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All territory east of the Colorado River is recognized as Caesar's land, an area indisputably under the control of the Legion and agents acting on Caesar's behalf.Fallout: New Vegas loading screens

The Colorado River is a major riverway that extends through the former American states of Arizona, its namesake Colorado, Nevada, and Utah and is an unmarked location in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas.


By the mid-20th century, the Hoover Dam was constructed to harness the river's movement for hydroelectric power generation.

By the 23rd century, it forms the dividing line in the Mojave Wasteland between the frontier territories of the New California Republic coming from the west and Caesar's Legion from the east.[1][2]


In the Mojave Wasteland game world, there are few sloping areas where one can reach the river without jumping from sheer cliffs. One can be found leading down to the river just north of the abandoned BoS bunker Dead Money. Heading north along the river towards Hoover Dam will reveal a cove on the east side with lakelurks and two explosives crates with some loot. Heading south on the west side just past the bottleneck of the river, a half-buried duffle bag of loot is hidden in the weeds on the upper bank next to a skeleton. A lakelurk may be nearby to the south. When swimming through the water, tires, boards, and seaweed can be seen resting on the river bottom.

Further south on the east side of the river is the deathclaw promontory. Farther to the south, directly across the river from Blue Paradise Vacation Rentals, is a cove filled with lakelurks. In the cave behind the wrecked boat are a dead mercenary and two duffle bags full of loot. All of this is found before the Courier gains access to the east bank of the river by Caesar's Legion. Pinto beans can be found along the river banks.



The Colorado River appears in Fallout: New Vegas, and is mentioned in its add-ons Dead Money, Honest Hearts, and Lonesome Road,[3][4][5] the Fallout 76 update Wild Appalachia,[6] and the graphic novel All Roads. It is also labeled on a map of the Hoover Dam seen in-game.[7]

Behind the scenes[]

  • The in-game Colorado River is based on the real-world Colorado River, which runs through seven U.S. states and two Mexican states.
  • During development, the world map was based on United States Geological Survey data at 1/25th scale. The Colorado River and Lake Mead were expanded from this scale so that they would not feel too small.[8]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Aaron Kimball: "Four years ago, we drew a line through the Mojave as clear as the Colorado River, a line that Caesar cannot cross."
    (Kimball's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "Legion's attacked Nipton, burned and killed everyone."
    Kilborn: "What? There's no way... we're miles from the Colorado. They...they aren't even waiting for the Dam to fall. They're already inside the borders... ...we'll never stop them, not at this rate. We're doomed. Thanks for bringing the word - even if the news is bad, I'll let the men know."
    Kilborn's dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "I'm not interested in your politics."
    Ulysses: "Maybe not. Maybe that's why you fell in with the Bear in the first place - can't see what you're following. Not going to convince a deaf man with words. Shown strength coming in here - if strength's what you respect, then you belong East of the Colorado."
    (Ulysses' dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "[NCR] NCR would have needed this supply line open to reinforce the Mojave - and Hoover Dam."
    The Courier: "[Legion] The Legion would want to cut this road off if it had been a supply line to Hoover Dam."
    Ulysses: "The Dam. That Old World Wall. The Bear, NCR, couldn't be allowed to reach it easily. Long 15... Canaan... both bad enough. Kimball, Caesar, House... you'd think their whole world was that wall, cutting the Colorado. If I'd never laid eyes on it, never spoke of it... ...but once found, it was all Caesar could see. That, and the flag beyond it, another symbol, big enough to challenge him. And the Divide, one of the roads to it - Legion was tasked with cutting that artery. If you can't kill the Bear in one stroke, bleed it, starve it. That kind of murder... it's what any of the Legion would have done. Now... the Divide belongs to history."
    (Ulysses' dialogue)
  5. Ulysses' final message
  6. Pioneer Scout camp terminal entries; pioneer badge exam terminal, Tadpole Exams, Herpetologist
  7. Hoover Dam map
  8. Fallout: New Vegas 10th Anniversary Charity Stream Part 3 (reference starts at 14:50)
    Joshua Sawyer: "So this actually uses U.S. Geological Survey data, but it's at 1/25th the scale. So everything is obviously much, much, mucher smaller. The exceptions were that we had to widen the Colorado River, because at 1/25th scale, you could literally just jump over it. So we scaled everything down and then we could literally run over and jump across the Colorado River. So we expanded that, I think we expanded Lake Mead a little bit to get the scale to feel, like, okay."