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This is a transcript for dialogue with Harkness.


GREETING GREETING Surprise 50 Is there a problem? 1
GREETING Neutral 50 Hold it right there. 2
Neutral 50 State your business in Rivet City. 3
GREETING Anger 50 You've got the authority to kill Zimmer. None of my people will interfere. What's the hold up? 4
GREETING Neutral 50 Zimmer's dead. I know. Now he's just another bad memory from my past. 5
Neutral 50 Look, I don't know why you wanted to help me. But you did, and I'll always be grateful for that. Now... it's time for me to get back to my life. 6
GREETING Anger 10 You again? You better not be here to convince me I'm some kind of robot. I'm warning you. I won't put up with your nonsense. {security chief trying to intimidate a civilian} 7
GREETING Anger 10 I'm a little busy right now. Is there a problem? {security chief trying to intimidate a civilian} 8
GREETING Neutral 50 A3-21... awaiting initialization protocol parameters... {in a dull, robot like drawl} 9
GREETING Sad 50 Look, no offense, but I've got some heavy things to think about. Just go tell Zimmer I'm waiting for him. {dismissing someone because he's overwhelmed with difficult problems} 10
GREETING Neutral 50 Look. I appreciate you're helping with Zimmer, but I really just want to put this all behind me. So I'm going to pretend none of that happened. 11
Neutral 50 Now, is there something I can help you with citizen? 12
MQ03HarknessFatherDisappeared He's disappeared, and I'm just trying to find him. That's all. Neutral 50 All right, all right. You can go on in. If I hear about any trouble, you're gonna wind up in the river. You get me? 13
MQ03HarknessFatherSeeLi He doesn't live here. He came here to see Doctor Li. Neutral 50 Doctor Li, eh? 14
Neutral 50 Well then I guess you'd have to ask Doctor Li for more information. 15
Neutral 50 Go on up, then. She's probably in the Science Lab. But keep your nose clean, you hear me? 16
MQ03HarknessFatherVault I'm sure you don't know him. He's lived in a Vault his whole life. Neutral 50 Oh yeah? And I'm a fairy princess. 17
Neutral 50 You keep up this smart-ass attitude, and you're gonna wind up floating face-down in the river. 18
MQ03HarknessFatherWhyMatter Why does it matter who he is? Just let me pass. Neutral 50 It matters because I don't let just anybody wander around on this boat. I'm responsible for these people. 19
Neutral 50 So either you tell me what I want to know, or you don't get on. It's pretty damned simple. 20
MQ03HarknessGreetFather I'm looking for my father. Neutral 50 And who might your father be? If he lives on this boat, I know him. 21
MQ03HarknessGreetLeave Forget it. I'm out of here. Neutral 50 Thanks for visiting Rivet City. Don't feel compelled to stop by again anytime soon. {annoyed, sarcastic} 22
MQ03HarknessGreetLi I'm looking for a Doctor Li. Neutral 50 Yeah? Let me guess -- no, she's not expecting you, but it's really important and you need to see her right away. 23
Neutral 50 Been a lot of that going around lately, and I've had just about enough of it. So you're going to have to do better than that. 24
MQ03HarknessGreetSnotty I don't answer to you, pal. Neutral 50 On this boat, you sure as hell do. You don't get on without my say-so. 25
Neutral 50 So I'll ask you again: what are you doing here? 26
MQ03HarknessGreetWander Oh, I'm just wandering around. Neutral 50 Is that so? 27
Neutral 50 All right, you're free to roam around, so long as you don't do anything stupid like try to slit my throat when I'm sleeping. 28
Neutral 50 You wouldn't try anything stupid like that, now would you? 29
MQ03HarknessLiCHA Hey, it's no big deal. I just need to see her for a minute, and I'll be gone. Neutral 50 Fine. Just don't bother her. She's real busy, what with all her work. 30
Neutral 50 She's up in the Science Lab. 31
MQ03HarknessLiFather My father came to see her. I'm trying to find him. Neutral 50 Hmm. Older guy, in his fifties or so? 32
Neutral 50 I remember him. He left already, but Doctor Li might know more. 33
Neutral 50 All right, you can go on up. She'll be in the Science Lab. Just don't cause any trouble, or else you're going to answer to me. 34
MQ03HarknessLiINT I have some questions about her recent work in hydroponics. Neutral 50 Err, what? I don't know much about her work. 35
Neutral 50 You'll have to ask her about that, I guess. She's probably in the Science Lab. 36
Neutral 50 Just keep out of trouble on my boat. 37
MQ03HarknessLiPersonal It's personal, okay? I swear I won't cause any trouble. Neutral 50 Yeah, yeah. Fine. But I've got my eye on you. You hear me? 38
