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This is a transcript for dialogue with Jack, the Boomer found in Nellis Air Force Base..


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 So you're the outsider. Lived your whole life out there, huh? Wow. 1
Neutral 50 I always thought you savages probably spoke a different language, but I hear you sound like us. 2
GREETING Neutral 50 Thank you for getting Janet to Nellis. I've never been so happy in my entire life! 3
GREETING Neutral 50 This has been a dream come true to work on the Lady. I don't think I've seen Loyal this frisky in years.{test} 4
GREETING Neutral 50 I've never been so happy in my entire life! 5
GREETING Neutral 50 Have you seen her? The redhead of my dreams? 6
GREETING Neutral 50 Hi! I can't believe I'm going to meet my red-headed lady soon! I'm really nervous about it! 7
GREETING Neutral 50 {Player responsible for the death of his love} Go to hell, outsider. Stay away from me. 8
GREETING Neutral 50 You're a terrible person! I loved her! And you let her run right into our killzone. Why didn't you stop her? 9
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey there. Back for more? 10
NellisJackGirlIssue So tell me about this girl that caught your interest. Neutral 50 There's an outpost near here. The signs say "Crimson Caravan?" It seems like they carry things to and fro for people out there? 11
Neutral 50 Well, every once in a while I watch the outpost through one of the spotters' binoculars. And sometimes there's this girl there, this special girl... 12
Neutral 50 And sometimes it's like she's watching me back with her binoculars! Except she's probably just watching Nellis. I haven't tried waving. 13
NellisJackScrap01 I've got scrap metal for you. Neutral 50 Cool! How much can you spare? 14
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic000 I'm looking for ways to help out. Anything come to mind? Neutral 50 What I could use is some scrap metal. It may not sound exciting, but around here we have to recycle every rivet and plate. 15
Neutral 50 The other thing, you being from the outside and all, well, I guess you'd call it a personal matter but, well... Eh, forget it! 16
Can you think of any ways I can help out? Neutral 50 Like I said, I can never get enough scrap metal. 17
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic001 What do you do here? Neutral 50 Me? I work with Loyal, mostly electronics work and robotics. Keeping the old technologies alive, right? 18
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic002 I can find you some scrap metal. Neutral 50 Thanks. That'd be great. 19
Personal matter? Nonsense. Spit it out. Neutral 50 [FAILED] I'll keep my spit to myself, thank you very much. That sounded stupid, didn't it? Damn it. 20
Where I come from, we discuss personal matters all the time. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] That must be nice, sharing yourself like that, not being embarrassed or anything? Well, the thing is, there's this girl... 21
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic004 Good news. She feels the same way. Neutral 50 She does? You mean it? That's incredible! 22
Neutral 50 What happens next? Can she come here? How do we make sure she doesn't get blown up? Should I talk to the gunners? Or to Pearl? 23
I'm working on it. I need to talk to Pearl first. Neutral 50 Okay, I'm just really excited is all. 24
I'm working on it. Neutral 50 Oh, well let me know when you do. 25
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic005 Goodbye. Neutral 50 All right. See you around, I hope. 26
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic006 This doesn't interest me. Neutral 50 Then why did you make me spill my guts about it? You're an asshole! 27
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic007 What can you tell me about Loyal? Neutral 50 Loyal's a great man, but he's getting on in years, so a younger's got to learn everything he knows. That'd be me. 28
Neutral 50 The man knows how to fix and build just about everything that was ever made. It's not easy keeping up with him. 29
Neutral 50 If you help him recover the Lady I figure - oh, I figure it's been a nice day. Yeah, a real nice day. 30
What can you tell me about Loyal? Neutral 50 Loyal's a great man, but he's getting on in years, so a younger's got to learn everything he knows. That'd be me. 31
Neutral 50 The man knows how to fix and build just about everything that was ever made. It's not easy keeping up with him. 32
What can you tell me about Loyal? Neutral 50 Oh come on, you've met Loyal by now. He's a mechanical genius. 33
Neutral 50 The man knows how to fix and build just about everything that was ever made. It's not easy keeping up with him. 34
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic008 I can spare 2. Neutral 50 Thanks. 35
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic009 Maybe I could talk to her for you. What's she look like? Neutral 50 Oh, you can't miss her! She has short red hair and she's the most beautiful woman who ever lived! 36
Neutral 50 You'd really talk to her for me? What if she feels the same way? What if she comes here like you did? 37
Neutral 50 What if she gets blown up? What if she doesn't like me? 38
Neutral 50 Oh jeez, I better just let you handle it. I'm better with machines. They don't make my stomach queasy like this! 39
Maybe I could talk to her for you. What's she look like? Neutral 50 Oh, you can't miss her! She has short red hair and she's the most beautiful woman who ever lived! 40
Neutral 50 You'd really talk to her for me? What if she feels the same way? What if she comes here like you did? 41
Neutral 50 What if she gets blown up? What if she doesn't like me? 42
Neutral 50 Oh jeez, I better just let you handle it. I'm better with machines. They don't make my stomach queasy like this! 43
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic010 I'll look into it. Stranger things have happened. Neutral 50 That would be amazing. As in, I would thank you forever. 44
