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This is a transcript for dialogue with Bannon.


GREETING GREETING Anger 50 The market is closing soon. You'd better make it quick. 1
GREETING Anger 50 The council has a report that C.J. Young is missing. Have you seen her? 2
GREETING Surprise 50 Welcome to Potomac Attire. I am Bannon, proprietor and City Council member. 3
Happy 50 I carry discriminating attire for discriminating customers. 4
GREETING Neutral 50 We haven't met. I'm Bannon, proprietor of Potomac Attire, and City Council member. 5
Disgust 50 You should stop by my shop. What you're wearing is dreadful. 6
GREETING Happy 50 I heard that Danvers found a letter from Slavers in Seagrave's room. 7
Anger 50 That will teach that bastard to mess with me. 8
Happy 50 I think you've earned a permanent discount here. 9
GREETING Anger 50 You told Danvers that I was trying to blackmail Seagrave. 10
Anger 50 Thanks to you, they've suspended council meeting and are probably going to censure me. 11
Disgust 50 I can't ban you from my shop, but they can't tell me what to charge. 12
GREETING Surprise 50 Welcome to Potomac Attire. 13
Happy 50 I think I've seen you in here before. When you're ready to buy, just let me know. 14
GREETING Surprise 50 Have you found anything you like? 15
GREETING Disgust 50 Is this interruption really necessary? 16
MS03RCHistory1 You lied to me about Rivet City's history! Pinkerton told me the truth! Happy 15 So? Who cares about that old coot, or his pathetic story? It's people like me that have turned his little "science station" into someplace great. 17
Could I ask you about Rivet City's history? Happy 10 Why, I practically set this whole place up. When I got here twelve years ago, it was just a handful of dead-enders squatting in a rusted-out rowboat. {Obviously exaggerating wildly} 18
Happy 25 Now I'm on the council, and with my leadership, we're the strongest settlement in the Wastes! {Bloated with self-importance} 19
Happy 15 Of course, a few of those dead-enders still stick around, but who'd want to leave? 20
That makes sense. And it explains why you're on the Council. Happy 50 Precisely! After sponsoring the settlement and organizing the city council, I took my rightful place at its head. 21
Disgust 25 Oh, of course we're all "equals" there. People would complain if we didn't at least say that. But you and I know better, don't we? 22
Hasn't Rivet City been around for longer than twelve years? Disgust 10 Well, yes, but it was hardly anyplace of importance until I arrived on the scene. That's all ancient history now. No one would ever care about it. 23
Disgust 50 If you insist on wasting your time on that, you could try that bartending old crone down below, Belle Bonny. 24
Hasn't Rivet City been around for longer than twelve years? Disgust 10 Well, yes, but it was hardly anyplace of importance until I arrived on the scene. That's all ancient history now. No one would ever care about it. 25
Disgust 50 If you're going to waste someone's time on that, go bother that idiot, Seagrave Holmes. He spends all his time in the bowels of this place. 26
Hasn't Rivet City been around for longer than twelve years? Disgust 10 Well, yes, but it was hardly anyplace of importance until I arrived on the scene. That's all ancient history now. No one would ever care about it. 27
Hasn't Rivet City been around for longer than twelve years? Disgust 10 Technicalities, technicalities. Stop wasting your time and mine with questions about ancient history. 28
MS08TopicPinkerton Is there anyone on this ship named Pinkerton? Surprise 50 Now there's a name I haven't heard in a while. 29
Neutral 50 Never met the man myself, but rumor has it he helped found Rivet City. 30
Disgust 50 Some rumors say he died trying to loot the broken bow of the ship. Others say he joined up with the Enclave. 31
MS14TedFind Where can I find Ted Strayer? Neutral 50 Have you tried the common room? That's where he sleeps. 32
Neutral 50 Otherwise...hmmm. You can probably find him on the flight deck some days, if it isn't raining. 33
Neutral 50 He usually goes to the Muddy Rudder on Sundays. Beyond that, who knows. 34
RCBannonInsultClothes How dare you insult my taste in clothes. Fear 50 I...I meant no offense! 35
Neutral 50 I was merely trying to encourage you to shop at Potomac Attire. 36
Happy 50 I'm sure you would find something there to suit you. 37
RCBannonNotGoodEnough So I'm not good enough to shop here? Fear 50 That's not what I meant. 38
Happy 50 What I meant was that my goods are of the highest quality, which I assume is what you are looking for. 39
RCBannonRefinement I see you are also a person of refinement. Disgust 50 Between you and me, keeping out the riff raff is good for business. 40
RCBannonSeagraveAgree Seagrave? Oh yeah. He's clueless. Anger 50 So you've met him, eh? Well he wants to replace me on the council. Now, I can't have that. No siree. 41
Surprise 50 He's a shady character, I just can't prove it. If someone were to find something incriminating in his room... 42
Happy 50 Well, lets just say I would be very appreciative. 43
RCBannonSeagraveDisagree Whoever this Seagrave is, you think he's a threat to your influence? Surprise 50 A threat? No, of course not! Well, maybe. He wants to replace me on the council. 44
Anger 50 He's a shady character, I just can't prove it. Now if someone were to find something incriminating in his room... 45
Happy 50 Well, lets just say I would be very appreciative. 46
RCBannonSeagraveExit It's really none of my business. Happy 50 Don't want to get mixed up in politics, eh? Don't blame you. 47
RCBannonSeagraveLetter I found a letter in Seagrave's room. It's from some Slavers... Surprise 50 Really? I...I mean, I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you. 48
Happy 50 Tell Danvers about that letter right away. That will squash any hope he has of replacing me on the council. 49
Fear 50 Don't tell her I asked you to find it though. That would backfire in a nasty way. 50
I heard that Rivet City is run by some sort of Council?
