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Let me help you slip into something a little more comfortable.

Sweetie is a bisexual female prostitute working for Pretty Sarah at the Casa Madrid Apartments in Fallout: New Vegas.


The most attractive woman in Westside and a house favorite at the Casa,[1] Sweetie is well known across town, and Sarah's highest earner.[2] Sweetie started sex work at Gomorrah, working for the Omertas. Although the pay was good, she quickly realized that it was a rigged game: The workers were given free Jet and Med-X, until they developed an addiction, which is when the Omertas started charging. Rather than suffer slavery through a needle, she left their employ and moved to Westside. The lower earnings are more than compensated by the higher profit.[3] She deliberately chose her name to emphasize that she's the "sweetest piece" anywhere outside the Strip.[4] Sarah is also a good boss and keeps the customers from getting too rough.[5]

She is a smart woman perfectly aware of who she is, and approaches her work like any other job. Her clients can count on discretion, though privacy a good like any other. With the right amount of caps, she'll share secrets,[6] including dirty secrets about their bedtime behavior. It helps when the client in question is particularly perverse, such as asking her to pretend to be a corpse and behaving in a creepy fashion.[7] Still, she will expect to be paid for her trouble, especially if she risks losing well-paying customers.[8]

Beyond a business mindset, she can also show biting wit.[9] and is largely immune to pick-up games played by men,[10] but has a soft spot for women.[11] Men tend to become obsessed with her, such as Marco, the landlord, who seems to know everything about her,[12] and Saint James, Dermot's partner, who spends every cap he earns on her.[13]

As Sweetie takes both male and female clients, her homophobic co-worker, Maude, considers her a pervert[14] who is not picky about her clients.[15]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
Sexpert color
This character can be slept with.

Cost: 300 caps



Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Merc charmer outfit Switchblade Saint James' room key -

Notable quotes[]


Sweetie appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. Pretty Sarah: "{Non-Dummy} Three flavors to choose from - Sweetie, Maude, and Jimmy. Sweetie's the house favorite, for reasons that should be obvious. Maude is what you might call the discount rack. She's what a customer wears if he doesn't have the caps to afford Sweetie - or just likes them old. Jimmy's more of a "specialist." I only hear good things. "
  2. Westsider dialogue: "That Sweetie sure is something."
  3. The Courier: "Wouldn't you make more money working on the Strip?"
    Sweetie: "I got my start at the Gomorrah, good money, but I saw how those Omertas hook girls on free Jet or Med-X - then start charging. Slavery through a needle is what that is. I earn less out here, but I keep more."
    (Sweetie's dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "Tell me about yourself."
    Sweetie: "I'm called Sweetie because I'm the sweetest piece you'll find anywhere outside of the Strip. I could work in those casinos if I wanted."
    (Sweetie's dialogue)
  5. Courier: "You work for Pretty Sarah? "
    Sweetie: "I bring in the customers, and she makes sure no one gets rough. Sarah's good people. Good enough, anyway. "
  6. Courier: "Does Saint James pay you for anything "unusual"? "
    Sweetie: "A client's got a right to privacy. So it'll cost 200 caps for me to tell you all about it. "
  7. Courier: "All right. 200 caps it is. "
    Sweetie: "Saint James has problems, that's for sure. Never wants me to say a thing, or for me to move around, either. Lately he brings a teddy bear with him and props it on the bed like it's watching us. It's creepy as hell. Not the worst I ever been with, but more a pervert than most. "
  8. Courier: "I'll pay you for the key. "
    Sweetie: "We can come to a deal. My price is firm, though - Saint James is a good customer and it better be worth it if I'm going to lose him. "
  9. Courier: "Let's say 100 caps. Or you could earn zero keeping your mouth shut. "
    Sweetie: "[SUCCEEDED] {mischievous} Funny how I make caps every time I open my mouth. Saint James has problems, that's for sure. Never wants me to say a thing, or for me to move around, either. Lately he brings a teddy bear with him and props it on the bed like it's watching us. It's creepy as hell. Not the worst I ever been with, but more a pervert than most. "
  10. Courier: "{Lady Killer}You'd say no to a guy like me? And here I thought you were special... "
    Sweetie: "{playful} Oh, don't you dare play that game with me. Fine, here's the key since it's so important to you. Just don't say where you got it. "
  11. Courier: "{Cherchez La Femme}We girls need to stick together, and this'll be our secret. "
    Sweetie: "I could never resist a woman like you. Here, take the key, but don't tell anyone where you go it. "
  12. Courier: "Tell me about Sweetie."
    Marco: "Oh, I know everything - how she smells, how she tastes, how it feels to slip her on and wiggle.{Ha!} Damn fine woman, but damn expensive, too. Just ask Saint James - he spends near every cap he gets on Sweetie's sweets.{Ha!}"
  13. Courier: "What do you know about Dermot and Saint James?"
    Maude: "Those boys been living here a while now. They sell salvage and do all right. I never been with either of them. That Saint James is all over Sweetie every time he rustles up the caps to afford her. She says he's peculiar but who isn't?"
  14. Courier: "I'd like your services."
    Maude: "{Female PC} {disapproving} If you're looking to get perverted, go talk to Sweetie. She's less particular than I am. "
  15. Courier: "Tell me about Sweetie. "
    Maude: "She's a good earner. {sour grapes} Of course, she don't care who she sleeps with or what they do to her. "