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Dialogue for John Bishop, head of the Bishop family in New Reno.


{100}{}{You see Mr. Bishop.}
{150}{}{You see a powerful-looking middle-aged man.}
{151}{}{You see Mr. Bishop. He looks grim.}
# 1. CLICK: MADE MAN, ANY OTHER FAMILY (2, 3, 4, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 51, 57, 59, 62, 63)
{200}{}{You got some balls coming in here. }
{201}{}{You got some balls. }
{202}{}{Why didn't you just tack a sign on your chest that says, 'dumb mother fucker?' }
{203}{}{Eat lead, you }
{204}{}{ bastard.}
{205}{}{Eat lead, you stupid son of a bitch.}
{206}{}{Eat lead, bitch.}
{207}{}{Me not LIKE lead taste gross}
{208}{}{Shamble off}
{209}{}{If that's what you want carved on your tombstone, so be it...}
{210}{}{Poor choice of last words.}
{211}{}{(Run for it.)}
{220}{}{What th --? Who are you and what the HELL do you want?}
{221}{}{Me }
{223}{}{Me Whoo?}
{224}{}{Wander off}
{225}{}{I am a warrior on a holy quest to retrieve the Garden of Eden Creation Kit. Do you know where I might find it?}
{226}{}{I'm looking for a Garden of Eden Creation Kit. Can you help me?}
{227}{}{I'm looking for a place called Vault 13. Have you heard of it?}
{228}{}{I thought you might have some more work for me.}
{229}{}{Sorry -- wrong room.}
{240}{}{(Studies you.) Even under all that get-up, you still look like one of them tribals... (Snorts.) The boys said you got a briefcase for me. From a mutual "acquaintance." Let's see it.}
{241}{}{Here you go.}
{242}{}{Uh... funny thing, that... seems like somewhere from the door to here I misplaced it.}
{243}{}{Actually, I'd like to hold onto it. I'll bring it back in a while.}
# 4. HERE YOU GO. . . (3)
{250}{}{(Opens briefcase, checks contents, snaps case shut.) It's from Moore, all right. 'Cept this note in here says
you can't be trusted farther than a snake can shit. You done walked into the WRONG room, tribal.}
{251}{}{(Opens briefcase, checks contents, snaps case shut.) It's from Moore, all right. Says you check out, tribal. Lucky for you... (Smiles.) ...you come in here with a bad rep, and you're asking for a quick trip to the sky.}
{252}{}{Maybe so, but I'm going to be the only one walking out.}
{253}{}{Well, I delivered the case like Moore asked... now about the payment...?}
{254}{}{I'm curious. What's in the briefcase?}
{255}{}{Glad everything's in order... look, I've got to be going.}
# 5. HERE YOU GO. . . (4)
{265}{}{Hold your horses, tribal... we ain't even discussed payment yet. }
{266}{}{Hold your horses, tribal... I have some questions for you first. }
{267}{}{(Studies you.) So... where do YOU know Moore from? He trying to play politics amongst the tribes now? Ha! That boy missed his calling.}
{268}{}{I met him in Vault City, spreading the word. I offered to help him out by delivering this briefcase to you.}
{269}{}{I just happened to run across him during my travels. I offered to help him out by delivering this briefcase to you.}
# 6. HERE YOU GO. . . (5)
{275}{}{Heh... damn human of you... for all his preaching, ol' Tomcat Moore can't seem to step off his soapbox long enough to actually to do any legwork. Heh... still, that don't make him any different than any other NCR boy.}
{276}{}{He does preach a lot. Still, he seems to make a lot of sense.}
{277}{}{He does have a certain... way with words.}
{278}{}{Yeah, well, at some point the work's gotta be done, and they call me to make sure things get delivered... like that briefcase.}
# 7. HERE YOU GO. . . (6)
{285}{}{(To himself.) 'Course, being able to whip a crowd into a frenzy ain't too bad if you're going into politics... (Studies you suspiciously.) You ain't NCR, too, are you? Tomcat's about the only one of them I can stand for the moment.}
{286}{}{Yeah, I'm from the NCR, too. It's not the best, but it's a living. I'm pretty much a free agent.}
{287}{}{No, I'm just a traveler. I agreed to help Moore out because I needed work.}
# 8. HERE YOU GO. . . (7)
{295}{}{(Nods at case.) Well, this briefcase was worth it. A little slice of Vault City inside, some of that precious tech that frigid bitch Lynette doesn't want to part with... but hey, tribal, I ain't paid you yet. Here's your cut.}