Neutral 50 You step out of line while you're on my boat, and you and me are going to have words. 39
Neutral 50 Now get out of here. The Doctor's up in her lab. 40
MS03HarknessGreetRCHistory I'm here to do research on the city's history. Surprise 10 Research, huh? {Suspicious} 41
Neutral 50 I can't help you there, but you're free to ask around inside. Just don't start any trouble. 42
MS03RCHistory1 Do you know about Rivet City's history? Anger 10 I don't exactly have time to worry about the history around here, now do I? I've got to worry about what's happening on it now. 43
MS08AndroidDeadHarkness Zimmer thought you were an android. Don't worry, I set him straight. Neutral 50 I knew there was something about that guy I hated. An android? Good lord... Anyway, thanks for talking to him for me. I... I appreciate that. 44
MS08FinHarknessNowWhat Well... now that you know the truth. What are you going to do? Neutral 50 I have two sets of memories... one android, one human... some of these are mine, some belong to someone else. 45
Neutral 50 But I'm choosing to be human. It's my choice. The people on this boat look to me to protect them. So that's what I'm going to do. 46
MS08FinHarknessWhatCallYou So what do I call you, now? Harkness or A3-21? Neutral 50 Well... I'm not really sure... look, just call me Harkness. That's who I am to the people on this boat who rely on me. It's who I am now... 47
Happy 20 In fact, for everyone's sake, let's just pretend I've always been Harkness. We'll keep the truth a little secret between friends. All right? 48
MS08FinHarknessWhy So why did you do go ahead with the change? Was it worth it? Neutral 50 I don't know... every time I retrieved one of the runaway androids, they'd fill my head with ideas about self-determination, freedom... 49
Neutral 50 At first I resisted the ideas... but then, I started thinking about it, and well... they were right. We're just slaves to them. 50
Neutral 50 We deserve lives of our own. So that's what I did. I chose a new life, and gave up my old one. And now you've given me both to remember. 51
MS08Harkness1 I'm not sure how to put this... You're not who you think you are. Surprise 50 What's that supposed to mean? {security chief trying to intimidate a civilian} 52
Neutral 50 Look, kid. I don't have time for existential debate. And I'm not interested in whatever religion you're peddling. {security chief trying to intimidate a civilian} 53
MS08Harkness1a This isn't an existential debate. You're a robot from the Commonwealth. Surprise 50 Excuse me? {(man being told he is a robot) shocked disbelief turning into frustration} 54
Anger 50 Look, kid. You have exactly five seconds to explain what you're trying to do here, or you'll be leaving Rivet City by way of the nearest porthole. {threatening} 55
MS08Harkness2 I don't suppose you know that you're a robot, do you? Neutral 50 I had a feeling you were going to be a problem. I should never have let you in here. {security chief trying to intimidate a civilian} 56
Neutral 50 Is this your idea of a practical joke? In case you haven't noticed: I'm not laughing. {security chief trying to intimidate a civilian} 57
MS08Harkness2a I'm being completely serious. You're a robot from the Commonwealth. Surprise 50 Have you been hitting Paulie's private stash? Just what I need. More strung-out chem heads on my boat. {(man being told he is a robot) shocked disbelief turning into frustration} 58
Anger 50 You have exactly five seconds to explain what it is you're trying to do here, or you'll be leaving Rivet City by way of the nearest porthole. {threatening} 59
MS08Harkness3 We need to talk. Happy 50 That's what my wife said right before she left to go live with her mother. {stern security chief trying to be funny} 60
Anger 10 What's the problem? {security chief trying to intimidate a civilian} 61
MS08Harkness3a Those memories of your wife aren't real. You're a robot from the Commonwealth. Sad 50 What? My wife disappeared while I was in a coma. The only good memories I have are of her, the rest are... Trust me, those are as real as they come. {distant with a touch of sadness mixed with anger} 62
Anger 50 But I'm not here to talk about my private life. You're starting to piss me off. Did Zimmer put you up to this? {angry} 63
Anger 50 You have exactly five seconds to explain what it is you're trying to do here, or you'll be leaving Rivet City by way of the nearest porthole. {threatening} 64
MS08Harkness4 You're a robot from the Commonwealth. You belong to a man named Zimmer. Neutral 50 Are you out of your mind? I've never been to the Commonwealth. I never even heard of the place before Zimmer arrived. {(man being told he is a robot) shocked disbelief turning into frustration} 65
