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This is a transcript for dialogue with Brock (Fallout 3).


GREETING GREETING Disgust 50 I'm Brock, the bouncer. I take care of the troublemakers. You aren't going to be a troublemaker, are you? 1
GREETING Disgust 50 Don't tell me your problems. 2
Could I ask you about Rivet City's history?
Do you know about Rivet City's history? Neutral 50 I can give you a history of every fight in this place, but a history of the city? I got nothing. 3
Anger 35 Belle's probably heard stories, but be careful asking about them. People like their privacy, y'know? Otherwise, you might end up as history. {Emphasize "Otherwise, you might END UP as history" - playing off of player prompt.} 4
Do you know about Rivet City's history? Neutral 50 I can give you a history of every fight in this place, but a history of the city? I got nothing. 5
RCBrockNoSir No, sir. I'm just here to drink and talk. Anger 50 Let's keep it that way. 6
Neutral 50 Belle can mix almost anything, as long as its beer or whiskey. 7
RCBrockTroublemaker That depends. What makes a troublemaker? Anger 50 Starting fights, breaking stuff, stealing. Hmmm. I think I'll keep a close eye on you. 8
RCTopicHangarDeckPeople What is this I hear about the Hangar Deck and Upper Deck? Disgust 50 Yeah, the folks on the Upper Deck think pretty highly of themselves. They think they're better than us. 9
Anger 50 Well, we do all the work, and they keep all the good stuff. Assholes, every one of them. 10
I'm here to do business with you.
I'll have a drink. Happy 50 Commin' up. 11


I have to go now.
I've got to go. Neutral 50 You know where to find me. 12
I think I'll leave now, Brock. Neutral 50 Don't let the door hit you on the ass. 13
HELLO HELLO Fear 50 Armitage. {Said like a greeting, instead of hello.} 14
HELLO Neutral 50 You've got some nice stuff in here, Bannon. Too bad it's so expensive. 15
HELLO Fear 50 You need to raise your prices, Belle. You're practically giving this stuff away. 16
HELLO Neutral 50 Belle told me to throw you out of here if you stir up too much trouble, Father. 17
HELLO Neutral 50 Flak, I'm running low on ammo. What do you have in stock? 18
HELLO Neutral 50 Let's not have a repeat of the other day, Flak. 19
HELLO Neutral 50 Size doesn't scare me, Sister. Don't start anything that I'll have to finish. 20
HELLO Surprise 50 Hey, Shrapnel. How's the gun business? 21
HELLO Fear 50 Tammy, why don't you take the night off and spend it with James? If there's a repeat of the other night, Belle is going to kick you out. 22
HELLO Fear 50 Tammy, why don't you go home? If there's a repeat of the other night, Belle is going to kick you out. 23
HELLO Sad 50 Don't you think you've had enough, Trinnie? 24
HELLO Neutral 50 This is the Muddy Rudder. Cause any trouble, and you'll have to deal with me. 25
HELLO Surprise 50 Care for a drink? 26
HELLO Neutral 50 Hey, I'm not looking for trouble. 27
RCGoodbye RCGoodbye Neutral 50 Armitage. {Said like a greeting, instead of hello.} 28
RCGoodbye Disgust 50 Your stuff is too expensive. I'm saving up for something special though. 29
RCGoodbye Neutral 50 Nope. Leastwise none that you need to worry about. 30
RCGoodbye Neutral 50 Not today. I've got enough for a while. 31
RCGoodbye Happy 50 I'm hoping to have the caps for a new one next month. 32
RCGoodbye Disgust 50 Tammy, you're always drunk in the Rudder. Now go bother someone else. 33
RCGoodbye Disgust 50 Yeah, my life is real glamorous. You just keep believing that, kid. {sarcastic} 34
RCGoodbye Disgust 50 He won't know what hit him. 35
RCGoodbye Sad 50 You're too young. And right now, you're too drunk. Sober up and we'll see if you still want to have this conversation. 36
RCGoodbye Anger 50 Actually, Father, I'm a real asshole. Now get out of my face before I toss you in with the Mirelurks. 37
RCGoodbye Anger 50 Careful, Sister. Bigger isn't always badder. 38
RCGoodbye Neutral 50 Mirelurk Cakes with a beer. 39
RCPackageEnd RCPackageEnd Disgust 50 Belle! Time to get up! 40
RCPackageEnd Neutral 50 Maybe I'll go topside. {muttering to himself} 41
RCPackageEnd Neutral 50 That's enough fresh air for one day. 42
RCPackageEnd Disgust 50 I suppose I can make do with my old gun for another week. 43
RCPackageEnd Disgust 50 Let me know if you get anything new in, Bannon. 44
RCPackageEnd Neutral 50 I'm going to take a food break, Belle. 45