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Coyote Tail Ridge is a location in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas.


In 2278, in retaliation for the deaths of four troopers at the Great Khans' hands, the New California Republic Army launched a retaliatory attack on their main settlement at Bitter Springs. As a secondary measure, First Recon sharpshooters were stationed upon the ridge to prevent any Khans from escaping through the Red Pass. As told by Craig Boone, who served with First Recon and was stationed on the ridge that day, they were ordered to shoot on sight.[1][2] However, when the attack began and First Recon spotted people coming through the nearby canyon, they attempted to radio that the escapees included women, children, the elderly, and the infirm, but miscommunications with NCR command failed to convery the situation properly, and they were ordered to open fire until their ammunition was depleted.[3] Following the incident which became known as the Bitter Springs Massacre, the graves of those killed at the Red Pass were dug within sight of the ridge.


Situated southwest of Bitter Springs, Coyote Tail Ridge serves as an overlook on the top of a small hill. By following the northeast trail, a sign on the left that says "BITTER SPRINGS" will be found, and under it is a picture of the NCR bear. Further up the trail, to both sides, a dozen graves belonging to former Great Khans in two rows can be found.

Related quests[]


A group of Cazadores typically nest near this location and may detect and attack the player character.


Coyote Tail Ridge appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.



  1. Courier: "We can stay on Coyote Tail Ridge for the night."
    Craig Boone: "Canyon 37. That's what the NCR calls the pass down there. It was the Khans' only escape, so we set up here to guard it while the main force attacked from the front. Standing orders were to shoot on sight."
    (Boone's dialogue)
  2. Courier: "What happened to your people?"
    Oscar Velasco: "The main force hit the canyon by surprise. While our warriors tried to hold them off, we sent our women, our children, our old through the Red Pass. NCR's First Recon Battalion was waiting for them on Coyote Tail Ridge. No Khan left alive, that was the order. My family...."
    (Oscar Velasco's dialogue)
  3. Courier: "What happened?"
    Boone: "Main force got spotted too soon. We heard shooting. Then Khans started coming through Canyon 37 in bunches. It was all wrong, though. Women, kids, elderly. Wounded started coming through, too. We radioed to confirm our orders but command didn't get what we were seeing. They told us to shoot till we were out of ammo. So that's what we did."
    (Boone's dialogue)