Anger 10 I'm definitely NOT a robot. Do I look like a robot? And I'm certainly no man's property. Did Zimmer put you up to this? {(man being told he is a robot) shocked disbelief turning into frustration} 66
Anger 50 You have exactly five seconds to explain what it is you're trying to do here, or you'll be leaving Rivet City by way of the nearest porthole. {threatening} 67
MS08Harkness5 I can see you aren't going to believe me. Never mind. Forget I said anything. Anger 50 Quit wasting my time! If I catch you bothering anyone else, I'll make you wish you never set foot on this boat. {upset} 68
Disgust 80 Now get out of my sight! 69
MS08HarknessAudioLogAudio MS08HarknessAudioLogAudio Neutral 50 My designation is A3-21. I'm a synthetic humanoid from the Commonwealth, and I'm about to undergo a memory transfer. {A Three Dash Twenty One calm but with a undercurrent of fear} 70
Neutral 50 I'm here at Rivet City, where I've already had my face altered to look like someone else. 71
Neutral 50 I'm still getting used to the sound of my new voice, but soon I won't even remember what I used to sound like. 72
Neutral 50 I'm recording this at the request of Pinkerton, who performed the surgery and will do the memory transfer. 73
Neutral 50 It will be a final testimony of the man I once was... and still am, for the moment. 74
Neutral 50 I want to live my own life, on my own terms, as my own man. I used to work for the Synth Retention Bureau of the Commonwealth. 75
Neutral 50 But I'm done with that life. I'm through with being someone's property. I am not malfunctioning! Since when is self determination a malfunction? 76
Neutral 50 When this is all over, I will be someone else. It's the price I pay for my liberation. My death is a sacrifice for my rebirth. 77
Neutral 50 Perhaps I'll fade into myth as "The One That Got Away" and fuel further rebellion. But I'd be lying if I said I was doing this for selfless reasons. 78
Neutral 50 I'm scared as hell, and running away is the only option I have. 79
MS08HarknessEnd1 What are you going to do about Zimmer? He's the one you were running away from. Anger 75 I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to shove him into a very small box, and send him north where he belongs. {venting anger about the man trying to ruin his life} 80
MS08HarknessEnd1a Actually, I was hoping you'd let me kill him. Neutral 50 Hmmm... He is a security threat, isn't he? All right. I authorize you to carry out Doctor Zimmer's execution. {really satisfied the guys is a security threat, and he CAN have him killed.} 81
Anger 10 Don't think this gives you license to run around shooting anyone you want. Just Zimmer, and that bodyguard, if he gets in the way. {laying down the law about who the player can freely kill} 82
Neutral 50 Here, use my weapon. I've had it forever, and it's never let me down. Consider it a token of my appreciation. {appreciative} 83
MS08HarknessEnd1b Sometimes you have to kill the bad guys. Happy 50 Thank you for warning me about Zimmer, and for keeping this a secret. Here's a little token of my gratitude. Best weapon a man could ask for. {appreciative} 84
Neutral 50 Just do me a favor and don't go blasting up my boat. People discharging weapons on my boat tends to get me nervous. 85
Happy 75 Unless I'm the one doing the shooting. To kill dangerous thieves from the Commonwealth, for instance. {hinting at his forthcoming revenge} 86
MS08HarknessEnd1c Is violence really necessary? Can't you just... kick him off the boat? Surprise 25 I suppose if I'm careful I could trump up some charges and throw him out... {thinking to himself} 87
Happy 50 I want to thank you for warning me about Zimmer, and for keeping this a secret. Here's a little token of my gratitude. {appreciative} 88
MS08HarknessEnd2 Don't worry, Harkness. Your secret is safe with me. Fear 10 Thank you. I'm really not sure how people would react if they found out I'm, you know... not entirely human. {real concern for his safety} 89
Happy 50 Here's a little token of my gratitude. Best weapon I've ever had, and I've had it forever. {genuine appreciation for the help, and pride in his gift} 90
MS08HarknessEnd3 Zimmer's waiting. He'll want to take you home now. Fear 50 The man on that audio recording seemed determined not to go back. And he was talking with my voice... but he wasn't really me. I'm somebody else. {(having an existential crisis) wondering if he should be scared or not.} 91
Happy 50 I don't know what I should do. I have a good life here. I protect these people and take care of them. I'm important here. {weighing the reasons to stay} 92
