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This is a transcript for dialogue with Benny.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 {INTERCOM} The cleaners will knock twice. Make sure they're thorough. 1
GREETING Neutral 50 {INTERCOM, NOASSASSIN} Baby, this little reunion of ours? Chalk me up as a no-show. 2
Neutral 50 I'm surprised you fell for it, not that I'm complaining. You caused plenty enough trouble, turning Swank against me. 3
Neutral 50 You've forced my hand. Hell, I gotta skip town because of you. A real pain in the caboose... 4
GREETING Neutral 50 {INTERCOM} {confident in your safety} Baby, this little meet and greet of ours? Chalk me up as a no-show. 5
Neutral 50 It would be 41 flavors of stupid to let you get a drop on me. And you've caused plenty enough trouble as-is. 6
Neutral 50 You've forced my hand. Hell, I gotta skip town because of you. A real pain in the caboose... 7
GREETING Surprise 100 {FIRST TALK} {dumbfounded - as though seeing a ghost} What in the goddamn...? {dumbfounded - as though seeing a ghost} 8
Pained 50 {keeping voice down} {Trying to contain the situation} Let's keep this in the groove, hey? Smooth moves, like {drawing words out} smooth little babies... 9
GREETING Surprise 100 {FIRST TALK, PLAYER HAS VISITED L38} {dumbfounded, as though seeing a ghost} What in the goddamn...? 10
Pained 50 {keeping voice down} {Trying to contain the situation} Let's keep this in the groove, hey? Smooth moves. {drawing it out} Smooth... 11
Surprise 50 {just dawning on you, keeping voice down} Hello! The guy everyone saw go in the Lucky 38, that was you? {gift of gab failing} Oh shit. 12
GREETING Surprise 100 {FIRST TALK, PLAYER HAS VISITED L38} {dumbfounded, as though seeing a ghost} What in the goddamn...? 13
Pained 50 {keeping voice down} {Trying to contain the situation} Let's keep this in the groove, hey? Smooth moves. {drawing it out} Smooth... 14
Surprise 40 {just dawning on you, keeping voice down} Hello! That broad everyone saw go in the Lucky 38, that was you? {gift of gab failing} Shit. 15
GREETING Surprise 100 {FIRST TALK, PLAYER BROKE UP OMERTAS} {dumbfounded, as though seeing a ghost} What in the goddamn...? 16
Pained 50 {keeping voice down} {Trying to contain the situation} Let's keep this in the groove, hey? Smooth moves. {drawing it out} Smooth... 17
Surprise 40 {just dawning on you, keeping voice down} Hello! It was you, smashed up the Omertas? You did that?{gift of gab failing} Shit. 18
GREETING Surprise 100 {FIRST TALK, PLAYER WIPED OUT KHANS IN BC} {dumbfounded, as though seeing a ghost} What in the goddamn...? 19
Pained 50 {keeping voice down} {Trying to contain the situation} Let's keep this in the groove, hey? Smooth moves. {drawing it out} Smooth... 20
Surprise 40 {just dawning on you, keeping voice down} Hello! It was you, wiped out the Khans down in Boulder City? You did that? {gift of gab failing} Oh shit. 21
GREETING Surprise 100 {FIRST TALK, PLAYER FREED KHANS IN BC} {dumbfounded, as though seeing a ghost} What in the goddamn...? 22
Pained 50 {keeping voice down} {Trying to contain the situation} Let's keep this in the groove, hey? Smooth moves. {drawing it out} Smooth... 23
Surprise 40 {just dawning on you, keeping voice down} Hello! It was you, set the Khans free down in Boulder City? You did that? {gift of gab failing} Oh shit. 24
GREETING Surprise 100 {FIRST TALK, PLAYER HAS STRIP REP} {dumbfounded, as though seeing a ghost} What in the goddamn...? 25
Pained 50 {keeping voice down} {Trying to contain the situation} Let's keep this in the groove, hey? Smooth moves. {drawing it out} Smooth... 26
Surprise 40 {just dawning on you, keeping voice down} Hello! The gasser everyone's been talking about, making a splash on the Strip. That's been you? {gift of gab failing} Oh shit. 27
GREETING Happy 50 {Ready to "get it on" now that you're in private} Benny is gonna show you the Tops! I hope you're built sturdy, you crazy broad! 28
GREETING Surprise 100 {FIRST TALK, ASSASSINATION} {Dumbfounded, as though seeing a ghost} What in the goddamn...? 29
Anger 50 {how could the player be here?} You? How could you be...? {realizing you've been had} Oh Swank, you finky bastard... 30
Happy 50 {stating the obvious, trying to spin it} You got a crazy drop on me, baby, but you don't want to kill me. We should be working together. 31
GREETING Surprise 100 {SECOND PLUS TALK, ASSASSINATION} {finding the player in your suite} Hey hey hey, what the hell...? 32
Anger 60 {realizing you've been had} Oh Swank, you finky bastard... 33
Happy 50 {stating the obvious, trying to spin it} You got a crazy drop on me, baby, but you don't want to kill me. It's like I said, we should be working together. 34
GREETING Anger 50 I comped you the prez so we can talk there, hey? No need to keep tugging at my sleeve. 35
GREETING Anger 50 {annoyed} Wait {'til} until we get to the Presidential, {pal-ee} pally. I don't need you tugging at my sleeve. 36
GREETING Anger 50 Cool by me if you wanna talk after all... but a confab like this, out in public, in my place of business? That don't play. 37
GREETING Neutral 50 {keeping voice down} What say you and me cash out, go somewheres more private-like? Any questions you got, I'll answer. 38
GREETING Neutral 50 {keeping voice down} Like I said, we should be talking somewheres private. 39
GREETING Neutral 50 {FORCED GREETING IN PRIVATE} Now that you and me's got some privacy, I gotta ask - how is it that you're still living? 40
GREETING Neutral 50 Once you were vertical, how'd you track me down? 41
