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That news was brought to you by the Tops Casino. You'll dig us, baby! We're the Tops!Mr. New Vegas, Fallout: New Vegas

The Tops Hotel and Casino, typically shortened to just The Tops, is an unmarked location within the New Vegas Strip in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas.


Fully renovated by the Chairmen, The Tops is billed throughout New Vegas as a place for men to kick back, drink, laugh, and have a good time.Fallout: New Vegas loading screen

When it first opened alongside the Ultra-Luxe on the Las Vegas Strip, the Tops quickly became a centerpiece of the city's appeal.[1] It became well known for its comprehensive coverage of all the needs of its patrons, offering great accommodations, dancing, drinks, and plenty of gambling,[2] with one of its most prominent features being the Aces Theater and constantly attracting fresh talent to entertain its patrons.[3]

The Tops cryo suites billboard

The Tops cryo suite buildboard

In 2077, just before the Great War, billboards advertised cryo suites at The Tops, guaranteeing "100% safety" (with some small print), depicting a device similar to the life support chamber used by Robert House himself.[4]

Following the nuclear apocalypse, though Robert House's defensive measures had spared the majority of Vegas from destruction, the Tops included, the casino like the rest of the city was left abandoned while House was in a coma, gradually swallowed by overgrowth as well as being picked over by raiders and tribals. Though House was eventually able to awaken from his coma in 2138, he chose to remain reserved in the Lucky 38, observing the wasteland in secret.

Things changed in 2274 when Securitron agents detected scouts sent by the New California Republic arriving at Hoover Dam. Seizing the opportunity to resurrect Vegas at last, House opened the doors of the Lucky 38 and Securitrons deployed to the city en masse to pacify the area. The tribes that did not resist were offered a choice: extermination, eviction or joining House's employ in his city of "New Vegas".[5] One of those tribes were the Mojave Boot-Riders, who were approached while east of Vegas by a Securitron. After initial miscommunication (that is, destroying the first one and being met later by twenty more), they eventually listened to what House had to offer. Despite such big promises of food, shelter, and medical services, most of the tribe was against the deal while at least one member was all for it.[6] The then-current tribe chief, Bingo challenged Benny to a knife fight to settle their disagreement and the course of the tribe's future. Their fight took place three days after House made contact, with Benny emerging victorious as the new chief. Subsequently, the Boot-Riders accepted House's offer.[7]

Along with the Slither Kin and an unspecified cannibal tribe, the only others that took up the offer, the Boot-Riders moved to Vegas where House gave them control of the Tops, which they began renovating and bringing it back to life. During the renovations, the tribe was visited by Securitrons that dropped off boxes with suits, ties, and wingtip shoes, along with a message from their new employer: the Mojave Boot-Riders were no more, they were now the Chairmen. The others hated the name, but Benny put a stop to their protests as the chief. As he put it, it was "ciao to the old ways and time to swing in style."[8][9]

By 2281, the Tops has functionally returned to its role as the mainstay of the Strip, offering everything one could desire and teaching its patrons how to truly enjoy the finer aspects of life.[10][Non-game 1] Most importantly, the legendary Aces Theater has been revived under the Chairman Tommy Torini, giving a venue for new talent from all over the wasteland to perform.[11]

By 2296, the Tops, like the rest of the Strip, appears to be in ruins.[4]


Situated on the west side of the center section of the Strip, the Tops is a slice of grandeur straight from Vegas's heyday. With Sinatra serenading softly in the background to the clinks of slot machines, the Tops has it all and makes sure there's something for everyone. There are six main areas with loading screens between them: the casino, restaurant, the theater, presidential suite, courtyard, and the 13th floor.

Lobby and casino[]

Just inside the door is a circular desk in the lobby where Swank can usually be found, along with the greeter who asks new entrants to hand over weapons for the security of the casino's patrons. Beyond it is the casino proper, with a main hall to the right as one enters and a smaller section just behind the main staircase. Beyond the stairs and the smaller casino section is the elevator bank, which has a single working elevator that leads to the 13th floor, and a door to the courtyard. In the large hall is the entrance to the restaurant and an express elevator to the presidential suite, which requires a key.

