, the usual.
194 Mister Buckingham Is everything satisfactory, Mister Washington?
Abraham Washington Er...uh...yes. I think so. No, I'm quite certain. Yes.
195 Mister Buckingham Miss Janice, do you need a refill?
Janice Kaplinski No, I'm fine Mister Buckingham.
196 Mister Buckingham Are you ready to order, Mister Diego?
Diego Not yet. Give me a few minutes, Mister Buckingham.
197 Mister Buckingham Are you ready to order, Mister Father Clifford?
Father Clifford No, no. Just call me Father, not Mister. Sometimes I think Vera programmed you that way just to annoy me. I'll just have water.
198 Mister Buckingham Are you ready to order, Mister Sister?
Sister Don't call me Mister, you goddamn bucket of bolts! Just bring me an iguana on stick.
199 Mister Buckingham Something different today, Mister Armitage?
Armitage No. Not today. Just bring me some Mole Rat, rare.
200 Mister Buckingham Are you ready to order, Mister Zimmer?
Dr. Zimmer Yes. Iguana Bits, water, and a piece of fruit. Anything will do.
201 Mister Buckingham Do you have any instructions, Miss Vera?
Vera Weatherly No, not right now. Carry on Mister Buckingham.


# Notes, conditions, context
192 May only occur when Mei Wong is eating at the Weatherly Hotel (between 2 to 4 or 7 to 9 p.m. daily).
193 May only occur when Doctor Preston is eating at the Weatherly Hotel (between 6 to 8 a.m. and 4 to 6 p.m. daily).
194 Bugged Intended to occur when Abraham Washington is eating at the Weatherly Hotel (between 2 to 4 p.m. and 10 p.m. to 12 a.m.). However, the AI packages for this behavior are unimplemented, so he will never visit the Weatherly and thus never start this conversation.
195 May only occur when Janice is eating at the Weatherly Hotel (between 7 to 9 a.m. daily, plus 4 to 6 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and 7 to 9 p.m. on all other days).
196 May only occur when Diego is eating at the Weatherly Hotel (between 6 to 8 a.m. or 5 to 7 p.m. daily).
197 May only occur when Father Clifford is eating at the Weatherly Hotel (between 6 to 8 a.m. or 5 to 7 p.m. daily).
198 Bugged Sister's response incorrectly targets Father Clifford, so it will fail to play. Intended to occur only when Sister is eating at the Weatherly Hotel (between 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. or 8 to 10 p.m. daily).
199 May only occur when Armitage is eating at the Weatherly Hotel (between 9 to 11 a.m. or 6 to 8 p.m. daily).
200 May only occur when Dr. Zimmer is eating at the Weatherly Hotel (between 9 to 11 a.m. or 6 to 8 p.m. daily).

Mister Lopez[]

Speaker Conversation
202 Mister Lopez Mei, you've been kind to me. I'll miss you when I'm gone.
Mei Wong Yeah, yeah. You've been telling me this for months. Besides, once you're gone, you won't be around to miss anything.
203 Mister Lopez Ted, you're wasting your life. Do something with it. How about I teach you to read?
Ted Strayer Me? Read? That would be awesome. I've heard there's a lot of cool stuff in books.
204 Mister Lopez Ted, you're wasting your life. Do something with it. If you don't, you'll turn out just like me.
Ted Strayer Dude, I will definitely not let that happen. I'll get right on that life thing though. Maybe after my nap.
205 Mister Lopez Shrapnel, do you sell ammo individually? Could I buy just one bullet?
Shrapnel "Nah. You gotta buy at least one box.
206 Mister Lopez Father, I have these feelings of worthlessness. I just want to end it all.
Father Clifford That is a sin in the eyes of God, Mister Lopez. Surely he has a greater purpose for you. Let us pray to Saint Monica.
Mister Lopez I'm not sure it will help, but I will pray with you, Father.
207 Mister Lopez Diego, I am a troubled man. My life has no meaning. There is no point in going on.
Diego That is a sin in the eyes of God, Mister Lopez. Surely he has a greater purpose for you. You should speak with Father Clifford.
Mister Lopez That might be best. Would you please ask Father Clifford if I might have a few moments of his time?
208 Mister Lopez Gary, is there anything new on the menu?
Gary Staley No. It's the same as yesterday. And last week. And the week before. Let me know if you want to order.


# Notes, conditions, context
203 May only occur if Mister Lopez is convinced to look after Ted instead of committing suicide.
202 Occurs as long as the above has not happened.
207 May only occur if Father Clifford is alive.
208 May only occur when Mister Lopez is eating at Gary's Galley (between 12 to 2 p.m. daily).

Paulie Cantelli[]