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic011 Just 1. Neutral 50 Thanks. 45
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic012 Just take all of it. Neutral 50 Hey thanks! 46
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic013 Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I think she's dead. Neutral 50 What?! No! I mean, I haven't seen her around for a while, but I thought she was just busy working. 47
Neutral 50 She was so beautiful... Now I'll never get to know her. 48
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic014 Loyal said you can help me breathe under water. Neutral 50 I just need some parts from a pressure cooker to create a hermetic seal for the rebreather. 49
Loyal said you can help me breathe under water. Neutral 50 Have you found a pressure cooker so I can finish the rebreather? 50
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic015 Let's talk about something else Neutral 50 Okay. 51
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic016 That's all for now. Neutral 50 Thanks for dropping it off. Anything else? 52
<Confirmed Bachelor>
A "personal matter," eh? Handsome guy like you, I bet there's a girl involved. Neutral 50 You think I'm handsome? Wow, I wonder if she does, too! 53
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic024 Recover a Lady? What are you talking about? Neutral 50 Did I say that? Sometimes I just say stupid things! Sorry about that. 54
Neutral 50 Pearl will tell you when the time comes. If, I mean. I should really be going. 55
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic025 I can wait until Pearl or Loyal want to tell me. Neutral 50 Thanks. Sometimes I talk too much. I guess you already know that. 56
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic028 I've had other things to attend to. Neutral 50 You said you'd talk to her. Don't treat me like a jerk for asking. 57
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic029 I've seen her, but we haven't talked about you yet. Neutral 50 Well, please, talk to her soon. The suspense is killing me! 58
I've seen her, but we haven't talked about you yet. Neutral 50 What are you waiting for? I've been losing sleep wonder what she'll say! 59
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic030 I spoke to Pearl, but Janet needs a way past the artillery. Neutral 50 Here take this Boomer outfit. I'll let the gunners know she is coming, and not to shoot at her. 60
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic031 I told her how to get through the artillery barrage. Neutral 50 Wow, that seems dangerous, but if you really think it's safe, I'll trust you. You did make it here, afterall. 61
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic032 It's not my fault that your tribe blows up everyone who comes close. Neutral 50 I wish we'd blown you up! I wish you were dead! Just leave me alone! 62
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic034 <Lie> It's a tragedy. She loved you so much, she risked it all. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Oh, my sweet blameless Red! Curse the walls of Nellis! Curse our guns and isolation! Her blood is on our hands! 63
Neutral 50 Only if we stop shelling everyone who comes close will some good come from this tragedy. If you'll excuse me... 64
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic035 <Lie> She was so excited to see you, she wouldn't wait. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Then why didn't you stop her? You could've tackled her or something! You knew how much she meant to me! 65
Neutral 50 Just - just go away! 66
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic036 Not yet. Neutral 50 Okay, well let me know when you do. 67
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic037 I have one right here. Neutral 50 Thanks, this will just take a few moments... 68
Neutral 50 Okay, it looks like the valve from the cooker was a perfect fit. Here is the rebreather. 69
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic038 I can spare 4. Neutral 50 Thanks. 70
<Science skill>
Corn silk, rubber hose, and removable adhesive would make a good hermetic seal. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] That's a brilliant idea! I can put that together right now... 71
Neutral 50 Here you go, a new rebreather! 72
Aw c'mon, it looks fine. I bet the seal will hold. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Sorry, there is no way it would withstand submersion. Has to be watertight. Past few times I've tested it I've gotten a mouthful of water. 73
Neutral 50 A pressure cooker would have the gaskets and valving I need to seal it up. 74
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic040 Actually. I can't spare anything right now. Neutral 50 That's too bad. I was hoping to melt some more down for machining. 75
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic041 Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 Okay. 76
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic042 Goodbye. Neutral 50 Bye. 77
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic046 Okay, I'll let you know if I find a pressure cooker. Neutral 50 Great, that's all I need to get the rebreather to work right. I don't think you'd want to start breathing water halfway down. 78
<Black Widow>
A "personal matter," hmm? Handsome guy like you, I bet there's a girl involved. Neutral 50 You think I'm handsome? Wow, I wonder if she does, too! 79
VFreeformNellisNellisJackTopic048 I'd like to hear about that personal matter you mentioned. Neutral 50 I thought you weren't interested. 80


HELLO Hello Neutral 50 Hello, it is great to finally meet you. 81
VFreeformNellis1ECrimsonCaravanWorkerCFTopic000 {Jack Reply 1} Neutral 50 I'm glad that you made it out here. You're even more stunning up close than you were at a distance. 82
VFreeformNellis1ECrimsonCaravanWorkerCFTopic001 {Jack Reply 2} Neutral 50 Of course it would. I'll have you set up with some quarters with some of the other women. 83