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This is a transcript for dialogue with KL-E-0.


1ConvGoodneighborGenericNPCKleo01SceneAre you going to buy something, or do I have to incinerate you?GenericNPC: Geez, Kleo, give me a chance to look, will ya?A1a
2GenericNPC: Geez, Kleo, give me a chance to look, will ya?Looking is free. I don't do free, baby.A1a
3ConvGoodneighborGenericNPCKleo02SceneGenericNPC: Hey Kleo, got anything special?I have a pistol on sale, soaked in the blood of the last person who asked me that.GenericNPC: I'll, uh, just keep looking, then.A1a
4ConvGoodneighborGenericNPCKleo03SceneGenericNPC: I gotta admit, that rifle you sold me the other day did the trick.It's amazing what a large barrel will do for you. I assume your partner was satisfied with it, as well?GenericNPC: Uh, yeah, you mean my spotter? Never missed a shot.A1a
5GenericNPC: Uh, yeah, you mean my spotter? Never missed a shot.Good. There's nothing more sad than someone who can't handle their weapon properly.A1a
6ConvGoodneighborGenericNPCKleo04SceneGenericNPC: So, Kleo, what do you do with all your money, anyway? Not like a robot needs the scratch.I'm a woman, baby. A girl has needs.GenericNPC: What kind of needs could you have besides, uh, power and oil?A1a
7GenericNPC: What kind of needs could you have besides, uh, power and oil?Privacy, for one. Now buy something before I tear out your insides.A1a


10Human on deck! Atten-SHUN!
11Accessing threat... Hostile is clear. Standing down.
12Friendly has gone rogue! Engaging!
13Unexpected assault! Defending!
14Running close quarters subroutine!
15Engaging at minimal distance!
16No quarter!
17Engaging target!
18{talking to herself, frustrated that she has to kill someone} Engaging hostile!
19Damn you warmongering humans!
20Running elimination subroutines!
21You are facing an Assaultron class combat robot. Death is inevitable.
22I have not been programmed to fail.
23Kilo, India, Lima, Lima!
24You are facing an Assaultron class combat robot. Death is inevitable.
25I have not been programmed to fail.
26Combat zone is hot!
27Running elimination subroutines!
28There's no way out of this!
29Stand down! Stand down!
30Analyzing hostile - calculating kill probability.
31Assaultron engaged!
32You humans. Pathetic.
33Damn you warmongering humans!
34Engaging the human!
35I am ordering you to stand down!
36I have been programmed to efficiently terminate human combatants.
37This fight is already over, human!
38Engaging target!
39{talking to herself, frustrated that she has to kill someone} Engaging hostile!
40Targeting canine threat!
41Dogs. I hate dogs.
42You are unauthorized to be.
43This area is restricted. Vacate the premises immediately.
44You there! Stop. Your presence is not authorized.
45Scanning for authorization. Authorization... denied.
46Sir, this is a restricted area. Vacate immediately.
47Ma'am, this is a restricted area. Vacate immediately.
48Deadly force detected! Reacting!
49Under attack!
50Hostiles in the AO!
51That was... foolish.
52Security breached. Engaging!
53Thief detected. Activating justice protocols!
54Unauthorized acquisition. Assessment - immediate termination.
55{Don't be alarmed if I try to kill you when I find you. It's just the way I've been programmed.} Reveal yourself!
56Area not secure. Repeat. Area NOT secure.
57Hostile in the zone. Alert level bravo.
59Assaultron class combat robot to unknown interloper - reveal yourself immediately!
60Engaging hostile!
63Weapons hot!
64Standing down.
65Resetting threat level.
66Negative sensor read. Weapons cold.
67Scanners clear.
68Contact lost!
69Hostile has gone dark!
70Threat lost! Entering enhanced detection mode.
71Negative contact. Hostile utilizing stealth tactics.
72Target down.
73Threat eliminated.
74Hostile down.
76Hostile is still in the engagement zone...
77Enemy presence still detected. AO is not secure.
78Enemy combatant! Reveal yourself! You are merely delaying the inevitable.
79{emphasis on "will"} Allocating additional power to sensors. The hostile will be detected and eliminated.
80Contact reacquired!
81Threat re-detected! Engaging!
82Enemy combatant re-acquired. Weapons free!
84Enemy has fled the combat zone. Standing down.
85Target lost.
86Area clear. Hostile activity ceased.
87Scanners reading 0 hostiles. AO is clear.
88Sensor alert. Anomaly detected.
89Scanners detecting sentient life. Alert level elevated.
90Perimeter movement detected. Possible stealth unit in the AO.
91We have a situation!
92AO compromised! Engaging!
93Ambush! Ambush! Defensive protocols engaged!
94Surprise contact! Engaging!