GREETING Neutral 50 {TOP LEVEL QUESTIONS} I guess that's enough scratching around at first base. Tell me, which way is the wind gonna blow? 42
GREETING Neutral 50 {MASTER QUESTION NODE} You got questions, I got answers. 43
GREETING Neutral 50 {MASTER QUESTION NODE, REPEATS} How else can I clue you in? 44
GREETING Neutral 50 {MASTER QUESTION NODE, 2nd REPEATS} Something else you wanted to know? 45
GREETING Surprise 50 {Question Node: THE CHIP} It's the House edge, baby - literally. It's what Mr. House needs to stack the odds in his favor. 46
GREETING Anger 50 {Question Node: THE CHIP} What about it? 47
GREETING Neutral 50 {Question Node: VEGAS POLITICS} Yeah, it's a tricky world out there. I'll tell it to you straight. 48
GREETING Neutral 50 {Question Node: VEGAS POLITICS} What else did you want to know? 49
GREETING Neutral 50 Broad strokes? Change in management. 50
Neutral 50 The Securitrons are where it's at. I need a way to control them, and a way to beef up their hitting power. 51
Happy 50 I get those two ducks in a row, Vegas can defend itself versus all comers - NCR, Caesar's Legion, it won't matter. 52
GREETING Neutral 50 {Question Node: BENNY'S SCHEME} What else did you want to know? 53
GREETING Happy 50 Like I said, once the Chairmen are running Vegas, you'll get a percentage. Until then I'll pay you a retainer and bonuses for "special missions." 54
GREETING Pained 50 {after player forgave you} I'm still a little choked up over here, baby. We'll catch up in a bit. 55
GREETING Anger 50 {generic line any time Benny doesn't want to talk to player} Scram, will ya? I value my privacy. 56
GREETING Happy 50 {upbeat} You and me gonna accomplish great things, baby. 57
VDialogueBennyBennySexScene VDialogueBennyBennySexScene Neutral 50 You're platinum, pussycat! You know how to swing! 58
Neutral 50 {complimenting her breasts} Nice charlies, too! Give {'em} them a shake for the Ben-man, will ya? {catcall} Hello! 59
Neutral 50 {worn out from vigorous love-making} {long sigh} That was a nice bit of hey-hey, girlie. You're a real ring-a-ding broad! 60
Neutral 50 {unexpectedly vulnerable} Hold me, will ya? I swear you wore me out... {soft snoring} 61
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic000 Let's see what you've been hiding under that checked suit. <Have sex with Benny.> Happy 50 More than you ever dreamed, baby. 62
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic003 Seems you need to work on your marksmanship. Anger 40 {amused, keeping voice down} I hit what I was aiming for. Guess you had brains to spare. Or are you just thick-skulled? 63
Happy 40 {trying to swing this to your advantage} Either way, baby, this is good news. {lying} Maybe I can finally sleep at night, knowing you didn't die. 64
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic004 Keep your pants on. I've got questions that need answers. Anger 50 The time for talk has passed, honey baby. These mouths of ours have appointments to be elsewhere. 65
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic005 I dug myself out of that grave to plant you in yours, Benny. <Attack.> Fear 100 {fleeing in terror; "cash me out" is slang for leaving} Cash me outta this mess! 66
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic006 I want the Platinum Chip and I want it now. Anger 50 {keeping voice down} I can't do that, baby, and you know it. There's a lot of angles to this caper - complexities aplenty. 67
Neutral 50 But plenty of action, too - enough for both of us. But we don't jabber about that out here in public. 68
[Black Widow] and options.
When you shot me, you ran off so fast I never got your name. Happy 50 {amused} You making a pass at me, sister? {Cuz} Because I'm out of your league. 69
Is it wrong to want a guy who'd shoot me in the head? Surprise 50 {wary confusion - is she really coming on to you?} Did those bullets scramble your egg? {starting to get turned on despite yourself} Or have you always been a naughty broad...? 70
Girls like bad boys. And you've been downright awful. Disgust 60 {aroused despite yourself} You're one sick pussycat, baby. There's {derisive term for an easy pick-up} quins and then there's... I don't even know what to call you. 71
I'm saying I dig you, despite it all. What do you say? Disgust 50 {referring to her burial} I hear "dig" from you, babe, and all I can think of is a shovel. How can this be? This ain't forgiveness, it's something... wrong. 72
I'm a courier, remember? Don't you want me to handle your package? Happy 50 {unable to help yourself - you want her} All right, honey baby, this is all kinds of wrong, but to my suite it is. Thirteenth floor. Don't keep me waiting. 73
You stole my package. Let's see what I can do with yours. Happy 50 Wow-ee wow wow, girl. This is all kinds of wrong, but I'm in for a dozen. 74
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic009 Give me one good reason not to kill you. Anger 50 {keeping voice down} You want a reason, how about four? 75
Happy 50 They're called bodyguards, and every one of them is packing. Me, too - so baby makes five. 76
Anger 50 Add to that every Chairman in this joint is armed, and not with some hold-out peashooter like {doubting it} maybe you smuggled through security. 77
Neutral 50 Anyhow, baby, you didn't come here for vengeance. You came to get clued in. 78
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic011 You fell for this trap hook, line, and sinker. <Attack Benny.> Anger 60 {entering combat} You tramp! Like I needed another social disease anyhow! 79
