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Thank you for finding C.J. I was worried sick about her.

Henry Young is a handyman who lives in Rivet City with his wife, Christie, and daughter, C.J. in 2277.


Henry's responsibility is general handiwork in Rivet City. Because of the frequency of repairs and the size of the settlement, he rarely has time to see his daughter C.J. Henry frequently laments the lack of people in his line of work and is privately frustrated with how few residents seem to pull their weight.[Non-game 1][1] Despite his attempts to keep his frustrations private he cannot help but to show some disdain and pity for hangar deck residents, barring Seagrave Holmes. As he is about the only other person more familiar with the city than he is.[2][3] This belief has since metastasized into a sense of superiority, one he and several of his peers share. This belief isn't that much of a stretch of reasoning, as most of, if not all of the hangar deck denizens don't conduct themselves in a moral, or at least self aware, manner.[4][5] Such as the case with Tammy Hargrave, and emotionally abusive drunk who tried to keep their children apart due to her vanity,[6][7][8][9] rather then actually caring about her son.[10][11]

Although his daughter's friendship with James Hargrave is generally looked at with concern by other Rivet City residents, his wife Christie instead hopes that C.J. will be able to have a calming effect on the rebellious James.[9][12][Non-game 2][13][14] She confides in her husband Henry who reinforces this belief.[8] Whether or not he knows about it working, C.J., at the behest of Father Clifford has tried to bring James to Sunday Church services. His mother Tammy keeps him from attending.[15]

The Youngs are a family of devout believers. They go to church every Sunday, taking their place in the pews and thank God for blessing their family.[16][17][18] (Although C.J. gets bored.[19]) Henry prays every night for Dr. Li's success,[20] as he frequently works for Dr. Madison Li and her science team.[21][22][23][24][20][24][25][26][27] While there he, like everyone else, has been pestered by Dr. Zimmer about his missing android.[28] Despite how long he has been working for the city he doesn't know it's history. Should he be asked he can point the Lone Wanderer towards Seagrave Holmes, the second best source for it.[3][29]

Should James Hargrave have been convinced to runaway in a feeble attempt at getting attention C.J. will follow him. If this does happen both Henry and Christie Young will go into a panic searching for them. Should the Lone Wanderer find and return them they will be relieved.[30][31]


Husband to Christie and father to C.J. Henry loves and is proud of his family.[32] They frequent Saint Monica's Church on Sunday where they are devout practitioners. Like most of the congregation they have become board with the constant stories of "Saint" Monica. Their collective character flaws is that of pompousness,[33][34][35][36] a sense of self worth above those of their piers based on their behavior.[37] Such as the case with Cindy Cantelli who projects her jealously as sarcasm towards them.[38] He and his wife together raise C.J. well and tells her bedtime stories.[39][40][41]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
Icon severed ear color
This character drops an ear upon death (Contract Killer).
Mesmetron icon
This character can be enslaved with the Mesmetron.



Apparel Weapon Other items
RobCo jumpsuit Lead pipe Wrench
Young's key

Notable quotes[]


Henry Young appears only in Fallout 3.


