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Fallout Wiki

Hungry? Thirsty? Horny? The Atomic Wrangler has you covered!— Atomic Wrangler crier

The Atomic Wrangler crier is a crier who shouts advertisements for the Atomic Wrangler Casino. She can be found on a street corner near the Atomic Wrangler in Freeside in Fallout: New Vegas.


The crier for the Atomic Wrangler is a young woman employed by the Garret twins, who pay her to boost public awareness of their establishment and help bring in customers. She does so by using blatant sex appeal.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

38 Paradigm of Humanity
This character has no special interactions.

Other interactions[]

Whenever the player character walks by, she will offer directions to the Atomic Wrangler and encourage them to take advantage of the casino's many services.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Prostitute outfit Knife

Notable quotes[]


The Atomic Wrangler crier appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.

Behind the scenes[]

The Atomic Wrangler crier is voiced by child actor Ashley McGullam. According to Joshua Sawyer, it was likely an oversight, given the mature and sexual lines.[Non-game 1]


PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 There may be instances where the Silver Rush crier and the Atomic Wrangler crier become hostile towards each other, which will leave one dead.[verified]

  • The Silver Rush crier typically wins since he is armed with a plasma pistol, whereas the Atomic Wrangler crier is armed with only a knife.




  1. Joshua Sawyer on Twitter: "you can either deduce that this minor character was cast this way due to the presumably extremely perverse and wild tastes of everyone involved OR that it was a screw-up/oversight like the dozens of other ones that players have noted in the last 10 years."