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This is the New Vegas branch of the Gun Runners, supplying the wasteland with only the finest armaments since 2155.Vendortron

Gun Runners is a location in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas.


The streetside kiosk and the adjacent small factory compound are the local branch of the powerful Gun Runners merchant house famed for being one of the few standing groups that can manufacture functional firearms post-War rather than scavenging them from ruins. In contrast to groups like the neighboring Crimson Caravan Company, the Gun Runners operate in a decentralized fashion (such as with Isaac being the contact for the supply end of the operation, but stating the branch has no real "boss").[1][Non-game 1]



Situated slightly south of Freeside's east gate, the location consists of a building enclosed by a fence. A small kiosk is situated in front of the fence and serves as the shop while the larger building houses the manufacturing arm of the company. Vendortron, a robot merchant, is stationed in the kiosk to process transactions.

A Gun Runners employee named Isaac stands outside the compound. A reloading bench is set up next to the kiosk.

Inside the fence, two guards patrol the area in a clockwise fashion. They linger on the platform in the northeast corner of the fenced-in area for a short time and then continue their patrol. Entering the fenced-in area or the building is considered trespassing, and will cause the guards (excluding Vendortron) to turn hostile.

Honest Hearts After completing the Honest Hearts add-on, the Gun Runners will start selling .45 Auto pistols and .45 Auto submachine guns, along with .45 Auto rounds and will always stock all of the weapon mods for the Honest Hearts weapons.

Gun Runners' Arsenal If Gun Runners' Arsenal is installed, the Vendortron will offer an additional selection of unique weapons and ammunition, including those sold by other merchants if said merchants are dead.

There is a Companion dismissal terminal on the outside wall of the box where the Vendortron is located, after patch


The Gun Runners' building is a single-story warehouse that consists of the main lobby and several smaller rooms. Directly in front of the entrance is a workshop on the opposite side of the lobby. Within the workshop is a computer terminal containing the manufacturing specifications, which will be needed by the Crimson Caravan's Alice McLafferty for the quest You Can Depend on Me. A living quarters section of the building is located to the left upon entering the lobby. This portion of the factory is made up of a kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom.

Within the building is a single Gun Runner guard and three gunsmiths. The guard remains stationary in the kitchen in combat armor, armed with a hunting rifle. Should the Courier enter the building during the day, they will move from the kitchen to the workshop. They will be sleeping at night. The guard and gunsmiths attack on sight but items found in the building are not owned and thus can be taken without any Karma penalty. In addition, killing anyone on the premises does not give negative Karma or affect reputation with any faction. Vendortron will continue to do business with the Courier despite any interactions with surrounding Gun Runners employees. However, the robot will temporarily refuse to serve the player character during combat.

Weapons purchased at Gun Runners are at 98 percent condition. After the Courier finishes Honest Hearts, the Gun Runners will start selling .45 Auto pistols, .45 Auto submachine guns, war clubs, and fire bombs along with .45 Auto rounds, and will always stock all of the weapon mods for the Honest Hearts weapons. Vendortron's inventory changes on Wednesdays and Sundays.

Notable loot[]


  • The Gun Runners are featured on the 10 of hearts card in the Collector's Edition card deck.
  • The weapons seen against the wall in the kiosk are static models, not actual weapons, and canot be picked up even by using glitches and console commands.
  • If the guards respawn after being killed and become hostile once more, Isaac may also turn hostile toward the Courier. In order to interact with Isaac, the Courier must wait for the Gun Runners to turn neutral once more.
  • If Vendortron's caps exceed 8000, they will reset to 8000 upon exiting and re-entering the trade menu.


Gun Runners appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.

