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This is a transcript for dialogue with Tyrone.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Hey, hey. What can Tyrone do for you? 1
GREETING Neutral 50 I had an amazing time with you. You can look me up any time, baby. 2
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey, hey. You're back. 3
vFreeformSloanPrimmTyroneTopic000 Goodbye. Neutral 50 Later. 4
vFreeformSloanPrimmTyroneTopic001 What do you do here? Neutral 50 Just making some deliveries to the troops here in Primm. I'm stationed in California, but I come across the border a couple times a month. 5
vFreeformSloanPrimmTyroneTopic002 A friend in Sloan told me to come to you about some chemical supplies. Surprise 50 {hushed} You trying to get me busted? Keep your damn voice down - Lieutenant Hayes already has his eye on me. 6
Neutral 50 Look, I already told Chomps that the NCR's getting suspicious of all these "misplaced" supplies. Bigger risk means bigger cost - 300 caps bigger. 7
A friend in Sloan told me to come to you about some chemical supplies. Neutral 50 Keep your damn voice down. Even though Lieutenant Hayes got himself killed recently, somebody else might be watching me. 8
Neutral 50 Look, I already told Chomps that the NCR's getting suspicious of all these "misplaced" supplies. Bigger risk means bigger cost - 300 caps bigger. 9
vFreeformSloanPrimmTyroneTopic003 You were already paid in advance. Neutral 50 Yeah, and as it turns out, the advance wasn't enough. The price has gone up. That's just how it goes. 10
< Speech 40 >
I say the word and someone else will start making deliveries to Nevada, not you. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] I've reconsidered my position, and I think it would be in my best interest if I were to sacrifice my profit on this particular deal. 11
Come on. Give me a break, just this once. Neutral 50 [FAILED] {completely insincere} I'd love to help you and Chomps, but I got my own expenses to worry about. 12
< Barter 35 >
Is 300 caps worth being known as a deal-breaker? Seems like bad business to me. Disgust 25 [SUCCEEDED] Fine, I'll just eat the cost and do a favor for Chomps. Just this one time only. 13
It's not a fair trade, and you know it. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Hey, that's just business. 14
vFreeformSloanPrimmTyroneTopic006 Here's 300 caps. Hand over those supplies. Happy 50 Pleasure doing business with you. {winking} Of course, this whole deal never happened, am I right? 15
vFreeformSloanPrimmTyroneTopic007 Never mind. Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 Whatever. You know where to find me. 16
vFreeformSloanPrimmTyroneTopic008 About those chemical supplies... Neutral 50 Still got 'em. You ready to pay up? 17
vFreeformSloanPrimmTyroneTopic009 How do you like being part of the NCR military? Neutral 50 It's better than farming or herding Brahmin. As long as they don't send me to the front lines, I'm a happy man. 18
vFreeformSloanPrimmTyroneTopic010 How about you and I come to another arrangement. It'll be worth it - trust me. Neutral 50 {Black Widow} Well, it has been awhile. All right, let's do this. 19
vFreeformSloanPrimmTyroneTopic011 I'm sorry, but all these muscles make it hard to hear sometimes. What was that about risk? Fear 20 {Strength 7+} {intimidated by player's strength} Uh, never mind. Take the supplies. All yours, friend. 20