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Well, look at you! It's so rare I get a volunteer. Yes, let's head to my special room. Follow me, we'll talk there.

Clanden is a mercenary; a proficient bomb maker and snuff pornographer contracted by the Omertas for their plan to take over the New Vegas Strip. He lives in a suite at Gomorrah in 2281.


To outsiders, Clanden is friendly and welcoming, offering help to anyone who approaches him and wishing them success in their gambling.[1][2] When asked about his role, he claims to be a "close friend of the Family" who was given a suite for his help as an "independent contractor."[3] He seems to have no interest in gambling or sex and appears to be a nice guy overall, to a degree that makes Cachino nervous.[4]

In truth, Clanden is anything but innocuous. A special guest of the leaders of the Omertas, Nero and Big Sal, Clanden's expertise is needed to carry out an attack on the Strip for the Legion when they attack Hoover Dam, so that they can distract the NCR Army. Clanden's expertise with explosives allows the Omertas to potentially engineer a big enough attack to force the NCR to respond and weaken their positions at Camp McCarran. Since he has to engineer a way to kill many people in a large area relatively quickly, he settled on a gas attack, using chlorine obtained from the Ultra-Luxe.[5]

In return for his services, Clanden is provided with caps, a luxury suite,[3] and regular access to all the prostitutes he wants, with no holds barred on how he treats them.[6] Clanden has incredibly "exotic," sadistic tastes in women,[7] to the point of raping and murdering his "playtoys," torturing them with a combat knife[8] or even shooting them with his revolver, and producing snuff tapes of his victims.[9][10] At least one prostitute has died by his hands in Gomorrah, and many others have fallen victim to him,[11] with his tapes providing evidence of his crimes.[12] Even if his crimes are exposed in one place, he has little qualms about fleeing simply to continue finding victims elsewhere.[13]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


  • How Little We Know: Clanden is one of the specialists who are crucial to Big Sal and Nero's plans, and can be dealt with in order to throw a wrench in their works (he can be left alone if the player decides to pursue Troike instead). He can either be killed directly/discreetly, or the snuff tapes can be found in Clanden's safe hidden in his bedroom. The tapes can then be shown to Cachino or Clanden, though showing them to Cachino will simply lead to the same objective to confront Clanden with them.
    • A Barter 50 check can be used to blackmail Clanden into paying 200 caps and leaving New Vegas in exchange for his tapes. Alternatively, the Courier can keep the tapes, but tell Clanden to leave New Vegas and never return. The other option is to tell him the tapes are evidence of his crimes, which will turn him hostile, upon which he can be killed without consequence.
    • Alternatively, if the Courier shows the snuff tapes to Cachino but does not deal with Clanden, there is another option, which only becomes available after destroying the weapon shipments with Troike and then learning of the next step from Cachino but asking to wait before meeting with the bosses. Then, it becomes possible to ask Clanden about his "exotic tastes," and passing a Speech 45 check or a Black Widow check will make Clanden lead the Courier to his playroom in the suites. Since this is only available after moving on to dealing with the bosses, it is not useful for actually progressing the quest.
      • The Speech option tricks Clanden into believing the Courier is bringing him another prostitute. When he sees he has been tricked, he turns hostile and can be killed without consequence.[10]
      • The Black Widow option has a female Courier pretend to be a new volunteer for Clanden's "play" sessions, with the same outcome as above.[9]

Other interactions[]

Effects of player's actions[]

  • If Clanden is confronted in his suite and he becomes hostile, killing him may alert the guard who patrols the hallway outside, resulting in all of the Omerta thugs in the casino becoming hostile.
  • Clanden will disappear from his room and the casino after receiving the weapon components during How Little We Know.
  • If one follows Clanden after he is dealt with by being confronted with his tapes and told to flee the Strip, he will stop his journey on the roadside directly southwest of Ranger Station Charlie a few in game days later. There will be no dialogue options available and he will talk as if he is still living in Gomorrah.
    • The same location (at the marker Vault3FleeMarker) is used by Troike when he flees, but Troike is disabled after fleeing, unlike Clanden. The Vault 3 prisoners (Rick Lancer, Rachael, and Dennis) also use this marker, but they are likewise disabled after fleeing.