Behind the scenes[]

  • The Gun Runners compound is located in the same relative geographic location as the Historic Commercial Center just north of the Las Vegas Country Club—the relative geographic real-world location of the NCR sharecroppers. The Gun Store Las Vegas, which is a store that sells a wide variety of pistols, rifles, and shotguns, while allowing others to use in store weapons at their onsite practice ranges, is a likely location inspiration as well. However, it's actually located directly east of McCarran airport on Tropicana in the real world rather than the in-game location north of the airport.
  • The Gun Runners working on firearms match the appearance of the classic Mythbusters presenters, Adam Savage, Jamie Hyneman, and Kari Byron:


  • Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 The area is subject to the usual bugs of the Gamebryo engine, including:
    • Characters spawning in wrong locations (like Vendortron outside its kiosk), not respawning (Gun Runner guards and Isaac), or remaining hostile towards the player after respawn.[verified]
    • Xbox 360Xbox 360 Characters ignoring the player when attacked, such as the gunsmiths.[verified]
    • Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 Geometry issues causing the player to be catapulted into the air in front of the Gun Runners store, after trading inventory with a companion and turning around to face the Vendortron. This is usually lethal, unless the player steers their character to land on top of the kiosk.[verified]
    • Xbox 360Xbox 360 Certain items, like the energy cells on the workbenches inside, are placed inside the workbench collision boundaries and will fall through it if the player touches the bench (triggering the physics engine), becoming unobtainable.
  • PCPC Xbox 360Xbox 360 After fast traveling to the location, companions may run away towards the NCR sharecropper farms until they reach a fence, upon which they return to the player. This is similar to the Raul Tejada fast travel bug.[verified]

Vending bugs

  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 Buying from the Vendortron is bugged and items purchased may be added to the player's inventory at full repair, rather than the original condition. If the bug occurs, it will only become apparent after exiting dialogue with the Vendortron. The item can be sold back as normal (pocketing the price difference), and Vendortron may carry two items then: One at full repair and one in the original condition. This bug does not occur reliably - see the Talk page for details.[verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 If Vendortron's caps exceed 30,000, the barter interface will freeze: When selling items, they will be transferred to Vendortron's inventory, but caps will not be awarded to the player.[verified]
  • Xbox 360Xbox 360 Conversely, if the player exhausts Vendortron's caps, saves the game and exits to the Xbox dashboard, Vendortron's caps will reset upon loading the savegame.[verified]
  • PCPC Xbox 360Xbox 360 Selling modded weapons to Vendortron will erase applied mods on repurchase.[verified]
  • Xbox 360Xbox 360 The game may spawn the entire Vendortron inventory at once, regardless of the player's level.[verified]


See also[]


  1. The Courier: "So you work for the Gun Runners?"
    Isaac: "For around five years now. I handle the supply ends of things - raw materials and stuff."
    (Isaac's dialogue)


  1. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Official Game Guide p.308: "[2.14] Gun Runners
    Exterior: Gun Runner Kiosk
    This heavily fortified armory is a small but extremely impressive operation. The Gun Runners supply only the finest hardware to the most discerning of customers, including the NCR. Approach the kiosk outside the gates of the building, and speak with either the Vendortron, or Isaac, near the Reloading Bench. You can ask about the Gun Runners, inquire about touring the factory (you can't), and play a game of Caravan.
    Breaking into the Gun Runners factory alerts the three patrolling guards, ad nullifies the Vendortron's sales routine, stopping you from purchasing these rare items. Unlock the gate [Average], and head to the Gun Runner Headquarters front doors just beyond.
    Gun Smithy
    The care and attention the Gun Runners give their weaponry is unsurpassed, and their Smithy is where this fine work takes place. Unlock a Locker [Average] for a nice item. The middle of the room has four Workbenches and two Reloading Benches, one of which has an Assault Carbine on it, and another holds a Laser Rifle. Finally, you can access the Gun Runner Terminal, where there's information on naming the Vendortron (not "Bob"), an order for Camp McCarran, and "Persona Non Grata." A final option appears during the Side Quest: You Can Depend on Me (and only then), allowing you to download some Manufacturing Specifications onto a Holotape."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)