  1. Henry Young: "This place could use a few more people willing to work. Everything is falling apart and I'm the only one willing to fix it."
    "I'm busy. I've got a lot of repairs to make."
    (Henry Young’s Dialogue)
  2. Seagrave Holmes: "Hello, Henry. I just got in some new torc wrench and some electrical test equipment. You should take a look at them when you're done eating."
    Henry Young: "Good idea, Seagrave. I'll be by later."
    (Rivet City conversations; Seagrave Holmes' and Henry Young's dialogue) Note: May only occur while Henry is eating at Gary's Galley (between 7 to 9 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. daily).
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Lone Wanderer: "What do you know about Rivet City's history?"
    Henry Young: "Hmm... Despite all my time working here, I've got no clue. Seagrave Holmes is about the only person I know who's more familiar with the place. Born and raised on the hangar deck, but don't hold that against him. He can't help where he came from, and his heart's in the right place."
    (Henry Young’s Dialogue)
  4. The Lone Wanderer: "What do you know about Rivet City's history?"
    Henry Young: "Hmm... Despite all my time working here, I've got no clue. Seagrave Holmes is about the only person I know who's more familiar with the place. Born and raised on the hangar deck, but don't hold that against him. He can't help where he came from, and his heart's in the right place."
    (Henry Young’s Dialogue)
  5. The Lone Wanderer: "What is this I hear about the Hangar Deck and Upper Deck?"
    Henry Young: "We do the best we can to take care of everyone on the Hangar Deck. It's not their fault they can't do better for themselves."
    (Henry Young’s Dialogue)
  6. Bugged James Hargrave: "Mom, can I go to C.J.'s?"
    Tammy Hargrave: "No. I don't want you hanging around that little bitch. She and her parents think they are so much better than me."
    James Hargrave: "She's not a bitch, you are! I hate you! You're ruining my life."
    (Rivet City conversations; James and Tammy Hargrave's dialogue) Note: This may only occur when James is wandering around the Hargraves' room. Tammy's response incorrectly checks for Vera Weatherly as the target. Thus, it will not play. Bugged
  7. Tammy Hargrave: "Stop that! Don't make me smack you. I oughta lock you in your goddamn room, you little brat. And stay away from that C.J. bitch from now on."
    James Hargrave: '"I wasn't doing anything! And C.J. is my friend. I hate you! I hope you die!"
    (Rivet City conversations; Tammy and James Hargrave's dialogue) Note: This may only occur when Tammy and James are wandering around in their room (8 to 9 AM and 8 to 10 PM daily). Also, the Hargrave's stay in the common room of Rivet City, they don't have separate rooms or their own apartment.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Christie Young: "Henry, I'm not sure I like C.J. playing with that Hargrave boy. His mother is just dreadful, even if she is on the upper deck."
    Henry Young: "Don't make a fuss over it. TheirIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar just kids. Besides, maybe C.J. will rub off on James and not the other way around."
    (Rivet City conversations; Christie and Henry Young's dialogue) Note: This may only occur when Christie and Henry are sandboxing in their room (for example, at nighttime before going to bed). Also Tammy Hargrave is considered among the hangar deck denizenry.
  9. 9.0 9.1 The Lone Wanderer: "Why do you let that James Hargrave kid play with your daughter?"
    Christie Young: "That poor child. His mother, Tammy Hargrave, is a very troubled woman. She spends too much time down in the Muddy Rudder, drinking and using foul language. I feel so sorry for him. I think CJ is a good influence on him, but I do worry about the two of them."
    (Christie Young's dialogue)
  10. Brock: "Tammy, why don't you take the night off and spend it with James? If there's a repeat of the other night, Belle is going to kick you out."
    Tammy Hargrave: "James? Who knows where that little shit has run off to. Mind your own business, Brock. I'm going to get a drink."
    (Rivet City conversations; Brock's and Tammy Hargrave's dialogue)
  11. Tammy Hargrave: "Did I ever tell you about my husband? Got me pregnant with that brat James. Then he ran off. Asshole."
    Zimmer: "I could really care less about you and your brat, Madam."
    (Rivet City conversations; Tammy Hargrave's and Zimmer's dialogue) Note: This may only occur when Tammy is drinking in the Muddy Rudder (between 11 AM to 5 PM daily). Dr. Zimmer will only be at the Muddy Rudder on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at a 15% chance.
  12. Harkness: "C.J., don't do everything James tells you. He's a bad example."
    C.J. Young: "James isn't so bad, Chief. He's my friend. I'll make sure he's good."
    (Rivet City conversations; Harkness' and C.J. Young's dialogue)
  13. James Hargrave: "Hey C.J., let's play killer. You pretend to be my Mom, and I'll pretend to be a serial killer."
    C.J. Young: "That doesn't sound like any fun. Let's just play hide and seek."
    (Rivet City conversations; James Hargrave's and C.J. Young's dialogue) Note: This may only occur when C.J. is accompanying James (between 11 AM to 5 PM daily).
  14. C.J. Young: "Dad, can I be excused to go play with James?"
    Henry Young: "Not yet, sweetheart. Finish youIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar meal first."
    (Rivet City conversations; C.J. and Henry Young's dialogue) Note: This may only occur when the Young family is eating at Gary's Galley (7 to 9 AM and 5 to 7 PM daily).
  15. Clifford: "Saint Monica bless you, C.J. Have you spoken to James about coming to church? I'd really like to see him here."