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic012 So where does this put the two of us? Neutral 50 Nowheresville, that's where. Sorry about the double-cross - {hard to keep track} or are we up to quadruple? - but if someone's gonna die, it's you. 80
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic013 You cheating bastard. Neutral 50 {don't be a sore loser} Baby, getting outplayed and getting cheated ain't the same thing. 81
Neutral 50 I get it, you're sore. A crumb's life is painful, full of disappointments. 82
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic014 You're a dead man. Neutral 50 That temper of yours? Kinda why this conversation's taking place over an intercom. 83
Neutral 50 Do me a favor and stay dead this time, hey? {end of conversation} Good night all! It's been a gas... 84
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic016 I'm wondering why I shouldn't just kill you. Neutral 50 You've got a crazy drop on me here, baby, that's for sure. If killing's what you came for, this would be the time. 85
Happy 50 But baby - you'd be disappointing me. All the trouble you went through to arrange this shin-dig? Must be something more you're after...? 86
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic017 Mr. House wants the Platinum Chip. Hand it over. Anger 50 {keeping voice down} You don't wanna do that, baby - not without hearing what I got to say first. 87
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic020 <Kill Benny in his sleep.> Neutral 50 {Bleary, waking up from sleep only to be murdered} Huh...? {Beingg killed} Hnngk! 88
<Speech check to get Benny to back off.>
All I am is a courier trying to fulfill my contract. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {still not quite buying it} All this is just work ethic run wild, that's your line? I don't know... 89
Neutral 50 {offering a chance} Can you get it through your thick skull to leave me and the Chip alone? {doubting} If bullets can't get through, what hope is there? 90
But... I'm not mad. Really, I'm not mad! Neutral 50 [FAILED] Color me unconvinced. The safe bet is to cash you out. 91
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic023 The least you could do is answer some questions first. Neutral 50 A lifelong-learner is you, hey? {beat} Then make your questions count, because your lifelong is running lifeshort. 92
<Speech check to really convince him.>
I "dig your line." Let me live, you'll never see me again. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {chuckling, wondering if you're making a mistake} Goddammit, I'm actually gonna to let you live. What's come over me? 93
Neutral 50 Scramsville, baby. The Strip and you part ways, dig? You come around me again, you won't be getting back up. 94
My skull isn't thick to forgiveness! Um... Neutral 50 [FAILED] Color me unconvinced. The safe bet is to cash you out. 95
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic027 <Go to sleep.> Neutral 50 {Gentle snoring} Zzzz.... 96
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic028 Call it luck and leave it at that. Anger 50 Luck is for losers, baby. Someone pulled strings. 97
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic029 What is the Platinum Chip? Neutral 50 It's the House edge, baby. The key to stacking the odds in his favor - or was, {'til} until I swiped it. 98
Neutral 50 There's more to it, but we don't have the time. By which I mean you don't. 99
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic030 What angle are you playing? Neutral 50 Angle? I'm head-on, baby, flat-out, all stops pulled, full steam ahead. 100
Neutral 50 Side bets are for losers. I'm playing to win. 101
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic031 What'd you have in mind? Happy 50 {keeping voice down} To start, I'll comp you the Presidential - best suite in the house. You deserve a taste of the VIP lifestyle. 102
Happy 50 {keeping voice down} I'll hang out down here for a while to make everything look business-as-usual, then come to you. Any questions you got, I'll answer - guaranteed. 103
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic032 Fine, but don't keep me waiting. Happy 50 Why would I do that, baby? I want to talk to you as much as you want to talk to me. 104
Happy 50 And you dig this is just first base, right? You and me have a future together, and it's big league and open all night. 105
Happy 50 Here's this key to the Prez. I'll see you there in two shakes. Ta-ta. 106
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic033 The suite's a nice touch, but someone's got to pay off my contract. Happy 50 [SUCCEEDED] Where's my manners? Here's some cash up front. There'll be more where that came from. 107
Happy 50 Wait for me in the Presidential suite. We got a future together, you and me. It's time we got started. 108
If you want me to play nice, it'll cost you. Anger 50 [FAILED] {keeping voice down} This operation has cost me plenty. I ain't about to get shaken down by some Johnny-come-lately. 109
If you want me to play nice, it'll cost you. Anger 50 [FAILED] {keeping voice down} This operation has cost me plenty. I ain't about to get shaken down by some Janey-come-lately. 110
Use Barter to get Benny to advance you a stack of casino chips. Anger 50 {keeping voice down} There's a first-class offer on the table. The rest is up to you. 111
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic035 Tell Benny you're going to kill him. Neutral 50 Starts combat. 112
Player uses SPEECH to convince Benny to accompany him immediately.