{296}{}{Say... I don't have any other jobs lined up at the moment. Do you have any work for me?}
{297}{}{Yeah... thanks. Look, I've got to be going.}
# 9. I'VE GOT TO GO . . . NO JOBS (8, 34, 49)
{305}{}{No... I ain't got no more work for you... but hey, thanks for all you've done. }
{306}{}{No... I ain't got nothing for you. Lotta deaths down in NCR recently have made my life a little easier... but hey, thanks
for the delivery. }
{307}{}{(Nods at the exit.) Now you go on and get outta here. I got other business to attend to.}
{308}{}{I deliver that stupid case to you all the way from Vault City, then you give me the brush off? I think I'll just take the REST of my payment out of your safe.}
{309}{}{No, I don't think I'll be leaving just yet. You still got BUSINESS with me...dead man.}
{310}{}{All right, then. I'm leaving.}
# 10. I'VE GOT TO GO . . . JOB OFFER (8)
{315}{}{Hold on a minute there, tribal... (Smiles, taps briefcase.) Ol' Tomcat says you're a team player. I need people like that. I got a job for you, if you're interested.}
{316}{}{I'm listening.}
{317}{}{No, I've really got to be heading on.}
# 11. MISSION ONE (8, 10, 33, 59, 63)
{325}{}{(Checks you out for a moment, then nods.) Yeah... I got a job for you. }
{326}{}{I have this... "problem" down South in NCR. This fella, Westin, has a big mouth that needs to be shut... permanently. Half a grand, easy money.}
{327}{}{No problem. This Westin is as good as dead.}
{328}{}{Not interested. Find somebody else.}
# 12. WESTIN: (11)
{335}{}{Hold on. I ain't FINISHED telling you everything yet. I want this guy dead, but it can't LOOK like he was aced. Don't put a bullet in his skull, don't stab him to death, don't do ANYTHING that smells of a hit.}
{336}{}{What? How --}
{337}{}{That's gonna cost ex --}
# 13. WESTIN: (12)
{345}{}{Because that's the way it HAS to be done. You piss off anyone down there, make them think that I had ANYTHING to do with that son of a bitch kicking the bucket, and I'll make sure no one can identify your corpse.}
{346}{}{How the hell am I supposed to whack somebody and NOT make it look like murder?}
{347}{}{Forget it... not my style. Find somebody else. I'm outta here.}
# 14. HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED . . . (13, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29)
{355}{}{That's YOUR problem, tribal, not mine. Do some mumbo-jumbo, mix up some poisonous plants and slip it into his drink, choke him in his sleep, push him off a building, I don't care. Just so it doesn't look like a hit.}
{356}{}{All right... and one more time in case I ain't made myself CRYSTAL clear: it's got to look like an accident, or it's no good.}
{357}{}{Done. I'll be back after Westin has had his... "accident."}
{358}{}{I HEARD you the first time. I'll be back after Westin has had his... "accident."}
{359}{}{If you don't want me to put a bullet in his skull, that's gonna raise the price a little.}
{360}{}{You want me to make it look like an accident, eh? Then I need to know more about this 'Westin.'}
{361}{}{I'm not the person for this job. Forget it.}
# 15. DONE. I'LL BE BACK . . . (14)
{370}{}{All right then. I expect to hear from you soon. And remember, tribal, you don't know me, and we never had this conversation. Word gets out, and I'll put you down.}
{371}{}{Don't you worry about ME, Bishop. You just make sure you got that cash waiting for me when I get back.}
{372}{}{No problem. I'll be back.}
{380}{}{I'm already paying you more than YOUR life's worth, tribal. Don't push me.}
{381}{}{A thousand or nothing. This is a special job, and I got expenses. I got to get to NCR, arrange the 'accident,' and most likely have to shell out some MORE cash for some special 'accident-prone' items to get things done. So don't push ME, all right?}
{382}{}{Make it an even thousand, and you got yourself a hitman.}
{383}{}{750 chips oughta cover it.}
{384}{}{500 chips, then. Westin's a dead man.}
{385}{}{Then forget it. Get somebody else. I'm outta here.}
