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The ability to communicate in a practical and efficient manner. The skill of convincing others that your position is correct. The ability to lie and not get caught.— In-game description

Speech is a skill in Fallout: New Vegas. It determines the amount to succeed in a Speech challenge.


Example: A starting Charisma of 5 and Luck of 5.

Speech no longer has a '%' chance of working as in Fallout 3. It now works 100% of the time if one has the right Speech skill, which makes it impossible to save and load to bypass Speech challenges. A Speech challenge beyond the player's ability will usually have one dialogue option, and another when it is within the player's ability. Speech is an extremely useful skill in New Vegas, since it can frequently allow the player to avoid fights or accomplish quests more easily.

Speech in quests and exploration[]

Ways to increase Speech[]


Speech-based perks[]

Perk Requirement Level
Terrifying Presence 70 8

Behind the scenes[]

According to game director Joshua Sawyer, the change in Speech from a percentage in Fallout 3 to a set number in Fallout: New Vegas was because the percentage feels more random than it does realistic. He said that "it does not feel good to invest in a skill [...] and then have the game say 'actually, you suck at that.'"[1]


  1. Fallout: New Vegas 10th Anniversary Charity Stream Part 3 (reference starts at 55:51)
    Joshua Sawyer: "'What was the reason to change the Speech from percentage in Fallout 3 to a set number? Percentage seems more realistic.' Because it fucking sucks. Like... [laughter] I'm sorry, like, it's not realistic. If I'm like the smooth-talking devil and it just says 'oh, actually no, you suck right now.' I don't think that feels more realistic, I think it feels random. It does not feel good to invest in a skill for like really super important critical junctures, and then have the game say 'actually, you suck at that.'"