Two conditions - lose the bodyguards, and we both go to the suite now. Fear 50 [SUCCEEDED] If that's what it takes to win your trust, that's what it takes. Follow me. 113
Why don't you, you know... help me find where the suite is? Anger 50 [FAILED] {keeping voice down} You tracked me across the desert, Sugar Plum. Finding the Presidential? Easy pickings. 114
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic039 Hand over the Platinum Chip, maybe you live. Anger 50 {FIRST TALK, ASSASSINATION} Can't do that, baby. The Chip, it's... {emphasis} special. But savor this, baby... 115
Happy 50 I {emphasis} can comp you the Presidential - best suite in the house. After what you been through, you deserve a taste of the VIP lifestyle. 116
Happy 50 Give me a moment or two to catch my breath and knock back a few cocktails, and I'll swing by for a meet and greet. 117
Happy 60 I'll clue you in, guaranteed - every question answered. This can be the start of a beautiful friendship. 118
Hand over the Platinum Chip, maybe you live. Happy 20 {SECOND+ TALK, ASSASSINATION} Baby, the meet and greet we scheduled in the Presidential? The whole point is to explain why I can't hand the Chip over. 119
Happy 40 Now let's just forget this little ambush, and meet up in the suite like we planned. How's that sound? 120
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic040 Your little ambush didn't go according to plan. Neutral 50 {Dumbfounded, nearly choking} What the fuck...? 121
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic043 All I want is to see you dead. <Attack Benny.> Anger 50 Then this is endsville, baby - may the best {slight emphasis} man win. 122
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic044 You're stinking up my suite, Benny. Scram. We'll talk later. Happy 100 {relieved to be getting out of here} Baby, you're the boss. All you gotta do is whistle. 123
Happy 50 In the meantime, enjoy the high life. Room service is on me. I'll send up a bottle of the good stuff. Ta-ta. 124
Player says goodbye. Happy 100 {relieved by end of conversation} Baby, you're the boss. All you gotta do is whistle. 125
Happy 50 Here, take some chips and see how you do at the tables. Ta-ta. 126
Goodbye. Anger 50 See ya {'round} around. 127
Happy 50 In the meantime, enjoy the high life. Room service is on me. I'll send up a bottle of the good stuff. Ta-ta. 128
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic047 We talk here and now, or I tell everyone my story. Neutral 50 Do what you got to do, baby, and let the chips fall as they may. You know where to find me. 129
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic049 How's the Chip work? Surprise 50 It's some kind of data storage device, dig? So it's the data on the Chip that's platinum, not the Chip itself. 130
Anger 50 Trouble is, the Chip don't fit any computer I've found. Must require special hardware. 131
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic050 What does the Chip do? Anger 20 It has something to do with the Securitrons, I know that much. Upgrades their hitting power, gives {'em} them heft. 132
Surprise 50 {drawing out the understatement} Might be slightly useful, if you're looking to defend the Strip from Caesar's Legion or the NCR. {beat - significantly} Or maybe both? 133
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic051 You'll answer my questions now, not later. Anger 50 {keeping voice down} It can't work like that, baby - not out in public like this. You really need me to spell that out? 134
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic052 What are you offering? Happy 50 You help me, and before long the Chairmen will rule all of Vegas, dig? With enough robot muscle to back it up. 135
Happy 50 You'll get a sweet, juicy cut of that action. But until that day comes, I'll keep you on retainer, and pay bonuses for "special missions." 136
Happy 50 How's that sound? 137
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic053 The hows don't matter. Anger 50 A magician don't explain his tricks. I get it. 138
{Player shows Benny evidence he left behind.}
You left quite a trail. <Show Benny his cigarette butt and lighter.> Pained 50 {appalled} Look at me, a big-leaguer or so I claim, making all the mistakes of an original loser... 139
You left these at my grave.<Show Benny his cigarette butts.> Pained 50 Looks like I should think about quitting... 140
Seems you dropped something in Boulder City. <Show Benny his lighter.> Happy 50 To think I deemed that flintbox my lucky charm. Oh, the irony... 141
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic056 What's the deal with your secret workshop and "Yes Man" friend? Pained 100 {pained that the player talked to Yes Man} You really weren't supposed to talk to him... 142
Pained 50 {reluctantly explaining} All right, so he used to be a Securitron on patrol. Square as the rest, {'til} until I gave him a mickey in the shape of pulse grenade. 143
Neutral 50 Once he was on the nod, I yanked some wires and dragged him up to the workshop. I had... {hesitating to reveal this} some help, you see. 144
Neutral 50 Gal named Emily, one of the Followers over in Freeside, a real whiz when it comes to things technical. She programmed his personality. 145
Neutral 50 Once Yes Man was hooked back in to House's data network, I started learning a lot more about what he was up to, dig? Like where and when to find you. 146
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic058 No deal. Time to die. Sad 50 {rueful} Guess I shoulda seen that coming. 147
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic061 The Chip belongs to me. Hand it over. Anger 50 Baby, ease off the gas. The Chip belongs in the hands of someone who can use it. As in me, not you. 148
Happy 50 You'll get a piece of the action, and a sweet one. But the Chip sticks with me. 149
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic062 It's a deal. Happy 100 Jackpot, baby! I knew we'd see eye to eye! 150
Happy 50 Here's a start on your retainer - don't spend it all in one place. And the Prez is yours for as long as you want it. 151
Happy 50 When you're ready to saddle up, come find me down on the casino floor and we'll plan the next step of this caper. 152
Happy 50 Ring-a-ding, baby! Ta-ta! 153
It's a deal. Happy 100 Jackpot, baby! I knew we'd see eye to eye! 154
Happy 50 Here's a start on your retainer. And as a signing bonus, take the key to the Presidential - best suite in the house! 155
Happy 50 When you're ready to saddle up, come find me down on the casino floor and we'll plan the next step of this caper. 156
Fear 50 Now if you'll excuse me, I need a moment to collect myself. 157
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic065 And you're willing to commit murder to make this happen? Anger 50 {condescending} Baby, do you not understand the level of game here? 158