{390}{}{You want WHAT? Tribal, you're lucky to get as much as you're getting.}
{391}{}{Look, last time: It's going to cost you more than 500 chips.}
{393}{}{Then forget it. Find somebody else. I'm outta here.}
{400}{}{All right then! You BETTER deliver, tribal. You don't, if you mess this up or if ANYONE hears about this deal, and I'm gonna put a knife wound on your body for every chip you asked for.}
{401}{}{No problem. Westin's a dead man.}
{402}{}{That so? Well, then find somebody else to solve your problem. I'm outta here.}
{410}{}{Hmmmm. All right, fair enough... what do you need to know?}
{412}{}{Where can I FIND this guy? I don't want to have to hunt his ass down when I get to NCR.}
{413}{}{This guy got any kin, any family? Any witnesses I got to worry about?}
{414}{}{What's this guy's health like? Any illnesses?}
{416}{}{What does this Westin DO? What's his job schedule like?}
{417}{}{I don't want this job. Find somebody else.}
{425}{}{He's got a ranch in NCR. Follow the brahmin stink, and you should find it without too much trouble.}
{426}{}{I had some other questions about Westin...}
{428}{}{The more I hear about this, the less I like it. Forget this.}
# 24. ANY KIN, ANY FAMILY . . . (22)
{435}{}{No kids, no wife, no family to speak of. There might be some ranch hands, but they shouldn't be too much trouble.}
{437}{}{Wait a minute... "ranch hands?" Are they ARMED? And how many is SOME?}
{438}{}{All right, that's good enough to go on. Westin's a dead man.}
# 25. ANY KIN, ANY FAMILY . . . (22, 24)
{445}{}{Probably armed... and as for a headcount, I haven't GOT one. I know he's got workers, and there's most likely more than one. Dealing with them's YOUR problem, tribal.}
{446}{}{Great, that's really helpful. Look, I had some other questions about Westin...}
{447}{}{Well, that's enough to go on. Westin's a dead man.}
# 26. ANY KIN, ANY FAMILY . . . (22)
{455}{}{Well... rumor has it he doesn't go out much. I thought I heard something 'bout him having a bad heart, so he doesn't exert himself much. (Snorts.) Either that, or he doesn't like the sun.}
{456}{}{Hmmmm. I had some other questions about Westin...}
{457}{}{Heart trouble, huh? Does he have a doctor? Does he take any medication for it?}
# 27. TAKE ANY MEDICATION . . . (26)
{465}{}{(Smiles.) I like the way you think, tribal... well, I don't know if he takes any drugs for his heart, but I know he'd have to be pretty damn careful about which ones he DID take with that heart o' his.}
# 28. WHAT DOES HE DO? . . . (22)
{475}{}{(Frowns.) He's a brahmin rancher. An animal herder. So?}
{476}{}{All right then. I had some other questions about Westin...}
{477}{}{No, he's something MORE. Or else we wouldn't be having this conversation.}
# 29. WHAT DOES HE DO? . . . (WTG)
{485}{}{(Glares at you.) He's also a councilor in the NCR congress. That SCARE you, tribal? It shouldn't. Do your job, and you got nothing to worry about. Fuck it up, and Westin'll be the least of your worries.}
{488}{}{A "councilor in the NCR Congress?" Screw this. Find somebody else... somebody with a death wish.}
# 30. NO WAY, BISHOP. I'M OUTTA HERE . . . (10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48)
{495}{}{All right then. Don't be a stranger now... I always got work for somebody who gets results.}
{496}{}{I'll keep that in mind. Goodbye.}
# 31. YOU DONE THE HIT YET? . . . (WTG)
{500}{}{You done Westin yet?}
{501}{}{You DAMN well better have some good news for me. Is Westin dead or not?}
{502}{}{Tribal, my patience is wearing thin. Did you DO the goddamn job or not?}
{503}{}{Actually... funny thing, you might appreciate the irony... I had a counter offer. Let me show you what it is.}
{504}{}{Westin has had an... accident, yes. Terrible shame, a man like that dying so suddenly. Now about the money you owe me...}
{505}{}{Not yet. I've got a few things to take care of first.}
{507}{}{I came back to tell you I won't be doing the job. Forget it.}
{515}{}{You stupid bastard...}
{516}{}{You dumb bitch...}
{517}{}{you got some balls coming back here after fucking up the way you did in NCR. Why didn't you just tack a sign on Westin saying, 'contract hit?' Yer gonna be a long time dying.}
