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This is a transcript for dialogue with Ignacio Rivas.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 What have you done? Get away from me! 1
GREETING Neutral 50 It's unusual to see a new face here. Are you a soldier, or a scientist? 2
GREETING Anger 50 Your organization will doom all of us. 3
GREETING Neutral 50 What can I help you with? 4
VMS03IgnacioArchimedesIsAWeapon You think ARCHIMEDES is a weapon they built here. Neutral 50 Yes. And the technology they have in this facility is like nothing I've seen. Some of it reminds me of Enclave equipment, but more advanced. 5
Neutral 50 A weapon based upon it would be catastrophic, no matter who claimed it. 6
Neutral 50 It's no wonder the Brotherhood wouldn't give it up. 7
VMS03IgnacioDivertedPower I diverted power to the grid. Neutral 50 I saw that on the monitors here. And you sent it to everyone. Very admirable. 8
Neutral 50 Now that the NCR has more or less what they want, hopefully their curiosity about the plant is satisfied and they'll dig no deeper. 9
Neutral 50 The Followers will be grateful. Here, take these, as a parting gift. I hope you'll find them useful. 10
I diverted power to the grid. Neutral 50 I saw that on the monitors here. And you sent it to Freeside, where power is in short supply. A respectable decision. 11
Neutral 50 Now that the NCR has more or less what they want, hopefully their curiosity about the plant is satisfied and they'll dig no deeper. 12
Neutral 50 The Followers will be grateful. Here, take these, as a parting gift. I hope you'll find them useful. 13
I diverted power to the grid. Neutral 50 I saw that on the monitors here. It's strange, but I can't find where on the grid the power is being sent to. 14
Neutral 50 Nevertheless, hopefully the NCR's curiosity is satisfied now that the plant's output is improved. Here, accept these, for your efforts. 15
VMS03IgnacioDrifter More of a drifter. Neutral 50 I see. Then you must have some special business here, for them to have let you through. 16
VMS03IgnacioInterestScientific My interest in this place is scientific. Neutral 50 Then we have that in common. Whom do you typically work with? 17
VMS03IgnacioKeepPeace I just do what's necessary to keep the peace. Neutral 50 That's reassuring, although many who've made that claim to the Followers of the Apocalypse over the years have had less than pure intentions. 18
Neutral 50 But if it's really as you say, then take my advice. This installation carries with it dangers that no one here has realized. 19
Neutral 50 Take care what you do here, and who you listen to. Some things are best left buried with the old world. 20
I just do what's necessary to keep the peace. Neutral 50 That's reassuring, although many who've made that claim over the years have had less than pure intentions. 21
Neutral 50 But if it's really as you say, then take my advice. This installation carries with it dangers that no one here has realized. 22
Neutral 50 Take care what you do here, and who you listen to. Some things are best left buried with the old world. 23
VMS03IgnacioMoreAboutFollowers Tell me more about the Followers of the Apocalypse. Neutral 50 Humanity lost many things after the war. Methods of agriculture, techniques for survival. 24
Neutral 50 We took it upon ourselves to piece together this knowledge and bring it back to them. 25
VMS03IgnacioNCRDoesntKnow The NCR doesn't know about the weapon? Neutral 50 Not yet. By some miracle they've hired an imbecile to try and decipher the systems here. 26
Neutral 50 He's spent months working at one console trying to get the solar reflectors to track the sun. 27
Happy 50 What he doesn't know is that the only thing the console controls is the plant's intercom system. 28
Disgust 50 I tried to tell him, but he insisted that the largest console had to be the most important. Still, it's only a matter of time. 29
VMS03IgnacioNCREnlistedMe The NCR asked me to help increase the plant's power output. Neutral 50 Then I would say do it. As long as the power of this plant is committed to the regional grid and not to a weapon, we are safe. 30
Neutral 50 If you are the one to restore output, then you can route the power where you choose, and they'll never be the wiser. 31
Neutral 50 I can't get you past the security in the tower, but I can be of some help. 32
Neutral 50 I've discovered a password for one of the mirror control terminals outside. You'll need it. 33
