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Mm! The dust! How I missed the dust! Enter into my lungs, pretty dust!

Observer Johanna is a member of the Enlightened in Appalachia. Alongside fellow Observers Errol and Marlon, she accompanies Interpreter Clarence each Mothman Equinox in a seasonal pilgrimage from the Lantern to Point Pleasant.[1] Together, they reclaim the homeland of the Wise Mothman.[2] Johanna seeks the company of the Wise One, whom she calls "Poppa,"[3] and strives to bring him joy.[4][5]


Johanna is a member of the Enlightened who lives at the Lantern. Her brother Jelle once served the cult alongside her, but he was eaten by "little ones" after he foolishly attempted to clone the Wise Mothman.[6] Her strong accent and unusual speech patterns suggest her first language may be Romanian.

Her favorite equinox is the Mothman Equinox,[7] and her nose feels "very tingly" when the planets align.[8] She ponders over how many equinoxes she might see in her lifetime,[9] as Observer Marlon informed her about the risks of prolonged inhalation of the dust during the ritual.[10] However, this does not keep her from embracing the dust.[11] She also has family. Her mother wanted to come to Point Pleasant, but never saw "him" again.[12] She misses her "Poppa."[3]

During the equinox, Johanna is tending to the waterside pyre on the western side of town. She is anxious to see the Wise Mothman again,[13] and will be overjoyed if the summoning ritual succeeds.[14][15]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FoS ghost costume
This character ignores combat and cannot be damaged.
Icon interactions essential
This character cannot be killed.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Cultist enlightened robe


Observer Johanna appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Night of the Moth update.

Behind the scenes[]

Ioana is a very common Romanian name. Johanna seems to have a strong Romanian accent. The name Jelle, however, is Dutch in origin.



  1. A Vault Dweller: "Wait, there's more of you?"
    Interpreter Clarence: "Yes. I was accompanied by three Observers: Errol, Marlon, and Johanna. You will find them tending to the ritual pyres in the far reaches of this sacred site. If you speak, do not be offended by the absence of their minds. They are but humble witnesses to his wisdom, and have much left to learn from him."
    (Interpreter Clarence's dialogue)
  2. A Vault Dweller: "Where do you come from?"
    Interpreter Clarence: "We have ventured from our place of study, the Lantern, far from here. During the time of the Equinox, myself and a group of Observers make the perilous trip to the Wise One's homeland."
    (Interpreter Clarence's dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 Observer Johanna: "I miss him so whenever he is not here with me, my Poppa..."
    (Observer Johanna's dialogue)
  4. Johanna: "You seek his wisdom, yes? I seek his company."
    (Observer Johanna's dialogue)
  5. Observer Johanna: "We have traveled so very far to be here. I know he is happy to see our little faces, so it is all worth it."
    (Observer Johanna's dialogue)
  6. Observer Johanna: "My brother Jelle, he tried to clone him, you know? So foolish. His wisdom was not his at birth. The little ones, they eat poor Jelle."
    (Observer Johanna's dialogue)
  7. Observer Johanna: "You know, the Mothman Equinox is my favorite Equinox. What's your favorite Equinox?"
    (Observer Johanna's dialogue)
  8. Observer Johanna: "Do you also feel the tingle in your nose when the planets align? It is very tingly."
    (Observer Johanna's dialogue)
  9. Observer Johanna: "How many Equinoxes will I live to see I wonder? Could this be my last? One can only hope, yes?"
    (Observer Johanna's dialogue)
  10. Observer Johanna: "They say the dust may harm us if we breathe it too long. Who said so? Observer Marlon. Well, THEY told him. They told him, he told me."
    (Observer Johanna's dialogue)
  11. Observer Johanna: "Mm! The dust! How I missed the dust! Enter into my lungs, pretty dust!"
    (Observer Johanna's dialogue)
  12. Observer Johanna: "My Mother, she wanted to be here. She never saw him again. Oh, Poppa..."
    (Observer Johanna's dialogue)
  13. Observer Johanna: "I can't wait to see him. It's been so long. He's missed so many of my birthdays, you know."
    (Observer Johanna's dialogue)
  14. Observer Johanna: "I'm so happy to see him again. I wish to cry. I'm so happy!"
    (Observer Johanna's dialogue)
  15. Observer Johanna: "Mother would be so glad. It is so good to see him."
    (Observer Johanna's dialogue)