{519}{}{Poor choice of last words, Bishop...}
{525}{}{Hey, tribal. That job's still open... if you want it. Pay's good. You interested?}
{536}{}{Here's your payment.}
{537}{}{Got any more work for me?}
{538}{}{This settle things between you and me now? If so, I'll be going.}
{539}{}{All right then. Pleasure doing business with you.}
# 35. I'VE GOT TO GO . . . JOB OFFER (34)
{545}{}{Hold on a minute there, tribal... you did good. I got another job for you, IF you're interested.}
{547}{}{No, thanks. I'm not interested.}
# 36. MISSION 2 (8, 10, 33, 34, 35, 59, 63)
{550}{}{(Checks you out for a moment, then nods.) }
{551}{}{Yeah... I got a job for you. }
{552}{}{I have another... "problem" down in NCR. Nail one, another pops up. This dead man's name is Carlson. He don't know he's dead yet. }
{553}{}{I have a... "problem" down south in NCR. The dead man's name is Carlson. He don't know he's dead yet. }
{554}{}{Make it happen, and it's worth 500 to you.}
{555}{}{No problem. This Carlson is as good as dead.}
{556}{}{ANOTHER murder?}
{565}{}{Ain't murder. Murder's an ugly word. This is business. Politics, if you will. Both two respectable institutions. You want the job or what?}
# 39. CARLSON 2: (36, 37, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47)
{575}{}{One more thing: I don't care if you go in there guns blazing with ol' Carlson. He's bound to be holed up there pretty tight after Westin bought it, so it doesn't need to be pretty, it just needs to be DONE, capiche?}
{576}{}{I don't care if you go in there guns blazing with ol' Carlson. He's holed up in his mansion tight, so it doesn't need to be pretty, it just needs to be DONE, capiche?}
{577}{}{And one more time in case I haven't made myself clear: I don't care HOW you whack this son of a bitch as long as he's dead and stays that way.}
{578}{}{Understood. I'm on it.}
{579}{}{All RIGHT... I heard you the first time. I'm on it.}
{580}{}{If that's the way it's gotta be... now let's talk about that price.}
{581}{}{I'm gonna need some info on this Carlson guy before I do anything.}
{582}{}{Oh, so NOW it's okay to go in with guns blazing? THAT would have been helpful with Westin. Forget this.}
{583}{}{Not interested. Find someone else.}
{590}{}{What the hell is this shit with you? I TOLD you the price. We AIN'T gonna negotiate. End of story... capiche?}
{591}{}{Look, Bishop. I iced Westin. He was no cakewalk, but I DID it. None of your boys could've done it, or you would've sent one of them. You want results? Then you talk to ME, and you better talk a price I want to hear.}
{592}{}{1000 chips. That's all it'll take to put Carlson in early retirement.}
{593}{}{500 chips then. Carlson's a dead man.}
{594}{}{Then forget it. Find somebody else.}
# 41. 1000 chipS OKAY . . . (40)
{600}{}{All right... a thousand chips. And that's it. I don't want to hear any more bullshit. Next words that cross your lips better be 'yes, Mr. Bishop. I'll do it.'}
{601}{}{Yes, Mr. Bishop. I'll do it.}
{602}{}{I'll SETTLE for 1000 chips. This time.}
{603}{}{1000 chips? Are you joking? Make it 1500 and you got a deal.}
{604}{}{Forget it. I don't need this shit.}
{605}{}{Forget it. I don't need this.}
# 42. I NEED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT CARLSON . . . (39, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47)
{615}{}{(Chews it over, then nods slightly.) Fair enough... what do you need to know?}
{622}{}{What does this Carlson DO? What's his job schedule like?}
{630}{}{He's holed up in the presidential mansion in NCR. Can't miss it. Finding a way in and whacking the geezer is your job.}
{631}{}{I had some other questions about Carlson...}
{632}{}{All right, that's good enough to go on. Carlson's a dead man.}
# 44. ANY KIN, ANY FAMILY . . . (42)
{640}{}{His wife's dead, but he's got a son, only seven or eight years old, that lives in the mansion with him...(Thinks.)...the place is bound to be guarded, though, so keep an eye out for security.}
{642}{}{Wait a minute... how MANY guards?}
