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Yeah, right. I don't think I could get him drunk enough to do that. I wish I had some ant pheromones. Trinnie says they would make any man lose control.

Angela Staley is the daughter of Gary Staley, running a family restaurant, Gary's Galley,[1] in Rivet City in Fallout 3.


The sixteen-year-old Angela is a polite teenager inching towards adulthood. After a rough childhood that she survived with her dad, the two settled in Rivet City and set up a restaurant.[2] Now, Angela alternates between working long hours[3] assisting her overworked father at their galley and pining for love in her life, like her mother, actually, though Gary is skeptical of such a model: their relationship was very rocky.[4] He loves his daughter immensely, though he tends to spend more time with her working at the restaurant than bonding in the rare moment of leisure.[Non-game 2] He cannot even give her money to compensate: while the galley has a lot of customers, it never makes enough caps to allow Angela to indulge herself and buy Bannon's fashions.[5] Even water used in cooking has to come from the river.[6][7]

Due to her age, most men onboard are polite and refuse to make advances. Commander Lana Danvers likely plays a role here, warning off potential suitors to be careful with the "jailbait" (i.e. Angela). This includes Diego, an acolyte at Saint Monica's Church, who insists that his frequent meetings with her are purely platonic in nature.[8] It is half the truth: Diego is older than Angela by just two years and has intense feelings for her. However, he has been raised by Father Clifford, his adoptive father, as a devout Catholic, and wishes to take the vows and become a priest. The conflict between his desires and his calling remains unresolved, and Diego chose to treat Angela purely as a friend for the time being.[Non-game 3] This frustrates Angela to no end, as she sincerely wants Diego to flirt with her, and more.[9]

Meanwhile, Diego sometimes appears to not even notice that she is there.[10] Angela is determined to conquer Diego, and has explored numerous options to break the stalemate: expensive dresses with deep cleavage from Bannon,[11] aggressive flirting with Diego every Sunday,[12] making a variety of more[13] or less subtle propositions,[14][15] and even asking Cindy Cantelli for aphrodisiacs in order to take advantage of him and make him "really horny,"[16] and chatting up Trinnie, the local prostitute, for tricks to force men to fall in love with her. While Cantelli said she knows of none (and does not have a potion to make Angela older overnight),[17] Trinnie suggested ant queen pheromones, which are enough to make any man lose control. Angela does not know how to source them, so she is left pining and hoping for someone to come and help her resolve the problem.[18] It would not be her first time doing drugs: she tried Mentats at least once, which caused Diego to have a fit, which has in turn dissuaded Angela from using them again.[19]

People around her are largely unaware of her desires. Shrapnel, the gun merchant, still sees her as a little girl (who can easily disable him with the incredibly polite "Mister Shrapnel"),[20][21] while Father Clifford considers her a devout parishioner on account of her regular appearances on Sunday and compliments for his prayers,[22] and even asked her to convince Gary to come to church. However, her dad does not want to close the restaurant on Sunday morning (and Angela does not mind having more time alone with Diego).[23] While Gary is aware that Angela is seeing Diego, he seems oblivious to his daughter's desire.[24] In fact, he warns her that boys, even priests, only want "one thing." Angela is well aware of it, and the fact that Diego is, unfortunately, a gentleman.[25]

Two people are somewhat aware of the situation. First is Vera Weatherly, a fellow parishioner and proprietor of the local hotel, who notices that the two have feelings for each other, and tries to gently steer Angela away from him on account of his faith.[26] Bannon is aware that she is courting Diego. While he does not want grease from the galley on his dresses,[11] he does encourage her to browse, hoping to make a sale and have her replace her practical attire with something that can help catch Diego.[27]

Angela's determination is matched by her pragmatism. She is not starstruck: she is aware that Diego will require support should he decide to leave God's service. If or when she manages to reach her goal, it turns out that she immediately finds them a home: a room below decks, where the newlyweds will not have to share space with her father.[28] In fact, it is Diego who is so nervous he might need help down the aisle, not Angela.[29] She also has no plans to change her working relationship with her father, still tending to the galley to ensure the newly formed family has a source of income.[30]

Daily schedule[]

Angela wakes up at 8 a.m. and eats breakfast at her father's restaurant, Gary's Galley until 10 a.m. Afterwards, she will work at the restaurant serving customers until 6 p.m., when the shift ends. After that, she will move around the hangar, browsing stalls and chatting with other residents until 8 p.m., then return home for an hour. At 9 p.m., she will meet Diego on the flight deck and stay with him until 12 a.m., at which time she will go home and go to sleep. This is the same every day except Sunday, on which she wakes up at 7 a.m. for Sunday service in Saint Monica's Church, then stays there until 11 AM before returning to her normal schedule.

