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In combat, you do +10% damage against male opponents. Outside of combat, you'll sometimes have access to unique dialogue options when dealing with the opposite sex.Fallout: New Vegas description

Black Widow is a perk exclusive to a female Courier in Fallout: New Vegas.


Taking this perk grants a +10% bonus to damage against enemies of the opposite sex during combat and access to unique dialogue options with certain characters of the opposite sex outside of combat. Like with Lady Killer, the dialogue options unlocked by the perk identify the Courier as heterosexual(or bisexual if Cherchez La Femme is selected as well).

Interactions that require the Black Widow perk[]


Dialogue choices from these associated perks do not count as Speech successes.

Behind the scenes[]

Black Widow derives its name from the habit of female Latrodectus (black widow spiders) to cannibalize their mates during or after mating. It is also the official FBI designation for a woman who murders her husband(s), usually in a serial fashion and/or for monetary gain.


  1. Courier: "You left your Vault because you were going bald?"
    Chris Haversam: "Bald? You call this bald, smoothskin? I'm a monster! A monster!"
    The Courier: "[Black Widow] Honey, you're no monster. You're cute! Why, I could just eat you up!"
    Chris Haversam: "Stop making fun of me! But you're telling the truth, aren't you? Oh no! How could they do this to me? For two years? My god, I've been a joke to them! Do you have any idea how easy it'd be for me to sabotage those rockets? That'd be a joke, huh? One hell of a joke!"
    (Chris Haversam's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "I'm looking to make a few extra caps. Got any jobs you need done?"
    Swank: "Baby, you stick with me, you won't have to work a day in your life. Don't fret about caps, you just sit there and look pretty for me."
    The Courier: "[Black Widow] Baby, you're too good to me! How about some caps to buy myself something pretty?"
    Swank: "Ooh, I dig the way you think, doll. Here, go treat yourself."
    (Swank's dialogue)
  3. Benny: "What in the goddamn...? Let's keep this in the groove, hey? Smooth moves, like smooth little babies..."
    The Courier: "[Black Widow] When you shot me, you ran off so fast I never got your name."
    Benny: "You making a pass at me, sister? Because I'm out of your league."
    The Courier: "[Black Widow] Is it wrong to want a guy who'd shoot me in the head?"
    Benny: "Did those bullets scramble your eggs? Or have you always been a naughty broad...?"
    The Courier: "[Black Widow] Girls like bad boys. And you've been downright awful."
    Benny: "You're one sick pussycat, baby. There's quins and there's... I don't even know what to call you."
    Courier: "[Black Widow] I'm saying I dig you, despite it all. What do you say?"
    Benny: "I hear 'dig' from you, babe, and all I can think of is a shovel. How can this be? This ain't forgiveness, it's something... wrong."
    The Courier: "[Black Widow] I'm a courier, remember? Don't you want me to handle your package?"
    Benny: "All right, honey baby, this is all kinds of wrong, but to my suite it is. Thirteenth floor. Don't keep me waiting."
    (Benny's dialogue)
  4. Carlyle St. Clair III: "Kepp your distance. Who are you, and what do you want?"
    The Courier: "[Black Widow] Your naked body, stud. Go into the dumpster and I'll meet you after I change."
    Carlyle St. Clair: "The dumpster? That's filthy. I can't tell you how much that turns me on. Takes me back to my youth when I used to fool around with the help at our estate. I shouldn't... but... it's been so long. And when is this ever going to happen to me again? Okay, you're on. Don't keep me waiting, gorgeous."
    (Carlyle's dialogue)
  5. The Courier: "How would you like to work for the Garrets?"
    Old Ben: "I'm retired, but life has been a bit dull without some kind of action. What's the job?"
    The Courier: "James Garret needs a real 'boyfriend experience' for more discerning patrons."
    Old Ben: "Ah, I get you. So you think because of my past escort work. I'd be interested in that kind of thing? I got out of that work because it just made me feel empty inside. What makes you think I would ever go back to that degradation?"
    The Courier: "[Black Widow] Ben, you give your clients a precious respite from the ills of the world."
    Old Ben: "I never put much thought into the well-being my clients got out of my services. I suppose they only get as much as I put into it. Tell Garret I'd be happy to start at the Wrangler immediately. This shold be a nice change of pace from retirement."
    (Old Ben's dialogue)
  6. The Courier: "How's caravan life in the Mojave?"
    Cass: "Well, I'm not one for soft living... or soft men, let me tell you. I'm guessing neither are you."
    The Courier: "[Black Widow] Soft men don't stay that way around me, I've found."
    Cass: "Well, don't let the soldiers drink too much, and I'd agree with you most time. Fucking whiskey dicks. My point before? Is that you know the Mojave, and it's a hard place."
    (Cass's dialogue)
  7. The Courier: "I'm looking for ways to help out. Anything come to mind?"
