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"Saint Monica" is a character of the Catholic-derived Saint Monica's Church, where she is venerated as the patron saint of lost children. Her story is shared as a sermon from Father Clifford.[1] Her and her son's story parallels the real Saint Monica and her son Augustine of Hippo.


Clifford's sermon about Monica begins with her miraculous birth. He says that Monica was born to ghoul parents, miraculous because all ghouls are sterile and because she was born as a human and not a ghoul, in the city of Great Lanta along the East Coast. She was then sold into slavery by raiders and forced into prostitution, with her son Ehren being taken and sold away from her. Monica prayed to God every night for her son's safety while also trying to help the slavers who had captured her find faith. After sixteen years, one slaver repented for his sins and chose to help Monica escape her slavery.

For the next four years, Clifford states that Monica traveled in search of her son. When she found Ehren, he had become a slaver himself, having overthrown his former masters. Ehren enslaved Monica despite knowing who she was because he blamed her for his own harsh life. Ehren put her through various torturous trials, but she did not break and continued to express her love for him, and would miraculously be healed of all her previous injuries at each morning. Clifford concludes the story by saying that Ehren eventually realized Monica's and God's love for him and chose to repent, begging for her forgiveness. He then freed her and all of his other slaves, repenting of his sins.[2]


Saint Monica is mentioned only in Fallout 3.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Saint Monica has several strong similarities to the real Saint Monica. While not a child of ghouls, Saint Monica was a mother of a wild and sinful son, who she continued to attempt to convert to Christianity. Her son, Augustine of Hippo, would later become Saint Augustine. She is the patron saint of surviving abusive marriages, disappointing children, victims of abuse and converting relatives.
  • The concept of ghoul women having children was to be discussed in Van Buren, Interplay's cancelled Fallout 3.


  1. The Lone Wanderer: "Who is this Saint Monica?"
    Clifford: "She is the patron saint of lost children. Very popular among the faithful of Rivet City. I'm surprised you've never heard of her. If you want to hear her story, it will be the topic of my sermon on Sunday. Services begin at 8 am. You should come."
    (Father Clifford's dialogue)
  2. Clifford: "Today we hear the story of Saint Monica. She was born in Great Lanta on the shores of the Ocean. Her parents were both Ghouls. Yes, that’s right, I said Ghouls. That she was conceived at all was a miracle. That she was born unafflicted was an even greater miracle. God tested Saint Monica. She did not lead an easy life. Sold into slavery by Raiders, she was forced to sell her body. They took her only son, Ehren, from her and sold him. She prayed every night to God for his safety. She did not pray for herself, although her burden was great. Each night she would preach the word of God to the Slavers. After sixteen years, God provided a miracle. One of the Slavers repented his wicked ways and helped her to escape. Four years she looked for Ehren. Four years she wandered the Wasteland. God looked over her in those years. When she found her son, she found he was a wicked man. Ehren had overthrown his masters and taken their place. He was an owner of men. Ehren took his mother to be his slave, even knowing who she was, for Ehren blamed her for his painful early life. Each day Ehren would think of a new and wicked trial to put her through. She would only smile at him and say, "I forgive you." Each morning she would be miraculously healed as if nothing had happened. When Ehren truly realized her love and God's love was boundless, he flung himself at her feet and begged for Saint Monica’s forgiveness. Ehren released all of his slaves, and they rejoiced. He repented all his wicked ways. Who among us is without sin? Who among us can claim to be innocent? Come, brothers and sisters, let us pray to God and Saint Monica for deliverance from our sins, as Ehren was delivered from his. Amen. Let us pray."
    (Clifford's dialogue)