# 45. ANY KIN, ANY FAMILY . . . (44)
{650}{}{Don't know exactly how many. I'd scope out the place, get a feel for the numbers. Of course, dealing with them's YOUR problem, tribal.}
{651}{}{Great, that's really helpful. Look, I had some other questions about Carlson...}
{652}{}{Well, that's enough to go on. Carlson's a dead man.}
# 46. ILLNESSES . . . (42)
{660}{}{No, nothing like that... that I KNOW of. He's a paranoid bastard, sure, but I don't think he's sick or nothing. (Frowns.) Then again, he's a pretty OLD guy, so his health can't be that great.}
# 47. WHAT DOES HE DO? . . . (42)
{670}{}{(Glares at you.) He's the NCR Vice President. Don't let it bother you... get in one good shot, and they'll be fitting him for a coffin. Just make sure you're ABLE to get in at least one good shot.}
{671}{}{All right then. I had some other questions about Carlson...}
{673}{}{The "Vice President of NCR?" Screw this. Find somebody else... somebody with a death wish.}
{680}{}{You done Carlson yet?}
{681}{}{You DAMN well better have some good news for me. Is Carlson dead or not?}
{682}{}{Tribal, my patience is wearing thin. Did you kill Carlson or not?}
{683}{}{They're fitting Carlson for a coffin right now. Well, what's left of him, anyway.}
{695}{}{(Smiles.) Good job, tribal. I'm impressed... and I'm not an easy man to impress. }
{705}{}{Not exactly... (Smiles.) What I got is an OFFER: How about becoming part of the Family? I got big plans, and I could use you: you're resourceful, tough, and you get things DONE. That's the kind of soldier I need.}
{706}{}{I'm interested. What's in it for me?}
{707}{}{Thanks, but I can't be tied down...my village and my people are counting on me.}
# 51. KILL PLAYER (34, 49, 50, 52, 53)
{715}{}{Hold on... you didn't think I'd let you just WALK with what you know, did you? Heh. C'mon now... there's skeletons that need to be buried before this matter's closed. Letting you walk around... that's just bad policy.}
{716}{}{Hold on... you didn't think things were settled between us, did you? Heh. C'mon now... by my accounts, you still got a LOT
you have to pay for. Plus, I can't let you leave with what you know... bad policy.}
{717}{}{Don't talk stupid, Bishop. Let me go, or I'll turn your backwater casino into an inferno. "Capiche?"}
{718}{}{Makes sense. Let me introduce you to my 9mm policy.}
{719}{}{"Bad policy?" I'll SHOW you BAD POLICY, YOU SON OF A B --}
# 52. TAKEN CARE OF? HOW? (51)
{725}{}{All right then, bottom line: }
{726}{}{You got a taste for women? I can make sure you're NEVER lonely again. Maybe you don't like the bitches,
that's fine, I'll get you some glitterboys you can park your meat in.}
{727}{}{You got any young stud you fancy? I'll set you up with all the pretty boys you want. Or maybe you swing the other way, eh? I'll make sure you have a partner for every day of the week.}
{728}{}{Keep talking.}
# 53. TAKEN CARE OF? HOW? (52)
{735}{}{You like to fly, get high, wire up? I can get you all of that. You want weapons, new hardware, a better piece of iron to plug some schlep with? All that bullshit... yours. IF... (Raises a finger.) IF you join the family.}
{736}{}{Sounds good. Sign me up... boss.}
# 54. TAKEN CARE OF? HOW? (53)
{740}{}{All right then...! You got a name you want to be called?}
# 55. TAKEN CARE OF? HOW? (54)
{745}{}{...I like it, I like it. Now, if you wanna cash in on your reputation, hit the bar downstairs, or head down Virgin Street to the Cat's Paw. If you want to get some weapons, head on over to New Reno Arms.}
{746}{}{Will do... boss.}
{750}{}{Hey... }
{751}{}{. Everybody treating you all right?}
{752}{}{Everything's going good, Mr. Bishop. Just thought I'd check in, make sure everything's going well for you. See you later.}
{753}{}{Everything's going great. YOUR family in particular is showing me... EVERY courtesy. (Smile knowingly, then leave.)}
# 57. NO WAY, BISHOP. I'M OUTTA HERE (WIFE/DAUGHTER) . . . (8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 56)
{755}{}{Hey, before you go... you going to be stopping by and seeing my wife again, tribal? }
{756}{}{Hey, before you go... you going to be stopping by and getting high with my daughter again, tribal? }