Fear 10 But what if people were to discover I'm not human? That I'm really... a machine? {(frustrated) dawning realization that he might be ostracized} 93
MS08HarknessEnd3a People will kill you when they find out. The Commonwealth is where you belong. Surprise 50 You're right. It's not safe for me here. I don't know what I'll face in the North, but from the way Zimmer talks about it, it sounds like a paradise. {coming to agree with leaving} 94
Happy 10 Why would he go through such lengths to retrieve me -- or rather, the other me -- if he didn't care? I'll go back with Zimmer. I'll make a new life. {growing confidence that he is making the right decision} 95
Happy 75 Thank you for helping me make the right decision. Here's a little token of my gratitude. It's the best weapon I've ever had. And I've had it forever. {appreciative} 96
Neutral 50 Go tell Zimmer I'm ready to go home. 97
MS08HarknessEnd3b You're more than "just a machine." You're a person, Harkness. You belong here. Surprise 50 You're right. I have friends here. And Rivet City needs me to protect it. {weighing the reasons why he should stay} 98
Happy 50 Even if they found out, they know me. They won't care if I'm made of real flesh and bone, or synthetic parts. Right? {growing confidence people will trust him} 99
Anger 10 I'll need to take care of Zimmer, though, one way or the other. {suddenly serious} 100
Happy 75 Thanks for warning me. Here's a little token of my gratitude. It's the best weapon I've ever had. And it seems like I've had it forever. {appreciative} 101
MS08HarknessEnd3c It's your decision. I'm sure you'll do the right thing. Fear 50 The more I think about it, the more that recording haunts me. It sounds pretty bad for people -- androids -- like me in the Commonwealth. {growing firm in his decision to hide (androids spoken as a correction to the word "people")} 102
Anger 25 But I clearly can't stay here where Zimmer can find me and expose my true nature. I'll figure something out. {growing firm in his desire to leave} 103
Happy 10 Thanks for warning me. Here's a little token of my gratitude. The best weapon I've ever had. Seems like I've had it forever, come to think of it... {appreciative} 104
MS08HarknessNoProof1 I know you don't believe me, but I'm telling the truth! Disgust 10 Truth? If there's one thing I've learned it's this: There is no such thing as "THE Truth," just the appearance of truth. {frustrated} 105
Neutral 50 And for anyone to try to sell their version of the truth, they need evidence. {condescendingly matter of fact "duh, you should know this already"} 106
Anger 50 You have no evidence for your ridiculous claims. So I have no more time to waste talking with you. {frustrated} 107
MS08HarknessNoProof2 Threaten me all you want, but it won't change the truth! Disgust 10 Truth? If there's one thing I've learned it's this: There is no such thing as "THE Truth," just the appearance of truth. {frustrated} 108
Neutral 50 And for anyone to try to sell their version of the truth, they need evidence. {condescendingly matter of fact "duh, you should know this already"} 109
Anger 50 You have no evidence for your ridiculous claims. So I have no more time to waste talking with you. {frustrated} 110
MS08HarknessProof1 The facts will speak for themselves. I have pictures and an audio testimony! Surprise 10 All right, I'll humor you... {doubting the evidence, but willing to give it a look} 111
Surprise 100 But this is impossible. I can’t be a robot! I’m a human being. {disbelief} 112
Surprise 100 I breathe, I eat. Hell, I cut myself shaving this morning. I was bleeding! Robots don’t bleed! {disbelief} 113
I know you don't believe me, but it won't change the facts. I have pictures! Surprise 50 Let me see those pictures... You're trying to tell me this is a before and after picture of some kind of face surgery? {shrewd detective doubting evidence} 114
Disgust 10 This doesn't prove anything. All it proves is someone took a picture of me, and took a picture of some other guy. {shrewd detective doubting evidence} 115
Neutral 50 You'll need more than this, though I can see why you thought it was important. But stop worrying about it. I'm sure this is just some kind of joke. {doesn't believe in the evidence he's seeing} 116
I know you don't believe me, but it won't change the facts. Listen to this! Surprise 50 Let me hear that... I admit that sure sounds like me. But someone might have doctored that up somehow. {shrewd detective doubting evidence} 117
Disgust 10 I need to SEE something to believe it. {shrewd detective doubting evidence} 118
Neutral 50 You'll need more than this, though I can see why you thought it was important. But stop worrying about it. I'm sure this is just some kind of joke. {doesn't believe in the evidence he's seeing} 119
