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Fallout Wiki

Cadillac Bob (nickname) was the original script writer for The Man from Deadhorse.


Bob was fired after being branded a communist by California Crest Studios, likely due to his refusal to rewrite the movie to support the notion of a "new America" - which included Cooper Howard's character coldly killing a wounded villain played by Jorge, rather than arresting him. Howard was not informed of the dismissal and only learned of it when he was protesting the out-of-character action.[1]


Cadillac Bob is mentioned only in the Fallout TV series.


  1. ↑ Fallout Season 1 Episode 3, "The Head," ~2:57
    Emil Dale: Bob's been fired, Coop.
    Cooper Howard: What?
    Emil Dale: Studio fired him.
    Cooper Howard: Why?
    Emil Dale: See, turns out... Bob's a bit of a communist.
    Cooper Howard: A communist? Cadillac Bob?
    Emil Dale: Yeah.
    Cooper Howard: Cadillac Bob! The very one. Well, what a shame, he was such a great writer.
    Emil Dale: Terrible shame. One of the best, but he had to go. Which is why this movie is so important.
    Cooper Howard: Right.
    Emil Dale: You see, it's a new kind of western. The power of the individual when the chips are down. The new America, it's why I'm telling you, so... that's why it'd be really great if you could just… shoot Jorge in the fucking head, yeah?