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This is a transcript for dialogue with Victoria Watts.


GREETING GREETING Disgust 80 You've been rather busy lately. Asking questions. "Investigating." So, is that it? You're some kind of investigator? A detective for hire? 1
Disgust 50 Or do you have some kind of personal grudge against an innocent android who simply wants to be left alone? Please, tell me. I'd really like to know. 2
GREETING Neutral 50 Was there something else? 3
GREETING Happy 80 You did a good thing, delivering that component to Zimmer. Telling him the android was dead. For that, I'm going entrust you with some information. 4
Neutral 50 The android's transformation was done by a man named Pinkerton, here in Rivet City. He's hidden down in the broken fore section of the ship. 5
Neutral 50 You'll need to swim to reach him, but if you're inclined, Pinkerton can perform a facial reconstruction on you as well. 6
Happy 70 It won't disguise your identity, but you'll be able to experience life in a new skin, and truly understand... that we're all human on the inside. 7
GREETING Fear 30 We'd best not be seen speaking with each other further. If you want a new face, see Pinkerton, down in the flooded fore section of the carrier. 8
Neutral 50 The android's transformation was done by a man named Pinkerton, here in Rivet City. He's hidden down in the broken fore section of the ship. 9
Neutral 50 You'll need to swim to reach him, but if you're inclined, Pinkerton can perform a facial reconstruction on you as well. 10
Happy 70 It won't disguise your identity, but you'll be able to experience life in a new skin, and truly understand... that we're all human on the inside. 11
RailroadRepsonse2a What would you have me do? Neutral 50 You really want to help? Take this. It's an internal component from the very android you're searching for. Don't ask how I obtained it. 12
Neutral 50 Present it to Doctor Zimmer in Rivet City. Tell him the android is dead, and that was on the corpse. He'll believe you. 13
Neutral 50 Do that, and Zimmer will go back to the Commonwealth, and leave that poor soul alone. Do that, and you'll have saved a man's life. 14
RailroadRepsonse2b This conversation's over, Ms. Watts. Now step aside. Anger 50 Fine. Blow me off. Live in denial. But take this. It's an internal component from the very android you're searching for. 15
Neutral 50 Don't ask how I obtained it. If you change your mind, if you decide you want to help, present the component to Doctor Zimmer in Rivet City. 16
Neutral 50 Tell him the android is dead, and that was on the corpse. He'll believe you. He'll go back to the Commonwealth, and you'll have saved a man's life. 17
RailroadResponse1a Who the hell are you? Neutral 50 Fine, let's cut to the chase. My name is Victoria Watts. I work for a movement whose goals are directly opposed to your own, apparently. 18
Neutral 50 It seems you're trying very hard to locate an android my associates and I have tried very hard to hide. You can see how that puts us at odds. 19
RailroadResponse1b I think you're confusing me with someone else... Neutral 50 Am I? You haven't talked to someone lately about a missing android? Or nosed around and found some information you should have left buried? { } 20
Neutral 50 I belong to a movement that has taken great efforts to hide this android, to protect him. I think you see where I'm going with this... 21
RailroadResponse1c Look, whoever this missing android is, I just want to help. Okay? Surprise 50 Well... If that's true, then the first thing you need to do is halt your investigation. No more questions, no more searching. 22
Neutral 50 The movement I'm involved with, we help his kind escape their Commonwealth-imposed slavery. We help them... disappear. You understand? 23
RailroadResponse1d What I do with my own time is my own goddamn business. Anger 100 Don't you realize what you're doing? The path you're on has the potential to ruin a man's life. Is that what you really want? 24
Sad 75 Listen to me... I'm involved with a movement that has dedicated itself to saving these runaway androids. I can't let you interfere with that work. 25
TLRailroadAnythingElse Anything else I should know? Neutral 50 Just understand that this android is now, for all intents and purposes, a man. He looks human, he acts human. He believes he IS human. 26
Neutral 50 But even if he's not... Even if he's a machine... He's capable of rational thought. And emotion. So you see, his soul is as human as yours or mine. 27
Sad 75 This person and he is a person deserves a chance at freedom. Please, if there's a shred of decency in you, don't take that away from him. 28
TLRailroadHumanSlaves What about human slaves? Don't you try to help them, too? Sad 50 Yes, if we are able. But there are others in the Wasteland who assist in the plight of human slaves. Our android brethren have only us. 29
TLRailroadJoin Can I join the Railroad? Happy 80 Tell you what. You deliver that component to Zimmer and tell him the android is dead, and you can consider yourself a member in good standing. 30
TLRailroadMovement What's this "movement" you mentioned? Neutral 50 We call ourselves the Railroad. Our mission is the rescue and salvation of synthetic humanoids. Androids, as they're more commonly known. 31
TLRailroadReward If I help you, is there some kind of reward? Happy 80 Of course! If you help me, and thus the android, God and the universe will smile upon you. Is there any better compensation? 32


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 You know what you need to do. 33
HELLO HELLO Surprise 50 Don't you have a component to deliver? 34
HELLO Surprise 50 Nothing stops the Railroad. 35