The NCR asked me to help increase the plant's power output. Neutral 50 They're playing you for a fool. You'll die in that tower, just like their soldiers did. Why do you think they haven't taken care of this themselves? 34
VMS03IgnacioNCRWantsHelp They're looking for help getting this plant running. Neutral 50 Interesting. Forgive me for prying, but I'm curious. Are you with a particular group? 35
VMS03IgnacioNotYourConcern That's not your concern. Neutral 50 Interesting. Forgive me for prying, but I'm curious. Are you with a particular group? 36
VMS03IgnacioOverloaded I overloaded the plant. No one will be able to use it to power a weapon. Neutral 50 So I saw. Shame to let the energy go to waste, but on the other hand, now we can rest easy. Here, accept these, for your efforts. 37
VMS03IgnacioPeace Peace. Neutral 50 That's reassuring, although many who've made that claim to the Followers of the Apocalypse over the years have had less than pure intentions. 38
Neutral 50 But if it's really as you say, then take my advice. This installation carries with it dangers that no one here has realized. 39
Neutral 50 Take care what you do here, and who you listen to. Some things are best left buried with the old world. 40
Peace. Neutral 50 That's reassuring, although many who've made that claim over the years have had less than pure intentions. 41
Neutral 50 But if it's really as you say, then take my advice. This installation carries with it dangers that no one here has realized. 42
Neutral 50 Take care what you do here, and who you listen to. Some things are best left buried with the old world. 43
VMS03IgnacioRivasTopic000 It'll be more fun if we keep it a mystery. Besides, I'm more interested in you. Neutral 50 You're right. I'm sorry. That imbecile in the next room has me on edge. I used to be more fun. 44
Neutral 50 I'm still passionate about my work though. Otherwise I wouldn't be here. 45
Neutral 50 I'm in the Followers of the Apocalypse. How about you? 46
VMS03IgnacioRivasTopic001 Where are the Followers based around here? Neutral 50 We're scattered, mostly. We go where we're needed. Our largest presence is in Freeside at Old Mormon Fort. 47
Neutral 50 Other than that, I know Dr. Usanagi set up a practice near the Crimson Caravan. And a man we trained is operating out of the Aerotech building. 48
Neutral 50 Another man, Tom Anderson, was looking into water supply problems in Westside. But that was a while ago. 49
VMS03IgnacioRivasTopic002 Do the Followers work together with the NCR? Neutral 50 We did, for a time. But our goals differ. The NCR only cares to expand their wealth and their reach. 50
Neutral 50 For us, territorial boundaries mean nothing. And prosperity has to be for everyone, not just citizens of the NCR. 51
Neutral 50 So a parting was inevitable. While the NCR pushes east, we clean up the mess they leave behind. Try to provide some stability. 52
VMS03IgnacioRivasTopic003 Go on. Neutral 50 Other things weren't lost, but were blocked from our collective memory. Knowledge of what we're capable of, and how things spiral out of control. 53
Neutral 50 It's in our nature to want to forget truths that keep us awake at night. 54
Neutral 50 And for that reason it's all the more important that the Followers walk the wastes to remind people of them. 55
VMS03IgnacioRivasTopic004 I have another question. Neutral 50 By all means. 56
VMS03IgnacioRivasTopic005 The Brotherhood of Steel knew about ARCHIMEDES? Neutral 50 I would think you'd know better than I. But perhaps they kept their operation here a secret, even from members of their own order. 57
The Brotherhood of Steel knew about ARCHIMEDES? Neutral 50 They weren't here for me to ask, but I doubt they were here for electricity. 58
The Brotherhood of Steel knew about ARCHIMEDES? Neutral 50 When the NCR first came here, it was under Brotherhood control. They usually steer clear of one another, but something here changed their minds. 59
Neutral 50 The Brotherhood's interest in Pre-War technology has always been in weapons. It's likely they were trying to reclaim ARCHIMEDES when the NCR arrived. 60
VMS03IgnacioRivasTopic006 Why are you still here? Neutral 50 Keeping watch, mostly. Trying to make sure the dangers of this plant are minimized. 61
VMS03IgnacioSoldier I'm a soldier. Neutral 50 Well that explains it. NCR? Who do you fight for? {Playing his cards close to the vest.} 62
VMS03IgnacioTryNotToGetInvolved I try not to get involved. Neutral 50 Ah, but there's no avoiding it. You can only outrun the choice for so long. 63
Neutral 50 Take now, for instance. You are inside a facility with lost technology, some of it very dangerous. 64