Anger 50 What I did to you was rotten, but if you think House, the NCR or Caesar won't kill to put Vegas in their pocket, I really did blow out your brains. 159
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic066 You're right, murder is the answer. Yours. <Attack Benny.> Anger 50 Not the point I was aiming for but, well, let's see this through. 160
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic067 I see your point. Anger 20 It's a game, and games have winners and losers. I prefer the former, how about you? 161
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic068 The ruthlessness of others is no excuse. Fear 50 Was a time I would've agreed with you. But this... it's too big, it affects too many people. I can't get hung up on those details. 162
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic069 The jig's up, Benny. Me and Yes Man had a talk. Fear 50 {horrified - keeping your voice down} Baby, this is {emphasis} not the place to go talking about that! 163
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic076 It takes more than a couple bullets in the head to stop me. Disgust 50 {drawing it out, scoffing at player's bravado} Yeah, hello... Well, serves me right for using a 9mm. 164
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic077 A Securitron dug me up and a doc in Goodsprings did the rest. Surprise 50 {dismayed} House was on to me from word Go? I thought I was being so clever... 165
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic079 Tell me about Mr. House. Surprise 50 A good cat to swing with. Or was - {'til} until he stopped mewing. 166
Neutral 50 It was House's big idea to resurrect the Strip. He recruited the Three Families as muscle, showed us how to set up casinos, negotiated with the NCR. 167
Neutral 50 None of this in person, mind you. Did all his talking through those Securitrons of his. But lately? The silence is deafening. 168
Anger 50 The robots collect House's share of the take every week and life goes on. Ain't exactly what I'd call leadership. 169
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic080 What makes the Chairmen so special? Happy 50 We're the definition of cool, baby. We know how to swing. Folks come to us to learn how to enjoy themselves. 170
Happy 50 Of the three families, we're the only ones with the heart and savoir-faire to run the Strip on our own. 171
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic081 Fill me in about the NCR. Anger 50 A nation of meddlers, trying to muscle in on our action. Well, we got muscles too, and smarts besides. 172
Neutral 50 Only reason the NCR hasn't busted up our scene is they're a little afraid of Mr. House, and a lot afraid of Caesar. 173
Fear 50 If the NCR beats the Legion at Hoover Dam, they'll turn on us and claim the Strip. And we don't have the muscle to beat them {significantly} - not yet. 174
Pained 50 Meanwhile, they're all that's keeping Caesar's Legion at bay. Plus NCR soldiers and citizens are out best customers. It's complicated. 175
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic082 Tell me about Caesar's Legion. Anger 50 Worst of the worst! A tribe of degenerate losers led by a creep. They crucify people for kicks! Slaughter whole towns! 176
Anger 50 The NCR beat {'em} them at the dam three years ago, but that didn't stop them. They've spent the meanwhile gathering strength. 177
Fear 50 They're gonna try to take the dam again, real soon. And if they do, Vegas as we know it will cease to exist. 178
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic084 Like I'd trust you? No thanks. Pained 50 I know, you figure me for a creep. It's your prerogative. 179
Neutral 50 If you change your mind, come find me on the casino floor. In the meantime, the Presidential is yours whenever you want it. Adios. 180
Like I'd trust you? No thanks. Pained 50 I know, you figure me for a creep. And you done me a solid already, just by not shooting at me. 181
Happy 50 As a token of appreciation, this here's the key to the Presidential - best suite in the house. Stay as long as you like, free of charge. 182
Neutral 50 If you change your mind, come find me down on the casino floor and we'll work out the next step of this caper. Adios. 183
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic087 Forget it, I forgive you. Sad 50 {marveling} You forgive me? After what I done? Baby, are you trying to make me cry? 184
Sad 50 I don't know what to say. Words don't begin. The least I can do is comp you the Presidential for as long as you want it. 185
Sad 50 This spirit of forgiveness you're showing me... it's enough to make a player rethink what it means to win. You're 18 karat, baby - all the way. 186
Forget it, I forgive you. Sad 50 {marveling} You forgive me? After what I done? Baby, are you trying to make me cry? 187
Sad 50 I don't know what to say. Words don't begin. Here, take the key to the Presidential - the best suite in the house. Stay as long as you like. 188
Sad 50 This spirit of forgiveness you're showing me... it's enough to make a player rethink what it means to win. You're 18 karat, baby. Catch you later. 189
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic088 No deal. Time for you to die. <Attack Benny> Fear 50 We gotta problem, boys! 190
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic089 What makes you think you can succeed? Happy 50 Baby, the odds may look long, but that's just because we ain't done rigging them. I won't toss the dice until we are. {because = 'cause} 191
Fear 50 I've gleaned a lot, working with Mr. House. He was a good cat to swing with. I still got more to learn, but it's... it's coming together. {unconvinced at end of line} 192
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic090 I dug myself out of that grave to put you in yours, Benny. Fear 100 Uh oh. 193
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic091 What do you think of the Omertas? Disgust 100 A tribe of finks. Every single one of them is a degenerate. 194
Anger 50 Mark my words - they're playing an angle. How do I know? They always are. 195
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic092 What do you know about the White Glove Society? Fear 50 Personally? They give me the heebie-jeebies. There's such a thing as being too polite, "if I may" this and "my pleasure" that. 196
Disgust 50 Don't get me wrong - that resort of theirs is strictly ring-a-ding. But my guts say, "don't go in the basement." 197
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic093 I'm persistent, that's all. Disgust 50 Yeah, that's one word for it. 198
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic094 {BROKE INTO WEAPONS LOCKER}Give me one good reason not to kill you. Anger 50 {keeping voice down} You want a reason, how about four? 199
Happy 50 They're called bodyguards, and every one of them is packing. Me, too - so baby makes five. 200
