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The Wise One is the only one who understands. The only one who can show me what I must see. Who I must see.

Observer Errol is a member of the Enlightened in Appalachia in Fallout 76, introduced in the Night of the Moth update. During the seasonal Equinox festival, he can be found tending the sacred pyre within the church at Point Pleasant.



The Cult of the Mothman were a pre-War group who survived by taking shelter in the Lucky Hole Mine,[1] and the Enlightened are a sect who left the mine early due to their disgust at the cultural influence of the Interloper, catalyzed by further spiritual revelations.[1][2][3] They fled the state with the prophet Charles to form their own church, headquartered at a place called the Lantern.[1]

Errol appears to be a young man, making it unlikely he was one of the original pre-War cultists. He does not explicitly specify whether he was part of the founding group or joined the sect later. He says "Before my first communion, I was lost. A rabid dog eating table scraps."[4] This is inconclusive verbiage, but seems to imply that Errol was a wastelander who joined the Enlightened.

Life at the Lantern[]

Observer Errol has become more satisfied with his life since his first communion.[4] He now relies on visions from the Wise Mothman to hunt,[5] pursuing the targets shown to him.[6] His hunts often take him far from the Lantern (but never as far as Point Pleasant).[7]

Errol feels that his peer Johanna understands his faith, and wonders what revelations the Wise One has granted her.[8] He is envious of Observer Marlon's ability to hear disembodied voices, and resents him for "wasting" this gift.[9]

Errol presents human sacrifices to the Wise Mothman. He does not understand why the Wise One always leaves when his victims begin to scream, and blames this on the unworthiness of his victims.[10]

Attending the Equinox[]

FO76 icon quest mothmanequinox

Errol, alongside fellow Observers Johanna and Marlon, is part of a group led by Interpreter Clarence, caregiver to Wise Charles the Forewarned.[11] Together, they undertake a journey from the Lantern to Point Pleasant, to hold an Equinox festival at the home of the Wise Mothman.[12] During the Equinox, he can be found tending the pyre inside the Point Pleasant church on the east edge of town, where he guards the sacred tomes. He occasionally expresses homesickness, and says he can barely see the shine of the Lantern from his current vantage.[7]

He explains that each communion ceremony will enable the sacred tomes to reveal more Truth to the reader, and expresses disgust at the vines which seem to deliberately disturb his pyre.[13][14] When his pyre is cleared, he tasks the players to slay the heretic clergy of the Followers of the Winged One and rip the glowing red glasses from their skulls.[15] Errol says the ritual cannot begin if they still live, and their deaths will enable his pyre to burn brightly.[16][17]

After the pyres have been lit, Errol encourages the players to breathe in the neurotoxic dust which engulfs the town.[18] If the summoning is successful, he will travel to the rooftop of the Mothman Museum and kneel before the Wise One, begging for visions of his next victims.[6] Throughout the festival, Wise Charles the Forewarned can be found sitting in his wheelchair here, whispering contextless phrases such as "I... was... mis.. take... en..." and "No... he... wants... them... spared... fool[.]"


Observer Errol's speech is sinister and quiet, marked by a distinctive Southern drawl. He speaks ponderously and euphemistically, filling the silence of the church with his macabre musings. His lines tend towards vocalized introspection rather than acknowledging and focusing on the player character.

He expresses interest in human sacrifice and cannibalism.[19] He hunts people, and seems to have a strong sense of smell.[19] He claims the Wise One has shown him to "the finest meals."[5] He seems to enjoy inflicting violence in general,[20][10][17] especially upon the Settlers of Foundation.[21] He also takes pleasure in the deaths of prophets of the Winged One.[17]

In one of his greeting lines, Errol declares to the player character that their smell is alluring and he would like to "...rip you open."[19] Errol envies the Vault Dwellers' ignorance, as he should like to learn the contents of the sacred tomes over again.[13] He wonders if you are able to peer upon all six, and if you are able to derive knowledge from the tomes which still escapes him.[22]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FoS ghost costume
This character ignores combat and cannot be damaged.
Icon interactions essential
This character cannot be killed.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.



  • Fo1 Dane
    At the Cathedral in the original Fallout, a servitor named Dane delivers an extremely long, nonsensical monologue. At one point, apparently prompted by the rhyming word "sterile," Dane declares "My name's not Errol!"[23]
    • Both characters wear hooded purple robes, cinched by a cord.

