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I was out for a stroll that night when I heard the commotion up at the old bone orchard. Saw what looked like a bunch of bad eggs, so I laid low.Victor

The Goodsprings Cemetery is a location within Goodsprings in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas.


Circa 2281, after carrying out an ambush on a courier traveling near Goodsprings, Benny and a group of Great Khans stole the platinum chip they were carrying, followed by Benny shooting the courier in the head and leaving them to be buried in a shallow grave. Soon after they left, a Securitron controlled by Mr. House dug up the not-quite-dead courier from their would-be grave and took them into town to be nursed back to health by Doc Mitchell.


Situated northeast of Goodsprings, the cemetery consists of 29 graves (five of which can be exhumed), some makeshift fencing which marks the cemetery border, and a large water tower that stands as a visual landmark at its northernmost edge. The open gravesite seen being dug during the cinematic intro is located at the north side of the cemetery.

Located at the back of the graveyard near the water tower are warning signs reading "Keep Out." The signs are referring to the valley below to the east, a dangerous area rife with giant radscorpions. Another dangerous area is the road to the west of the cemetery that leads north out of town towards the tribal village. Many cazadores can be found on the road. At various points along the road, their nests can be clearly seen attached to the rock-faces above.

List of graves[]

Notable loot[]

Related quests[]

Ending slides[]

# Slide Voice-over narration In-game condition
Goodsprings end slide 01
And so the Courier, who had cheated death in the cemetery outside Goodsprings, cheated death once again, and the Mojave Wasteland was forever changed. Default ending: you will always get it when you finish the game.



The Goodsprings Cemetery appears in Fallout: New Vegas and the graphic novel All Roads.

Behind the scenes[]

The in-game Goodsprings Cemetery is based on the real-world Goodsprings Cemetery, located southeast of the town of Goodsprings, Nevada instead of its in-game placement of northeast.