Anger 50 Add to that every Chairman in this joint is armed, and not with some hold-out peashooter like {doubting it} maybe you smuggled through security. 201
Neutral 50 {confident in security, serious} Anything I needed to worry about, baby, got confiscated at the door. 202
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic095 Maybe that's why I broke into the weapons locker. Fear 50 You're bluffing, baby... {seeing it in player's eyes} Except maybe you're not. 203
Happy 50 Sweet little caper, getting your weapons back. But let cooler heads prevail, hey? No need for violence. 204
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic097 There's no need for violence. Neutral 50 Baby, if ever there was a need for violence, you is it. Just do me a favor and stay dead this time, hey? Ta-ta. 205
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic098 You cheating bastard. Neutral 50 Baby, getting outplayed and getting cheated ain't the same thing. 206
Neutral 50 I get it, you're sore. A crumb's life is painful. But soon you won't feel a thing. Ta-ta. 207
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic102 No deal. Time to die. Disgust 50 {shrugging at failure of negotiations, starting combat} It was worth a try. 208
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic103 Why would I trust you? Pained 50 {conceding} I know, I made a bad first impression. You got every reason to think I'm a creep. But baby, this is an 18 karat opportunity. 209
Happy 50 I've got the Chip, but to see this shin-dig through to the end? I'm gonna need help. And hello! Who shows up but you? 210
Happy 50 It can't be a coincidence, baby. You and me were meant to work together. 211
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic104 All right, I'll meet you in the Presidential Suite. Happy 100 {a surge of relief - how did you pull this off?} Baby, wow-ee wow wow! You and me are gonna swing! 212
Happy 50 Here's the key. I'll be by in a few... just as soon as my legs stop shaking. 213
VDialogueBennyBennyTopic105 Hand over the Chip or else. Anger 50 {pulling your weapon} Or else {emphasis} what, punk? Or else {emphasis} this? 214
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic002 Goodbye. Neutral 50 Ta-ta. 215
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic003 Hundreds of Securitrons. All of them upgraded now, thanks to the Chip. Surprise 50 So all this time the old man had an entire army on lay-away? Clever player. 216
Anger 50 {caught up in vision of triumph} Just imagine the look on Baldie's face when those Securitrons come pouring out on judgment day! I'd pay to have that bronzed! 217
Neutral 50 {realizing you won't be a part of it} So all you gotta do now is talk to Yes Man, figure out how to set things in motion. 218
Happy 50 Make Vegas a town I woulda been proud of, baby. Let it swing. 219
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic004 Let's take our chances. <Untie Benny.> Fear 50 Blow on the dice, baby. We're gonna need luck to get outta here alive. 220
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic006 What if I helped you escape? Happy 50 Sweet to offer, baby, but if you cut these ropes every Legionary in this camp's gonna come running. With machetes. 221
Happy 50 Now on the other hand, if I had a Stealth Boy and a Bobby Pin, I could see myself out. Know what I mean? 222
What if I helped you escape? Fear 50 I know I been bad, but it's cruel to jerk me around like this... 223
What if I helped you escape? Neutral 50 Like I said, baby, all Benny needs is a Stealth Boy and a Bobby Pin. 224
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic007 Here's the Stealth Boy and Bobby Pin you need to escape. Happy 100 Baby... your generosity and spirit of forgiveness? Off the charts. 225
Happy 50 This little care package is everything I need. I'll take it from here. 226
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic008 If I help you escape, what will you do next? Neutral 50 Baby, if you show me the door to scramsville, that's where I'll go - out of your hair, never to return. 227
Neutral 50 I been a fink to you, caused more than my share of grief by a hard mile. Let me go, you won't see me again. 228
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic010 Keep dreaming. Anger 50 No one likes a tease, baby. 229
You're not getting out of that cage. Anger 80 Then stop bringing it up! 230
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic011 I'll see what I can do. Anger 50 Check's in the mail, hey? Don't get my hopes up. 231
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic013 About helping you escape... Happy 50 Yeah? What about it? 232
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic017 Do you have a preference? Surprise 50 Yeah, to die in my sleep at a ripe old age after a marathon session of hey-hey with thirty sex-starved broads. You'll set that up? 233
Anger 50 Look, I ain't a harbor for illusions. I ain't expecting to get out of this shin-dig alive. 234
Neutral 50 That's why I'm trying to hand you my scheme, baby. It's called having a legacy. 235
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic018 I haven't made up my mind. Anger 50 I know, so many options! How do you choose just one? 236
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic019 I was thinking I might hack you to death while you're still tied up. Fear 50 {trying to hide horror} Yeah... getting butchered like livestock. Something to aspire to. 237
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic020 Crucifixion is an option. Anger 50 Yeah, real popular {'round} around here. It's a crowd pleaser. 238
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic021 Maybe we should fight it out in the arena, fair and square. Happy 50 {daring to hope} You'd do that for me, baby? Don't tease if you don't mean it. 239
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic022 What if my choice is "none of the above?" Happy 50 Now you're talking! That is the ring-a-ding move, baby. 240
Neutral 50 First base is whatever Mr. House would have you do. Follow orders, rig the game to his specifications. 241
Happy 50 Then, when he ain't looking, you knock him out of the running and find a way to take control of those Securitrons of his. 242
Happy 50 Go see Yes Man. {articulate on the tongue twister} I made it so that cat can't help but be helpful. 243
What if my choice is "none of the above?" Happy 100 {Benny knows House is dead/unplugged.} Now you're talking! That is the ring-a-ding move, baby. 244
Happy 50 First base is do whatever Mr. House would've had you do. Finish rigging the game, then puzzle out how to take over where he left off, dig? 245
Happy 50 For hows and whats, just talk to Yes Man. {articulate on the tongue twister} I made it so that cat can't help but be helpful. 246