{757}{}{Do a little pow-wow? Eh? (Bishop's smiling, but there's not a trace of humor in it.)}
{758}{}{What happened between me and Leslie... er, Mrs. Bishop... didn't mean anything. We might as well have been... shaking hands.}
{759}{}{Hey... look, nothing happened, all right?}
{760}{}{What about it, Bishop?}
{761}{}{Maybe if you paid ATTENTION to Angela ever once in a while, she wouldn't look for attention...elsewhere.}
{762}{}{You'd be surprised how much those 'pow-wows' please your wife. It's as if she's NEVER had good sex.}
{763}{}{That's the LAST tribal crack you're ever going to make. Prepare to die.}
{770}{}{What, you think a little SHIT like you can fuck MY wife in MY penthouse and say 'NO' when I ask you for a simple favor?}
{771}{}{You think a little SHIT like you can fuck MY daughter in MY penthouse and then say 'NO' when I ask you for a simple favor?}
{772}{}{Nothing happened! I swear! I don't care what she said! I was drunk! And high! It was some other hero model, not me!}
{773}{}{Get to the POINT, Bishop.}
{774}{}{Get to the POINT, Bishop. I don't have time for your faux jealousy, all right?}
{775}{}{How about I do your entire family a favor and kill you right now?}
{785}{}{My wife belongs to ME. Anything that TOUCHES my wife belongs to ME. You got a choice, tribal: either give me a pound of flesh, or you take the job, and we're even.}
{786}{}{My wife belongs to ME. Anything that gets put IN my wife belongs to ME. You got a choice, tribal: either give me a pound of flesh, or you take the job, and we're even.}
{787}{}{My daughter is MINE. Anything that gets put IN my daughter belongs to ME. You got a choice, tribal: either give me a pound of flesh, or you take the job, and we're even.}
{788}{}{You can have the pound of flesh... just come get it.}
{789}{}{All right then. I'll do it...}
{790}{}{Your wife ain't WORTH that much.}
{791}{}{Your daughter ain't WORTH that much.}
# 60. NO WAY, BISHOP. I'M OUTTA HERE (WIFE/DAUGHTER) . . . (8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 56)
{800}{}{Hey, but before you go... I like the look of your weapons there, tribal... kind of reminds me of this rumor I heard not too long ago.}
{805}{}{Yeah... rumor in the wastes is somebody that matches your description wiped out those raiders south of Vault City. }
{806}{}{Had a big-ass mutant with a vise connected to his shoulder with him. }
{807}{}{Had some tribal with a bone through his nose with him. }
{808}{}{Had some robot with a brain in a dome with him. }
{809}{}{What you got to say to that?}
{810}{}{Say to wut?}
{811}{}{Oh that was ME! ME! I did it!}
{812}{}{Yeah, that was me.}
{813}{}{What have I got to say to that? Nothing. Why?}
{814}{}{Big desert, lots of raiders. Could be you're mistaken.}
{815}{}{Big desert, lots of character models look like me. Could be you're mistaken.}
{820}{}{Well, you must be some kind of ballsy mother fucker to waste all those boys by your lonesome. }
{821}{}{Well, you must be some kind of badass bitch to waste all those boys by your lonesome. }
{822}{}{Could be I don't LIKE what you did down there. COULD be I had some of my best people in that camp.}
{823}{}{Could be that if any guns get drawn in here, you'll FIND out what happened to those raiders personally.}
{824}{}{Maybe you should have trained them better. It was like shooting a bunch of geckos. DRUNK geckos.}
{825}{}{I didn't know they were working for you. They didn't exactly want to talk.}
# 63. RAIDER THREAT 3. . . (61, 62)
{835}{}{That so? I think you were there. I think you're responsible. }
{836}{}{Way I see it, you OWE me big, tribal. You gotta do the work of twenty men to pay off that debt. }
{837}{}{You take the job, then... maybe... we can call it even.}
{838}{}{Not from where I'm standing. I figure one gunshot to your head oughta clear the debt.}
{840}{}{They attacked ME, Bishop. I don't owe you anything, and I'm not going to do your dirty work. Understand?}
{900}{}{You have delivered Thomas Moore's briefcase.}
{925}{}{You have assassinated Westin.}
{950}{}{You whacked Carlson.}
{975}{}{You have become a made man of the Bishop family.}
