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Implant Y-3 places an internal filtration system in the digestive tract that strips any liquid consumed of all radioactive particles before being processed by the body.— In-game description

Implant Y-3 is an implant perk in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Old World Blues.


The implant must be purchased from the Sink Auto-Doc for 12,000 caps, which requires both installing it via finding its personality module in the Y-17 medical facility and finding the implant module in the Z-9 Crotalus DNA preservation lab.


Gaining this perk grants a permanent passive ability that reduces the amount of rads inflicted when drinking dirty or irradiated water, soft drinks like Nuka-Cola, and alcohol from the Pip-Boy inventory. It also has a secondary effect when drinking from irradiated faucets, toilets, urinals or water ponds where their rads amounts are lowered to 1 rad.


  • A message, "Implant Y-3 removed ingested radiation" will appear on-screen when the perk is activated.
  • The amount of radiation removed is dependent on the player's current radiation resistance level.
  • Due to the way the perk's effects are calculated (1 - (Player.GetActorValue RadResist / 100)), it is less effective at higher levels of radiation resistance. [verification needed] Using dirty water as an example:
    • RadResist 15%, drinking dirty water (Rad+5) → no radiation
    • RadResist 69%, drinking dirty water (Rad+1) → no radiation
    • RadResist 70%, drinking dirty water (Rad+1) → radiation +1
      • Note that high levels of radiation resistance may be temporary (boosted by Rad-X and clothing items), while the player may need to drink on a more regular basis, especially in hardcore mode.
  • The perk can serve as an alternative to Lead Belly, albeit this perk does not affect irradiated food.

Behind the scenes[]

The perk image is the same one used for the RobCo processor widget, a quest item in Fallout 3 as well as that of all other implant perks and Implant GRX in Old World Blues. It is also the only perk image in Fallout: New Vegas to be missing Vault Boy or Vault Girl.