Speaker Conversation
209 Paulie Cantelli Hey, Commander. Just walking the deck here. Yep, just walking the deck.
Harkness You're wasted, Paulie. If you're going to stay on the flight deck, try to stay away from the railing.
210 Paulie Cantelli Hey, Commander. Just walking the deck here. Yep, just walking the deck.
Commander Danvers Paulie, you're wasted. Just do me a favor and don't fall off the deck.
211 Paulie Cantelli You're tired, Cindy. I'll close up tonight. You go home and go to bed.
Cindy Cantelli Yeah, right. As soon as I'm gone, you'll use all the inventory, Paulie. How about I just close up tonight.
212 Paulie Cantelli Ted, Teddy! I got some great Psycho. It's totally wow. You oughta come down to my shop and buy some. We could shoot it together.
Ted Strayer Dude, that sounds sweet. But, uh...I'm kinda broke. Soon as I get some caps, though, I'm there with ya.
213 Paulie Cantelli It's the colors, man. The colors are amazing. You really gotta try Psycho.
Mei Wong Look, I keep telling you. I'm not into that. Psycho rots your brain. Just leave me alone.
214 Paulie Cantelli Hey, haven't I seen you somewhere before?
Mei Wong Yes. Every night on the flight deck. Paulie, those chems are trashing your memory. Now let me eat in peace.
215 Paulie Cantelli Man, I'm so hungry. When I come down, I really get a need to feed.
Tammy Hargrave Do I look like I give a crap? Now get away from me. I don't want you filling James' head with your dopehead ideas.
Do I look like I give a crap? Now get away from me.
216 Paulie Cantelli Gary, my man! I'm so hungry I could eat a whole Brahmin. How about lettin' me put this one on my tab?
Gary Staley No tabs. Nobody gets a tab. I'll get you your usual, and you'll pay me, as usual.
217 Paulie Cantelli Angela, how would you like to trade some Brahmin steak for Mentats? It'll make you beautiful.
Angela Staley No thanks, Paulie. Last time I tried that stuff Diego got so mad at me. I'll just get you some noodles.


# Notes, conditions, context
211 Plays every night at 8 p.m. when Paulie goes to talk to Cindy, provided that Cindy is not dead.
212 Bugged Ted's response incorrectly targets Harkness instead of Paulie, and so will fail to play.
213 May only play when Paulie is wandering the Rivet City flight deck (between 9 to 11 a.m. daily).
215 Tammy is intended to use the second response instead of the first if James Hargrave is dead. However, James, like all children, cannot normally be killed in Fallout 3.
216 May only play when Paulie is eating at Gary's Galley (between 7 to 9 p.m. daily).
217 Bugged This conversation incorrectly targets Gary instead of Angela and so will never play. It is intended to occur only when Paulie is eating at Gary's Galley (between 7 to 9 p.m. daily). It would also add the note Angela and Diego to the Pip-Boy and make it possible to ask about their relationship in dialogue.

Seagrave Holmes[]

Speaker Conversation
218 Seagrave Holmes Hello, Vera. I just got in a new hot plate. I can sell it to you at a discount.
Vera Weatherly You need to stop giving me special discounts, Seagrave. A new toaster oven would sure be handy though. I'll pick it up later.
219 Seagrave Holmes Vera, I know I'm not a sophisticated man, but I am a man, and I can take care of you.
Vera Weatherly I don't need anyone to take care of me, Seagrave. But I do like being your friend. Just your friend.
Seagrave Holmes If you ever change your mind, Vera. I'll be here, waiting.
220 Seagrave Holmes I'll have some mutfruit and noodles.
Gary Staley An excellent choice, Seagrave.
221 Seagrave Holmes Can I get a Nuka-Cola?
Angela Staley We just got in a fresh batch. I'll go blow the dust off of one.
222 Seagrave Holmes Any news with Doctor Li's project?
Garza Not yet.
223 Seagrave Holmes Hey, Cindy. How's that secure storage unit I made you working out?
Cindy Cantelli Paulie stole the key. I'll need you to stop by and change the lock for me.
224 Seagrave Holmes There's the blushing bride to be! Congratulations Angela. You and Diego will make a good couple.
Angela Staley Thank you Mister Holmes. We'll need lots of things for our new home, so I'm sure we'll be shopping here.
225 Seagrave Holmes Hello, Miss Angela. What brings you into my shop today?
Angela Staley I'm on my break, so I'm just looking around. I guess you don't have anything new today.
226 Seagrave Holmes Hello, Bannon. Anything interesting happen in the last council meeting?
Bannon We decided to build a railing on the flight deck, just as soon as we can get the scrap metal. Other than that, no.
227 Seagrave Holmes Hello, Henry. I just got in some new torcIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar wrench and some electrical test equipment. You should take a look at them when you're done eating.
Henry Young Good idea, Seagrave. I'll be by later.
228 Seagrave Holmes Cindy, don't forget to bring by anything interesting you might find while cleaning the deck. It might be worth some caps to you.
Christie Young N/A
229 Seagrave Holmes C.J.! You're getting bigger and prettier every day.
C.J. Young I am...I mean, thank you, Mr. Holmes.
230 Seagrave Holmes Hey, Flak. I'd avoid the Iguana today. It gave me the runs yesterday.
Flak Thanks for the advice.


# Notes, conditions, context
218 May only occur when Vera is wandering around the Rivet City market (between 12 to 2 p.m. on weekdays).
219 May only occur when Seagrave is accompanying Vera on the flight deck between 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. every night.
May only occur when Seagrave is eating at Gary's Galley (between 7 to 9 a.m. daily).
224 May only occur after completing A Nice Day for a Right Wedding by any means other than breaking up Angela and Diego, and before they hold their wedding. Additionally, it will only play if Seagrave is currently offering his merchant services. Hearing this conversation will make it possible to ask about the wedding in dialogue.
225 May only occur if Seagrave is currently offering his merchant services.
226 Hearing this conversation will make it possible to ask about the Rivet City Council in dialogue.
227 May only occur while Henry is eating at Gary's Galley (between 7 to 9 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. daily).
228 Bugged Christie does not have any response assigned to this conversation; furthermore, Seagrave misnames her as Cindy in the prompt. Intended to only occur while Christie is eating at Gary's Galley (between 7 to 9 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. daily).
229 May only occur while C.J. is eating at Gary's Galley (between 7 to 9 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. daily).
230 May only occur while Flak is eating at Gary's Galley (between 7 to 9 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. daily, plus 9 to 11 p.m. on Saturdays).