    C.J. Young: "Thank you, Father. I tried, but his mother said no. Sorry."
    (Rivet City conversations; Clifford's and C.J. Young's dialogue) Note: This may only occur when Father Clifford and C.J. are wandering around Saint Monica's Church in the hour after Sunday services (between 10 to 11 AM). It is conditioned to not play if James is dead, but this will not happen since children are ordinarily unkillable in-game.
  16. Christie Young: "God has truly blessed our family, Henry."
    Henry Young: "Amen. We have each other, and we have C.J."
    (Rivet City conversations; Christie and Henry Young's dialogue) Note: May only occur when the Young family is sitting in the pews at Saint Monica's Church (7-10 a.m. on Sundays).
  17. Henry Young: "A thoughtful message, Father."
    Father Clifford: "Thank you, Henry. And God bless you."
    (Rivet City conversations; Henry Young's and Clifford's dialogue) Note: May only occur when Henry is wandering around Saint Monica's Church in the hour after Sunday service (10 to 11 a.m.).
  18. Henry Young: "He was on fire today, Diego. I could barely keep my eyes open."
    Diego: "He was? I mean, I know. He tries very hard Mister Young. See you next week."
    (Rivet City conversations; Henry Young's and Diego's dialogue) Note: May only occur when Henry is wandering around Saint Monica's Church in the hour after Sunday service (10 to 11 a.m.).
  19. C.J. Young: "Dad, I'm bored."
    Henry Young: "Church will be over soon. Just try and sit still."
    (Rivet City conversations; C.J. Young's and Henry Young's dialogue) Note: May only occur when the Young family is sitting in the pews at Saint Monica's Church (7 to 10 a.m. on Sundays).
  20. 20.0 20.1 Clifford: "Saint Monica bless you, Henry. The work you are doing with Doctor Li is blessed by God as well."
    Henry Young: "Thank you, Father. I pray every night for her success."
    (Rivet City conversations; Clifford's and Henry Young's dialogue) Note: May only occur when Father Clifford and Henry are wandering around Saint Monica's Church in the hour after Sunday services (between 10 to 11 a.m.).
  21. Madison Li: "Henry, do you have those readings ready for me yet?"
    Henry Young: "Yes, Doctor Li. I've recalibrated with them."
    (Rivet City conversations; Madison Li's and Henry Young's dialogue) Note: In the voiceline, Doctor Li omits the wording "readings."
  22. Garza: "I have some spare time. Do you need anything?"
    Henry Young: "Not right now. Check back with me later."
    (Rivet City conversations; Garza's and Henry Young's dialogue) Note: May only occur when Garza is working in the Rivet City science lab (between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily).
  23. Janice Kaplinski: "The waste water in the hydroponic gardens isn't draining properly. Could you look at it?"
    Henry Young: "I'll check it out before the end of the day."
    (Rivet City conversations; Janice Kaplinski's and Henry Young's dialogue)
  24. 24.0 24.1 Christie Young: "How was work today, Henry? Is Doctor Li almost finished?"
    Henry Young: "The transformer is still touch and go. Doctor Li hopes her most recent tests will be good."
    (Rivet City conversations; Christie and Henry Young's dialogue) Note: May only occur when Christie and Henry are eating at Gary's Galley (7-9 a.m. and 5-7 p.m. daily).
  25. Henry Young: "I fixed the transformer, again. You should have power for a while."
    Madison Li: "It's about time. Sorry, Henry. I know you're doing the best you can, but these delays are frustrating."
    (Rivet City conversations; Henry Young's and Madison Li's dialogue) Note: May only occur when Henry is working in the Rivet City science lab (between 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. all days except Sundays). In the voiceline, Doctor Li says "I'm sorry, Henry" instead of the subtitled sentence.
  26. Henry Young: "Garza, you stacked those crates on the cables again. They need to be moved or you'll short out the system."
    Garza: "Sorry Henry. I'll remove them before the end of the day."
    (Rivet City conversations; Henry Young's and Garza's dialogue) Note: May only occur when Henry is working in the Rivet City science lab (between 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. all days except Sundays).
  27. Henry Young: "Janice, are those sunlamps I fixed the other day holding up?"
    Janice Kaplinski: "They're fine. However, I have two others that are making odd noises. Please check them out soon."
    (Rivet City conversations; Henry Young's and Janice Kaplinski's dialogue) Note: May only occur when Henry is working in the Rivet City science lab (between 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. all days except Sundays).
  28. Zimmer: "Excuse me, sir. Have you noticed anyone acting peculiarly in Rivet City?"
    Henry Young: "Hey, I've got my own problems. I don't have time to be on the lookout for yours."
    (Rivet City conversations; Zimmer's and Henry Young's dialogue) Note: This content is shared with Bannon, Henry Young, Gary Staley, and Paulie Cantelli. This dynamic conversation will never play due to AI package structuring.
  29. The Lone Wanderer: "What do you know about Rivet City's history?"
    Henry Young: "Y'know, as long as I've been working on this place, and I still really don't have any idea how it got started!"
    (Henry Young’s Dialogue)
  30. Henry Young: "This isn't a good time. My daugher, C.J. is missing."
    "If you hear anything, please let me know right away."
    (Henry Young’s Dialogue)
  31. The Lone Wanderer: "I found C.J. She was on the lower deck with James Hargrave."
    Henry Young: "Thank you for finding C.J. I was worried sick about her."
    (Henry Young’s Dialogue)
  32. Clifford: "Saint Monica bless you, Christie. How is your family?"