On the second level, just up the main staircase on the left, is a cashier where the player character can change chips for cash and vice-versa. Right next to the cashier is the entrance to the Aces theater.


Main article: The Tops restaurant

A bartender sells an assortment of drinks. There's a kitchen behind an Average locked door, which has food and alcohol including five bottles of Nuka-Cola Quartz. A door leads to the courtyard from here.


The Tops courtyard

The courtyard is a small area behind the casino. It has a pool, which is surrounded by palm trees and a brick wall. There are several gamblers milling around alongside a few Chairmen.

The Aces theater[]

Main article: The Aces

The player character can buy a drink or watch one of the shows and acts that are going on. Tommy Torini can be found here and occasionally walks up on stage to provide some of the entertainment himself.

Presidential suite[]

One of the best suites in the house as well as a potential player character house, only accessible with a key obtained from Benny or his Chairman bodyguards. Several containers are present in the presidential suite, many of which contain a large number of liquor bottles.

13th floor[]

Tops 13th floor loc map

Local map

The 13th floor contains a variety of nondescript rooms with Average locks, Benny's suite, and the High Roller suite. There are at least five Average locked doors on this floor.

The High Roller suite is a slightly larger room than the rest and contains some minor loot. Entering requires the High Roller's suite key, which can be obtained by winning enough chips in the casino (see Gambling).

Benny's suite is in the center of the hallway, through the double doors. Benny's suite door has an Average lock, which may be picked or opened using a key obtained from Benny or one of his henchmen. The room itself has minor loot, but the big attraction is a rough hole in the wall that connects to Benny's secret workshop, where the player character can find and talk to Yes Man, starting the Wild Card questline.

At the end of the main hallway, the very last locked door leads to the High Roller suite. This lock cannot be picked. The key is obtained from the floor manager by winning a minimum of 7,500 chips in the casino.

The sub-basement[]

Beyond Benny's workshop is a hallway with an elevator used by Benny as an emergency escape route. The elevator requires a key to access, but there is no key that opens it in the game. A script unlocks the elevator when Benny begins to flee The Tops (such as if the player attacks him in the lobby), and a different script locks it again if he succeeds in reaching it.

The behavior of this script can be exploited to gain access to the sub-basement by causing Benny to flee and killing him before he can reach the sub-basement elevator. Once Benny is dead, the sub-basement elevator will then be unlocked. With Benny unable to reach it to trigger the re-locking portion of the script, it can be safely restored.

The sub-basement itself is a small room with a breached wall leading into a sealed-off section of Vault 21. It contains some minor loot in lockers and several explosives crates. There are numerous inaccessible doors, and one locked door with no available key at the end of a corridor that can be unlocked with console commands.


  • The Tops offers Blackjack, Roulette and Slots.
  • The Tops pays 3:2 on Blackjack, and the dealer must stand on all 17s.
Rewards and ban

As the player character earns chips, the floor manager will offer increasingly valuable gifts, culminating in a complimentary suite.

After the player character earns 10,000+ chips, they will be banned from playing games in The Tops. They can still use its other functions, such as the restaurant, the theater, and cashing out their chips, but they cannot win any more money in the Tops; the ban is permanent.

Notable loot[]

Main floor and restaurant[]

  • Five Nuka-Cola Quartz - In the kitchen of the restaurant.
  • Benny's suit and Maria - Carried by Benny. The former can only be obtained by killing him whereas the latter may be pickpocketed.