Speaker Conversation
231 Shrapnel I can't get that god damned laser pistol working. Think I should ask Seagrave to look at it?
Flak Nah. Just break it down for parts.
232 Shrapnel Vera. Don't see you in here often. Looking for something in particular?
Vera Weatherly A girl has to be able to protect herself, even if that means buying a gun.
233 Shrapnel Hey Brock, when are you going to trade in that piece of shit sidearm? I've got some sweet new ones here.
Brock I'm hoping to have the caps for a new one next month.
234 Shrapnel How's the whiskey, Belle?
Belle Bonny Potent. It'll burn all the way down.
235 Shrapnel Hey, girlie. This ain't a god damn dress shop. There's nothing in here you oughta be buyin'.
Angela Staley Sorry, Mr. Shrapnel. My dad asked me to see if you had anything new, and to check out what ammo you have.
Sorry, Mr. Shrapnel. I just came by to see if you had anything new, and to check out what ammo you have.
236 Shrapnel Gary, gimme some Brahmin steaks. And don't burn them this time.
Gary Staley That wasn't burnt, Shrapnel. It was blackened. It's a gourmet method I read about. I'll make it tartar this time.


# Notes, conditions, context
231 May only occur while Shrapnel is offering his merchant services (between 1 to 11 p.m. every day but Saturday) and both Flak and Seagrave Holmes are alive.
232 May only occur when Vera is wandering the Rivet City market (between 12 to 2 p.m. on weekdays).
233 May only occur when Brock is browsing Flak 'N Shrapnel's (between 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Thursdays).
235 Angela uses the first response as long as Gary Staley is alive, and the second response if he is dead.
236 May only occur when Shrapnel is eating at Gary's Galley (between 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 9 to 11 p.m. daily, plus 7 to 9 a.m. on Sundays).


Speaker Conversation
237 Sister I need another whiskey, Belle.
Belle Bonny One glass of rotgut, coming up.
238 Sister You're not so tough.
Brock Careful, Sister. Bigger isn't always badder.
239 Sister Let me buy you a drink. You and Flak have a nice shop. Have you known him long? Was he born in Rivet City?
Shrapnel Sure, I'll take a drink. Flak and I don't talk about our past. Everyone knows we weren't born on Rivet City though.
240 Sister You'd be worth some caps in the right circles. Too bad.
Trinnie Huh? I don't get it. Nevermind. Just buy me another drink.
241 Sister Hey, you rusty tin can. Get me some food. Meat, any kind. And don't call me Mister Sister.
Mister Buckingham Certainly, Mister Sister.
Sister Fucking junk heap. I should start eating at Gary's.
242 Sister You can shove your sermon up your ass, Father. We're busy drinking down here.
Father Clifford I can see that liquor has affected your temper. Good day, sir.


# Notes, conditions, context
237 Will only occur a certain fraction of times that Sister would actually enter a HELLO event with Belle Bonny.
239 Bugged Intended to play when Sister is drinking in the Muddy Rudder. However, it is conditioned based on an AI package for Sister drinking on weekends; Shrapnel does not drink on weekends, so they will never meet in the right conditions for the conversation to occur.
241 May only occur when Sister is eating at the Weatherly Hotel (between 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 8 to 10 p.m. daily).
242 Bugged Intended to play when Sister is drinking in the Muddy Rudder. However, it is conditioned based on an AI package for Sister drinking on weekends; Father Clifford does not preach in the bar on weekends, so they will never meet in the right conditions for the conversation to occur.

Tammy Hargrave[]

Speaker Conversation
243 Tammy Hargrave Don't slouch. Chew your food. And don't give me that look or I'll slap it right off your face!
James Hargrave Yes, mom.
244 Tammy Hargrave Stop that! Don't make me smack you. I oughta lock you in your goddamn room, you little brat. And stay away from that C.J. bitch from now on.
James Hargrave I wasn't doing anything! And C.J. is my friend. I hate you! I hope you die!
245 Tammy Hargrave Gary, you know what I like. Make it rare. Oh, and get James something too. Not too expensive though. He's been naughty.
Gary Staley My pleasure, Tammy. I think I have some Iguana Bits for James.
Right away, Tammy.
246 Tammy Hargrave Did I ever tell you about my husband? Got me pregnant with that brat James. Then he ran off. Asshole.
Dr. Zimmer I could really care less about you and your brat, Madam.
247 Tammy Hargrave Hey, you. Don't trust those Hangar Deck people. They're all jealous of us cause we live in the Upper Deck.
Armitage There does seem to be some tension between the two decks. However, you're drunk. Just leave us alone.
248 Tammy Hargrave I'm drunk. Don't try to take advantage of me. No, really. You wouldn't like me when I'm sober.
Brock Tammy, you're always drunk in the Rudder. Now go bother someone else.
249 Tammy Hargrave You're a drunk and a slut. I'm just a drunk. So there.
Trinnie Fuck you, bitch. Oh, wait. Nobody wants to because you're too fugly!
250 Tammy Hargrave I'm outta caps. Can you put my next drink on my tab? Please Belle? I really need a drink after dealing with my brat all day.
Belle Bonny You're always trying to pull that shit. You know I don't run tabs for nobody, Tammy.