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic023 Mr. House is already out of the picture. Surprise 50 {Player already killed or unplugged Mr. House} You cashed out the old man? {grunt of amazement} So how's it feel to end an era? 247
Neutral 50 You got the future of Vegas in the palm of your hand, baby. What happens next is up to you. 248
Why shouldn't Mr. House run Vegas? Anger 50 Mr. House hides Vegas under his skirt when the bombs fall a thousand years ago, so it belongs to him? Forever? You buy that? 249
Surprise 50 Baby, every boss has a line to explain why he's special, why everyone gotta do what he says. Just figuring that out? 250
Anger 50 Vegas gotta swing, baby, gotta have pizzazz. Respect where due, but that old man is square to the core. 251
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic024 What's so bad about the NCR? Anger 50 Ain't we covered this? The only thing not bad about them is they ain't Legion. 252
Anger 50 The NCR's the biggest gang of thieves in the Mojave, only difference is they pass laws to make their crimes legal before they commit them. 253
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic025 You think Caesar would destroy the Strip? Anger 50 Nah, just spruce it up with a crucifixion here and there. {Are you stupid?} Come closer so I can step on you. 254
Anger 50 The Legion is twisted, baby - original losers worshipping the king of creeps like he's some kind of god. 255
Neutral 50 They're worse than roaches. My advice? Put on your stomping shoes. 256
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic026 Tell me about the Three Families. Happy 50 More like two, after what you did to the Omertas. 257
Tell me about the Three Families. Disgust 50 The Chairmen are true blue. The Omertas are degenerates - never trust them. Or the White Gloves - just something creepy about them. 258
Tell me about the Three Families. Anger 50 Set it up right, and the families will roll with your caper. You might have to do some convincing. 259
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic027 How long were you the head of the family? Neutral 50 Seven years. Took over three days after Mr. House introduced himself. 260
Neutral 50 Our chief at the time, mountain of a guy named Bingo, wanted to stay nomadic. I disagreed, so he challenged me to the knife. 261
Anger 50 He looked so surprised when I stuck that knife in his neck. Thought he was so tough, but he was so slow. 262
Neutral 50 That's how I made chief. It's how things were back then. 263
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic028 Was your tribe always called the Chairmen? Surprise 50 Nah, in the way-back we called ourselves the Boot Riders. Silly name, but that's how we rode the Mojave, dig? - on our feet. 264
Surprise 50 We were nomadic badasses, not to be trifled with. A gang of ruffians, though with a certain panache. 265
Neutral 50 When House gave us the Tops to renovate, his robots dropped off boxes full of suits and ties and wingtip shoes. Told us we were the "Chairmen" now. 266
Anger 50 That caused an uproar. But I said "the name sticks." Ciao to the old ways, baby - time to swing in style. If the shoes fit, you wear {'em} them. 267
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic029 How did Mr. House introduce himself? Neutral 50 We were east of Vegas when the first Securitron we ever saw rolled up on us. We junked it in a minute flat. 268
Surprise 50 The next day twenty roll up. So we listened. 269
Neutral 50 Said we'd been selected. Vegas needed us to defend it. In exchange, we'd get cushy digs, full stomachs, medical treatment. 270
Neutral 50 Everything a nomad never gets, in other words. Most of the tribe thought we should say no. I thought it was the best idea ever. 271
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic033 I'm going to hack you to death while you're tied up, helpless. Fear 100 No, come on, don't slaughter me like I'm some kind of animal! 272
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic034 You'll be crucified for my amusement. Fear 100 Don't do that, baby, not crucifixion. I could be up there for days with those twisted creeps laughing and pointing. 273
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic035 We'll fight in the arena, fair and square. Happy 50 {warming to the idea} Machetes at twenty paces, hey? I accept your challenge. 274
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic036 I've decided to kill you here and now. Pained 50 I see. {beat} Keep it simple, hey? Around here, it's one of the better options... 275
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic037 It's going to hurt. A lot. <Final decision.> Anger 100 {losing composure} You sick, twisted fuck! 276
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic039 Pass the time thinking over your mistakes. <Final decision.> Anger 100 {losing composure} You sick, vindictive fuck! 277
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic041 Let's do it. <Final decision.> Happy 50 {sincere} You're a class act, baby. Not to say I'm gonna make it easy for you... 278
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic043 Sure, here it comes. Anger 50 {frustrated the player hasn't killed you yet} I'll believe it when it happens! 279
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic044 We talked about how you might sneak out of here... Anger 50 {I can't believe you're bringing this up} Yeah, we talked about it, but that went a big fat nowhere. 280
Anger 50 It's too late for that, baby. This decision you gotta make is going down {emphasis} now. So what's it gonna be? 281
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic045 Something bad could happen to you right here... Anger 50 The direct approach, hey? Fair enough. 282
Neutral 50 But you should wait {'til} until the bunker's taken care of. Caesar won't like it if you eat dessert first. 283
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic046 How about I untie you? Anger 50 What am I gonna say? {sarcastic} "No thanks?" 284
Neutral 50 If you can get these ropes off, I'll do my best to take down my share of the guards. 285
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic047 Okay, let's do it. Fear 50 Ring-a-ding-ding, baby. I've got your back. 286
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic048 Actually... I'd rather kill you now. Anger 100 {outraged} You fink! Murdering me like this, down on my knees? 287
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic049 Close your eyes, if you want. Pained 50 Nah, I'd rather see it coming. 288
Pained 50 Do it, baby. Make it clean. 289
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic050 Here, I'll set you free. <Untie Benny.> Happy 50 That's it, baby! Time to vacate these premises! 290
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic051 I'm leaving you here. Fear 50 Baby, you can't just leave me tied up! Those Legion boys'll hoist me up on a cross for the mess you made - if I'm lucky! 291
