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This is a transcript for dialogue with Cindy Cantelli.


GREETING GREETING Happy 50 This is A Quick Fix. I mean that's the name of our shop. Paulie and mine that is. My name is Cindy. Cindy Cantelli. 1
GREETING Happy 50 This is A Quick Fix. I mean that's the name of the shop. My name is Cindy. Cindy Cantelli. 2
GREETING Happy 50 Nice to see you again. Are you looking for a quick fix? 3
GREETING Surprise 50 Made up your mind yet? 4
GREETING Happy 50 I'm Cindy. I mean, Cindy Cantelli. I'm a quick fix. I mean, I run A Quick Fix. Anyway, you were saying? 5
GREETING Neutral 50 Oh! It's you. I mean, hi there. 6
Could I ask you about Rivet City's history?
What can you tell me about Rivet City's history? Surprise 10 Well, I don't really know, to tell the truth. How does any city get started, really? 7
Neutral 50 But I've heard Bannon talk about how he was responsible for its success, so I'd ask him about it. 8
What can you tell me about Rivet City's history? Neutral 50 Well, I don't really know, to tell the truth. How does any city get started, really? 9
MS14TedFind Where can I find Ted Strayer? Neutral 50 Have you tried the common room? That's where he sleeps. 10
Neutral 50 Otherwise...hmmm. You can probably find him on the flight deck some days, if it isn't raining. 11
Neutral 50 He usually goes to the Muddy Rudder on Sundays. Beyond that, who knows. 12
RCCindyCantelliSlowDown Whoa! Slow down, lady. You're freaking me out. Fear 50 Sorry. I get nervous easily. When I'm nervous, I'm fast. I mean, I talk. Fast that is. See, I'm doing it again. {Say it all fast and nervous.} 13
RCCindyFunny I like you. You're funny. I assume you sell Chems? Surprise 50 Yeah. Paulie and I. Our shop is in the market. 14
Happy 50 Boy, that sounded dumb! Where else would our shop be? Anyway, thanks. For being nice, that is. 15
RCCindyRelax Relax. I'm just looking around. Neutral 50 Oh. Okay. Well let me know if you want anything. To buy that is. 16
Relax. I'm just looking around. Neutral 50 Oh. Okay. Well stop by if you want anything. To buy that is. 17
RCCindySampling Damn! You sound like you've been sampling your own stuff. Fear 50 No, no, no! I would never do that. 18
Disgust 50 Paulie does. Sample it, I mean. He's my deadbeat husband. 19
Damn! You sound like you've been sampling your own stuff. Fear 50 No, no, no! I would never do that. 20
Disgust 50 Paulie did. Sample it, I mean. He's dead now, thank God. 21
RCTopicDiegoAngela I heard Angela Staley has a crush on Diego. Sad 50 The poor dear. I wish there was something I could do to help her. 22
Neutral 50 That boy ought to just give her a tumble. It would be good for both of them. 23
RCTopicGetDrinks Where can I get a stiff drink? Neutral 50 The Muddy Rudder. Belle waters down the liquor, but it's cheap. It's on the lower deck. 24
Did you know that Paulie Cantelli is an addict?
So your husband is an addict? Sad 50 He's hopeless. I have to keep him away from the shop or he'll rob us blind. 25
Fear 50 One of these days he's going to end up dead. 26
RCTopicWedding When are Angela and Diego getting married? Happy 50 At 3 o'clock tomorrow. Everyone in Rivet City is invited. I'm sure that includes you. 27
I'm here to do business with you.
What do you have for sale? Happy 50 We've got all kinds of chems. 28


I have to go now.
It's time for me to leave, Cindy. Happy 50 I'm sure you'll be back soon. 29
HELLO HELLO Happy 50 Hey, Vera. Still dodging old Seagrave? He's got eyes for you. 30
HELLO Happy 50 Shrapnel, I thought you shot your own food? 31
HELLO Neutral 50 Hi, Flak. I hear the Iguana on a Stick is good today. 32
HELLO Happy 50 Your little girl is getting married! How exciting! You must be so proud. 33
HELLO Surprise 50 Gary, could I have some ant meat and a Nuka-Cola? 34
HELLO Disgust 50 Come to spend some of your hard earned caps, Henry? I'm afraid I'm all out of moral superiority. {sarcastic} 35
HELLO Disgust 50 Christie. I noticed you never clean up the hangar deck. Just the upper deck. What, we aren't good enough for you? 36
HELLO Happy 50 Hello, C.J. 37
HELLO Disgust 50 Go home, or get high, or whatever it is you do when I'm not around. 38
HELLO Surprise 50 I heard you're getting married! Are you excited? Is Diego nervous? 39
HELLO Surprise 50 Angela, what brings you into A Quick Fix? 40
HELLO Happy 50 Father Clifford is making more sense than usual. {Stage whisper.} 41
HELLO Happy 50 Hi, Bannon! Mind if I sit with you? {Flirtatious} 42
HELLO Surprise 50 See anything you like, Mei? 43
HELLO Happy 50 You know, we helped fix up those love birds up. I'm so glad it worked out. 44
HELLO Happy 50 Welcome to A Quick Fix. 45
HELLO Fear 50 Have you seen my husband, Paulie? 46
HELLO Surprise 50 Did you need something? 47
RCGoodbye RCGoodbye Sad 50 I've got nothing like that here. Why don't you go have a drink in the Muddy Rudder? That should do it. 48
RCGoodbye Sad 50 I like sitting next you. I...nevermind. 49
RCGoodbye Sad 50 Paulie stole the key. I'll need you to stop by and change the lock for me. 50
RCGoodbye Neutral 50 Water and a Mirelurk cake, please. 51
RCGoodbye Sad 50 I don't think you need a love potion, dear. Besides, none of these will do that. If they did, Paulie would...never mind. 52
RCGoodbye Sad 50 I don't think you need a love potion, dear. Besides, none of these will do that. 53
RCGoodbye Disgust 50 Yeah, right. As soon as I'm gone, you'll use all the inventory, Paulie. How about I just close up tonight. {Sarcastic} 54
RCGoodbye Neutral 50 Anything I might give you would come with a side effect. Why don't you go to Doctor Preston? 55
RCGoodbye Sad 50 Anything I might give you would come with a side effect. It's too bad Doctor Preston isn't with us anymore. 56
RCGoodbye Sad 50 I really miss him. I didn't think it would hurt this much. 57
RCGoodbye02 RCGoodbye02 Happy 100 Yes, I got the invitation. I wouldn't miss you and Diego's wedding for anything. {Say the first sentence with a laugh.} 58
RCPackageEnd RCPackageEnd Disgust 50 I hope Paulie hasn't injected all our inventory. {muttered to herself} 59
RCPackageEnd Fear 50 Bannon! Wait for me! {stage whisper} 60
RCResponse01 RCResponse01 Surprise 50 Don't know where he is, and I'm not sure I care. I saw you talking to Bannon the other day. Did he mention me? 61