# Notes, conditions, context
243 May only occur when Tammy and James are eating at Gary's Galley (between 9 to 11 a.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. daily).
244 May only occur when Tammy and James are wandering around in their room (8 to 9 a.m. and 8 to 10 p.m. daily).
245 May only occur when Tammy and James are eating at Gary's Galley (between 9 to 11 a.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. daily). Gary's second response is never used since it depends on James being dead; James, like all children in Fallout 3, cannot be killed.
246 May only occur when Tammy is drinking in the Muddy Rudder (between 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily). Dr. Zimmer will only be at the Muddy Rudder on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at a 15% chance.
247 May only occur when Tammy is drinking in the Muddy Rudder (between 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily). Armitage will only be at the Muddy Rudder (accompanying Zimmer) on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at a 15% chance. Hearing this conversation will make it possible to ask about the tensions between Upper Deck and Hangar Deck residents in dialogue.
May only occur when Tammy is drinking in the Muddy Rudder (between 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily).


Speaker Conversation
251 Trinnie Belle, gimme another drink.
Belle Bonny This is the last one, Trinnie. You're too goddamn drunk.
252 Trinnie Brock, how come you never put the moves on me?
Brock You're too young. And right now, you're too drunk. Sober up and we'll see if you still want to have this conversation.
253 Trinnie I've got the headache from hell. Do you have anything that will help?
Cindy Cantelli Anything I might give you would come with a side effect. Why don't you go to Doctor Preston?
Anything I might give you would come with a side effect. It's too bad Doctor Preston isn't with us anymore.
254 Trinnie Flak, honey, buy me a drink. I'm short on caps, and I really need one.
Flak Okay, just this once. Belle, another beer for Trinnie.
255 Trinnie Shrapnel! You're my favorite man. Buy me a drink lover?
Shrapnel We only had one night together, Trinnie. Go get your own drinks.
256 Trinnie Hey, Sister. How about that drink you owe me?
Sister Not happening, Trinnie. I already paid that debt. Go find someone else to hit up.
257 Trinnie Father Clifford, I've been a bad girl.
Father Clifford You are a drunk and a harlot, Trinnie, but the Lord can still forgive you. Come to church on Sunday.
Trinnie I'm not that desperate.


# Notes, conditions, context
251 Has a 25% chance of occurring anytime that Belle Bonny is behind the bar counter while Trinnie is drinking in the Muddy Rudder. Belle must be manning the counter, not doing anything else.
252 Has a 25% chance of occurring anytime that Brock is present while Trinnie is drinking in the Muddy Rudder, provided that Brock is not sleeping or going to bed.
253 May only occur when Trinnie is shopping at A Quick Fix (between 12 to 2 p.m. daily). Cindy's second response is intended for use if Doctor Preston dies; however, this is impossible because Doctor Preston is marked as essential.
254 Has a 12.5% chance of occurring anytime that Flak is present while Trinnie is drinking in the Muddy Rudder.
255 Has a 12.5% chance of occurring anytime that Shrapnel is present while Trinnie is drinking in the Muddy Rudder.
256 Has a 25% chance of occurring anytime that Sister is present while Trinnie is drinking in the Muddy Rudder.
257 Has a 25% chance of occurring anytime that Father Clifford is present while Trinnie is drinking in the Muddy Rudder.

Vera Weatherly[]

Speaker Conversation
258 Vera Weatherly So you finally got Diego to ask you to marry him. Well, I couldn't be happier for the both of you.
Angela Staley It took him long enough to get the hint. I had to practically write it out for him. Men!
259 Vera Weatherly Angela, you are growing up so fast! Your father must be proud.
Angela Staley I guess. We don't get to talk much. I just wish Diego would notice that I'm not a child anymore.
Vera Weatherly Oh, he notices all right. You should forget about him. Priests are married to God and take vows of celibacy.
260 Vera Weatherly Are you getting enough to eat, Mister Armitage?
Armitage Yes, I am. Thank you.
261 Vera Weatherly When are you going to get some new dresses, Bannon? I'm tired of these worn out styles.
Bannon Dresses don't grow on trees, Vera. I can only sell what the outlanders bring me.
262 Vera Weatherly Hello Cindy. Is Paulie off getting high again? You really should kick him out.
Cindy Cantelli Don't know where he is, and I'm not sure I care. I saw you talking to Bannon the other day. Did he mention me?
Vera Weatherly No. He's never going to notice you, Cindy. Especially if you're still with Paulie. Just forget about Bannon.
263 Vera Weatherly Hello Cindy. I know we haven't been the best of friends, but I am sorry he's dead. I know he meant something to you.
Cindy Cantelli I really miss him. I didn't think it would hurt this much.
264 Vera Weatherly Commander Danvers. Walking the night patrol?
Commander Danvers Just keeping the deck safe for all you Upper Deck types.
265 Vera Weatherly Eat what you want, Diego. I never charge you or Father Clifford for youIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar meals.
Diego God BlessIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar you, Vera. You are too kind to us.
266 Vera Weatherly Father Clifford's sermon was very inspirational.
Diego Yes, it was. <yawn> Excuse me. See you next week Vera.
267 Vera Weatherly Your sermon was very inspirational, Father Clifford.
Father Clifford I'm glad you thought so, Vera. Bless you.
268 Vera Weatherly I'm so happy for Angela. She and Diego will be so happy together.
Gary Staley My little girl is all grown up. I hope I don't cry at the wedding.
269 Vera Weatherly Hello Gary. How's Angela doing? I saw her with Diego the other day.
Gary Staley I don't see her much these days. I'd much rather she spend her time with Diego than with someone like that Ted Strayer.
270 Vera Weatherly Someone said the Mirelurks are out tonight.
Harkness I'm sure the boys will use them for target practice. You might want to stay below deck.
271 Vera Weatherly Hello Flak. How's business?
Flak Ammo's moving, but not the guns. They just don't break down like they used to.
272 Vera Weatherly Here for some target practice, Flak?
Flak I'm thinking about firing off a couple.
273 Vera Weatherly It's good to see you eat, Janice. How are the hydroponic gardens?
Janice Kaplinski I've got a new strain of lima bean I'm developing. I'll bring a sample sometime.
274 Vera Weatherly Hello Seagrave.
Seagrave Holmes Vera! Wonderful to see you. You look lovely today.
Vera Weatherly Stop! You're embarrassing me, but thank you. I should go. I want to see Cindy and Angela too.
Stop! You're embarrassing me, but thank you. I should go.
275 Vera Weatherly Lovely night for a walk on the deck. Thank you for keeping me company.
Seagrave Holmes You know I'd do anything for you, Vera.
Vera Weatherly I've told you before. I don't feel that way about you. I'm sorry.
276 Vera Weatherly Mister Shrapnel. I need some 10mm ammo. Two clips should do.
Shrapnel Sure thing. I'll bring them by later for you.
277 Vera Weatherly Is your room comfortable, Mis...uh...Sister?
Sister Yeah, it's just fine. Unless of course you want to warm my bed for me? Nah? Then stop botherin' me.
278 Vera Weatherly Is everything to your satisfaction, Mister Zimmer?
Dr. Zimmer Your food is very nourshing,In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar Vera.
279 Vera Weatherly Well, my metal friend. How are we doing today?
Mister Buckingham I am doing the tasks I have been programmed for. Currently I am waiting for new orders.
Vera Weatherly <sigh> Sometimes I hate working with robots.


