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This is a transcript for dialogue with C.J. Young.


GREETING GREETING Happy 50 You're my hero, ma'am. I want to be just like you when I grow up. 1
GREETING Fear 100 Will you take me home, mister? I'm scared. 2
GREETING Fear 100 Will you take me home, ma'am? I'm scared. 3
GREETING Fear 50 I'm not supposed to talk to strangers. 4
GREETING Fear 50 Yes, miss. 5
Could I ask you about Rivet City's history?
Do you know anything about the city's history? Neutral 50 James says his dad built it, but I don't know. I think he's making stuff up. 6
Do you know anything about the city's history? Sad 25 James used to say his dad built it. He always used to come up with the best stories. 7
RCJamesHargraveSaveYourself This is your mess, kid. Get yourself out of it. Sad 50 You're just mean! I hope your Mom and Dad die! 8
RCJamesHargraveTakeHome Sure, kid. Sorry I said those things. Let's get you home. Sad 50 Thank you, mister. I promise to be good from now on. 9
Sure, kid. Sorry I said those things. Let's get you home. Sad 50 Thank you, ma'am. I promise to be good from now on. 10


I have to go now.
So long C.J. Neutral 50 Bye. 11
HELLO HELLO Happy 50 Hey, Dad, can you tell me a story? Tell me one about when people could drink the river. 12
HELLO Surprise 50 Dad, can I be excused to go play with James? 13
HELLO Sad 50 Dad, I'm bored. 14
HELLO Surprise 50 Mom, can I have a snack? 15
HELLO Surprise 50 Mom, why don't we like the people that live on the hangar deck? 16
HELLO Surprise 50 Mom, is James' mom going to go to hell? 17
HELLO Surprise 50 What do you want to do, James? 18
HELLO Surprise 50 Mr. Staley, could I have a Nuka-Cola please? 19
HELLO Neutral 50 Hello, mister. 20
HELLO Neutral 50 Hello, ma'am. 21
HELLO Disgust 25 Are you talking to me? {obnoxious mean girl} 22
HELLO Disgust 50 Um. Yeah. Please go away. {obnoxious mean girl} 23
RCGoodbye RCGoodbye Fear 50 James isn't so bad, Chief. He's my friend. I'll make sure he's good. 24
RCGoodbye Sad 50 Thank you, Father. I tried, but his mother said no. Sorry. 25
RCGoodbye Fear 50 That doesn't sound like any fun. Let's just play hide and seek. 26
RCGoodbye Sad 50 Not yet, Dad. In a minute. 27
RCGoodbye Happy 50 Okay, Mom. 28
RCGoodbye Fear 50 Sorry, Mom. 29
RCGoodbye Disgust 50 Aw, Mom, do I have to? 30
RCGoodbye Happy 50 I am...I mean, thank you, Mr. Holmes. 31
RCGoodbye Fear 50 Hello, Mrs. Cantelli. 32
RCGoodbye Fear 50 Sorry. I'm not supposed to talk to strangers. 33
RCGoodbye Neutral 50 Just some mutfruit and a Nuka-Cola please. 34
RCGoodbye02 RCGoodbye02 Sad 100 Why are you so mean sometimes? I'm always nice to you. 35
RCPackageEnd RCPackageEnd Happy 50 Oh, boy! I'm hungry. 36
RCPackageEnd Happy 50 Mmm. That smells good. 37
RCPackageEnd Happy 50 I'm going to go play with James. 38
RCPackageEnd Sad 50 Bye, James. 39
RCResponse02 RCResponse02 Neutral 50 I don't know, what do you want to do? 40