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Fallout Wiki

You want a superheated Saturnite Power Fist? I can hook that shit up!Toaster

The Saturnite alloy research facility is a location in the southwest of the Big MT in 2281. It is located southeast of the Z-43 innovative toxins plant and is a factory based on top of a cave system where there is an exposed lava flow.


Saturnite retains heat to the point where a blade forged from it can be used to melt metal. This factory utilized the lava within for such research.


The building is full of crazed Mister Handy robots, along with one unique Mister Handy by the name of Sparks.

Upon entering the eastern entrance is a standard lobby with a few desks and computers that leads to the main factory floor. In front of the first desk is a box of Mentats, with a Sunset Sarsaparilla vending machine nearby. This floor has a southern exit, as well as a set of stairs that lead up to a small tunnel system. There is a part of the rail that can be jumped over, in which there is a pipe to land on, which when walked across, leads to a toolbox containing assorted chems.

The tunnels lead to a cave system with more stairs, that eventually lead down into the main cave. The main cave, as well as Sparks, however, are protected by a force field, so a sonic emitter will be required to progress further in.

Notable loot[]

  • Light Switch 02 Upgrade: "Mood Lights" - Holotape, turn right and step through the entrance door of the factory. Immediately on the left of the doorway just entered, in a cabinet.
  • Two construction hats - One on the ledge of a lava pit west, the other near some lockers just outside the office.


  • If the Courier jumps down into the lava pit, they will die before landing on the lava. The lava is flat, and the player character will land on it as if it were actually ground, yet the lava will still move under the body.
  • Upon exiting the facility through the southern garage door exit, a skeleton with a construction hat is located a few feet in front of a truck. Another one is next to the lockers near where the Light Switch 02 Upgrade holotape is found. There is also one of the skeletons on the edge of the lava pit.
  • Outside of the main building is an Old World flag painted in blue, left by Ulysses.
  • Standing on the raw superheated Saturnite bar in the rear of the building will not cause damage.
  • An advertisement for the cosmic knife can be seen close to the entrance of the facility.
  • There is a backwards tool cabinet next to the garage door inside the facility.


The Saturnite alloy research facility appears only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Old World Blues.

