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This is a transcript for dialogue with Old Ben.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 You look new to Freeside, so here's a little advice, friend. Don't go past the south gate greeter without talking to it first. 1
GREETING Neutral 50 Hello again. 2
VFreeformFreesideTopic003 Thanks for the free advice. Who are you? Neutral 50 The name's Old Ben. I've been living in Freeside since the day I was born. 3
VFreeformFreesideTopic004 Why wouldn't I want to go past the greeter? Neutral 50 Those bots are programmed to vaporize anyone who enters the fenced-in area without authorization from the greeter. 4
VFreeformFreesideVFSOldBenTopic000 What's your story? Neutral 50 I've done a bit of everything around here - courier, butcher, crier, escort, gun for hire... 5
Neutral 50 Some of which I'm not proud of, but I do my best to help around town when needed. 6
VFreeformFreesideVFSOldBenTopic002 Goodbye. Neutral 50 Goodbye. 7
VFreeformFreesideVFSOldBenTopic003 How would you like to work for the Garrets? Neutral 50 I'm retired, but life has been a bit dull without some kind of action. What's the job? 8
VFreeformFreesideVFSOldBenTopic004 Courier? I used to be a courier before I got shot in the head. Neutral 50 Exactly one of the reasons I got out of that job. Too many shifty characters looking to have someone else move their hot items. 9
VFreeformFreesideVFSOldBenTopic005 Butcher? How did you get into that? Neutral 50 My father ran a butcher shop here in town, but business went downhill when another vendor started selling this strange meat at half of our prices. 10
VFreeformFreesideVFSOldBenTopic006 That sounds odd. Neutral 50 You're telling me. Not long after my father's shop went under and he passed away from the loss, people around town started experiencing shakes. 11
Neutral 50 No one gets shakes like that unless they're eating human flesh, but no one would believe me. The sick bastard gradually went insane and passed away. 12
Neutral 50 Wasn't long before someone moved into the guy's place and found half-buried human remains in the crawlspace. I didn't bother saying told ya so. 13
VFreeformFreesideVFSOldBenTopic008 Crier? What was that job? Neutral 50 After a while I made enough money to get a passport into Vegas. Back then you could get approved for entry for a fraction of what it costs now. 14
Neutral 50 Well, I got a job working as a crier outside of The Tops advertising for the local talent performing at the casino. That didn't last long. 15
VFreeformFreesideVFSOldBenTopic009 What happened? Neutral 50 Well, being a suave young guy, I chatted up the ladies from time to time, and one of the managers' girls started to take a liking to me. 16
Neutral 50 I never touched the woman, but the jealous prick decided it was my time to go. He framed me by saying I'd stolen from the casino. 17
Neutral 50 Sure enough, a few grand was missing from the casino vault. I have to assume the bastard stole the funds and figured I was a convenient fall guy. 18
VFreeformFreesideVFSOldBenTopic010 That's horrible! Neutral 50 Yeah, but what can you do? I was stripped of my casino apartment and all of my belongings and booted back into Freeside. 19
Neutral 50 From there I didn't have a lot of career options, as my rep was destroyed. So, the escort job sort of fell into my lap, no pun intended. 20
VFreeformFreesideVFSOldBenTopic011 Wrong place at the wrong time, if you ask me. Neutral 50 Yeah, shit indeed happens. I was stripped of my casino apartment and all of my belongings and booted back into Freeside. 21
Neutral 50 From there I didn't have a lot of career options, as my rep was destroyed. So, the escort job sort of fell into my lap, no pun intended. 22
VFreeformFreesideVFSOldBenTopic012 You said escort? Like armed guard? Neutral 50 Well, I supposed you could look at it that way, but I was packing a whole different kind of heat. No, escort just sounds better than man-whore. 23
VFreeformFreesideVFSOldBenTopic013 So you got paid for sex? Neutral 50 Yep. I was damn good at my job, too. But after a while I just felt like a piece of meat and had to quit. 24
VFreeformFreesideVFSOldBenTopic014 Oh, I could never do that. Neutral 50 Well, I didn't have any other career opportunities open to me at the time and had to make ends meet. 25
Neutral 50 I was good at it too, but after a while I just felt like a piece of meat and had to quit. 26
VFreeformFreesideVFSOldBenTopic015 Gun for hire? Neutral 50 When I quit the escort job, I had enough money to buy a pistol belt and some other gear. 27
Neutral 50 Bodyguards make a good honest living, and I had the wits and physical build to handle most thugs. 28
Neutral 50 After saving a few tourists from trouble, I got a reputation for being a stand-up guy again, and after a decade managed to save up enough to retire. 29
VFreeformFreesideVFSOldBenTopic016 Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 All right. 30
VFreeformFreesideVFSOldBenTopic017 James Garret needs a real 'boyfriend experience' for more discerning patrons. Neutral 50 Ah, I {getcha} get you. So you think because of my past escort work, I'd be interested in that kind of thing? 31
Neutral 50 I got out of that work because it just made me feel empty inside. What makes you think I would ever go back to that degradation? 32
You're a beacon of light in some people's depressing existence! Your work is art! Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] You know what? You're right. I looked at the whole thing from the wrong angle. 33
Neutral 50 I suppose I could be a loving muse to some, while simply relieve stress and tension in others. Thanks for that insight. 34
Neutral 50 Tell Garret I'd be happy to start at the Wrangler immediately. This should be a nice change of pace from retirement. 35
Aw, c'mon! The pay would be great! Neutral 50 [FAILED] What do I look like? Arm candy? I don't think so, friend. 36
<Black Widow>
Ben, you give your clients a precious respite from the ills of the world. Neutral 50 I never put much thought into the well-being my clients got out of my services. I suppose they only get as much as I put into it. 37
Neutral 50 Tell Garret I'd be happy to start at the Wrangler immediately. This should be a nice change of pace from retirement. 38
<Confirmed Bachelor>
Ben, you give your clients a precious respite from the ills of the world. Neutral 50 I never put much thought into the well-being my clients got out of my services. I suppose they only get as much as I put into it. 39
Neutral 50 Tell Garret I'd be happy to start at the Wrangler immediately. This should be a nice change of pace from retirement. 40
VFreeformFreesideVFSOldBenTopic024 The pay is good, and you can make your own hours. Neutral 50 Sorry, friend, but I just can't do it. 41