95KleoGreetScene{sexy, shrewd, twisted sense of humor} Well, hello. Everything here is guaranteed to injure, maim, or kill at your discretion. Except me. I only kill when I want to.Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
96{sexy, shrewd, twisted sense of humor} I've got a weapon here for every situation. Hunting, protection, cold blooded murder, hot blooded murder.Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
97{sexy, shrewd, twisted sense of humor} Every weapon you see here could be the difference between life and death, baby.Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
98{sexy, shrewd, twisted sense of humor} I hope you're buying. Even a girl with an arsenal full of weapons needs to make a living, after all.Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
99{sexy, shrewd, twisted sense of humor} Don't worry, I only test the weapons on customers I don't like. Feel free to browse.Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
100Player Default: Let's see what you have.Murder and mayhem at a discount.A1a
101Player Default: Let's see what you have.Each weapon tested on someone who deserved it...A2a
102Player Default: Let's see what you have.A gun for every occasion...A3a
103Player Default: Let's see what you have.Purchase a variety in case of boredom...A4a
104Player Default: Let's see what you have.Let's get you outfitted, killer...A5a
105Player Default: Not now.Disappointing...B1a
106Player Default: Not now.Tease...B2a
107Player Default: Not now.Fine. I'll add you to my "kill eventually" list...B3a
108Player Default: Not now.Regretful...B4a
109Player Default: Not now.Don't expect any tears, baby...B5a
110Player Default: Just browsing for now.Everyone always wants a free peek...X1a
111Player Default: Just browsing for now.Indecisiveness may get you killed one day...X2a
112Player Default: Just browsing for now.Afraid of commitment?X3a
113Player Default: Just browsing for now.Come back when you're ready to go all the way...X4a
114Player Default: Just browsing for now.A girl doesn't like to be kept waiting.X5a
115Player Default: I bought this charge card. Do you take it?{player is trying to buy items with something called a "charge card" which is worthless} While I appreciate the novelty of crushing someone under the burden of financial debt, we only accept caps here.Y1a
116If you were to trade for this, I suppose I could give you half a bullet, or perhaps an incredibly sharp toothpick...Player Default: Let's see what you have.Y1b
117Player Default: Who..? What.. are you?I'm a woman, baby. Can't you tell?Player Default: You certainly look like a woman, yes.Y2a
118Player Default: You're an Assaultron?That's what my makers called me. But as far as I'm concerned, I'm a woman. And I run a store that sells very large guns.Y3a
119So what'll it be?Player Default: Let's see what you have.Y3b
120Player Default: So what kind of weapons do you have?Anything that can kill a man, I sell. Except suicidal depression. That is unfortunately not packageable.Y4a
121Now, are we doing business?Player Default: Let's see what you have.Y4b
122KleoGreetSceneBot01Player Default: You certainly look like a woman, yes.Then that's all that matters, right? Now, are you buying what I'm selling?Player Default: Let's see what you have.A1a
123Player Default: You don't look like any woman I've ever seen.Then you've been missing out. Now, are you buying what I'm selling?Player Default: Let's see what you have.B1a
124Player Default: You don't look like any woman I've ever seen.Trust me, babe, the way the men around here treat me, I qualify. Why do you think I stock so many dangerous weapons?B2a
125I have plenty to recommend, if you're buying.Player Default: Let's see what you have.B2b
126Player Default: There's something a bit off.Must be the fumes from all these deadly instruments I'm selling. Now, are you buying anything today?Player Default: Let's see what you have.X1a
127Player Default: Oh, of course you are. It's just... all those metal plates. You're a robot, right? A very... womanly robot?Designation: Assaultron. Designed to provide a variety of security-related tasks to the modern man.Y1a
128{pronunciation: she first spells out K-L-E-0 as "Kay Ell Eee Oh" and then she follows that up with her nickname, "Kleo" pronounced "Klee Oh"} Runtime conclusion: Why work for the man, when you can work for yourself? New designation: K-L-E-O. "Kleo". Fully independent small time business owner.Y1b
129Robot enough for you, smooth talker? Now, what are you buying?Player Default: Let's see what you have.Y1c
130Player Default: Oh, of course you are. It's just... all those metal plates. You're a robot, right? A very... womanly robot?Was that a pickup line? I've heard better. Now, are you buying anything?Player Default: Let's see what you have.Y2a
131-{generic "coming from another conversation and getting back to business" line} Anyway, can I interest you in my arsenal of death, destruction, and disintegration?A
132{generic "coming from another conversation and getting back to business" line} But anyway, we should get back to business, baby. Weapons to solve any problem.A
133See something you like?
134Don't keep me waiting, baby.
135Staring's free. Everything else is wholesale.