Neutral 50 Unless you turn and leave right now, you'll be very much involved in the lives of people you've never seen or met. 65
VMS03IgnacioWantWhatYouWant I want what you want. Neutral 50 That's reassuring, although many who've made that claim over the years have had less than pure intentions. 66
Neutral 50 But if it's really as you say, then take my advice. This installation carries with it dangers that no one here has realized. 67
Neutral 50 Take care what you do here, and who you listen to. Some things are best left buried with the old world. 68
VMS03IgnacioWar War. Disgust 50 That's... an unfortunate mistake. 69
Neutral 50 As a Follower of the Apocalypse, I've studied it all my life, but I'll never understand how people don't foresee what lies ahead on that path. 70
War. Disgust 50 That's... an unfortunate mistake. 71
Neutral 50 I've studied it all my life, but I'll never understand how people don't foresee what lies ahead on that path. 72
VMS03IgnacioWhatMoreThanAPlant What more is there to this place than a power plant? Neutral 50 I don't entirely know. Our records on the company that built this place suggest that their dealings were not only in energy, but also in weapons. 73
Neutral 50 And I've seen equipment here marked with symbols used by the Pre-War military. Targeting computers. Shock sensors. 74
Neutral 50 A codeword comes up repeatedly in the papers I've looked through here. ARCHIMEDES. 75
VMS03IgnacioWhereRoutePower Where should I route the power? Neutral 50 Oh, the NCR has their own designs for it, no doubt. But resist the urge to send it only to the thriving communities. 76
Neutral 50 The need for power is great everywhere. Distributing it evenly is the most rational and humane choice. 77
VMS03IgnacioWhyAreYouHere Why are you here? Neutral 50 I was sent here when we saw that the NCR had taken it. We have no record of the facility, but its original builders were cause for concern. 78
Neutral 50 I'm to determine the threat level of this place and do everything in my power to prevent the revival of any dangerous Pre-War technology. 79
Neutral 50 The NCR let me stay because they are desperate for answers about this place, but I've kept them in the dark. 80
Why are you here? Neutral 50 I'm a visiting scholar. Solar power technology may be important to our future and I was sent to research it. 81
VMS03IgnacioWhyTrustMe Why would you trust me with this? Neutral 50 I'm a man of letters. I'd be torn to pieces by the security system they have in that tower. I'd never reach the mainframe. 82
Neutral 50 But eventually the NCR will, or if not them, Caesar's Legion. They will use this place for war. 83
Neutral 50 Because the possibility exists you might do anything else, you're the only choice I have. 84
VMS03IgnacioWithBrotherhood I'm in the Brotherhood of Steel. Neutral 50 The Brotherhood? I never thought I'd say it, but I'm glad you're here. 85
Neutral 50 I'm a member of the Followers of the Apocalypse, and for once we might want the same thing. 86
Neutral 50 This place houses technology beyond anything I've seen. I'm afraid it could be dangerous if either of the warring factions here learns how to use it. 87
I'm in the Brotherhood of Steel. Neutral 50 The Brotherhood? I never thought I'd say it, but I'm glad you're here. For once our organizations may want the same thing. 88
Neutral 50 This place houses technology beyond anything I've seen. I'm afraid it could be dangerous if either of the warring factions here learns how to use it. 89
VMS03IgnacioWithLegion I serve Caesar. Disgust 50 Then may you die in his service. I have nothing to say to you. 90
VMS03IgnacioWithNCR I'm with the NCR. Neutral 50 That makes sense. It is their facility, after all. At least as long as they can hold it. As for me, I'm with the Followers of the Apocalypse. 91
VMS03IgnacioWithNoOne My only true allegiance is to myself. Neutral 50 Then for everyone's sake, I hope you serve a worthy master. Are you a maker of war, or peace? 92
VMS03IgnacioYouFirst This is your turf. For all I know you could have me killed for my allegiance. Who are you with? Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Very well. Yes. I'm part of the Followers of the Apocalypse. 93
Neutral 50 If you're not familiar, we seek peace and the spread of knowledge. Knowledge that must never be lost to the world. 94
Neutral 50 Now your turn. 95
Uh... you first. Neutral 50 [FAILED] I would, but I wouldn't want to influence your answer. 96


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 Goodbye. 97
HELLO Hello Neutral 50 Hello. 98