# Notes, conditions, context
258 May only occur when Vera is wandering the Rivet City market (between 12 to 2 p.m. on weekdays), and provided that A Nice Day for a Right Wedding has been completed in any way other than breaking up Angela and Diego. This conversation will only play once, and hearing it will make it possible to ask about Angela and Diego's wedding in dialogue.
259 May only occur when Vera is wandering the Rivet City market (between 12 to 2 p.m. on weekdays). Based on its context it should not play after A Nice Day for a Right Wedding is completed, but it is not conditioned to stop playing. Hearing Angela's response will add the note Angela and Diego to the Pip-Boy and make it possible to ask about her and Diego's relationship in dialogue.
260 Bugged This conversation is intended to occur when Armitage is eating in the Weatherly Hotel (between 9 to 11 a.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. daily). However, it also requires Vera to be wandering the Rivet City market (in a different place at a different time), so this conversation will never occur. Furthermore, Vera's prompt links to the wrong response topic, so Armitage's response would not play either if Vera's prompt worked.
261 May only occur when Vera is wandering the Rivet City market (between 12 to 2 p.m. on weekdays).
262 May only occur if both Paulie Cantelli and Bannon are alive.
263 May only occur if Paulie Cantelli is dead.
264 May only occur when Commander Danvers is patrolling the flight deck at night. Hearing this conversation makes it possible to ask about the tensions between the Upper Deck and Hangar Deck residents in dialogue.
265 May only occur when Diego is eating in the Weatherly Hotel (normally between 6 to 7 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. daily), and also only if Father Clifford is alive.
May only occur when Vera is wandering around Saint Monica's Church in the hour after Sunday service (10 to 11 a.m.), and only if Father Clifford is alive.
268 May only occur when Vera is wandering the Rivet City market (between 12 to 2 p.m. on weekdays), and only if A Nice Day for a Right Wedding is completed in any way other than breaking up Angela and Diego, but before they are married. Hearing this conversation makes it possible to ask about their wedding in dialogue.
269 May only occur when Vera is wandering the Rivet City market (between 12 to 2 p.m. on weekdays), and only if A Nice Day for a Right Wedding has not been started. Hearing this conversation will add the note Angela and Diego to the Pip-Boy and make it possible to ask about their relationship in dialogue.
270 May only occur when Vera is wandering the Rivet City flight deck (between 8 to 10 p.m. daily).
271 May only occur when Vera is wandering the Rivet City market (between 12 to 2 p.m. on weekdays).
272 Bugged Intended to only occur when Vera and Flak are both on the Rivet City flight deck. However, their schedules for this do not overlap; Vera only goes there on the weekends, while Flak only goes there on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
273 Bugged Intended to only occur when Janice is eating at the Weatherly Hotel. However, the line incorrectly checks to see if Janice is not eating; Janice and Vera otherwise do not cross paths and so will never trigger this conversation.
274 May only occur when Vera is wandering the Rivet City market (between 12 to 2 p.m. on weekdays). Vera uses the first response if both Cindy Cantelli and Angela Staley are alive, and the second otherwise.
275 May only occur when Vera and Seagrave are both on the Rivet City flight deck (between 9 to 10 p.m. on weekends).
276 May only occur when Vera is wandering the Rivet City market (between 12 to 2 p.m. on weekdays).
277 May only occur when Sister is sitting on the sofa in the Weatherly Hotel lobby (normally between 10 to 11 a.m. and 1 to 8 p.m. daily).
278 May only occur when Dr. Zimmer is eating at the Weatherly Hotel (between 9 to 11 a.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. daily).

