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Quick walkthrough[]

Unmarked Quest: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger 
Go to the New Vegas medical clinic and buy an implant 
Reward: +1 SPECIAL skill and/or special 'perk' effect from implant 


Implants are available in Fallout: New Vegas from Doctor Usanagi, a Followers of the Apocalypse doctor who heads the New Vegas medical clinic. The physical implants behave in the same manner as the Intense Training perk, permanently raising a single SPECIAL statistic by one (much like bobbleheads in Fallout 3). Physical implants will not be sold to the player if their respective statistic is already 10. The other two implants sold by Dr. Usanagi affect health regeneration and damage threshold.

Four special implants are available in Big MT in the add-on Old World Blues, which strengthen the player in various ways.

The implant limit, or number of implants that can be installed by Dr. Usanagi, is equal to the player's Endurance. Only the permanent base Endurance score minus any Endurance implant is counted for the implant limit allowance; boosts from drugs and apparel don't help. Even though the boost from the Endurance implant is permanent, it doesn't entitle the player to an additional implant, although that raise does count for all other applications. Raising Endurance with Intense Training or by allocating the one point bonus by concluding the Lonesome Road add-on does allow an additional implant. Implants from the Old World Blues add-on do not count against this limit.

Since the effects of implants bought from Dr. Usanagi are counted as a permanent increase to your SPECIAL, they will affect the perks available to the player.

Fallout: New Vegas[]

If you've got the caps, I've also got several implants available to enhance your physical attributes.Doctor Usanagi

Doctor Usanagi sells implants to augment physical abilities, and two special implants to augment combat performance. Only one of each type can be installed. Installing an implant takes 3 hours of in-game time each.

This section is transcluded from Fallout: New Vegas perks. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Name Unlock conditions Ranks Benefit Form ID
"Hypertrophy Accelerator" Strength Implant Buy from Doctor Usanagi for 4000 caps. 1 +1 Strength 0014C069
"Optics Enhancer" Perception Implant Buy from Doctor Usanagi for 4000 caps. 1 +1 Perception 0014C12D
"Nociception Regulator" Endurance Implant Buy from Doctor Usanagi for 4000 caps. 1 +1 Endurance 0014C12E
"Empathy Synthesizer" Charisma Implant Buy from Doctor Usanagi for 4000 caps. 1 +1 Charisma 0014C130
"Logic Co-Processor" Intelligence Implant Buy from Doctor Usanagi for 4000 caps. 1 +1 Intelligence 0014C132
"Reflex Booster" Agility Implant Buy from Doctor Usanagi for 4000 caps. 1 +1 Agility 0014C12A
"Probability Calculator" Luck Implant Buy from Doctor Usanagi for 4000 caps. 1 +1 Luck 0014C134
"NEMEAN" Sub-Dermal Armor Buy from Doctor Usanagi for 8000 caps. 1 +4 Damage Threshold


"PHOENIX" Monocyte Breeder Buy from Doctor Usanagi for 12000 caps. 1 Regenerate 1 health per 10 seconds 0014CCE1

Old World Blues[]

These implants can be obtained from the Sink Auto-Doc in the Big MT. Unlike the implants acquired from Usanagi, they can all be obtained regardless of the player character's Endurance level. Though one must have a total of 50 000 caps to purchase all 4 implants.

This section is transcluded from Fallout: New Vegas perks. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Name Unlock conditions Ranks Benefit Form ID
Implant C-13 Surgery purchased through dialogue with the Sink Auto-Doc in The Sink for 8,000 caps. 1 Plus 10% damage to cazadores xx009616
Implant M-5 Surgery purchased through dialogue with the Sink Auto-Doc in The Sink for 10,000 caps. 1 Your crouched movement speed is increased by 20%. xx009614
Implant Y-3 Surgery purchased through dialogue with the Sink Auto-Doc in The Sink for 12,000 caps. 1 Removes any radiation taken from drinking an irradiated water source. xx009615
Implant Y-7 Surgery purchased through dialogue with the Sink Auto-Doc in The Sink for 20,000 caps. 1 +5 health and +2 restored action points through the consumption of food. xx00961A


  • A permanent unmodified Endurance of 9 will guarantee you the ability to get every implant. An Endurance of 7 will allow you to get all SPECIAL increasing implants.
  • In normal mode, the PHOENIX Monocyte Breeder implant can effectively replace the need to sleep in order to regain health. Waiting will restore 12 HP an hour, or 288 HP in 24 hours, meaning it will often only take a single day of waiting to restore health. It also restores health during fast travel.
  • If the player character has an INT stat of 3 or below, they will be offered a dialogue option of: "You sell plants, too?" Usanagi will explain what she really sells, then offer the Intelligence implant for a reduced price out of pity. Lowering the INT stat only temporarily by Chems makes the dialogue option available but does not entitle to the discount, even if administered before making first contact with Dr. Usanagi.
  • Purchasing implants from Doctor Usanagi is an unmarked quest: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger.

Behind the scenes[]

The quest "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" is a reference to The Six Million Dollar Man, a late 1970s TV show about a former astronaut with bionic implants.


PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 If you are offered the low-Intelligence discount but do not purchase the Intelligence implant and then you leave the hospital, when you return and speak to Usanagi next time she will no longer offer this implant - discounted or otherwise.[verified]

See Also[]

  • Implant GRX, a perk that allows 5-10 daily uses of a non-addictive drug that causes a brief slowdown of the surroundings similar to Turbo.