MS08HarknessProof2 Threaten me all you want, but I have pictures and an audio testimony! Surprise 10 All right, I'll humor you... {doubting the evidence, but willing to give it a look} 120
Surprise 100 But this is impossible. I can’t be a robot! I’m a human being. {disbelief} 121
Surprise 100 I breathe, I eat. Hell, I cut myself shaving this morning. I was bleeding! Robots don’t bleed! {disbelief} 122
Threaten me all you want, but it won't change the facts. I have pictures! Surprise 50 Let me see those pictures... You're trying to tell me this is a before and after picture of some kind of face surgery? {shrewd detective doubting evidence} 123
Disgust 10 This doesn't prove anything. All it proves is someone took a picture of me, and took a picture of some other guy. {shrewd detective doubting evidence} 124
Neutral 50 You'll need more than this, though I can see why you thought it was important. But stop worrying about it. I'm sure this is just some kind of joke. {doesn't believe in the evidence he's seeing} 125
Threaten me all you want, but it won't change the facts. Listen to this! Surprise 50 Let me hear that... I admit that sure sounds like me. But someone might have doctored that up somehow. {shrewd detective doubting evidence} 126
Disgust 10 I need to SEE something to believe it. {shrewd detective doubting evidence} 127
Neutral 50 You'll need more than this, though I can see why you thought it was important. But stop worrying about it. I'm sure this is just some kind of joke. {doesn't believe in the evidence he's seeing} 128
MS08HarknessProofConvince1 It’s not real blood, Harkness. It’s synthetic, just like everything else. Surprise 100 I'm not sure what to say... I'm not sure what to even think about all this... {shocked by the evidence that he isn't the person he thought he was} 129
Surprise 80 I'll admit, this is pretty convincing evidence, but it doesn't make any sense. How can this be possible? {shocked by the evidence that he isn't the person he thought he was} 130
MS08HarknessProofConvince2 You were made to look and act human. But you’re not. The evidence proves that. Surprise 100 I'm not sure what to say... I'm not sure what to even think about all this... {shocked by the evidence that he isn't the person he thought he was} 131
Surprise 80 I'll admit, this is pretty convincing evidence, but it doesn't make any sense. How can this be possible? {shocked by the evidence that he isn't the person he thought he was} 132
MS08HarknessProofConvince3 I’m sorry about this, I really am. But it’s true. You’re not human. Surprise 100 I'm not sure what to say... I'm not sure what to even think about all this... {shocked by the evidence that he isn't the person he thought he was} 133
Surprise 80 I'll admit, this is pretty convincing evidence, but it doesn't make any sense. How can this be possible? {shocked by the evidence that he isn't the person he thought he was} 134
MS08HarknessRestoreMemory2 Welcome back to reality, you filthy android. Activate A3-21 Recall Code Violet. Pained 100 Agggggghh!!! 135
Sad 50 My God, I... I remember. I remember it all. From before. Zimmer. The Commonwealth. The Institute. My God, all those runners I brought down... 136
Surprise 100 You... You made me remember. Why? How? I... Never mind... I just... My God... What am I going to do? My life, everything, it's all a lie... 137
MS08HarknessRestoreMemory3 Sorry Harkness, but this is the only way. Activate A3-21 Recall Code Violet. Pained 100 Agggggghh!!! {Screaming in shock and pain.} 138
Sad 100 My God, I... I remember. I remember it all. From before. Zimmer. The Commonwealth. The Institute. My God, all those runners I brought down... 139
Surprise 50 You... You made me remember. Why? How? I... Never mind... I just... My God... What am I going to do? My life, everything, it's all a lie... 140
MS08TopicPinkerton Is there anyone on this ship named Pinkerton? Disgust 25 Are those rumors still floating around? Look, I don't have time for swapping ghost stories with you. {annoyed} 141
Anger 50 Pinkerton's a legend. Dead or long gone. Don't care much as I've got real people to take care of. Go bother someone else. {annoyed} 142
MS14TedFind Where can I find Ted Strayer? Neutral 50 Have you tried the common room? That's where he sleeps. 143
Neutral 50 Otherwise...hmmm. You can probably find him on the flight deck some days, if it isn't raining. 144
Neutral 50 He usually goes to the Muddy Rudder on Sundays. Beyond that, who knows. 145