Dr. Zimmer[]

All of Dr. Zimmer's dynamic conversations shown below are bugged and will never play. The issue is that Zimmer's AI packages are structured in such a way that he will stay in the Rivet City science lab at all times up until the ending of The Replicated Man, despite him having a full AI package schedule taking him all around the city. This means he will never fulfill the distance/location conditions for any of these conversations. The same is true for Armitage.

Speaker Conversation
280 Dr. Zimmer Madam, do you know of anyone in Rivet City that seems unusual? Very unemotional or too formal?
Tammy Hargrave
Christie Young
Mei Wong
Other than you? No.
281 Dr. Zimmer A glass of wine, please.
Belle Bonny Not much call for wine. Real men drink beer or whiskey.
282 Dr. Zimmer We're not having any luck, Armitage. We may have to change strategies.
Armitage Yes, sir. That may be the case.
283 Dr. Zimmer Miss Janice, maybe we could exchange science notes sometime. My work in biological systems might be of interest to you.
Janice Kaplinski That sounds like a good idea. I'll ask Doctor Li which papers I can let you have. I'll get back to you later.
284 Dr. Zimmer Excuse me, sir. Have you noticed anyone acting peculiarly in Rivet City?
Henry Young
Gary Staley
Paulie Cantelli
Hey, I've got my own problems. I don't have time to be on the lookout for yours.
285 Dr. Zimmer Do you have any salt?
Diego No. Ask Mister Buckingham.
286 Dr. Zimmer Did I order already? If I didn't, I'd like Iguana Bits with vegetables.
Mister Buckingham Your food will be ready shortly, Mister Zimmer.
287 Dr. Zimmer Vera, may I have some Brahmin steak, carrots, and a glass of water, please?
Vera Weatherly Certainly, Mister Zimmer.
288 Dr. Zimmer Hello officer. You haven't seen anyone acting oddly lately, have you?
Rivet City security Oddly, sir? No, I haven't seen anyone else acting oddly.


# Notes, conditions, context
281 Would only occur for a fraction of the times that Dr. Zimmer actually greets Belle Bonny. Additionally, they would only interact when Dr. Zimmer is investigating the Muddy Rudder (every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at a 15% chance).
Would only occur when Dr. Zimmer is eating at the Weatherly Hotel (between 9 to 11 a.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. daily).
288 Would only occur if the target security member is not eating, sleeping, or heading to those activities.

The Replicated Man conversations[]

The following are scripted conversations used for the quest The Replicated Man between Dr. Zimmer and Anna Holt or Janice Kaplinski on the topic of Dr. Zimmer's missing android, plus when Harkness and Zimmer confront each other at the quest's end.

For the former, apart from the first argument, they are dependent on Anna or Janice being present in the science lab (and not sleeping or going to sleep). After the initial scripted conversation with Anna, Dr. Zimmer will alternate his target between Janice and Anna. They are organized below by their dialogue topic header.

For the latter, the two confrontations depend on decisions made earlier in the quest.


This is Dr. Zimmer's one-time conversation with Anna Holt which occurs the first time the player character enters the Rivet City science lab.

Speaker Conversation
289 Dr. Zimmer But surely one of you glorified test tube jockeys can assist me? For the most advanced scientific center in the Capital Wasteland, I find your...
Anna Holt Look, Doctor Zimmer, we've been over this. We don't know about your runaway robot, and we don't care. This lab is dedicated to solving real problems.
Dr. Zimmer Yes, yes, yes... But Doctor Li...
Anna Holt Doctor Li is trying to save lives, and your constant interruptions are interfering with those efforts. Now please, stand aside!
Dr. Zimmer I'm sure the good doctor's work with water purification is fascinating, but if you only knew what was at stake. The technology in that android...
Anna Holt What's at stake? You won’t TELL me what's at stake! Vagaries and secrecy! A robot's a robot, Zimmer, no matter how shiny the paint job. Now please...
Dr. Zimmer Ignorance and facetiousness! That's all you people are good for. Shiny paint job, indeed. You can't even imagine the Commonwealth's accomplishments.
Anna Holt You know, if you're so smart, maybe you could help US? Hmm? But no, that never even crossed your mind. Go peddle your selfishness somewhere else.
Dr. Zimmer Fine. But I'm not leaving. Not until I've spoken to Doctor Li. I'll be here when she’s ready to abandon her chemistry set and talk real science.
Anna Holt Suit yourself.

MS08ZimmerBugScientist (first time)[]

These are Dr. Zimmer's conversations when he seeks out Janice and Anna for the first time after his initial conversation with Anna.

Speaker Conversation
290 Dr. Zimmer Stop what you're doing. I have something important to discuss with you.
Janice Kaplinski Do they not use the word "no" in the Commonwealth. It means, "aintIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar going to happen." Your missing robot just isn't a priority right now.
Dr. Zimmer He's not just a robot!
Janice Kaplinski Fine. Your "android." Whatever you call it, it doesn't change the fact that I'm a very busy woman. Will you please drop it and let me work?
Dr. Zimmer I came to this leaky boat specifically to solicit your help. I'd hoped you "Project Purity" people would be more accommodating.
291 Dr. Zimmer Maybe you'll be more helpful than your "colleague" over there. Do you know anything about advanced robotics and artificial intelligence?
Anna Holt We've ALL already told you we're too busy to help. Now if you please, Mister Zimmer...
Dr. Zimmer That's Doctor Zimmer to you! Miss... miss whatever-your-name-is. I'd have thought you barbarians would be more interested in advanced technology.
Anna Holt Insulting me won't get you what you want, "DOCTOR" Zimmer. Now, if you'll excuse me? PLEASE!
Dr. Zimmer Fine. Have it your way. Good luck with your little "project." I can see from the state of things here in the "Wasteland" that you will need it.

