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This is a transcript for dialogue with Belle Bonny.


GREETING GREETING Disgust 50 I'm Belle Bonny, and this is the Muddy Rudder. 1
Anger 50 I'll tell you what I tell all the fresh meat. Don't start anything down here or I'll have Brock kick your ass. 2
GREETING Disgust 50 I'm Belle Bonny, and this is the Muddy Rudder. 3
Anger 50 I'll tell you what I tell all the fresh meat. Don't start anything down here or I'll have to kick your ass. 4
GREETING Disgust 50 You're a new one. I'm Belle Bonny of the Muddy Rudder. Make it quick. 5
GREETING Disgust 50 What the hell do you want? 6
Could I ask you about Rivet City's history?
Have any stories about this place's history? Anger 50 History? What, not enough shit around here already, you need to dig up more? 7
Disgust 25 Don't know if it ever had an official start. It's just been here forever, stuck in the river and full of assholes. 8
Well, can't you tell me anything about it? Happy 10 Oh, sure. See, it's tied into the story about how Sister got his name. You ask him about that. He'll clear up all your problems. For good. {playing sweet, sending the player to bug a murderous sociopath} 9
Anger 40 Hell, take a dive off the flight deck while you're at it. Long as you stop pissing away my time. 10
I bet someone like you hears lots of stories. Can't you share one? Anger 50 No, I can't fucking well share one! What sort of moron are you? 11
Neutral 25 But, fine, if it'll get you out of my face: go down to Pinkerton's shed in the broken-off bow of the ship. 12
Anger 25 If he decides to give you a history lesson, it's no business of mine. Now get the hell out of my bar. 13
I bet someone like you hears lots of stories. Can't you share one? Anger 50 No, I can't fucking well share one! What sort of moron are you? 14
Neutral 15 But, fine, if it'll get you out of my face: go down to Pinkerton's shed in the broken-off bow of the ship. 15
Anger 25 He may be dead, rest his fucking soul, but the cantankerous bastard would've wanted things set straight. 16
I bet someone like you hears lots of stories. Can't you share one? Anger 50 No. Now get. 17
MS03RCHistory2Special Really? Because Bannon said he organized the entire place himself. Anger 50 Why, that lying son of a bitch! He wasn't even born when I got here! 18
Anger 25 Wanna know this tub's history? Only person who really knows it is Pinkerton. And most think he's dead or gone. 19
Anger 15 He's holed up in the other half of the ship, and he don't like visitors. He'll set you straight. 20
Really? Because Bannon said he organized the entire place himself. Anger 65 Why, that lying son of a bitch! He wasn't even born when I got here! 21
Anger 30 Wanna know this tub's history? Only person who really knows it is Pinkerton. And he's dead, so you're outta luck. 22
Anger 15 Probably some old notes in his shed down in the other half of the ship. You want to grab them, have a blast. 23
Really? Because Bannon said he organized the entire place himself. Anger 50 Why, that lying, dead son of a bitch! He wasn't even born when I got here! And looks like he didn't make it to see the end of the place, neither. 24
Anger 25 Wanna know this tub's history? Only one can give you any real answers is that old bastard Pinkerton. As is, most think he's dead or gone. 25
Anger 15 He's holed up in the broken-off bow of the ship, and he don't like visitors. But if it'll get you the fuck out of my face, go have a blast! 26
Really? Because Bannon said he organized the entire place himself. Anger 50 Why, that lying, dead son of a bitch! He wasn't even born when I got here! And looks like he didn't make it to see the end of the place, neither. 27
Anger 25 Wanna know this tub's history? Only one could've given you any real answers was that old bastard Pinkerton. 28
Anger 15 Probably some old notes in his shed down in the broken-off bow of the ship. But if it'll get you the fuck out of my face, go have a blast! 29
Is there anyone on this ship named Pinkerton?
I'm looking for someone named Pinkerton. Ring any bells? Disgust 50 What a moron. Always going on about how he started Rivet City. Who gives a crap? 30
Sad 50 Right before he disappeared, he was going on about some new fangled contraption he was sure was in the broken bow of the ship. 31
MS14TedFind Where can I find Ted Strayer? Neutral 50 Have you tried the common room? That's where he sleeps. 32
Neutral 50 Otherwise...hmmm. You can probably find him on the flight deck some days, if it isn't raining. 33
Neutral 50 He usually goes to the Muddy Rudder on Sundays. Beyond that, who knows. 34
RCBelleFoulMouthed This place is real dump. Anger 50 Yeah? Well it's my dump, not yours. Either order a drink or get out. 35
RCBelleGossip Heard any good stories lately? Disgust 50 Go talk to Vera if you want gossip. I don't talk bad about folks. 36
RCBelleNicePlace Nice place you have here. Disgust 50 You must be drunk. Are you going to order or what? 37
RCBelleSwill Is this swill even safe to drink? Neutral 50 Probably not. What'll you have? 38
Did you know that Paulie Cantelli is an addict?
Is Paulie really addicted to chems? Disgust 50 Oh, yeah. He's a mess. I'm glad I'm not in Cindy's shoes. 39
RCTopicWedding When are Angela and Diego getting married? Disgust 50 Who gives a crap. I've got better things to do a 3 o'clock tomorrow. Are you going to order a drink or not? 40
I'm here to do business with you.
I'll have a drink. Disgust 50 What'll you have? 41
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Anger 50 No, but I can damn sure share a bag of "Get the hell outta my bar." 42
Anger 50 First one's on the house. Now scram! 43


I have to go now.
Later, Belle. Neutral 50 I'll be right here when you get thirsty. 44
HELLO HELLO Anger 50 When that little shit gets here, watch him. If he starts anything, kick his ass. 45
HELLO Anger 50 You've had too much, Trinnie. Go sleep it off in the back. 46
HELLO Anger 50 Every week you come down here preaching this crap. Why don't you just stay in your god damned church? 47
HELLO Anger 50 What'll you have? And don't say water. 48
HELLO Neutral 50 What'll you have? 49
HELLO Disgust 50 What? {Annoyed} 50
RCGoodbye RCGoodbye Disgust 50 You're always trying to pull that shit. You know I don't run tabs for nobody, Tammy. 51
RCGoodbye Disgust 50 That's a load of crap. Preach to them if you have to, but don't get in the way of their drinking. 52
RCGoodbye Anger 50 Don't tell me how to run my business, Brock. These prices have worked for 30 years, and they be fine for 30 more. 53
RCGoodbye Anger 50 This is the last one, Trinnie. You're too goddamn drunk. 54
RCGoodbye Anger 50 You're full of crap, Father. If you keep bothering my customers, I'm going to throw you out. Again. 55
RCGoodbye Disgust 50 You're a Mirelurk humping, Wasteland reject, Armitage. You're getting a beer, and you're paying for it. And I expect a tip. 56
RCGoodbye Anger 50 I don't serve that swill here. Beer, whiskey, even some wine, but no goddamn water. 57
RCGoodbye Disgust 50 Not much call for wine. Real men drink beer or whiskey. 58
RCGoodbye Neutral 50 Potent. It'll burn all the way down. 59
RCGoodbye Neutral 50 One glass of rotgut, coming up. 60
RCPackageEnd RCPackageEnd Neutral 50 Think I'll get something to nibble on. 61
RCPackageEnd Neutral 50 Where did I put that food? {muttering to herself.} 62
RCPackageEnd Neutral 50 I'm getting tired. Watch the bar, Brock. 63