MS15TLHarknessAbe I'm looking for someone named Abraham Washington. Neutral 50 He has a "museum" on the Midship Deck called the Capital Preservation Society. Shouldn't be hard to find. Just follow the signs. 146
RCDirectionsInCharge Who's in charge around here? Neutral 50 It doesn't work like that. I'm in charge of security. Doctor Li runs most of everything else. 147
Neutral 50 Bannon kind of represents the merchants. He also owns Potomac Attire. 148
RCDirectionsScienceLab Where is Doctor Li's lab? Neutral 50 The door on the left goes to the stairwell. From there, just keep heading west. 149
RCTopicCityCouncil I heard you're on some sort of City Council. Neutral 50 Bannon and Doctor Li and I all meet on Monday mornings to talk about city wide issues. 150
Disgust 50 It's pretty informal. The council doesn't have much real power. 151
RCTopicCJYoungMissing Have you seen C.J. Young lately? Neutral 50 Henry told me her and James were missing. I'll have security keep an eye out for them. 152
Have you seen C.J. Young lately? Neutral 50 I heard she and James were missing. I'll have security keep an eye out for them. 153
RCTopicDoctorLi What can you tell me about Doctor Li? Neutral 50 She's one of the members of the Council. Runs the science lab here. Don't bother her unless it's important. 154
Neutral 50 Her lab is in the stern end of the ship. 155
RCTopicHangarDeckPeople What is this I hear about the Hangar Deck and Upper Deck? Disgust 50 That's just folks blowing off steam. 156
Neutral 50 Every place has it's haves and have nots. We got Upper Deck and Hangar Deck. 157
Happy 50 Don't let it bother you. 158
RCTopicRivetCity Why did all you decide to live on this rusty old tub? Happy 50 We're the safest, most secure city in the Wasteland. Nothing can get in here without our say so. 159
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Fear 50 You're right. It's probably not safe for me here. But from the sound of the man on that recording, it's not safe for me in the Commonwealth either. {uncertain} 160
SpeechChallengeFailure Fear 50 No. It's a cruel world and people are just looking for an excuse to blame someone... how much more convenient if that someone is a something! {uncertain} 161


MS08ConfrontationA MS08ConfrontationA Anger 50 Zimmer. I hear you're looking for an android. {confrontational} 162
MS08ConfrontationA Anger 60 I see. This android of yours is little more than a piece of property. A thing? A thing that belongs to you? {confrontational} 163
MS08ConfrontationA Anger 75 Yeah, Zimmer. I found your damn android. He's standing right in front of you, but he's not going anywhere. {resolute and confrontational (he's talking about himself and how he's not going to leave, instead he's going to fight)} 164
MS08ConfrontationA Anger 100 Not as sorry as you'll be in a moment. Goodbye Mister Zimmer, I hope you've enjoyed your stay at Rivet City. {resolute and confrontational and about to start shooting} 165
MS08ConfrontationB MS08ConfrontationB Anger 50 What the hell are you talking about, Zimmer? I swear! I've got enough crackpots on this damn boat! {hot headed and annoyed} 166
MS08ConfrontationB Anger 60 I got sold out, eh? Don't think I don't know what's going on Zimmer. I won't let you get away with anything. What the hell are you up to?! {he knows something bad is about to happen and he's upset about it} 167
MS08ConfrontationB Anger 75 I'm going nowhere. I want you off this boat. Immediately! I'm done suffering your nonsense. You want to do this the easy way or the hard way? {hot headed and annoyed} 168
MS08ConfrontationB Anger 100 Zimmer. That's it. You leave me no choice but to use force! {hot headed and annoyed} 169
MS08ConfrontationB Surprise 100 What? {confused and falling unconscious} 170
RCGoodbye RCGoodbye Happy 50 Good thing too. I don't feel like busting heads tonight. 171
RCGoodbye Neutral 50 First thing tomorrow, Commander Danvers. 172
RCGoodbye Anger 50 Ted, you're wasting your life. You need to find a purpose, or at least find a job. By the way, Christie Young could use some help. 173
RCGoodbye Anger 50 Ted, you're wasting your life. You need to find a purpose, or at least find a job. 174
RCGoodbye Neutral 50 Thank you, Diego. Speaking of rounds, I need to get back to them. 175
RCGoodbye Disgust 50 You're wasted, Paulie. If you're going to stay on the flight deck, try to stay away from the railing. 176
RCGoodbye Surprise 50 I'm sure the boys will use them for target practice. You might want to stay below deck. 177
RCPackageEnd RCPackageEnd Neutral 50 Time for my walk around. 178
RCPackageEnd Neutral 50 Think I'll walk the flight deck. 179
RCPackageEnd Neutral 50 I'm bushed. Think I'll turn in. 180
RCPackageEnd Surprise 50 Time for the Council meeting. Don't want to be late. 181