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Damned if I know. Put up a hell of a fight, though. We had them outnumbered, I don't know, twenty to one, maybe. They held out as long as they could. Lost most of their force before they retreated. Gave us a little parting gift, too. They had some of the plant running, but they shut it all down. Enabled an old security system, too, to keep us away from the controls. Jerkoffs.— Response to Courier asking why the Brotherhood was here

Lieutenant Haggerty is a soldier of the NCR Army stationed at HELIOS One in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281.


The commanding officer of the garrison at the HELIOS One power plant during the Mojave Campaign, Haggerty is not thrilled with the posting. Ever since the NCR wrested control of it from the Brotherhood of Steel, HELIOS has not been considered a priority target due to its minimal power output and the need for troops to shore up defenses along the Colorado. The lieutenant herself is keenly aware that their reduced numbers mean a determined attack by the Legion would wipe them out with ease,[1] especially due to the limited supplies available to her troops. However, she is equally aware that there are worse places to be assigned, such as Camp Forlorn Hope, commonly considered a death sentence of an assignment.[2]

Her other frustration is being forced to rely on the "services" of an idiot with sunglasses, who wormed his way into being the local "expert" responsible for reactivating HELIOS.[3] Since sources of power are one of the most important means of controlling the Mojave, she's forced to let him remain despite his dubious qualifications. The lieutenant mainly worries that should the defense of Hoover Dam fall, HELIOS might become the grounds on which the NCR makes its last stand before the Legion's onslaught.[4]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
2d20 Terrifying Presence
This character has Terrifying Presence interactions.


Effects of player's actions[]

  • If the player character is wearing NCR armor when they first meet her and fails the Speech check, she will remark how their uniform has a lot of blood on it and they don't seem injured enough to bleed that much. She will then assume they killed an NCR member in order to get the armor, making her and all her guards hostile.[5]
  • She will die if the player character activates the ARCHIMEDES orbital laser.
  • Having an Accepted or better reputation with the NCR will allow one to bypass the Speech check and safely persuade her to let them enter HELIOS.
  • In case Lt. Haggerty dies, she won't be able to give the That Lucky Old Sun quest and can't give the GPS coordinates during the Restoring Hope quest. Both have workarounds for this; the former can be started by talking to Fantastic while for the latter, it's not essential to talk to Haggerty, just more convenient to get a map marker, thus the player character can just go directly to the missing shipment, which is located northeast of the Southern Nevada wind farm and continue the quest from there.
  • The Courier can state they came to HELIOS One looking for food (with low Intelligence, this changes to "Need food fill belly. You got food?") In any event, if that option is chosen, Haggerty will be unamused.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
NCR bandoleer armor
.357 Magnum revolver

Notable quotes[]


Lt. Haggerty appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. The Courier: "Shouldn't there be more people than this defending a power plant?"
    Lt. Haggerty: "There should. But we're not getting much power out of it so none of our enemies have a big interest in it either. Not like Hoover Dam, anyway. We had a real fighting force here just long enough to take it from the Brotherhood of Steel. Then they got sent east to the dam like everybody else. Caesar's Legion sends skirmishers every so often. Prodding for weaknesses, mostly. The reality is, if they really wanted it, we'd all be dead."
    (Lt. Haggerty's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "I wanted to check on the troopers sent from Camp Forlorn Hope."
    Lt. Haggerty: "Yeah, they were here a while ago. Gave them all I could, which wasn't much. But as many problems as we're having here, I know they've got it worse. I've seen soldiers get assigned there. It's like they got told they were gonna die. I wouldn't wish it on anybody. If you're trying to track them down, we put a GPS marker in the supply crate. You can track it with your Pip-Boy. Good luck."
    (Lt. Haggerty's dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "[Science] I notice your solar tower isn't collecting much sunlight. I can help."
    Lt. Haggerty: "No need. We already have an expert hard at work on it. Then again... our expert is an idiot. Hell, he might as well be a saboteur. I guess you couldn't do any worse. Have him fill you in on the details. He's in the back of the building. You'll know him when you see him. Keeps his sunglasses on all the time, even when he's sleeping. Idiot."
    (Lt. Haggerty's dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "Why are you here, and not on the front lines? Isn't that more important?"
    Lt. Haggerty: "I ask myself the same question all the time. But energy is hard to come by around here. Gives you more control over this area than troops ever could. Hell, if we lose the dam to the Legion, this little plant may be our last stand."
    (Lt. Haggerty's dialogue)
  5. The Courier: "I'm with the NCR. Anything I can do to help?"
    Lt. Haggerty: "[FAILED] That uniform's got an awful lot of blood on it, soldier, and you don't look injured to me. Doesn't fit you so well either. You're trying to put one over on the wrong trooper."
    (Lt. Haggerty's dialogue)