    Christie Young: "They are well, Father. C.J. is growing up so fast. I am so proud of her."
    Christie Young: "As well as can be expected, Father. I'm still recovering from CJ's death."
    (Rivet City conversations; Clifford's and Christie Young's dialogue) Note: May only occur when Father Clifford and Christie are wandering around Saint Monica's Church in the hour after Sunday services (between 10 to 11 a.m.), and only if both C.J. and Henry Young are alive. Christie's second response would play if C.J. is dead, but this will not happen since children are ordinarily unkillable in-game.
  33. The Lone Wanderer: "What is this I hear about the Hangar Deck and Upper Deck?"
    Henry Young: "We do the best we can to take care of everyone on the Hangar Deck. It's not their fault they can't do better for themselves."
    (Henry Young's Dialogue)
  34. C.J. Young: "Mom, is James' mom going to go to hell?"
    Christie Young: "Shhh! Don't say things like that in church. Now be quiet and listen to Father Clifford."
    (Rivet City conversations; C.J and Christie Young's dialogue) Note: This may only occur when the Young family is sitting in the pews at Saint Monica's Church (7 to 10 AM on Sundays).
  35. Henry Young: "Shall we go for a walk on the flight deck tonight, dear?"
    Christie Young: "You go if you want. There's too many of the wrong sort up there at this time of night."
    (Rivet City conversations; Henry Young's and Christie Young's dialogue) Note: May only occur when Henry and Christie Young are both wandering around their room (generally in the hour before bed at night and after getting up in the morning).
  36. Henry Young: "Attendance is good today."
    Christie Young: "Father Clifford looks pleased."
    (Rivet City conversations; Henry Young's and Christie Young's dialogue) Note: May only occur when the Young family is sitting in the pews at Saint Monica's Church for Sunday service (between 7 to 10 a.m.).
  37. C.J. Young: "Mom, why don't we like the people that live on the hangar deck?"
    Christie Young: "Shhh! It's not polite to ask that here. Now eat your food. Daddy paid good money for it."
    Christie Young: "Shhh! It's not polite to ask that here. Now eat your food. I paid good money for it."
    (Rivet City conversations; C.J. Young's and Christie Young's dialogue) Note: May only occur when the Young family is eating at Gary's Galley (7 to 9 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. daily). Hearing this conversation will make it possible to ask about the tensions between Hangar Deck and Upper Deck residents in dialogue. Furthermore, Christie's response depends on whether or not Henry is alive (first response) or dead (second response).
  38. Cindy Cantelli: "Come to spend some of your hard earned caps, Henry? I'm afraid I'm all out of moral superiority."
    Henry Young: "Take your sarcasm somewhere else, Cindy. It's not my fault you married an addict and I have a family."
    Henry Young: "Have you no sense of decency? I just want something to dull the memory. I can't believe she's dead."
    (Rivet City conversations; Cindy Cantelli's and Henry Young's dialogue) Note: May only occur when Henry is eating at Gary's Galley (7 to 9 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. every day). Henry's response depends on whether or not Christie is dead; if she is, the second response is used rather than the first. (It should also be used if C.J. is dead, but this cannot happen because children cannot normally be killed in Fallout 3).
  39. Henry Young: "C.J, have you done your chores?"
    C.J. Young: "Not yet, Dad. In a minute."
    (Rivet City conversations; Henry Young's and C.J. Young's dialogue) Note: May only occur when C.J. is wandering around the Young family's room.
  40. C.J. Young: "Hey, Dad, can you tell me a story? Tell me one about when people could drink the river."
    Henry Young: "I'll make that your bedtime story. Now run along, sweetie."
    (Rivet City conversations; C.J. Young's and Henry Young's dialogue) Note: May only occur when the Young family is sandboxing in their room (for example, at nighttime before going to bed).
  41. C.J. Young: "Dad, can I be excused to go play with James?"
    Henry Young: "Not yet, sweetheart. Finish youIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar meal first."
    (Rivet City conversations; C.J. Young's and Henry Young's dialogue) Note: May only occur when the Young family is eating at Gary's Galley (7 to 9 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. daily).
  42. The Lone Wanderer: "Where can I find Ted Strayer?"
    Henry Young: "Have you tried the common room? That's where he sleeps. Otherwise...hmmm. You can probably find him on the flight deck some days, if it isn't raining. He usually goes to the Muddy Rudder on Sundays. Beyond that, who knows."
    (Henry Young’s Dialogue)


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.76: "Henry Young
    Married to Christie the cleaner, Henry's job is a general handyman on Rivet City, and with such a vast vessel, he rarely has time to see his daughter C.J. He's also prone to moaning about the lack of people in his line of work, and is secretly fuming at how few residents seem to pull their weight."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  2. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition pp.65-66: "Christie Young
    Spending her time on the upper deck where she rests (and sometimes can be heard yelling in her sleep), and cleaning this expansive vessel, Christie is Henry Young's wife, and C.J.'s mother. She's not a huge fan of her daughter's friendship with James Hargrave, but is hoping her offspring will have a calming influence on the wayward young man."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)