Presidential suite[]

Related quests[]


  • As each new act is recruited during Talent Pool, their name and talent appear on the marquee outside of the casino.
    • As seen when recruiting Billy Knight, the names appear on the board the instant that each one is recruited, even if they have yet to arrive at the Tops.
  • On the main floor, there is a framed picture of Tenpenny Tower and what appears to be a person dressed in cowboy-like attire. The figure is standing on the east side of the tower holding out a rifle.
  • There are some posters of "Dean Domino and His Great Orchestra" in the building, referring to Dean Domino from the Dead Money add-on.
  • The Tops Courtyard seems to have an architectural anomaly in relation to the casino's exterior Strip view. There is a huge brick wall, used to block the view of the Gomorrah, which spans around the side of the casino. Yet when on the Strip, such a wall is not even present.
  • Certain unused tables in the gambling halls suggest that at one time the casino offered games of Craps.
  • There is a poster advertising Gomorrah near the front door.
  • According to a newspaper found in Gomorrah, the casino was called just "TOPS" before the War.
  • The framed newspaper clipped to the right of the entrance doors in the lobby contains an error, referring to the Ultra-Luxe as "The Ultra Lux."
  • If patch 1.1.0 is installed, there will be a wall separating the reception area and the casino floor.


The piped-in music consists of the following tracks. For music used in the show performances, see The Aces.


The Tops Hotel and Casino appears in Fallout: New Vegas, the graphic novel All Roads and in the end credits of the Fallout TV series episode "The Beginning".

Behind the scenes[]

  • The in-game Tops is similar in appearance to two real-world locations of the Sands Hotel and Casino and the Mint Las Vegas. In 1996, the Sands was demolished and the Venetian was built in its place.
  • One of the acts in the Aces theater is a group of three entertainers called the RAD Pack, which is a reference to the famous Vegas group of Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., Peter Lawford, Joey Bishop, and Dean Martin, collectively called the Rat Pack during its years of fame in the early 1960s, including being hosted in the Sands Hotel and Casino. The in-game Rad Pack's name is likely a double entendre, both mimicking the Rat Pack and incorporating a radiation pun, similar to the name of Mr. RADical.
  • The placement of Benny's suite on the thirteenth floor may be a reference to the superstitious belief that the number "13" is considered unlucky, to the point many hotels and apartment buildings deliberately do not assign it as a floor number, i.e. skipping from 12 to 14.
  • James Garcia created the 3D model of The Tops neon sign.[Non-game 2]
  • In the casino, there is an elevator that will take the player character into the regular areas of Vault 21, only ever intended as an escape passage that Benny could use if confronted, explaining how he could have gotten out of the Tops.[Non-game 3]


  • PCPC The locked Average door in the restaurant can become bugged, and no lock is shown. The lockpick mini game can still be played, however, you will not be able to see the lock nor the bobby pin.[verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 The player sometimes doesn't get their stashed weapons back when exiting.[verified]
  • Xbox 360Xbox 360 If the player dismisses companions while inside The Tops and tells them to return to the Lucky 38, they may walk toward the front doors but never exit. Instead, they remain waiting in The Tops lobby. To fix get the companion to re-join you, exit The Tops, then dismiss them again once you are both outside of the casino. They will then walk to the Lucky 38.[verified]
  • Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 When exchanging chips into caps, the messages "added X caps" and "removed X chips" are displayed, but no chips are removed and no caps are added. To fix exchange chips into Legion/NCR money, then exchange Legion/NCR money into caps at another casino.[verified]
  • Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Sometimes one of the Chairmen will have no head, but his mouth, eyes, and hair will be floating above his suit.[verified]
  • Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 On the 13th floor, if you drag a corpse into the corridor behind Yes Man's room it will become invisible.[verified]
  • Xbox 360Xbox 360 Taking the elevator to and from the 13th floor sometimes causes the screen to go black after loading.[verified]
  • PCPC Sometimes when entering The Tops there will be a glitch where almost every door in The Tops has an Average lock on it and some random places in the wasteland will too (e.g. ovens, random containers, etc.) Also, they will sometimes lock again as soon as you unlock them.[verified]
  • PCPC Xbox 360Xbox 360 Sometimes when entering The Tops there will be a glitch where you will get stuck entering the main floor.[verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 If you obtain 32768 The Tops Chips and then drop them, it will appear as -32768 The Tops Chips. Upon turning in your chips, you will still have the option to turn in your chips, effectively allowing for infinite caps.[verified]