Behind the Scenes[]

For one of Errol's idle lines, "I see... Oh, I see... (chuckle)", the script notes say "Hearing a secret, devious." This would seem to indicate that Errol is experiencing an auditory hallucination which he believes to be revelatory. In 2020, Fallout 76 developer Ferret Baudoin mentioned that some script notes are designed to achieve a specific performance, and may imply information that is non-canonical.[Non-game 1]


Observer Errol appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Night of the Moth update.


During the first Equinox, some of Errol's subtitles erroneously read "Interpreter Clarence." In subsequent re-runs of the Equinox, the problem was corrected.



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Exodus
  2. His Priestess
  3. Catechism of Hilary
  4. 4.0 4.1 Observer Errol: "Before my first communion, I was lost. A rabid dog eating table scraps. Now he has shown me to my seat at the finest restaurants... For the finest meals."
    (Observer Errol's dialogue)
  5. 5.0 5.1 Observer Errol: "The Wise One is the only one who understands. The only one who can show me what I must see. Who I must see."
    (Observer Errol's dialogue)
  6. 6.0 6.1 Observer Errol: ""I am ready, Wise One, show me. Show me who is next...""
    Observer Errol: ""I must feast, Wise One, please, show me...""
    (Observer Errol's dialogue)
  7. 7.0 7.1 Observer Errol: "I miss the Lantern's glow. My hunts often send me far from home, but never like this. I can barely see its shine from here."
    (Observer Errol's dialogue)
  8. "Johanna seems to understand. I wonder what the Wise One has shown her..."
    (Observer Errol's dialogue)
  9. Observer Errol: "Those voices he hears... What do they tell him? How can I hear them too? What prey can they reveal to me? They are wasted on him. He bickers and cowers. He holds a gift, and he wastes it."
    (Observer Errol's dialogue)
  10. 10.0 10.1 Observer Errol: "The Wise One always leaves when they begin to scream. Why? Does he not find them worthy? Or me? Surely not."
    (Observer Errol's dialogue)
  11. Vault 76 dweller: "Wait, there's more of you?"
    Interpreter Clarence: "Yes. I was accompanied by three Observers: Errol, Marlon, and Johanna. You will find them tending to the ritual pyres in the far reaches of this sacred site. If you speak, do not be offended by the absence of their minds. They are but humble witnesses to his wisdom, and have much left to learn from him."
    (Interpreter Clarence's dialogue)
  12. Vault 76 dweller: "Where do you come from?"
    Interpreter Clarence: "We have ventured from our place of study, the Lantern, far from here. During the time of the Equinox, myself and a group of Observers make the perilous trip to the Wise One's homeland."
    (Interpreter Clarence's dialogue)
  13. 13.0 13.1 "With each communion, the tomes here should reveal more Truth to you. How enviable..." (Observer Errol's dialogue)
  14. Observer Errol: "Filthy, disgusting vines..."
    (Observer Errol's dialogue)
  15. "Look for eyes that glow. They believe themselves to be the pretenders incarnate. Rip those silly glasses from their skulls."'"The ritual cannot begin if they still live. Hunt them."(Observer Errol's dialogue)
  16. Observer Errol: "The ritual cannot begin if they still live. Hunt them."
    (Observer Errol's dialogue)
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 Observer Errol: "Their deaths please me. This pyre will burn brightly now."
    (Observer Errol's dialogue)
  18. Observer Errol: ""Breathe in the dust... Let it guide you... Let it show you...""
    (Observer Errol's dialogue)
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 Observer Errol: "Mmm. Your smell. Alluring. Makes me want to... rip you open."
    (Observer Errol's dialogue)
  20. Observer Errol: "I envy the blood your lot spills during our ritual. But alas, my duties as Observer prevent me from participating in the festivities."
    (Observer Errol's dialogue)
  21. Observer Errol: "Ah, Foundation. I wish I could walk among its people... Waiting for him to show me which of their flock to bring to slaughter."
    (Observer Errol's dialogue)
  22. "Your eyes. They are like my own. Learning. Hungry... Perhaps hungrier still. Do the tomes here tell you more than me I wonder?" (Observer Errol's dialogue)
  23. Dane: "{184}{}{Sterile! We're all going to be hideous, sterile freaks! Sterile! Sterile! Sterile! My name's not Errol! Sterile!}"
    (Dane's dialogue)