MS08ZimmerBugScientist (repeated)[]

These are Dr. Zimmer's conversations when he seeks out Janice and Anna on repeat occasions. The prompts and responses are fully randomized.

Speaker Conversation
292 Dr. Zimmer Look. I only need a few minutes of your time. Just hear me out. I'll make it worth your while.
About my missing android...
I just need five minutes of your "precious" time. Think you can spare that?
Whatever you're doing, it can wait. This is IMPORTANT!
Anna Holt NO!
I'm VERY busy. Now, if you'll excuse me?
There's nothing more to discuss.
Your persistence won't change my answer: No.
293 Dr. Zimmer Look. I only need a few minutes of your time. Just hear me out. I'll make it worth your while.
About my missing android...
I just need five minutes of your "precious" time. Think you can spare that?
Whatever you're doing, it can wait. This is IMPORTANT!
Janice Kaplinski NO!
This constant harassment is not helping your cause. Back off!
I really must insist that you stop bothering everyone about your missing robot.
Aint.In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar Gonna. Happen. Got it? Now leave me alone!


This conversation between Harkness and Zimmer occurs if Harkness accepts that he is an android, and then is allowed to confront Zimmer by the following two paths:

  • Tell him "What are you going to do about Zimmer? He's the one you were running away from." followed by "Sometimes you have to kill the bad guys."
  • Tell him "Zimmer's waiting. He'll want to take you home now." followed by "You're more than 'just a machine.' You're a person, Harkness. You belong here."
Speaker Conversation
294 Harkness Zimmer. I hear you're looking for an android.
Dr. Zimmer Why yes! I'm anxious to retrieve him and return to the Commonwealth where he belongs. He's a very expensive piece of equipment.
Harkness I see. This android of yours is little more than a piece of property. A thing? A thing that belongs to you?
Dr. Zimmer What are you going on about? Yes. Of course he belongs to me. Now, have you found him or not?
Harkness Yeah, Zimmer. I found your damn android. He's standing right in front of you, but he's not going anywhere.
Dr. Zimmer I'm sorry? I don't follow.
Harkness Not as sorry as you'll be in a moment. Goodbye Mister Zimmer, I hope you've enjoyed your stay at Rivet City.


This conversation between Zimmer and Harkness occurs if Zimmer is told that Harkness is the android, with some variations:

  • If Harkness was given proof that he is an android, and convinced to turn himself in to Zimmer, the conversation will skip from Zimmer's first line to Zimmer's last line, excluding the lines in between.
  • Otherwise, Harkness' first line will depend on whether he knows he is an android or not.
    • If Harkness knows, this conversation will only be possible if he is told that his secret is safe before being sold out to Zimmer.
Speaker Conversation
295 Dr. Zimmer There you are! I must say, you had me completely fooled. You're very clever A3-21, but not clever enough. Now, come with me!
Harkness What the hell are you talking about, Zimmer? I swear! I've got enough crackpots on this damn boat!
I got sold out, eh? Don't think I don't know what's going on Zimmer. I won't let you get away with anything. What the hell are you up to?!
Dr. Zimmer You're coming back with me to the Commonwealth. You're a very important android. You're just a bit confused. Your memories have been altered.
Harkness I'm going nowhere. I want you off this boat. Immediately! I'm done suffering your nonsense. You want to do this the easy way or the hard way?
Dr. Zimmer Of course we will be doing things the easy way. I have no intention of harming you. It's time to bid your farewells, "Harkness."
Harkness Zimmer. That's it. You leave me no choice but to use force!
Dr. Zimmer A3-21, initialize factory reset, authorization code: Beta, 5, 3, Alpha.
Harkness What?

Rivet City security[]

Speaker Conversation
296 Rivet City security (1) Go get some chow. Your shift's over.
Shift's over. Go get some rest.
Rivet City security (2) So far everything's been quiet.
Sounds good. I'm beat.
297 Rivet City security Everything looks okay here.
Any trouble in this area?
I'm looking for troublemakers. Have you seen any?
All residents No. I haven't seen anything.
Nothing I'd contact security for.
298 Commander Danvers
Rivet City security
Out of the way you rust bucket.
Private Jones Sir! Yes, Sir!


# Notes, conditions, context
296 May only occur when guards are changing shifts. The prompts and responses are fully randomized. The prompt is spoken by the guard who is taking over the shift and the response is spoken by the guard who is leaving.
297 The prompts and responses are fully randomized, and the responding target can be any resident of Rivet City other than Harkness, Danvers, the robots, or other security guards. However, the second prompt ("Any trouble") can only be used if the target is female.


These conversations can be spoken by any resident of Rivet City, whether unique or generic (security guards), with some minor exceptions. In general, everyone apart from Armitage, the kids (C.J. Young and James Hargrave), and the robots (Mister Buckingham and Private Jones) are allowed to say these lines. Horace Pinkerton and the clinic patients are nominally part of this group, but Pinkerton is isolated from any other character and the patients cannot interact with anyone due to their AI routines. Some of the conversations have more conditions, which will be noted below.

