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We're in a tough spot here and none of the men expect to make it out alive. Things look pretty grim. I'm writing this so that if anything happens to me, you know how much you meant to me.— Harry to his wife Ellen, Forlorn Hope letter 1

Harry, named as a NCR trooper in game, is a deceased trooper in the NCR Army in 2281.


Harry was stationed at Camp Forlorn Hope. Low on morale, he feared never being able to see his wife Ellen again, and deeply regretted joining the NCR Army and leaving her behind. He wrote her a letter to apologize and express his love, but never delivered his letter.[1]

He, Quincy, and another unnamed trooper were sent out by Quartermaster Carl Mayes to get extra supplies from HELIOS One,[2] but they were ambushed and killed by Caesar's Legion on their way back.[3][4] Harry's letter to Ellen can still be found on his corpse, undelivered.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


  • Restoring Hope: Harry is found dead during the events of this quest. However, the scene is not tied to the quest, so he can found before even starting the quest.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Random NCR trooper armor¹
Random NCR trooper helmet
- Forlorn Hope letter 1
NCR dogtag

¹ The distribution of armor is as follows: 1/6 chance of wearing regular NCR trooper armor and 5/6 chance of wearing "injured" NCR trooper armor.


Harry's appearance is unique. However, because his apparel is randomized, he may alternatively appear as missing or not missing certain limbs. This is an effect related to the trooper armor, not his base character.


Harry appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.



  1. Forlorn Hope letter 1
  2. The Courier: "Any idea on where I should start looking?"
    Quartermaster Mayes: "I sent them to HELIOS One to see if they had any supplies they could spare. They've got to be somewhere between here and there. I'd try searching the main road, or checking with the men at HELIOS One to see if they know anything."
    (Carl Mayes' dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "I wanted to check on the troopers sent from Camp Forlorn Hope."
    Lt. Haggerty: "Yeah, they were here a while ago. Gave them all I could, which wasn't much. But as many problems as we're having here, I know they've got it worse. I've seen soldiers get assigned there. It's like they got told they were gonna die. I wouldn't wish it on anybody. If you're trying to track them down, we put a GPS marker in the supply crate. You can track it with your Pip-Boy. Good luck."
    (Haggerty's dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "Speaking of supplies... I found some nearby, are they yours?"
    Quartermaster Mayes: "Damn it all... I sent some men out to get these supplies, but they never returned. I guess the Legion got them on their way back. At least we have the supplies. It's not much, but every little bit counts. Thanks for finding these. You should check in with the Major, he'll want to know about this."
    (Carl Mayes' dialogue) Note: This line is available if the Camp Forlorn Hope supply shipment is picked up before Restoring Hope is started.