    Jack: "What I could use is some scrap metal. It may not sound exciting, but around here we have to recycle every rivet and plate. The other thing, you being from the outside and all, well, I guess you could call it a personal matter but, well... Eh, forget it!"
    The Courier: "[Black Widow] A 'personal matter', hmm? Handsome guy like you, I bet there's a girl involved."
    Jack: "You think I'm handsome? Wow, I wonder if she does, too!"
    (Jack's dialogue)
  8. Janet: "You should go talk to Blake or Alice, they handle most of our contact with visitors."
    The Courier: "I don't suppose you watch the Boomers over in Nellis sometimes, do you?"
    Janet: "I watch all sorts of things with my binoculars. What wants to know, and why?"
    The Courier: "I've been inside Nellis. There's a young man there who has a crush on you."
    Janet: "Nice-looking blonde boy? I always wondered if he was watching me back! What's he like?"
    The Courier: "[Black Widow] He's a catch. You should see him blush when I flirt with him."
    Janet: "Well, you don't have to do that anymore! Sounds like I better hurry to him. Any chance the Boomers would let me visit Nellis?"
    The Courier: "I'll ask Pearl to make an exception for you."
    Janet: "This is so exciting! Let me know how it turns out."
    (Janet's dialogue)
  9. Dazzle: "Hi, honey. I'm Dazzle. What can I do for you... or to you? Every night's ladies night here."
    The Courier: "How much for a good time?"
    Dazzle: "A hundred caps. No kissing, no rough stuff."
    The Courier: "[Black Widow] We girls have to stick together. Any chance you could give me a better deal?"
    Dazzle: "Yeah, you're right. For you, and just you, fifty caps. Don't tell anyone."
    The Courier: "Fifty caps it is. Let's party."
    Dazzle: "We can go right over here, baby."
    (Dazzle's dialogue)
  10. The Courier: "[Black Widow] I thought that maybe I could be your next playtoy. Your exploits are well known."
    Clanden: "Well, look at you! It's so rare I get a volunteer. Yes, let's head to my special room. Follow me, we'll talk there."
    "Ok little lady, let's get started. You look like a tough piece of meat, I'm going to enjoy tenderizing you. {Clanden was just tricked into thinking he was going to find a prostitute, instead it is just the player.}"
    (Clanden's dialogue) Note: The first line is before Clanden leaves his suite. The second line occurs when Clanden enters his murder room.
  11. Tyrone: "Hey, hey. What can Tyrone do for you?"
    The Courier: "A friend in Sloan told me to come to you about some chemical supplies."
    Tyrone: "You trying to get me busted? Keep your voice down - Lieutenant Hayes already has his eye on me. Look, I already told Chomps that the NCR's getting suspicious of all these 'misplaced' supplies. Bigger risk means bigger cost - 300 caps bigger."
    The Courier: "[Black Widow] How about you and I come to another arrangement. It'll be worth your while, trust me."
    Tyrone: "Well, it has been awhile. All right, let's do this."
    (Tyrone's dialogue)
  12. Dean Domino: "Well, now, if it isn't my ball, chain, and dog collar all rolled into one."
    The Courier: "I switched on two Holograms to cover the courtyard, those should protect you."
    Dean Domino: "You powered the Holograms up? Well... yeah, that's pretty good protection. Sure worked at the fountain, Vera kept the Ghost People away. But, uh... how do I know the power won't suddenly go out? And... I don't know, this still sounds risky to me. For me."
    The Courier: "[Black Widow] Dean... a man with cold feet isn't someone I'd share a bed with."
    Dean Domino: "Wait, hold on. I didn't say I was scared. Heh, heh. Cold feet? Don't be ridiculous. I've played to worse crowds than this, I can hold the fort here. But listen... when this thing goes off, try and get into the Sierra Madre without me? You'll wish you hadn't."
    (Dean Domino's dialogue)
  13. The Courier: "Do you have any other special skills or abilities?"
    Ricky: "Well, I grew up near Dayglow out west, so yeah, I grew a third nut that glows in the dark! I'll drop trou for you out on the trail after dark, sis. Let you see what you're working with, know what I mean?"
    The Courier: "[Black Widow] I'll bring my tweezers and a microscope."
    Ricky: "Hey! That's - man, what a bitch! I was just being friendly!"
    (Ricky's dialogue)
  14. The Courier: "Come on, let's go. We're getting out of here!"
    Brain tank: "Ew! Crawl back in there? Are you mad? I don't know where you've been! For all I know, you're riddled with disease, or packing one of those delightful head wounds you seem to attract. I'm not crawling back into your head just to ooze right back out again!"
    The Courier: "[Black Widow] Come on, you're my brain and I'm your body. This is meant to be, baby!"
    Brain tank: "Are you... Are you coming on to me?! Sweet Lord, I don't even have the words for how repugnantly wrong that is! Please tell me we weren't that perverse when I was in your head! Anyways, even if... that... were on the table, we have a problem. Even if I wanted to settle myself back into your skull and go to all the trouble of reconnecting nerve endings, Dr. Mobius doesn't have the tools here. We would have to make use of Dr. Klein's lab, and I rather doubt the brains are inclined to share."
    (Courier's brain's dialogue)