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Fallout Wiki

Devin, called an NCR trooper in-game, is a soldier in the New California Republic Army in 2281.


Devin was part of a force sent from Camp Forlorn Hope to retake Nelson from Caesar's Legion. Before doing so, he was ordered by Major Polatli to write a letter in case of his death. In his letter, he reassured his lover Andrew that he would survive and come back to celebrate with him on the New Vegas Strip.[1] However, Devin was mortally wounded due to a frag mine in the no man's land, left missing limbs and unable to get back to the camp. His body has since been used to hide another frag mine as a trap for anyone who tries to help him, and all he can do is warn people about the trap and beg them to kill him.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

38 Paradigm of Humanity
This character has no special interactions.

Other interactions[]

If encountered, he will warn the Courier to stay away or ask that they kill them. Doing so will not effect Karma or reputation. It is not possible to save him.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Random NCR trooper armor¹
Random NCR trooper helmet
- Forlorn Hope letter 9
NCR dogtag
1 to 9 caps, 10% chance
NCR dogtag

¹ The distribution of armor is as follows: 1/6 chance of wearing regular NCR trooper armor and 5/6 chance of wearing "injured" NCR trooper armor.


It is no longer possible to find Devin or the letter he carries as of the Fallout: New Vegas patch, where the injured troopers between Nelson and Camp Forlorn Hope were removed.


Devin appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.