If Gary dies, Angela's schedule will shift; she will provide services at the restaurant for much longer hours, from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., after which her schedule will continue as normal. If Diego breaks up with her in A Nice Day for a Right Wedding, she will stay at home after 9 p.m.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
FO76 ui trading team
This character is a merchant. Bottle cap 250
Sells: Food and drink
Icon severed ear color
This character drops an ear upon death (Contract Killer).
Mesmetron icon
This character can be enslaved with the Mesmetron.


  • A Nice Day for a Right Wedding: The player can help Angela resolve the stalemate and help her seduce Diego. Doing so requires procuring ant queen pheromones. If the player character decides to help, Angela and Diego will marry and the player character may attend the wedding ceremony. Doing this results in positive Karma. Alternatively, the player can also persuade Diego to break things off with her, breaking her heart.

Other interactions[]

  • The player can have the Lone Wanderer proposition her. Angela will spurn the advances.
  • If Gary Staley dies for any reason, Angela will take over management of the galley and both her dialogue and interactions with other Rivet City denizens will change (see Rivet City conversations for examples).


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Wasteland settler outfit Knife Staley's room key Staley's key*
* Only if Gary Staley is also dead.

Notable quotes[]


Angela Staley appears only in Fallout 3.


PCPC Removing her via commands or enslaving may lead to crashes and/or corrupted saves, because other Rivet City residents (e.g. Gary Staley) are scripted to interact with her. The solution is to resurrect and re-enable Angela or disable NPCs, like Gary Staley.[verified]