See also[]


  1. Newspaper article
  2. Advertisement.
  3. Newspaper article.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Fallout TV series, Season 1, Episode 8: "The Beginning", end credits
  5. The Courier: "Who exactly are you, Mr. House?"
    Robert House: "I am Robert Edwin House, President, CEO, and sole proprietor of the New Vegas Strip. I oversaw the city's renovations starting from 2274 onward. The Three Families are my employees. Before the Great War of 2077, I was the founder, President and CEO of RobCo Industries, a vast computer and robotics corporation."
    (Mr. House's dialogue)
  6. The Courier: "How did Mr. House introduce himself?"
    Benny: "We were east of Vegas when the first Securitron we ever saw rolled up on us. We junked it in a minute flat. The next day twenty roll up. So we listened. Said we'd been selected. Vegas needed us to defend it. In exchange, we'd get cushy digs, full stomachs, medical treatment. Everything a nomad never gets, in other words. Most of the tribe thought we should say no. I thought it was the best idea ever."
    (Benny's dialogue)
  7. The Courier: "How long were you the head of the family?"
    Benny: "Seven years. Took over three days after Mr. House introduced himself. Our chief at the time, mountain of a guy named Bingo, wanted to stay nomadic. I disagreed, so he challenged me to the knife. He looked so surprised when I stuck that knife in his neck. Thought he was so tough, but he was so slow. That's how I made chief. It's how things were back then."
    (Benny's dialogue)
  8. The Courier: "Was your tribe always called the Chairmen?"
    Benny: "Nah, in the way-back we called ourselves the Boot Riders. Silly name, but that's how we rode the Mojave, dig? - on our feet. We were nomadic badasses, not to be trifled with. A gang of ruffians, though with a certain panache. When House gave us the Tops to renovate, his robots dropped off boxes full of suits and ties and wingtip shoes. Told us we were the "Chairmen" now. That caused an uproar. But I said "the name sticks." Ciao to the old ways, baby - time to swing in style. If the shoes fit, you wear them."
    (Benny's dialogue)
  9. The Courier: "Tell me about Mr. House."
    Benny: "A good cat to swing with. Or was - until he stopped mewing. It was House's big idea to resurrect the Strip. He recruited the Three Families as muscle, showed us how to set up casinos, negotiated with the NCR. None of this in person, mind you. Did all his talking through those Securitrons of his. But lately? The silence is deafening. The robots collect House's share of the take every week and life goes on. Ain't exactly what I'd call leadership."
    (Benny's dialogue)
  10. The Courier: "What makes the Chairmen so special?"
    Benny: "We're the definition of cool, baby. We know how to swing. Folks come to us to learn how to enjoy themselves. Of the three families, we're the only ones with the heart and savoir-faire to run the Strip on our own."
    (Benny's dialogue)
  11. Fallout: New Vegas appearances.


  1. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition pp. 343-345: "[2D.04] The Tops Casino
    The Tops offers a classic Vegas experience, with cool, hip, fun, and macho posturing to entice those with a sense of style. This is a place for manly men with a dame on each arm; here to see the Rad Pack as they perform their routine "The Four Taps" over at the Ace Theater. Choose a fine wine, order the Brahmin stake rare, and have a good time, baby! The place is run by The Chairmen, who talk tough, but most of them don't take things too seriously; they're just too cool and laid back to let anything get to them. Well, all but one of them...."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)
  2. James Garcia's portfolio
  3. The Frog Helms Fan Club:
    Question: "Another question because I have nothing better to do, apologies if it's been asked before, in New Vegas, in the Tops casino, there is an elevator that takes you to an unfinished section of Vault 21. You as a player are very clearly not supposed to be there, however it looks like it could have served some purpose at one point? Were there ever anymore plans for the lower levels of that Vault?"
    Joshua Sawyer: "No. That’s the “escape passage” that Benny can use if confronted in the Tops. It was just there to explain that bit."