136HancockSpeechSceneDrifer01: Not us!{shouting in unison} Not us!Hancock: And which town in the Commonwealth should the Institute not fuck with?A1a
137Daisy: Goodneighbor!{shouting in unison} Goodneighbor!Hancock: And who's in charge of Goodneighbor?A1a
138Daisy: Hancock!{shouting in unison} Hancock!Hancock: Of the people! For the people!A1a
139Hancock: Of the people! For the people!{shouting in unison} Of the people! For the people!A1a
140-{under your breathe} Remain silent during the speech.A


141DN131_CommonsRetreatScene{Confused. / Puzzled} Error. Error.RetreatSceneActor: Fall back!A8a
142RetreatSceneActor: Damn it!{Canceling pursuit of the player. / Irritated} Reassessing tactical parameters.A16a


143FFGoodneighbor07_04_HancockSpeechNeighborhoodWatch01: Goodneighbor!{shouting with group / Neutral} Goodneighbor!Hancock: Of the people! For the people!A1a
144Daisy: Of the people! For the people!{shouting with group / Neutral} Of the people! For the people!Hancock: And don't let no one forget it!A1a
145-{Irritated that the player is bothering them during a speech. / Stern} Go away.A


146Site04_JabberingRobot{Broken robot, looping last inputs/messages} ...al signs. Alert: Critical...A1a
147{Broken robot, looping last inputs/messages} ..ention, assailant, ... your weapons imme...A2a
148{Broken robot, looping last inputs/messages} ... Known Mercenary ... Exercise Extr...A3a
149Site04_RobotConversationPlayer: What have we here?Error. System corrupt. I can't feel my legs.Player Default: This had to be Kellogg.A1a
150Player Default: This had to be Kellogg.Signature confirmed. Assailant: Kellogg. Known associate....Jabberbot: Assailant route tracked. Pursuit possible to Northwest.A1a
151Player Default: Just tell me where Kellogg went, tin can.Identity of assailant: Kellogg.Jabberbot: Assailant route tracked. Pursuit possible to Northwest.B1a
152Player Default: You really got taken apart.Critical systems non-functional. Hostile human... too powerful.Jabberbot: Assailant route tracked. Pursuit possible to Northwest.X1a
153Player Default: What happened here?Error: Operator deceased. Threat level Omega. He killed us.Jabberbot: Assailant route tracked. Pursuit possible to Northwest.Y1a
154Player Default: Signature confirmed. Assailant: Kellogg. Known associate....Assailant route tracked. Pursuit possible to Northwest.Companion: Robot broken. Kellogg did this?A1a