  1. The Lone Wanderer: "You're a polite young woman."
    Angela Staley: "Thank you. If you're hungry, stop by Gary's Galley. Gary's my dad. The food's better than what you'll get in the Wasteland."
    (Angela Staley's dialogue)
  2. The Lone Wanderer: "It's nice to see a family in business together."
    Angela Staley: "Dad and I have had a rough time, but we're getting by."
    (Angela Staley's dialogue)
  3. Angela Staley: "Hello, Miss Vera."
    Vera Weatherly: "You should spend more time on the flight deck, Angela. You look so pale!"
    Angela Staley: "Diego takes me up there at night, but the sun isn't up then. Oh! I'm late Miss Vera. Goodbye!"
    (Rivet City conversations; Vera Weatherly and Angela Staley's dialogue)
  4. Angela Staley: "Dad, do you think you'll ever meet someone? I mean like mom? You shouldn't just spend all day cooking you know."
    Gary Staley: "Your mom was no Saint Monica. I wouldn't want someone like her. Besides, I like cooking."
    (Rivet City conversations; Gary Staley and Angela Staley's dialogue)
  5. Angela Staley: "Dad, can I buy that dress from Bannon? I want to wear it at my wedding. I want to look special for Diego."
    Gary Staley: "Sorry. I just don't have enough money, Angela. I really wish I could."
    (Rivet City conversations; Angela Staley and Gary Staley's dialogue)
  6. Angela Staley: "We're running low on river water, dad."
    Gary Staley: "Okay. I'll go lower the bucket."
    (Rivet City conversations; Angela Staley and Gary Staley's dialogue)
  7. Gary Staley: "Make sure to clean all the empty tables."
    Angela Staley: "Okay. Don't forget to check the oven. Nobody will eat a burnt iguana."
    (Rivet City conversations; Gary Staley and Angela Staley's dialogue)
  8. Lana Danvers: "Hello, Diego. I'd be careful with that jailbait if I were you."
    Diego: "My relationship with Angela is strictly platonic, Commander. Saint Monica's blessing to you."
    (Rivet City conversations; Lana Danvers' and Diego's dialogue)
  9. The Lone Wanderer: "Do the men on this ship give you much trouble?"
    Angela Staley: "You mean like hitting on me? No. Most of them are polite. Even the ones like Diego that I'd want to flirt with seem to ignore me."
    (Angela Staley's dialogue)
  10. The Lone Wanderer: "So, you and Diego are in love?"
    Angela Staley: "Well, one of us is. Sometimes it seems like he doesn't even know I'm there."
    (Angela Staley's dialogue)
  11. 11.0 11.1 Angela Staley: "Hello, Mr. Bannon. Can I look at that blue dress again? The one with the really deep cleavage?"
    Bannon: "Of course. Just don't touch it. I don't want any grease stains from that kitchen on it."
    (Rivet City conversations; Angela Staley's and Bannon's dialogue)
  12. Angela Staley: "I know you could do a much better sermon. I could hardly stay awake."
    Diego: "That's not very polite, Angela, but thank you anyway."
    (Rivet City conversations; Angela Staley's and Diego's dialogue)
  13. Angela Staley: "Diego, do you think I'm sexy? I mean, if you weren't a priest and everything, would you be turned on by me?"
    Diego: "Well, I, uh, that is, sure. You are incredibly sexy. Not that I've noticed. I am going a priest, and they don't...um, well, you know."
    (Rivet City conversations; Angela Staley's and Diego's dialogue)
  14. Angela Staley: "I have something special for you, but I can only give it to you in private."
    Diego: "We're not alone, so it'll have to wait. Maybe later today."
    (Rivet City conversations; Angela Staley's and Diego's dialogue)
  15. Diego: "Angela, I'm not sure you should spend so much time around me. I am to be married to God soon."
    Angela Staley: "Wouldn't you rather be with a real girl? Maybe you should try it before you decide."
    Diego: "Lord give me strength."
    (Rivet City conversations; Diego and Angela Staley's dialogue)
  16. Angela Staley: "Hello, Mrs. Cantelli. Do you have anything that would make a guy be like crazy in love? You know, make him really horny?"
    Cindy Cantelli: "I don't think you need a love potion, dear. Besides, none of these will do that. If they did, Paulie would...never mind."
    "I don't think you need a love potion, dear. Besides, none of these will do that."
    (Rivet City conversations; Cindy Cantelli and Angela Staley's dialogue) Note: Cindy's first response is used if Paulie Cantelli is alive, and the second if Paulie is dead.
  17. Cindy Cantelli: "Angela, what brings you into A Quick Fix?"
    Angela Staley: "I'm just looking. I'm sure you don't have anything that would make me 18 any sooner."
    (Rivet City conversations; Cindy Cantelli and Angela Staley's dialogue)
  18. The Lone Wanderer: "You're a woman. Just seduce him."
    Angela Staley: "Yeah, right. I don't think I could get him drunk enough to do that. I wish I had some ant pheromones. Trinnie says they would make any man lose control."
    (Angela Staley's dialogue)
  19. Paulie Cantelli: "Angela, how would you like to trade some Brahmin steak for Mentats? It'll make you beautiful."
    Angela Staley: "No thanks, Paulie. Last time I tried that stuff Diego got so mad at me. I'll just get you some noodles."
    (Rivet City conversations; Paulie Cantelli and Angela Staley's dialogue)
  20. Angela Staley: "Hello, Mr. Shrapnel. My dad wants some more 10mm rounds. Do you have any?"