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic053 What happens if I let you go? Happy 50 Baby, that can go any direction you want. We can take Vegas together, or I can head for the nearest sunset. Your call. 292
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic054 You were amazing. Happy 50 Don't I know it! Too bad a conjugal visit here isn't practical... 293
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic055 I didn't come here to reminisce. Anger 50 {disappointed} Well ain't you a sentimental broad? Gimme a sec to jump off Cloud 9, I'll meet you on the ground... 294
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic056 Sorry, Benny, didn't make much of an impression. Anger 50 {defending virility} Oh I made an impression all right! The dent in that mattress was permanent! 295
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic057 It is pretty funny. Anger 50 Yeah, well, laugh it up on your own time. 296
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic058 I'll laugh later. We have business to discuss. Neutral 50 That we do, baby, that we do... 297
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic059 You have no one to blame but yourself. Anger 50 Did I say I blamed society? I know why I'm here, baby. {pointed} Do you? 298
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic060 Looks like you played past your abilities. Neutral 50 Didn't leave much choice when you showed up. Like I said, you forced my hand. 299
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic061 He gave me the Platinum Chip. Neutral 50 Sure, Baldie wants you to go down in the bunker and destroy whatever Mr. House stashed there. 300
Surprise 50 You don't want to do that, baby. Whatever's down in that bunker is the key to the city called Vegas. So here's what you do... 301
He gave me the Platinum Chip. Neutral 50 You go down there and use the Chip to do whatever Mr. House woulda wanted you to do. And when you get back to the Strip, you find Yes Man. 302
Happy 50 I made it so that cat can't help but be helpful, dig? 303
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic063 What happened after you fled the Tops? Anger 50 I prefer the term "relocated." 304
Fear 50 It took every Stealth Boy I had to cross the river at Cottonwood Cove. That was a close shave, riding a boat full of Legion boys. 305
Neutral 50 Once I was across, I changed into a uniform I swiped off a dead Legionary outside Nelson. Tried to sneak into the bunker, but that didn't work out. 306
Anger 50 They found the Chip. I wasn't gonna tell them what it was used for, but... let's just say they were persuasive. 307
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic074 There were hundreds of Securitrons down there - until I blew them up. Surprise 100 What? How could you do that? 308
Anger 100 {all has come to naught} You loser! You had Vegas in the palm of your hand and you threw it away? 309
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic076 Hundreds of Securitrons. All of them upgraded now, just like Mr. House wants. Surprise 50 So all this time the old man had an entire army on lay-away? Clever player. 310
Anger 50 {caught up in vision of triumph} Just imagine the look on Baldie's face when those Securitrons come pouring out on judgment day! I'd pay to have that bronzed! 311
Neutral 50 {realizing you won't be a part of it} So all you gotta do now is talk to Yes Man, figure out how to set things in motion. 312
Happy 50 Make Vegas a town I woulda been proud of, baby. Let it swing. 313
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic084 Goodbye, Benny. Anger 100 {enraged} Thanks for nothing, you fink! 314
VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic087 All right, get ready. Anger 50 {frustrated the player's taking so long} What ya talking about? I been ready! 315


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 Adios. 316
Goodbye. Neutral 50 Ta-ta. 317
Goodbye. Neutral 50 Ciao. 318
HELLO Hello Neutral 50 Have a seat, baby - let's get this kicking. 319
Hello Anger 50 {what's the delay?} Sit down, hey? Don't keep me waiting. 320
Hello Anger 50 {growing impatient} Baby, you can savor the swank digs all you want when we're done talking. Sit down. 321
Hello Anger 50 Don't just stand there looking stupid. 322
Hello Neutral 50 Got something to say? 323
Hello Neutral 50 Don't just stare in dumb admiration. 324
Hello Anger 50 Mind where you point those dimmers. 325
Hello Neutral 50 Hey. 326
VCG00OpeningSequence VCG00OpeningSequence Neutral 50 You're not getting paid to run your mouth. 327
VCG00OpeningSequence Neutral 50 You'll get your caps when the job's done! {Raising voice, commanding} 328
VCG00OpeningSequence Neutral 50 Yeah. Take that thing off. 329
VCG00OpeningSequence Neutral 50 Real shame you got caught up in this, kid. Must seem like bad luck. 330
VCG00OpeningSequence Neutral 50 Truth is, game was rigged from the start. 331
VCG00OpeningSequence Neutral 50 Beautiful, ain't it? It's platinum. 332
VCG00OpeningSequence Neutral 50 I told you, you'll get paid when we get there. 333
VCG00OpeningSequence Neutral 50 What are you, dense? I don't got it here! 334
VCG00OpeningSequence Neutral 50 Almost forgot. Take off the hood. 335
VCG00OpeningSequence Neutral 50 Well, kid, you're our last loose end. 336
VCG00OpeningSequence Neutral 50 Shame you had to get caught in the middle of all this. Bet you don't even know why you're here. 337
VCG00OpeningSequence Neutral 50 But hey, if it makes you feel any better, it's nothing personal. 338
VCG00OpeningSequence Neutral 50 Just bad luck. 339
VCG00OpeningSequence Neutral 50 How the hell else are we supposed to get back, genius? 340
VCG00OpeningSequence Neutral 50 East? Are you nuts? That'll take us days out of our way. 341
VCG00OpeningSequence Neutral 50 Fine. Anything to get you two to shut up. 342
VDialogueBennyCrucified VDialogueBennyCrucified Pained 100 {crucified, in pain but defiant} Happy now, you twisted bitch? {resolving not to talk again} Well, I ain't gonna give you the satisfaction. 343
VDialogueBennyCrucified Pained 100 {crucified, in pain but defiant} Happy now, you twisted bum? {resolving not to talk again} Well, I ain't gonna give you the satisfaction. 344
VDialogueBennyCrucified Pained 100 {crucified, in pain but defiant} Scram, will ya? 345
VDialogueBennyCrucified Pained 100 {crucified, in pain but defiant} I got nothing to say to you. 346
VDialogueBennyElevator VDialogueBennyElevator Neutral 50 {Player has tried to use elevator to leave} That elevator is nowhere, baby. Step over to the mic. 347
VDialogueBennyIntercom VDialogueBennyIntercom Neutral 50 {Calling player over to intercom} Hey, baby! Over here! 348
VDialogueBennyIntercom Neutral 50 {Calling player over to intercom} I ain't waiting all day, baby. 349
VDialogueBennyIntercom Neutral 50 {Calling player over to intercom, taking too long} Baby, I'm dying over here. 350