  • Clanden may be killed by the Securitrons after he enters Freeside through the Strip North Gate.
  • There are many signs of violence in Clanden's suite, including evidence of a struggle in the kitchen, multiple pools of blood as well as blood tracks on the carpet.
  • A room in the suites level that can be opened with his key contains a dead prostitute. A Medicine skill of 35 or higher reveals that the woman was killed less than a day ago.
  • After investigating the dead prostitute and then dealing with Clanden and/or obtaining his snuff tapes, Captain Marie Pappas can be told of the murder at Gomorrah and shown the snuff tapes. She will be horrified, but will say she cannot act without knowing who is speaking on the tapes. However, there is no option to tell her the speaker is Clanden; this option was cut, and is elaborated on below:
  • The optional objective to turn Clanden in to Pappas was meant to be activated upon showing the snuff tapes to Cachino, but the script line doing so was commented out. If on PC, the player can use the console command SetObjectiveDisplayed 110a63 71 1 to make the objective, and Pappas' dialogue option, for turning in Clanden available, as well as the following events:
    • After reporting Clanden to Pappas, there is a scene triggered by walking through the Gomorrah lobby in which four NCR MPs enter Gomorrah and arrest Clanden in his suite before leaving with him.
    • If Clanden is turned in to Pappas, he will reappear following the quest's completion in a jail cell at the NCR Military Police HQ. He will have no new dialogue options and talk as though he were still in his Gomorrah suite if interacted with. He will not attempt to escape even if his cell door is opened. The NCR will not turn hostile if he is killed in his jail cell.
      • If the Courier uses Mister Sandman on Clanden while he's in the jail cell, they will be teleported inside of the cell with no way of escape except reloading to a previous save.

Notable quotes[]


Clanden appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 The Gomorrah prostitute may be found alive, standing inside the locked room. This appears to be the case especially if the player character has picked the lock to the room instead of opening it with Clanden's looted key. She will greet the Courier, utter random phrases, and even wander out into the hallway. Attempting to speak with the "corpse" will still prompt for the Medical skill check. She will still respawn even after being completely dismembered. [verified]



  1. Clanden: "Hey, nice to meet you. Do you need help with something?"
    (Clanden's dialogue)
  2. Clanden: "Good to see you again, I hope you're winning some money in here."
    (Clanden's dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Courier: "How did you end up with one of the hotel suites?"
    Clanden: "I'm a close friend of some of the Family around here. I do some independent contracting around the casino, and they set me up with this great room."
    (Clanden's dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "What kind of specialist is Clanden?"
    Cachino: "I got no fucking idea. They let him have the run of the place though. He seems like a nice guy, but he makes nervous. He's a little arrogant, but he's too nice. Too open, I've never seen him fucking or gambling. Everyone has a vice, but this guy seems like the Pope."
    (Cachino's dialogue)
  5. The Courier: "What do you need the bombs for?"
    Clanden: "Blowing shit up, of course. Thing is, they don't need things to blow up, they need people to die in a fairly large area in a fairly small timeframe. There are other ways to kill people with bombs aside from explosions, if you know what I mean."
    (Clanden's dialogue)
  6. The Courier: "[Speech 45] Oh, I was just told to deliver a girl to the spare room you keep up here."
    Clanden: "[SUCCEEDED] Oh, already? I figured it would be a couple days. Well, let's go meet the lucky lady."
    (Clanden's dialogue)
  7. The Courier: "I hear you have some exotic tastes when it comes to women."
    Clanden: "Oh did you now? What business is that of yours, and why the fuck should I care?"
    (Clanden's dialogue)
  8. Message box from the dead prostitute in the Gomorrah suites, Medicine 34 or below: "You take a look at the body but are unable to determine anything about the cause or nature of her death aside from the knife wounds."
  9. 9.0 9.1 Clanden: "Ok little lady, let's get started. You look like a tough piece of meat, I'm going to enjoy tenderizing you."
    (Clanden's dialogue) Note: Plays when Clanden enters his murder room after Black Widow is used to trick him there. At the end, Clanden turns hostile and attacks with his revolver. There are several commented out script lines which would have instead made him use a combat knife to attack instead.
  10. 10.0 10.1 Clanden: "What the fuck are you trying to pull here? Where is my girl? Now I'm gonna have to kill your sorry ass."
    (Clanden's dialogue) Note: Plays when Clanden enters his murder room after Speech is used to trick him there. At the end, Clanden turns hostile and attacks with his revolver. There are several commented out script lines which would have instead made him use a combat knife to attack instead.
  11. Message box from the dead prostitute in the Gomorrah suites, Medicine 85+: "This girl appears to have been tortured for several hours and then murdered. Judging by the rate of livor mortis, you guess the body has been here for 12 to 14 hours. The lack of hesitation wounds on the body as well as the old blood surrounding it implies that the murderer is experienced and has murdered in this way previously."
  12. Snuff tapes
  13. The Courier: "You can't have the tapes, but I'll keep them to myself if you leave and never come back."
    Clanden: "Fuck, I was getting tired of this place anyways. I can find girls to play with somewhere else."
    (Clanden's dialogue)