    Shrapnel: "Hells bells, girl. I ain't no mister. Just call me Shrapnel. Yeah, I got some 10mm rounds. I'll bring them over to him later."
    (Rivet City conversations; Shrapnel and Angela Staley's and Shrapnel's dialogue)
  21. Shrapnel: "Hey, girlie. This ain't a god damn dress shop. There's nothing in here you oughta be buyin'."
    Angela Staley: "Sorry, Mr. Shrapnel. My dad asked me to see if you had anything new, and to check out what ammo you have."
    "Sorry, Mr. Shrapnel. I just came by to see if you had anything new, and to check out what ammo you have."
    (Rivet City conversations; Shrapnel and Angela Staley's dialogue) Note: Angela's first response is used if Gary Staley is alive, and the second if Gary is dead.
  22. Angela Staley: "The prayer was touching, Father."
    Clifford: "Thank you, Angela."
    (Rivet City conversations; Angela Staley's and Clifford's dialogue)
  23. Clifford: "Saint Monica bless you, Angela. I hope your father is well. You really should try to get him to come with you to church."
    Angela Staley: "Thank you, Father. I'll ask him again, but he doesn't want to close the restaurant on Sunday mornings."
    (Rivet City conversations; Clifford and Angela Staley's dialogue)
  24. Vera Weatherly: "Hello Gary. How's Angela doing? I saw her with Diego the other day."
    Gary Staley: "I don't see her much these days. I'd much rather she spend her time with Diego than with someone like that Ted Strayer."
    (Rivet City conversations; Vera Weatherly and Gary Staley's dialogue)
  25. Gary Staley: "I heard that you've been hanging around that Diego boy. Be careful, Angela. You know boys only want one thing, even priests."
    Angela Staley: "He's not like that, dad. Diego's a gentleman...unfortunately."
    (Rivet City conversations; Gary Staley and Angela Staley's dialogue)
  26. Vera Weatherly: "Angela, you are growing up so fast! Your father must be proud."
    Angela Staley: "I guess. We don't get to talk much. I just wish Diego would notice that I'm not a child anymore."
    Vera Weatherly: "Oh, he notices all right. You should forget about him. Priests are married to God and take vows of celibacy."
    (Rivet City conversations; Vera Weatherly and Angela Staley's dialogue)
  27. Bannon: "Angela, why do you insist on wearing such rags? I could sell you a most beautiful dress. Diego, would be positively starstruck."
    Angela Staley: "Really? That would be wonderful. I don't have enough caps right now, but I've been saving them up."
    (Rivet City conversations; Bannon and Angela Staley's dialogue)
  28. Angela Staley: "Are you nervous about getting married?"
    Diego: "A little. Aren't you? We don't have a place to live, and your father is going to have to support us."
    Angela Staley: "Don't worry, Diego. I'll take care of you. I even found a room below decks for us. Our love will sustain us."
    (Rivet City conversations; Diego and Angela Staley's dialogue)
  29. Cindy Cantelli: "I heard you're getting married! Are you excited? Is Diego nervous?"
    Angela Staley: "Of course I'm excited. Diego is a wreck though. My dad might have to help him up the aisle instead of me."
    (Rivet City conversations; Cindy Cantelli and Angela Staley's dialogue)
  30. Gary Staley: "You've grown up so fast, Angela. I remember when you first learned to walk, and now you're getting married!"
    Angela Staley: "Oh, Dad! Stop that or you'll have me crying. You can visit Diego and me any time. And I'll still be working with you."
    (Rivet City conversations; Gary Staley and Angela Staley's dialogue)


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.60: "Angela Staley
    Angela, 16, works at the restaurant alongside her father for most of the day. She goes to church on Sundays and visits her best friend, Diego, there at night, after the restaurant closes. Angela is very attached to Diego and has tried to seduce him a few times. However, his faith and her age have stopped him from acting on her advances."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  2. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.74: "Gary Staley
    The owner and proprietor of Gary's Galley, 50-year-old Gary considers himself a gourmet chef, but his restaurant serves little more than scavenged canned food and some fruits and vegetables (though occasionally he obtains some really high-quality produce from the Hydroponics Bay, which he sells at exorbitant prices). He loves his 16-year-old daughter, Angela, and she loves him, but he neglects her in favor of the restaurant."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  3. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.69: "Diego
    Diego, 18, is Father Clifford's assistant. He came to Rivet City a few years ago with his father but was abandoned. Father Clifford took Diego in, and the two have become like father and son. Diego assists Father Clifford with his church work and wants to be a priest when he gets older. He has strong feelings for Angela and spends much of his free time with her. However, he is also a devoted Catholic. Because she is only 16, he does everything he can to keep his feelings secret, although Angela sees right through him."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)