So you're on the City Council. Neutral 50 Doctor Li, Chief Harkness and I are all on the council. We meet every Monday morning. 51
Disgust 50 I can be very influential, if you know what I mean. Far more than Seagrave Holmes. 52
So you're on the City Council. Neutral 50 Doctor Li, Chief Harkness and I are all on the council. We meet every Monday morning. 53
Neutral 50 I can be very influential, if you know what I mean. 54
So you're on the City Council. Neutral 50 Doctor Li, Chief Danvers and I are all on the council. We meet every Monday morning. 55
Disgust 50 I can be very influential, if you know what I mean. Far more than Seagrave Holmes. 56
So you're on the City Council. Neutral 50 Doctor Li, Chief Danvers and I are all on the council. We meet every Monday morning. 57
Neutral 50 I can be very influential, if you know what I mean. 58
RCTopicDiegoAngela I heard Angela Staley has a crush on Diego. Disgust 50 Disgusting, isn't it? Someone should talk to that boy. He has no business hanging around that tramp if he's going to be a priest. 59
RCTopicHangarDeckPeople What is this I hear about the Hangar Deck and Upper Deck? Disgust 50 The people that live on the Hangar Deck are the great unwashed masses. 60
Happy 50 I read that somewhere. Do you like it? 61
Neutral 50 Anyway, they need true leaders, like myself. 62
What kind of place is this Rivet City?
Why are you guys living on this boat? Happy 50 It's a place to live, safe from Raiders and Super Mutants. 63
Surprise 50 With Doctor Li on our side, maybe we can even begin to rebuild the world. 64
RCTopicWedding When are Angela and Diego getting married? Disgust 50 The happy nuptials are at three tomorrow. {Droll, with a bit of sarcasm.} 65
Neutral 50 Young people. They make such a spectacle out of everything. 66
RivetCityBarter I'm here to do business with you. Anger 50 If I must. 67
I'm here to do business with you. Happy 50 For you, I always offer my best price. 68
I'm here to do business with you. Happy 50 Straight to the point. I like that. 69
RivetCityRepair I need you to repair my stuff. Neutral 50 I'll see what I can do. 70
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Disgust 10 That's just a technicality, really. This wasn't what you'd call a "settlement" until I whipped them all into shape. More of a "camp," really. 71
Neutral 25 But I suppose if you really care about what they have to say, you could grill some of the Hangar Deck rabble. 72
Disgust 50 Don't expect a speck of truth from them, Especially not that bartending crone, Belle Bonny. She tells the most disgusting lies. 73


I have to go now.
It's been a pleasure, Mr. Bannon. Happy 50 Come back soon. 74
HELLO HELLO Anger 50 You're here because I convinced the Council your business was worth the risk. Don't disappoint me. Oh, and don't kill anybody else either. 75
HELLO Anger 50 People like you are bad for business. This time you'd better follow the rules. 76
HELLO Neutral 50 I'll have two Mirelurk Cakes, carrots and wine, if you have it, beer if you don't. 77
HELLO Disgust 50 Angela, why do you insist on wearing such rags? I could sell you a most beautiful dress. Diego, would be positively starstruck. 78
HELLO Disgust 50 Angela, why do you insist on wearing such rags? I could sell you a most beautiful dress. 79
HELLO Disgust 50 You come in here a lot, but you never buy anything. 80
HELLO Disgust 50 Must you always sit next to me in church? {Stage whisper.} 81
HELLO Fear 50 Before you start in on me, Vera, there's not much new here. 82
HELLO Surprise 50 Can we make this quick? I have a wedding to get ready for. 83
HELLO Happy 50 Welcome to Potomac Attire. 84
HELLO Disgust 50 Hmmph. 85
RCGoodbye RCGoodbye Neutral 50 Of course. Just don't touch it. I don't want any grease stains from that kitchen on it. 86
RCGoodbye Happy 50 Too bad for you, you mean. It's good business for me. 87
RCGoodbye Disgust 50 Shhh. I'm trying to listen. {Stage whisper.} 88
RCGoodbye Neutral 50 I guess so. No law against it. Or at least none that I've signed. {Casual. Dismissive.} 89
RCGoodbye Neutral 50 We decided to build a railing on the flight deck, just as soon as we can get the scrap metal. Other than that, no. 90
RCGoodbye Neutral 50 Brahmin steak, with scotch. 91
RCGoodbye Anger 50 Dresses don't grow on trees, Vera. I can only sell what the outlanders bring me. 92
RCGoodbye Disgust 50 Hey, I've got my own problems. I don't have time to be on the lookout for yours. 93
RCPackageEnd RCPackageEnd Happy 50 Well, I need to go open up. 94
RCPackageEnd Disgust 50 I'm out of here. {muttered} 95
RCPackageEnd Neutral 50 Closing time. 96
RCPackageEnd Neutral 50 <yawn> I'm tired. 97
RCPackageEnd Happy 50 Another day, another dollar. 98
RCPackageEnd Fear 50 Shit. I've got a Council meeting. 99