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Fallout Wiki

Robert House's LS chamber

A life support chamber was a cryonic device used by Robert House before the Great War.[1][2][3]


The Tops cryo suites billboard

A billboard advertising The Tops cryo suites

Robert House used a life support chamber to preserve his body for over two centuries. Unlike some other forms of cryonic technology, used by companies such as Vault-Tec,[4][5] House's LS chamber allowed him to maintain his consciousness inside of it for over a century, allowing his computer-wired brain to control various computer systems on the outside.

Billboards on the New Vegas Strip advertised cryo suites at The Tops Hotel and Casino, guaranteeing "100% safety" (with some small print), and depicting a device similar to the life support chamber used by Robert House himself.[5]


A life support chamber appears in Fallout: New Vegas.

See also[]