Speaker Conversation
299 Speaker It was so noisy last night. I could hardly sleep.
Target Maybe A Quick Fix has something that will help you sleep. Cindy's got all kinds of good chems.
Speaker I'll try that.
300 Speaker One of the new immigrants died of radiation poisoning last week.
Target Yeah. I heard she was drinking river water.
Speaker The ship's water isn't much better. If we don't get fresh water soon, we'll all end up like her.
301 Speaker I heard that the City Council is debating putting railings on the flight deck.
Target Well, I hope they do something. Remember that child that fell off the deck last year?
Speaker Yeah. That was bad. I'm sure they'll do something about it.
302 Speaker Did you hear about the fight in the Muddy Rudder last night?
Target Yeah. Belle's going to have to replace some tables and chairs.
Speaker I'm sure she'll just scrounge some from the lower deck.
303 Speaker Doctor Li and her staff left to get Project Purity running.
Target Really? It's ready? That's great news! I hope there aren't any problems at the Jefferson Memorial.
Speaker I never expected it to happen in my lifetime. I can hardly wait to taste clean water.
304 Speaker I heard that a bunch of former slaves from Paradise Falls set up a free town in the Lincoln Memorial.
Target Oh, yeah! I heard about that. They're trying to help other slaves escape too.
Speaker Good for them. I think slavery is horrible.
305 Speaker Did you hear that the Enclave attacked Project Purity? They've taken over the Memorial.
Target Oh my God! Did anyone escape?
Speaker I heard a lot of them got away and made it to the Citadel. I hope the Enclave leaves us alone.
306 Speaker Hey, have you noticed that Enclave radio is off the air?
Target Remember that big explosion on the horizon? I bet that's what happened to it.
Speaker Thank God! That was such an annoying broadcast.
307 Speaker Did you hear what happened to Ted Strayer?
Target Wasn't he killed by some maniac? Shot right in the head, like he was a Ghoul or something.
Speaker I used to think Rivet City was such a safe place.
308 Speaker You know Tenpenny Tower, right? Well, Allistair Tenpenny was killed.
Target I heard about that! He was shot in the head like he was some sort of zombie. They say that's how you kill a Ghoul too.
Speaker That's just a myth. I bet some deranged Ghoul did it though. Well, I gotta run.
309 Speaker There was some sort of battle in the city yesterday. The gate guard said the gunfire went on for over an hour.
Target That's why I'm glad I'm in here. Good old Rivet City.
Speaker Me too. Nothing is getting through these walls!
310 Speaker They found Harkness dead. It looks like he put up a fight though.
Target I heard Danvers has his job now.
I hope they find someone to fill his shoes soon.
Speaker It's a tough job. I wouldn't want it.
311 Speaker Chief Harkness has vanished. Nobody knows what happened to him.
Target I heard Danvers has his job now.
I hope they find someone to fill his shoes soon.
Speaker It's a tough job. I wouldn't want it.


# Notes, conditions, context
299 Paulie and Cindy Cantelli cannot say these lines.
300 Doctor Preston cannot be the target, but he can be the speaker.
301 Bannon, Commander Danvers, and Doctor Li cannot say these lines. Hearing this conversation will make it possible to ask about the Rivet City Council in dialogue.
302 Belle Bonny, Brock, and Trinnie cannot say these lines.
303 May only occur after starting The Waters of Life. Doctor Li, Janice Kaplinski, Anna Holt, and Garza cannot say these lines.
304 May only occur if Head of State is completed in the Abolitionists' favor. Sister cannot say these lines.
305 May only occur after escaping to the Citadel during The Waters of Life. Doctor Li, Janice Kaplinski, Anna Holt, and Garza cannot be the speaker, but they can be the target; however, other conditions will make it impossible for them to be part of this conversation (Janice will be dead, Anna will be missing, and Doctor Li and Garza will be in the Citadel, if Garza is not also dead).
306 May only occur if Raven Rock is destroyed during The American Dream. (It must be the player who destroys Raven Rock; even though Raven Rock is destroyed offscreen in Broken Steel, that will not meet the conditions for this conversation to happen).
307 May only occur if Ted Strayer was killed by a blow to the head and his death was reported to Mister Crowley as part of You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head. Harkness cannot be the speaker, but he can be the target.
308 May only occur if Allistair Tenpenny was killed by a blow to the head and his death was reported to Mister Crowley as part of You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head. Harkness cannot be the speaker, but he can be the target.
309 The two security guards who guard the bridge into Rivet City (one during daytime and one during nighttime) cannot say these lines.
310 May only occur if Harkness is dead. The target's first response is used if Commander Danvers is alive, and the second if Danvers is also dead. Even though it would not be possible for him to be part of it, Harkness has voicelines recorded for this conversation.
311 May only occur if The Replicated Man is completed by either allowing Harkness to be taken away by Dr. Zimmer, or by proving to Harkness that he is an android and then telling him to make his own choice (in which case he runs away from Rivet City). The target's first response is used if Commander Danvers is alive, and the second if Danvers is also dead. Even though it would not be possible for him to be part of it, Harkness has voicelines recorded for this conversation.

Broken Steel[]

This is the dynamic conversation between the Rivet City security members who appear at the water caravan station outside Rivet City upon starting Broken Steel.

Speaker Conversation
Rivet City security (1) I hate to complain about free water, but the Brotherhood are being damn stingy with it.
I don't know why they don't just build a pipeline. Schlepping bottles of water back and forth is the worst kind of stupid.
Rivet City security (2) Yeah. They've got a whole lake of it just sitting there.
I know. We run out in two days and then it's back to the radiated shit.

Source pages[]


  1. In the voiceline, the first word is missing.
  2. In the voiceline, Doctor Li omits the wording "readings."
  3. In the voiceline, Doctor Li says "I'm sorry, Henry" instead of the subtitled sentence.